#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import argparse import os import pprint from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from colossalai.amp import AMP_TYPE, convert_to_amp from colossalai.amp.naive_amp import NaiveAMPModel from colossalai.builder.builder import build_gradient_handler from colossalai.context import Config, ConfigException, ParallelMode from colossalai.core import global_context as gpc from colossalai.engine import Engine from colossalai.engine.ophooks import BaseOpHook from colossalai.global_variables import moe_env from colossalai.logging import get_dist_logger from colossalai.nn.optimizer.colossalai_optimizer import ColossalaiOptimizer from colossalai.utils import (accumulate_gradient, get_current_device, is_using_ddp, is_using_pp, is_using_sequence, sync_model_param) from colossalai.zero import convert_to_zero_v2 from colossalai.zero.sharded_optim.sharded_optim_v2 import ShardedOptimizerV2 def get_default_parser(): """Reads user command line and uses an argument parser to parse the input arguments. Input arguments include configuration, host, port, world size, local rank, backend for torch.distributed. :return: Returns the parser with the default arguments, the user may add customized arguments into this parser :rtype: Namespace """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, help='path to the config file') parser.add_argument('--host', type=str, help='the master address for distributed training') parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, help='the master port for distributed training') parser.add_argument('--world_size', type=int, help='world size for distributed training') parser.add_argument('--rank', type=int, help='rank for the default process group') parser.add_argument('--local_rank', type=int, help='local rank on the node') parser.add_argument('--backend', type=str, default='nccl', help='backend for distributed communication') return parser def launch(config: Union[str, Path, Config, Dict], rank: int, world_size: int, host: str, port: int, backend: str = 'nccl', local_rank: int = None, seed: int = 1024, verbose: bool = True): """This function first parses the configuration arguments, using :func:`parse_args()` in case one of the input arguments are not given. Then initialize and set distributed environment by calling global_context's functions. :param config: Config file or config file path are both acceptable :type config: Union[str, dict, Config] :param rank: Rank for the default process group :type rank: int :param world_size: World size of the default process group :type world_size: int :param host: The master address for distributed training :type host: str :param port: The master port for distributed training :type port: str :param backend: Backend for torch.distributed :type backend: str, optional :param local_rank: Rank for the process on the node and is used to set the default CUDA device, defaults to None. If local_rank = None, the default device ordinal will be calculated automatically :type local_rank: int, optional :param seed: Specified random seed for every processes :type seed: int, optional :param verbose: Whether to print logs :type verbose: bool, optional :raises Exception: Raise exception when config type is wrong """ gpc.verbose = verbose # set config assert isinstance(config, (Config, str, Path, dict)), \ f'expected argument config to be Config, str or Path, but got {type(config)}' if not isinstance(config, Config) and isinstance(config, dict): config = Config(config) if isinstance(config, (str, Path)): config = Config.from_file(config) gpc.load_config(config) # init default process group gpc.init_global_dist(rank, world_size, backend, host, port) # init process groups for different parallel modes from config gpc.init_parallel_groups() # set cuda device if torch.cuda.is_available(): # if local rank is not given, calculate automatically gpc.set_device(local_rank) gpc.set_seed(seed) if verbose: logger = get_dist_logger() logger.info( f'Distributed environment is initialized, ' f'data parallel size: {gpc.data_parallel_size}, pipeline parallel size: {gpc.pipeline_parallel_size}, ' f'tensor parallel size: {gpc.tensor_parallel_size}', ranks=[0]) def launch_from_slurm(config: Union[str, Path, Config, Dict], host: str, port: int, backend: str = 'nccl', seed: int = 1024, verbose: bool = True): """A wrapper for colossalai.launch for SLURM launcher by reading rank and world size from the environment variables set by SLURM :param config: Config file or config file path are both acceptable :type config: Union[str, dict, Config] :param host: The master address for distributed training :type host: str :param port: The master port for distributed training :type port: str :param backend: Backend for torch.distributed :type backend: str, optional :param seed: Specified random seed for every processes :type seed: int, optional :param verbose: Whether to print logs :type verbose: bool, optional """ rank = int(os.environ['SLURM_PROCID']) world_size = int(os.environ['SLURM_NPROCS']) launch(config=config, rank=rank, world_size=world_size, host=host, port=port, backend=backend, seed=seed, verbose=verbose) def launch_from_openmpi(config: Union[str, Path, Config, Dict], host: