import os import sys from typing import List import click import torch from packaging import version from colossalai.context import Config from .hostinfo import HostInfo, HostInfoList from .multinode_runner import MultiNodeRunner # Constants that define our syntax NODE_SEP = "," def fetch_hostfile(hostfile_path: str, ssh_port: int) -> HostInfoList: """ Parse the hostfile to obtain a list of hosts. A hostfile should look like: worker-0 worker-1 worker-2 ... Args: hostfile_path (str): the path to the hostfile ssh_port (int): the port to connect to the host """ if not os.path.isfile(hostfile_path): click.echo(f"Error: Unable to find the hostfile, no such file: {hostfile_path}") exit() with open(hostfile_path, "r") as fd: device_pool = HostInfoList() for line in fd.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line == "": # skip empty lines continue # build the HostInfo object hostname = line.strip() hostinfo = HostInfo(hostname=hostname, port=ssh_port) if device_pool.has(hostname): click.echo(f"Error: found duplicate host {hostname} in the hostfile") exit() device_pool.append(hostinfo) return device_pool def parse_device_filter(device_pool: HostInfoList, include_str=None, exclude_str=None) -> HostInfoList: """Parse an inclusion or exclusion string and filter a hostfile dictionary. Examples: include_str="worker-0,worker-1" will execute jobs only on worker-0 and worker-1. exclude_str="worker-1" will use all available devices except worker-1. Args: device_pool (HostInfoList): a list of HostInfo objects include_str (str): --include option passed by user, default None exclude_str (str): --exclude option passed by user, default None Returns: filtered_hosts (HostInfoList): filtered hosts after inclusion/exclusion """ # Ensure include/exclude are mutually exclusive if include_str and exclude_str: click.echo("--include and --exclude are mutually exclusive, only one can be used") exit() # no-op if include_str is None and exclude_str is None: return device_pool # Either build from scratch or remove items if include_str: parse_str = include_str filtered_hosts = HostInfoList() elif exclude_str: parse_str = exclude_str filtered_hosts = device_pool # foreach node in the list for node_config in parse_str.split(NODE_SEP): hostname = node_config hostinfo = device_pool.get_hostinfo(hostname) # sanity check hostname if not device_pool.has(hostname): click.echo(f"Error: Hostname '{hostname}' not found in hostfile") exit() if include_str: filtered_hosts.append(hostinfo) elif exclude_str: filtered_hosts.remove(hostname) return filtered_hosts def get_launch_command( master_addr: str, master_port: int, nproc_per_node: int, user_script: str, user_args: List[str], node_rank: int, num_nodes: int, extra_launch_args: str = None, ) -> str: """ Generate a command for distributed training. Args: master_addr (str): the host of the master node master_port (str): the port of the master node nproc_per_node (str): the number of processes to launch on each node user_script (str): the user Python file user_args (str): the arguments for the user script node_rank (int): the unique ID for the node num_nodes (int): the number of nodes to execute jobs Returns: cmd (str): the command the start distributed training """ def _arg_dict_to_list(arg_dict): ret = [] for k, v in arg_dict.items(): if v: ret.append(f"--{k}={v}") else: ret.append(f"--{k}") return ret if extra_launch_args: extra_launch_args_dict = dict() for arg in extra_launch_args.split(","): if "=" in arg: k, v = arg.split("=") extra_launch_args_dict[k] = v else: extra_launch_args_dict[arg] = None extra_launch_args = extra_launch_args_dict else: extra_launch_args = dict() torch_version = version.parse(torch.