#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- from typing import Optional, Tuple import torch from colossalai.communication import (all_gather, all_reduce, broadcast, reduce, reduce_scatter) from colossalai.context.parallel_mode import ParallelMode from colossalai.core import global_context as gpc from torch import Tensor from torch.cuda.amp import custom_bwd, custom_fwd from ._utils import get_parallel_mode_from_env from colossalai.constants import INPUT_GROUP_3D, WEIGHT_GROUP_3D class _Linear3D(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod @custom_fwd(cast_inputs=torch.float16) def forward(ctx, input_: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Optional[Tensor], input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, input_dim: int = 0, weight_dim: int = -1, output_dim: int = 0) -> Tensor: ctx.use_bias = bias is not None input_ = all_gather(input_, input_dim, input_parallel_mode) weight = all_gather(weight, weight_dim, weight_parallel_mode) ctx.save_for_backward(input_, weight) output = torch.matmul(input_, weight) output = reduce_scatter(output, output_dim, output_parallel_mode) if bias is not None: output += bias ctx.input_parallel_mode = input_parallel_mode ctx.weight_parallel_mode = weight_parallel_mode ctx.output_parallel_mode = output_parallel_mode ctx.input_dim = input_dim ctx.weight_dim = weight_dim ctx.output_dim = output_dim return output @staticmethod @custom_bwd def backward(ctx, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]: input_, weight = ctx.saved_tensors with torch.no_grad(): output_grad = all_gather(output_grad, ctx.output_dim, ctx.output_parallel_mode) async_ops = list() input_grad = torch.matmul(output_grad, weight.transpose(0, 1)) input_grad, op = reduce_scatter(input_grad, ctx.input_dim, ctx.input_parallel_mode, async_op=True) async_ops.append(op) weight_grad = torch.matmul( input_.reshape(-1, input_.shape[-1]).transpose(0, 1), output_grad.reshape(-1, output_grad.shape[-1])) weight_grad, op = reduce_scatter(weight_grad, ctx.weight_dim, ctx.weight_parallel_mode, async_op=True) async_ops.append(op) if ctx.use_bias: bias_grad = torch.sum(output_grad, dim=tuple(range(len(output_grad.shape))[:-1])) bias_grad, op = all_reduce(bias_grad, ctx.weight_parallel_mode, async_op=True) async_ops.append(op) else: bias_grad = None for op in async_ops: if op is not None: op.wait() return input_grad, weight_grad, bias_grad, None, None, None, None, None, None def linear_3d(input_: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Optional[Tensor], input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, input_dim: int = 0, weight_dim: int = -1, output_dim: int = 0) -> Tensor: """ Linear layer for 3D parallelism :param input_: matrix of input :type input_: torch.tensor :param weight: matrix of weight :type weight: torch.tensor :param bias: matrix of bias :type bias: torch.tensor, optional :param input_parallel_mode: input parallel mode :type input_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode :param weight_parallel_mode: weight parallel mode :type weight_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode :param output_parallel_mode: output parallel mode :type output_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode :param input_dim: dimension of input, defaults to 0 :type input_dim: int, optional :param weight_dim: dimension of weight, defaults to -1 :type weight_dim: int, optional :param output_dim: dimension of output, defaults to 0 :type output_dim: int, optional """ return _Linear3D.apply(input_, weight, bias, input_parallel_mode, weight_parallel_mode, output_parallel_mode, input_dim, weight_dim, output_dim) class _Classifier3D(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod @custom_fwd(cast_inputs=torch.float16) def forward(ctx, input_: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Optional[Tensor], input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor: ctx.use_bias = bias is not None ranks_in_group = gpc.get_ranks_in_group(input_parallel_mode) src_rank = ranks_in_group[gpc.get_local_rank(output_parallel_mode)] weight = broadcast(weight, src_rank, input_parallel_mode) ctx.save_for_backward(input_, weight) output = torch.matmul(input_, weight.transpose(0, 1)) output = all_reduce(output, output_parallel_mode) if bias is not None: output += bias ctx.src_rank = src_rank ctx.input_parallel_mode = input_parallel_mode ctx.weight_parallel_mode = weight_parallel_mode ctx.output_parallel_mode = output_parallel_mode return output @staticmethod @custom_bwd def backward(ctx, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]: input_, weight = ctx.saved_tensors with torch.no_grad(): async_ops = list() weight_grad = torch.matmul( output_grad.reshape(-1, output_grad.shape[-1]).transpose(0, 1), input_.reshape(-1, input_.shape[-1])) weight_grad = reduce(weight_grad, ctx.src_rank, ctx.input_parallel_mode) if gpc.get_local_rank(ctx.input_parallel_mode) == gpc.get_local_rank(ctx.output_parallel_mode): weight_grad, op = all_reduce(weight_grad, ctx.weight_parallel_mode, async_op=True) async_ops.append(op) else: weight_grad = None if ctx.use_bias: bias_grad = torch.sum(output_grad, dim=tuple(range(len(output_grad.shape))[:-1])) bias_grad = all_reduce(bias_grad, ctx.input_parallel_mode) bias_grad, op = all_reduce(bias_grad, ctx.weight_parallel_mode, async_op=True) async_ops.append(op) else: bias_grad = None input_grad = torch.matmul(output_grad, weight) for op in async_ops: if op is not None: op.wait() return