# Rank Recorder
This is a useful tool to get the records of certain functions in each rank. The records of each rank will dump into a json file after the end of multiple process program. You can parse and visualize the json file easily.

Before using the tool, you should ensure dist.is_initialized() return true before exit of program.

## Usage

Is very simple:

from colossalai.utils.rank_recorder import recorder


with recorder(record_name, current_rank) as r:
    """procedure to record


## Example
This is a demo to display kernel select in cuda and visualize the cost of several procedures in each rank.

import time
import os
import logging

import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.multiprocessing as mp

from colossalai.utils.rank_recorder import recorder


# config the export image here
# If you want to dive into the detail, format 'svg' is recommended
recorder.export_format = 'png'
recorder.export_name = 'kernel_select'
recorder.dpi = 500

def calc(x, y):
    a = torch.randn(x, y).cuda()
    b = torch.randn(x, y).cuda()
    c = sum(a * b)
    return c

def worker(rank):
    os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = 'localhost'
    os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = '29020'
    dist.init_process_group(backend='nccl', world_size=WORLD_SIZE, rank=rank)
    print(dist.get_rank(), "enter")
    time.sleep(0.1 * rank)

    with recorder("calc_1(x100)", rank) as r:
        calc(100, 100)

    with recorder("calc_2(x400)", rank) as r:
        calc(400, 400)

    with recorder("calc_2(x200)", rank) as r:
        calc(200, 200)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    mp.spawn(worker, nprocs=WORLD_SIZE)

run the script directly and you will get `kernel_select.json` and `kernel_select.png` in your current folder.