from typing import List, Tuple, Union import torch import torch.distributed as dist from colossalai.legacy.context.parallel_mode import ParallelMode from colossalai.legacy.core import global_context as gpc from colossalai.utils import get_current_device TensorShape = Union[torch.Size, List[int], Tuple[int]] def send_meta_helper(obj, next_rank, tensor_kwargs): send_shape = torch.tensor(obj.size(), **tensor_kwargs) send_ndims = torch.tensor(len(obj.size()), **tensor_kwargs) dist.send(send_ndims, next_rank) dist.send(send_shape, next_rank) def send_obj_meta(obj, need_meta=True, next_rank=None) -> bool: """Sends obj meta information before sending a specific obj. Since the recipient must know the shape of the obj in p2p communications, meta information of the obj should be sent before communications. This function synchronizes with :func:`recv_obj_meta`. Args: obj (Union[:class:`torch.Tensor`, List[:class:`torch.Tensor`]]): obj to be sent. need_meta (bool, optional): If False, meta information won't be sent. next_rank (int): The rank of the next member in pipeline parallel group. Returns: bool: False """ if need_meta: if next_rank is None: next_rank = gpc.get_next_global_rank(ParallelMode.PIPELINE) tensor_kwargs = {'dtype': torch.long, 'device': get_current_device()} if isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor): send_obj_nums = torch.tensor(1, **tensor_kwargs) dist.send(send_obj_nums, next_rank) send_meta_helper(obj, next_rank, tensor_kwargs) else: send_obj_nums = torch.tensor(len(obj), **tensor_kwargs) dist.send(send_obj_nums, next_rank) for tensor_to_send in obj: send_meta_helper(tensor_to_send, next_rank, tensor_kwargs) return False def recv_meta_helper(prev_rank, tensor_kwargs): recv_ndims = torch.empty((), **tensor_kwargs) dist.recv(recv_ndims, prev_rank) recv_shape = torch.empty(recv_ndims, **tensor_kwargs) dist.recv(recv_shape, prev_rank) return recv_shape def recv_obj_meta(obj_shape, prev_rank=None) -> torch.Size: """Receives obj meta information before receiving a specific obj. Since the recipient must know the shape of the obj in p2p communications, meta information of the obj should be received before communications. This function synchronizes with :func:`send_obj_meta`. Args: obj_shape (Union[:class:`torch.Size`, List[:class:`torch.Size`]]): The shape of the obj to be received. prev_rank (int): The rank of the source of the obj. Returns: Union[:class:`torch.Size`, List[:class:`torch.Size`]]: The shape of the obj to be received. """ if obj_shape is None: if prev_rank is None: prev_rank = gpc.get_prev_global_rank(ParallelMode.PIPELINE) tensor_kwargs = {'dtype': torch.long, 'device': get_current_device()} recv_obj_nums = torch.empty((), **tensor_kwargs) dist.recv(recv_obj_nums, prev_rank) if recv_obj_nums.item() == 1: recv_shape = recv_meta_helper(prev_rank, tensor_kwargs) obj_shape = torch.Size(recv_shape) else: obj_shape = [] for i in range(recv_obj_nums.item()): recv_shape = recv_meta_helper(prev_rank, tensor_kwargs) obj_shape.append(torch.Size(recv_shape)) return obj_shape def split_tensor_into_1d_equal_chunks(tensor: torch.Tensor, new_buffer=False) -> torch.Tensor: """Break a tensor into equal 1D chunks. Args: tensor (:class:`torch.Tensor`): Tensor to be split before communication. new_buffer (bool, optional): Whether to use a new buffer to store sliced tensor. Returns: :class:`torch.Tensor`: The split tensor """ partition_size = torch.numel(tensor) // gpc.get_world_size(ParallelMode.PARALLEL_1D) start_index = partition_size * gpc.get_local_rank(ParallelMode.PARALLEL_1D) end_index = start_index + partition_size if new_buffer: data = torch.empty(partition_size, dtype=tensor.dtype, device=torch.cuda.current_device(), requires_grad=False) data.copy_(tensor.view(-1)[start_index:end_index]) else: data = tensor.view(-1)[start_index:end_index] return data def gather_split_1d_tensor(tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Opposite of above function, gather values from model parallel ranks. Args: tensor (:class:`torch.Tensor`): Tensor to be gathered after communication. Returns: :class:`torch.Tensor`: The gathered tensor. """ world_size = gpc.get_world_size(ParallelMode.PARALLEL_1D) numel = torch.numel(tensor) numel_gathered = world_size * numel gathered = torch.empty(numel_gathered, dtype=tensor.dtype, device=torch.cuda.current_device(), requires_grad=False) chunks = [gathered[i * numel:(i + 1) * numel] for i in range(world_size)] dist.all_gather(chunks, tensor, group=gpc.get_group(ParallelMode.PARALLEL_1D)) return gathered