import socket from typing import List class HostInfo: """ A data class to store host connection-related data. Args: hostname (str): name or IP address of the host port (str): the port for ssh connection """ def __init__( self, hostname: str, port: str = None, ): self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.is_local_host = HostInfo.is_host_localhost(hostname, port) @staticmethod def is_host_localhost(hostname: str, port: str = None) -> None: """ Check if the host refers to the local machine. Args: hostname (str): name or IP address of the host port (str): the port for ssh connection Returns: bool: True if it is local, False otherwise """ if port is None: port = 22 # no port specified, lets just use the ssh port # socket.getfqdn("") does not return localhost # on some users' machines # thus, we directly return True if hostname is localhost, or if hostname in ("localhost", "", ""): return True hostname = socket.getfqdn(hostname) localhost = socket.gethostname() localaddrs = socket.getaddrinfo(localhost, port) targetaddrs = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, port) return localaddrs == targetaddrs def __str__(self): return f'hostname: {self.hostname}, port: {self.port}' def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() class HostInfoList: """ A data class to store a list of HostInfo objects. """ def __init__(self): self.hostinfo_list = [] def append(self, hostinfo: HostInfo) -> None: """ Add an HostInfo object to the list. Args: hostinfo (HostInfo): host information """ self.hostinfo_list.append(hostinfo) def remove(self, hostname: str) -> None: """ Add an HostInfo object to the list. Args: hostname (str): the name of the host """ hostinfo = self.get_hostinfo(hostname) self.hostinfo_list.remove(hostinfo) def get_hostinfo(self, hostname: str) -> HostInfo: """ Return the HostInfo object which matches with the hostname. Args: hostname (str): the name of the host Returns: hostinfo (HostInfo): the HostInfo object which matches with the hostname """ for hostinfo in self.hostinfo_list: if hostinfo.hostname == hostname: return hostinfo raise Exception(f"Hostname {hostname} is not found") def has(self, hostname: str) -> bool: """ Check if the hostname has been added. Args: hostname (str): the name of the host Returns: bool: True if added, False otherwise """ for hostinfo in self.hostinfo_list: if hostinfo.hostname == hostname: return True return False def __iter__(self): return iter(self.hostinfo_list) def __len__(self): return len(self.hostinfo_list)