__version__) assert torch_version.major >= 1 if torch_version.minor < 9: cmd = [ sys.executable, "-m", "torch.distributed.launch", f"--nproc_per_node={nproc_per_node}", f"--master_addr={master_addr}", f"--master_port={master_port}", f"--nnodes={num_nodes}", f"--node_rank={node_rank}", ] else: # extra launch args for torch distributed launcher with torch >= 1.9 default_torchrun_rdzv_args = dict(master_addr=master_addr, master_port=master_port) # update rdzv arguments for key in default_torchrun_rdzv_args.keys(): if key in extra_launch_args: value = extra_launch_args.pop(key) default_torchrun_rdzv_args[key] = value if torch_version.minor < 10: cmd = [ sys.executable, "-m", "", f"--nproc_per_node={nproc_per_node}", f"--nnodes={num_nodes}", f"--node_rank={node_rank}", ] else: cmd = [ "torchrun", f"--nproc_per_node={nproc_per_node}", f"--nnodes={num_nodes}", f"--node_rank={node_rank}", ] cmd += _arg_dict_to_list(default_torchrun_rdzv_args) cmd += _arg_dict_to_list(extra_launch_args) + [user_script] + user_args cmd = " ".join(cmd) return cmd def launch_multi_processes(args: Config) -> None: """ Launch multiple processes on a single node or multiple nodes. The overall logic can be summarized as the pseudo code below: if hostfile given: hostinfo = parse_hostfile(hostfile) hostinfo = include_or_exclude_hosts(hostinfo) launch_on_multi_nodes(hostinfo) elif hosts given: hostinfo = parse_hosts(hosts) launch_on_multi_nodes(hostinfo) else: launch_on_current_node() Args: args (Config): the arguments taken from command line """ assert isinstance(args, Config) if args.nproc_per_node is None: click.echo("--nproc_per_node did not receive any value") exit() # cannot accept hosts and hostfile at the same time if and args.hostfile: click.echo("Error: hostfile and hosts are mutually exclusive, only one is required") # check if hostfile is given if args.hostfile: device_pool = fetch_hostfile(args.hostfile, ssh_port=args.ssh_port) active_device_pool = parse_device_filter(device_pool, args.include, args.exclude) if args.num_nodes > 0: # only keep the first num_nodes to execute jobs updated_active_device_pool = HostInfoList() for count, hostinfo in enumerate(active_device_pool): if args.num_nodes == count: break updated_active_device_pool.append(hostinfo) active_device_pool = updated_active_device_pool else: active_device_pool = None env = os.environ.copy() # use hosts if hostfile is not given if and active_device_pool is None: active_device_pool = HostInfoList() host_list = for hostname in host_list: hostinfo = HostInfo(hostname=hostname, port=args.ssh_port) active_device_pool.append(hostinfo) if not active_device_pool: # run on local node if not hosts or hostfile is given # add local node to host info list active_device_pool = HostInfoList() localhost_info = HostInfo(hostname="", port=args.ssh_port) active_device_pool.append(localhost_info) # launch distributed processes runner = MultiNodeRunner() curr_path = os.path.abspath(".") # collect current path env env = dict() for k, v in os.environ.items(): # do not support multi-line env var if v and "\n" not in v: env[k] = v # establish remote connection runner.connect(host_info_list=active_device_pool, workdir=curr_path, env=env) # overwrite master addr when num_nodes > 1 and not specified if len(active_device_pool) > 1 and args.master_addr == "": args.master_addr = active_device_pool.hostinfo_list[0].hostname # execute distributed launching command for node_id, hostinfo in enumerate(active_device_pool): cmd = get_launch_command( master_addr=args.master_addr, master_port=args.master_port, nproc_per_node=args.nproc_per_node, user_script=args.user_script, user_args=args.user_args, node_rank=node_id, num_nodes=len(active_device_pool), extra_launch_args=args.extra_launch_args, ) runner.send(hostinfo=hostinfo, cmd=cmd) # start training msg_from_node = runner.recv_from_all() has_error = False # print node status click.echo("\n====== Training on All Nodes =====") for hostname, msg in msg_from_node.items(): click.echo(f"{hostname}: {msg}") # check if a process failed if msg == "failure": has_error = True # stop all nodes runner.stop_all() # receive the stop status msg_from_node = runner.recv_from_all() # print node status click.echo("\n====== Stopping All Nodes =====") for hostname, msg in msg_from_node.items(): click.echo(f"{hostname}: {msg}") # give the process an exit code # so that it behaves like a normal process if has_error: sys.exit(1) else: sys.exit(0)