#!/usr/bin/env bash set -xue if [ -z "$PROMPT_PATH" ]; then echo "Please set \$PROMPT_PATH to the path to prompts csv." exit 1 fi BASE=$(realpath $(dirname $0)) export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 # install requirements pip install -r ${BASE}/requirements.txt # train dummy python ${BASE}/train_dummy.py --strategy naive --num_episodes 3 --max_timesteps 3 --update_timesteps 3 --max_epochs 3 --train_batch_size 2 for strategy in ddp colossalai_gemini colossalai_zero2; do torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=2 ${BASE}/train_dummy.py --strategy ${strategy} --num_episodes 3 --max_timesteps 3 --update_timesteps 3 --max_epochs 3 --train_batch_size 2 done # train prompts python ${BASE}/train_prompts.py $PROMPT_PATH --strategy naive --num_episodes 3 --max_timesteps 3 --update_timesteps 3 --max_epochs 3 for strategy in ddp colossalai_gemini colossalai_zero2; do torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=2 ${BASE}/train_prompts.py $PROMPT_PATH --strategy ${strategy} --num_episodes 3 --max_timesteps 3 --update_timesteps 3 --max_epochs 3 --train_batch_size 2 done