input_grad, weight_grad, bias_grad, None, None, None, None, None, None def classifier_3d(input_: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Optional[Tensor], input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor: """ 3D parallel classifier :param input_: matrix of input :type input_: torch.tensor :param weight: matrix of weight :type weight: torch.tensor :param bias: matrix of bias :type bias: torch.tensor, optional :param input_parallel_mode: input parallel mode :type input_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode :param weight_parallel_mode: weight parallel mode :type weight_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode :param output_parallel_mode: output parallel mode :type output_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode """ return _Classifier3D.apply(input_, weight, bias, input_parallel_mode, weight_parallel_mode, output_parallel_mode) class _Layernorm3D(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod @custom_fwd(cast_inputs=torch.float32) def forward(ctx, input_: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Tensor, normalized_shape: int, eps: float, input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor: mean = all_reduce(torch.sum(input_, dim=-1, keepdim=True), output_parallel_mode) / normalized_shape mu = input_ - mean var = all_reduce(torch.sum(mu**2, dim=-1, keepdim=True), output_parallel_mode) / normalized_shape sigma = torch.sqrt(var + eps) ctx.save_for_backward(mu, sigma, weight) z = mu / sigma output = weight * z + bias ctx.normalized_shape = normalized_shape ctx.input_parallel_mode = input_parallel_mode ctx.weight_parallel_mode = weight_parallel_mode ctx.output_parallel_mode = output_parallel_mode return output @staticmethod @custom_bwd def backward(ctx, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]: mu, sigma, weight = ctx.saved_tensors with torch.no_grad(): bias_grad, weight_grad = output_grad, output_grad * mu / sigma grads = torch.stack([bias_grad, weight_grad]).contiguous() grads = torch.sum(grads, dim=tuple(range(len(grads.shape))[1:-1])) grads = all_reduce(grads, ctx.weight_parallel_mode) grads = all_reduce(grads, ctx.input_parallel_mode) bias_grad, weight_grad = grads[0], grads[1] dz = output_grad * weight dvar = dz * mu * (-0.5) * sigma**(-3) dvar = all_reduce(torch.sum(dvar, dim=-1, keepdim=True), ctx.output_parallel_mode) dmean = dz * (-1 / sigma) + dvar * -2 * mu / ctx.normalized_shape dmean = all_reduce(torch.sum(dmean, dim=-1, keepdim=True), ctx.output_parallel_mode) input_grad = dz / sigma + dvar * 2 * mu / \ ctx.normalized_shape + dmean / ctx.normalized_shape return input_grad, weight_grad, bias_grad, None, None, None, None, None def layernorm_3d(input_: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Tensor, normalized_shape: int, eps: float, input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor: r""" 3D parallel Layernorm :param input_: input maxtrix :type input_: torch.tensor :param weight: matrix of weight :type weight: torch.tensor :param bias: matrix of bias :type bias: torch.tensor :param normalized_shape: input shape from an expected input of size. :math:`[* \times \text{normalized_shape}[0] \times \text{normalized_shape}[1] \times \ldots \times \text{normalized_shape}[-1]]` If a single integer is used, it is treated as a singleton list, and this module will normalize over the last dimension which is expected to be of that specific size. :type normalized_shape: int :param eps: a value added to the denominator for numerical stability :type eps: float :param input_parallel_mode: input parallel mode :type input_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode :param weight_parallel_mode: weight parallel mode :type weight_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode :param output_parallel_mode: output parallel mode :type output_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode """ return _Layernorm3D.apply(input_, weight, bias, normalized_shape, eps, input_parallel_mode, weight_parallel_mode, output_parallel_mode) def split_tensor_3d(tensor: Tensor, dim: int, parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor: """Splits 3D parallel tensor in specified dimension :param tensor: Input tensor :param dim: Specified dimension in which to split :param parallel_mode: Parallel mode :param weight_parallel_mode: Weight parallel mode :type tensor: torch.Tensor :type dim: int :type parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode :return output: Splitted tensor :rtype output: torch.Tensor """ if tensor.size(dim) <= 1: return tensor output = torch.chunk(tensor, gpc.get_world_size(parallel_mode), dim=dim)[gpc.get_local_rank(parallel_mode)].contiguous() return output def split_batch_3d(input_: Tensor, dim: int = 0, input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode = ParallelMode.PARALLEL_3D_INPUT, weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode = ParallelMode.PARALLEL_3D_WEIGHT) -> Tensor: """Splits 3D tensor in batch :param input_: Input tensor :param dim: Specified dimension in which to split :param input_parallel_mode: Input parallel mode :param weight_parallel_mode: Weight parallel mode :type input_: torch.Tensor :type dim: int, optional :type input_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode, optional :type weight_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode, optional :return output: Splitted tensor :rtype output: torch.Tensor """ if input_.size(dim) <= 1: return