from pathlib import Path from torch.autograd.profiler import profile from .prof_utils import BaseProfiler, _format_time, _format_memory, _format_bandwidth from typing import List def _get_size(dtype: str): if dtype == "fp16": return 2 elif dtype == "fp32": return 4 else: raise NotImplementedError def _get_numel(my_list: List[int]) -> int: from functools import reduce from operator import mul return reduce(mul, my_list) def _reduce_location(locations: List[str]) -> str: ret = [] for lo in locations: ret.append(lo) ret.append("\n") ret = ret[:-1] return ''.join(ret) class PcieEvent(object): """Pcie Event. """ def __init__(self, count: int = 0, pcie_vol: int = 0, cuda_time: int = 0): self.count = count self.pcie_vol = pcie_vol self.cuda_time = cuda_time def add(self, rhs): self.count += rhs.count self.pcie_vol += rhs.pcie_vol self.cuda_time += rhs.cuda_time class PcieProfiler(BaseProfiler): """Pcie profiler. Records all data transmission between CPU and GPU. TODO: Merge pcie profiler into communication profiler """ def __init__(self, dtype: str = "fp32", depth: int = 1): super().__init__(profiler_name="Pcie", priority=10) self.depth = depth self.data_size = _get_size(dtype) self.h2d_count = 0 self.h2d_time = 0 self.d2h_count = 0 self.d2h_time = 0 self.ops_record = dict() self.profiler = None def reset(self): self.h2d_count = 0 self.h2d_time = 0 self.d2h_count = 0 self.d2h_time = 0 self.ops_record = dict() self.profiler = None def enable(self): self.profiler = profile(enabled=True, use_cuda=True, use_cpu=True, use_kineto=True, record_shapes=True, with_stack=True) self.profiler.__enter__() def disable(self): self.profiler.__exit__(None, None, None) if self.profiler.enabled: events = self.profiler.function_events for event in events: if == "aten::copy_": t_shape = event.input_shapes[0] if len(t_shape) == 0 or event.cuda_time_total == 0 or len(event.stack) == 0: continue current_comm_event = PcieEvent(1, self.data_size * _get_numel(t_shape), event.cuda_time_total) code_location = _reduce_location(event.stack[:self.depth]) if code_location in self.ops_record: self.ops_record[code_location].add(current_comm_event) else: self.ops_record[code_location] = current_comm_event elif 'Memcpy HtoD' in self.h2d_count += 1 self.h2d_time += event.cuda_time_total elif 'Memcpy DtoH' in self.d2h_count += 1 self.d2h_time += event.cuda_time_total self.profiler = None def to_tensorboard(self, writer): writer.add_text(tag="Data Transmission", text_string=self.result_str("\n\n")) def to_file(self, filename: Path): with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(self.result_str()) def show(self): print(self.result_str()) def result_str(self, sep: str = "\n"): res = [] def append(s: str = None): if s is not None: res.append(s) res.append(sep) append("Pcie profiling result:") append("time of data transmission (CPU -> GPU): {}".format(_format_time(self.h2d_time))) append("number of transmission (CPU -> GPU): {}".format(self.h2d_count)) append("time of data transmission (GPU -> CPU): {}".format(_format_time(self.d2h_time))) append("number of transmission (GPU -> CPU): {}".format(self.d2h_count)) append("Possible data transmission events in PCIE:") separation = '-' * 62 row_format = '{:^10}' + '{:^12}' + '{:^16}' + '{:^12}' * 2 append(separation) append(row_format.format('Location', 'GPU time', 'Trans volume', 'Bandwidth', 'Num of calls')) append(separation) show_list = sorted(self.ops_record.items(), key=lambda kv: -kv[1].cuda_time) for location, event in show_list: append(location) append( row_format.format('', _format_time(event.cuda_time), _format_memory(event.pcie_vol), _format_bandwidth(event.pcie_vol, event.cuda_time), event.count)) append() return ''.join(res)