str, port: int, backend: str = 'nccl', seed: int = 1024, verbose: bool = True): """A wrapper for colossalai.launch for OpenMPI launcher by reading rank and world size from the environment variables set by OpenMPI :param config: Config file or config file path are both acceptable :type config: Union[str, dict, Config] :param host: The master address for distributed training :type host: str :param port: The master port for distributed training :type port: str :param backend: Backend for torch.distributed :type backend: str, optional :param seed: Specified random seed for every processes :type seed: int, optional :param verbose: Whether to print logs :type verbose: bool, optional """ rank = int(os.environ['OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK']) local_rank = int(os.environ['OMPI_COMM_WORLD_LOCAL_RANK']) world_size = int(os.environ['OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE']) launch(config=config, local_rank=local_rank, rank=rank, world_size=world_size, host=host, port=port, backend=backend, seed=seed, verbose=verbose) def launch_from_torch(config: Union[str, Path, Config, Dict], backend: str = 'nccl', seed: int = 1024, verbose: bool = True): """A wrapper for colossalai.launch for torchrun or torch.distributed.launch by reading rank and world size from the environment variables set by PyTorch :param config: Config file or config file path are both acceptable :type config: Union[str, dict, Config] :param backend: Backend for torch.distributed :type backend: str, optional :param seed: Specified random seed for every processes :type seed: int, optional :param verbose: Whether to print logs :type verbose: bool, optional """ rank = int(os.environ['RANK']) local_rank = int(os.environ['LOCAL_RANK']) world_size = int(os.environ['WORLD_SIZE']) host = os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] port = int(os.environ['MASTER_PORT']) launch(config=config, local_rank=local_rank, rank=rank, world_size=world_size, host=host, port=port, backend=backend, seed=seed, verbose=verbose) def initialize(model: nn.Module, optimizer: Optimizer, criterion: Optional[_Loss] = None, train_dataloader: Optional[Iterable] = None, test_dataloader: Optional[Iterable] = None, lr_scheduler: Optional[_LRScheduler] = None, ophooks: Optional[List[BaseOpHook]] = None, verbose: bool = True) -> Tuple[Engine, DataLoader, DataLoader, _LRScheduler]: """Core function to wrap the essential training components with our functionality based on the config which is loaded into gpc.config. :param model: Your model instance or a function to build the model :type model: :class:`torch.nn.Module` or Callbale :param optimizer: Your optimizer instance :type optimizer: :class:`torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer` or :class:`Type[torch.optim.optimizer]` :param criterion: Your criterion instance :type criterion: :class:`torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss`, optional :param train_dataloader: Dataloader for training :type train_dataloader: :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader`, optional :param test_dataloader: Dataloader for testing :type test_dataloader: :class:`torch.utils.data.DataLoader`, optional :param lr_scheduler: Your lr scheduler instance, optional :type lr_scheduler: :class:`torch.nn.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler`, optional :param verbose: Whether to print logs :type verbose: bool, optional :return: (engine, train_dataloader, test_dataloader, lr_scheduler) :rtype: Tuple """ # get logger logger = get_dist_logger() gpc.verbose = verbose # get config from gpc config = gpc.config # print config if verbose: logger.info( f"\n========== Your Config ========\n" f"{pprint.pformat(gpc.config)}\n" f"================================\n", ranks=[0]) # cudnn cudnn_benchmark = config.get('cudnn_benchmark', True) cudnn_deterministic = config.get('cudnn_deterministic', False) torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = cudnn_benchmark torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = cudnn_deterministic if verbose: logger.info(f"cuDNN benchmark = {cudnn_benchmark}, deterministic = {cudnn_deterministic}", ranks=[0]) # zero use_zero = hasattr(gpc.config, 'zero') if use_zero: zero_cfg = gpc.config.get('zero', None) if zero_cfg is not None: cfg_ = zero_cfg.copy() else: cfg_ = {} optimizer_config = zero_cfg.get('optimizer_config', None) model_config = zero_cfg.get('model_config', None) model, optimizer = convert_to_zero_v2(model, optimizer, model_config=model_config, optimizer_config=optimizer_config) logger.info("Initializing ZeRO model and optimizer finished!", ranks=[0]) # FIXME() throw a warning if using zero with MP if gpc.get_world_size(ParallelMode.MODEL) > 1: logger.warning("ZeRO currently has not been tested with model parallelism.", ranks=[0]) else: if isinstance(model, nn.Module): # first sync model across dp ranks model.to(get_current_device()) elif isinstance(model, Callable): model = model().to(get_current_device()) # optimizer maybe a optimizer_cls logger.warning("Initializing an non ZeRO model with optimizer class") if isinstance(optimizer, Callable): optimizer = optimizer(model.parameters()) if not moe_env.is_initialized() and not use_zero: if is_using_sequence(): sync_model_param(model, ParallelMode.SEQUENCE_DP) elif is_using_ddp(): sync_model_param(model, ParallelMode.DATA) else: logger.warning( "The parameters of models is not automatically synchronized.