input_ weight_parallel_mode = get_parallel_mode_from_env(WEIGHT_GROUP_3D) input_parallel_mode = get_parallel_mode_from_env(INPUT_GROUP_3D) output = torch.chunk(input_, gpc.get_world_size(weight_parallel_mode), dim=dim)[gpc.get_local_rank(weight_parallel_mode)].contiguous() output = torch.chunk(output, gpc.get_world_size(input_parallel_mode), dim=dim)[gpc.get_local_rank(input_parallel_mode)].contiguous() return output class _ReduceTensor3D(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input_, parallel_mode): return all_reduce(input_, parallel_mode) @staticmethod def backward(ctx, output_grad): return output_grad, None def reduce_tensor_3d(tensor: Tensor, parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor: """ All-reduce the input :param tensor: Input tensor :param parallel_mode: Parallel mode """ return _ReduceTensor3D.apply(tensor, parallel_mode) class _AllGatherTensor3D(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input_, dim, parallel_mode): ctx.dim = dim ctx.parallel_mode = parallel_mode output = all_gather(input_, dim, parallel_mode) return output @staticmethod def backward(ctx, output_grad): input_grad = reduce_scatter(output_grad, ctx.dim, ctx.parallel_mode) return input_grad, None, None def all_gather_tensor_3d(tensor: Tensor, dim: int, parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor: """ All-reduce the gradient in backward pass. :param tensor: Input tensor :param parallel_mode: Parallel mode """ return _AllGatherTensor3D.apply(tensor, dim, parallel_mode) class _ReduceScatterTensor3D(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input_, dim, parallel_mode): ctx.dim = dim ctx.parallel_mode = parallel_mode return reduce_scatter(input_, dim, parallel_mode) @staticmethod def backward(ctx, output_grad): input_grad = all_gather(output_grad, ctx.dim, ctx.parallel_mode) return input_grad, None, None def reduce_scatter_tensor_3d(tensor: Tensor, dim: int, parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor: """ Reduce-scatter the input. :param tensor: Input tensor :param dim: Dimension to scatter :param parallel_mode: Parallel mode """ return _ReduceScatterTensor3D.apply(tensor, dim, parallel_mode) class _ReduceByBatch3D(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod @custom_fwd(cast_inputs=torch.float32) def forward(ctx, input_: Tensor, input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, reduce_mean: bool = False) -> Tensor: output = all_reduce(input_, input_parallel_mode) output = all_reduce(output, weight_parallel_mode) ctx.reduce_mean = reduce_mean if reduce_mean: reduce_size = gpc.get_world_size(input_parallel_mode) * gpc.get_world_size(weight_parallel_mode) ctx.reduce_size = reduce_size return output.clone() / reduce_size return output.clone() @staticmethod @custom_bwd def backward(ctx, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]: if ctx.reduce_mean: return output_grad / ctx.reduce_size, None, None, None else: return output_grad, None, None, None def reduce_by_batch_3d(tensor: Tensor, input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, reduce_mean: bool = False) -> Tensor: """ All-reduce the input from the model parallel region. :param input_: input maxtrix :type input_: torch.tensor :param input_parallel_mode: input parallel mode :type input_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode :param weight_parallel_mode: weight parallel mode :type weight_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode :param reduce_mean: If set to ``True``, it will divide the output by (input parallel size * weight parallel size), default to False :type reduce_mean: int, optional """ return _ReduceByBatch3D.apply(tensor, input_parallel_mode, weight_parallel_mode, reduce_mean) class _BroadcastWeight3D_FromDiagonal(torch.autograd.Function): """ broadcast weight from diagonal :param input_: input maxtrix :type input_: torch.tensor :param input_parallel_mode: input parallel mode :type input_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode :param weight_parallel_mode: weight parallel mode :type weight_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode :param weight_parallel_mode: output parallel mode :type weight_parallel_mode: colossalai.context.parallel_mode.ParallelMode """ @staticmethod @custom_fwd(cast_inputs=torch.float16) def forward(ctx, input_: Tensor, input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor: ranks_in_group = gpc.get_ranks_in_group(input_parallel_mode) src_rank = ranks_in_group[gpc.get_local_rank(output_parallel_mode)] output = broadcast(input_, src_rank, input_parallel_mode) ctx.src_rank = src_rank ctx.input_parallel_mode = input_parallel_mode ctx.weight_parallel_mode = weight_parallel_mode ctx.output_parallel_mode = output_parallel_mode return output @staticmethod @custom_bwd def backward(ctx, output_grad: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, ...]: input_grad = reduce(output_grad, ctx.src_rank, ctx.input_parallel_mode) if gpc.get_local_rank(ctx.input_parallel_mode) == gpc.get_local_rank(ctx.output_parallel_mode): input_grad = all_reduce(input_grad, ctx.weight_parallel_mode) else: input_grad = None return input_grad, None, None, None def broadcast_weight_3d_from_diagonal(tensor: Tensor, input_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, weight_parallel_mode: ParallelMode, output_parallel_mode: ParallelMode) -> Tensor: return _BroadcastWeight3D_FromDiagonal.apply(tensor, input_parallel_mode, weight_parallel_mode, output_parallel_mode)