\n" "Please make sure that all parameters are the same in data parallel group.", ranks=[0]) # check amp and zero fp16_cfg = gpc.config.get('fp16', None) if fp16_cfg is not None and fp16_cfg.mode is not None and use_zero: raise ConfigException( "It is not allowed to set fp16 and zero configuration in your config file at the same time") # clip grad norm clip_grad_norm = gpc.config.get('clip_grad_norm', 0.0) if clip_grad_norm > 0: if use_zero and zero_cfg is not None: raise ConfigException( "clip_grad_norm should be specified with zero, you should specify clip_grad in zero configuration") # initialize amp amp_mode = None if fp16_cfg is not None and fp16_cfg.mode is not None: cfg_ = fp16_cfg.copy() amp_mode = cfg_.pop('mode') if is_using_pp(): assert amp_mode == AMP_TYPE.NAIVE, 'Pipeline only support NaiveAMP currently' if amp_mode == AMP_TYPE.NAIVE: cfg_['clip_grad_norm'] = clip_grad_norm model, optimizer, criterion = convert_to_amp(model=model, optimizer=optimizer, criterion=criterion, mode=amp_mode, amp_config=cfg_) # gradient handler gradient_handler_cfg = gpc.config.get('gradient_handler', None) if gradient_handler_cfg is None: # if gradient handler is not specified in the configuration file, # check in the following order # 1. if optimizer is ZERO, then use zero grad handler # 2. if dp size is larger than 1 and pipeline is not used, use pytorch ddp # 3. if using pipeline and dp size larger than 1, use data parallel grad handler if isinstance(optimizer, ShardedOptimizerV2): gradient_handler_cfg = [dict(type='ZeROGradientHandler')] if verbose: logger.info( "Training with zero is detected, ZeROGradientHandler is automatically " "added even though not specified in the configuration", ranks=[0]) elif is_using_ddp() and moe_env.is_initialized(): gradient_handler_cfg = [dict(type='MoeGradientHandler')] if verbose: logger.info( "Data parallel training is detected with moe parallel, MoeGradientHandler is automatically " "added even though not specified in the configuration", ranks=[0]) elif is_using_sequence(): model = DDP(model, process_group=gpc.get_group(ParallelMode.SEQUENCE_DP), device_ids=[torch.cuda.current_device()]) if verbose: logger.info('Model is using torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel for Sequence Parallelism', ranks=[0]) elif is_using_ddp() and not is_using_pp() and amp_mode != AMP_TYPE.NAIVE: model = DDP(model, process_group=gpc.get_group(ParallelMode.DATA), device_ids=[torch.cuda.current_device()]) if verbose: logger.info('Model is using torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel for Data Parallelism', ranks=[0]) elif is_using_ddp(): gradient_handler_cfg = [dict(type='DataParallelGradientHandler')] if verbose: logger.info( "Data parallel training is detected when using pipeline parallel, " "DataParallelGradientHandler is automatically " "added even though not specified in the configuration", ranks=[0]) # add pipeline parallel gradient handler, if pipeline shared module is detected for param in model.parameters(): if getattr(param, 'pipeline_shared_module_pg', None) is not None: if gradient_handler_cfg is None: gradient_handler_cfg = [dict(type='PipelineSharedModuleGradientHandler')] else: gradient_handler_cfg.append(dict(type='PipelineSharedModuleGradientHandler')) if verbose: logger.info( "pipeline_shared_module is detected, PipelineSharedModuleGradientHandler is automatically " "added even though not specified in the configuration", ranks=[0]) break else: if not isinstance(gradient_handler_cfg, list): raise ConfigException( f"expected gradient_handler in the configuration file to be a list but got {type(gradient_handler_cfg)}" ) # turn off sync buffer for NaiveAMPModel if using torch DDP and NaiveAMPModel at the same time # to avoid duplicated buffer synchronization if isinstance(model, DDP) and isinstance(model.module, NaiveAMPModel): model.module.sync_buffer = False if gradient_handler_cfg is None: gradient_handlers = None if verbose and not isinstance(model, DDP): logger.warning( "No PyTorch DDP or gradient handler is set up, please make sure you do not need " "to all-reduce the gradients after a training step.", ranks=[0]) else: gradient_handlers = [build_gradient_handler(cfg, model, optimizer) for cfg in gradient_handler_cfg] # check if optimizer is ColossalaiOptimizer if not isinstance(optimizer, (ColossalaiOptimizer, ShardedOptimizerV2)): optimizer = ColossalaiOptimizer(optim=optimizer) # gradient accumulation grad_accum_size = gpc.config.get('gradient_accumulation', None) if grad_accum_size is not None: optimizer, train_dataloader, gradient_handlers, lr_scheduler = accumulate_gradient( model=model, optimizer=optimizer, dataloader=train_dataloader, accumulate_size=grad_accum_size, gradient_handlers=gradient_handlers, lr_scheduler=lr_scheduler) engine = Engine(model=model, optimizer=optimizer, criterion=criterion, gradient_handlers=gradient_handlers, clip_grad_norm=clip_grad_norm, ophook_list=ophooks) return engine, train_dataloader, test_dataloader, lr_scheduler