"""This code is adapted from Alpa https://github.com/alpa-projects/alpa/ with some changes. """ import multiprocessing import time import warnings from typing import Dict import numpy as np from torch.fx.graph import Graph from torch.fx.node import Node from colossalai.auto_parallel.tensor_shard.constants import INFINITY_COST from .cost_graph import CostGraph from .graph_analysis import GraphAnalyser from .strategies_constructor import StrategiesConstructor try: import pulp from pulp import LpMinimize, LpProblem, LpStatus, LpVariable, lpDot, lpSum except: warnings.warn(f'please install the pulp') __all___ = ['Solver'] class Solver: def __init__(self, graph: Graph, strategies_constructor: StrategiesConstructor, cost_graph: CostGraph, graph_analyser: GraphAnalyser, memory_budget: float = -1.0, solution_numbers: int = 1, forward_only: bool = False, memory_increasing_coefficient: float = 1.3, verbose=False): ''' Solver class will integrate information provided by the components and use ILP solver to find a possible optimal strategies combination for target computing graph. Argument: graph: The computing graph to be optimized. strategies_constructor: It will provide all the possible strategies for each node in the computing graph. cost_graph: A graph data structure to simplify the edge cost graph. graph_analyser: graph_analyser will analyse the graph to obtain the variable liveness information, which will be used to generate memory constraints. memory_budget: Memory constraint for the solution. solution_numbers: If solution_numbers is larger than one, solver will us a serious of solutions based on different memory budget. memory_increasing_coefficient: If solution_numbers is larger than one, we will use this coefficient to generate new memory budget. ''' self.graph = graph self.strategies_constructor = strategies_constructor self.cost_graph = cost_graph self.graph_analyser = graph_analyser self.leaf_strategies = self.strategies_constructor.leaf_strategies self.nodes = [strategies_vector.node for strategies_vector in self.leaf_strategies] self.strategy_map = self.strategies_constructor.strategy_map self.memory_budget = memory_budget self.solution_numbers = solution_numbers self.forward_only = forward_only if self.solution_numbers > 1: self.memory_increasing_coefficient = memory_increasing_coefficient else: self.memory_increasing_coefficient = 1 self.liveness_list = self.graph_analyser.liveness_analysis() self.node_index_dict = self._generate_node_index_dict() # The last solution vector of auto sharding. self.last_s_val = None # The last objective value of the best ILP solution. self.last_objective = None self.verbose = verbose def _recover_merged_node_strategy(self): ''' During cost graph constructing, some nodes, such as unary element-wise node or ReshapeOp, were merged into the previous node. Therefore, the index of those strategies are copied from the previous node. This method is used to recover the strategy index of those merged node. ''' for node_index, node in enumerate(self.nodes): if node.strategies_vector.check_merge(): # the merged node has only one input, and its strategies follow the input sharding strategy input_strategies_vector = node.args[0].strategies_vector input_best_strategy_index = self.last_s_val[node_index - 1] input_sharding_spec = input_strategies_vector[input_best_strategy_index].output_sharding_spec for strategy_index, strategy in enumerate(node.strategies_vector): if strategy.input_shardings[0].sharding_sequence == input_sharding_spec.sharding_sequence: self.last_s_val[node_index] = strategy_index break def _generate_node_index_dict(self) -> Dict[Node, int]: node_index_dict = {} for index, strategies_vector in enumerate(self.leaf_strategies): node_index_dict[strategies_vector.node] = index return node_index_dict def _prepare_data_for_solver(self): ''' Extract information from components for solver. ''' node_nums = len(self.leaf_strategies) memory_budget = self.memory_budget # prepare strategies_len strategies_len = [] for node in self.nodes: strategies_len.append(self.cost_graph.node_lens[node]) strategies_len = np.array(strategies_len) # prepare following_nodes following_nodes = self.cost_graph.following_dict index_following_nodes = {} for src, target in following_nodes.items(): src_index = self.node_index_dict[src] target_index = self.node_index_dict[target] index_following_nodes[src_index] = target_index following_nodes = index_following_nodes for index in range(node_nums): if index not in following_nodes: following_nodes[index] = -1 # prepare edge_pairs and resharding costs edge_pairs = [] resharding_costs = [] for pairs, edge_cost in self.cost_graph.edge_costs.items(): src_node = pairs[0] dst_node = pairs[1] src_node_index = self.node_index_dict[src_node] dst_node_index = self.node_index_dict[dst_node] edge_pairs.append(src_node_index) edge_pairs.append(dst_node_index) for i in range(strategies_len[src_node_index]): for j in range(strategies_len[dst_node_index]): resharding_costs.append(edge_cost[(i, j)]) edge_pairs = np.array(edge_pairs) resharding_costs = np.array(resharding_costs) # prepare liveness_set liveness_set = self.liveness_list # omit alias_set now alias_set = None alias_convert_costs = None # prepare compute_costs, communication_costs and memory_costs compute_costs = [] communication_costs = [] memory_costs = [] extra_node_costs = self.cost_graph.extra_node_costs for strategies_vector in self.leaf_strategies: node = strategies_vector.node for index, strategy in enumerate(strategies_vector): compute_cost_item = strategy.compute_cost communication_cost_item = strategy.communication_cost memory_cost_item = strategy.memory_cost if self.forward_only: origin_communication_cost = communication_cost_item.fwd compute_cost = compute_cost_item.fwd # extract MemoryCost item from the memory TrainCycleItem memory_cost = memory_cost_item.fwd else: origin_communication_cost = communication_cost_item.total compute_cost = compute_cost_item.total # extract MemoryCost item from the memory TrainCycleItem memory_cost = memory_cost_item.total # extract the memory cost in float from MemoryCost item and sum them up memory_cost = memory_cost.parameter + memory_cost.activation + memory_cost.buffer compute_costs.append(compute_cost) # node in extra_node_costs means it has some extra communication # cost from node merging, so we need to add those extra communication # cost into if node in extra_node_costs: extra_node_cost = extra_node_costs[node][index] communication_cost = origin_communication_cost + extra_node_cost communication_costs.append(communication_cost) else: communication_costs.append(origin_communication_cost) memory_costs.append(memory_cost) compute_costs = np.array(compute_costs) communication_costs = np.array(communication_costs) memory_costs = np.array(memory_costs) # omit initial value for nodes s_init_np = None return node_nums, memory_budget, strategies_len, following_nodes, edge_pairs, alias_set, liveness_set, compute_costs, communication_costs, memory_costs, resharding_costs, alias_convert_costs, s_init_np, self.verbose def _call_solver_serialized_args(self, node_nums, memory_budget, strategies_len, following_nodes, edge_pairs, alias_set, liveness_set, compute_costs, communication_costs, memory_costs, resharding_costs, alias_convert_costs, s_init_np=None, verbose=True): """ Call the solver with serialized arguments. """ tic = time.time() for x in [strategies_len, edge_pairs, compute_costs, communication_costs, memory_costs, resharding_costs]: assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) assert len(strategies_len) == node_nums, "strategies_len" def get_non_zero_index(binary_vector): """ Get the index of non-zero item in a vector. """ ct = 0 ret = None for i, elem in enumerate(binary_vector): if pulp.value(elem): ret = i ct += 1 assert ct == 1 return ret # 0. Unpack flatten numpy arrays s_follow = following_nodes E = edge_pairs.reshape((-1, 2)) # noqa r = [] pt = 0 edge_set = set() for (i, j) in E: prod_length = strategies_len[i] * strategies_len[j] if (i, j) in edge_set: raise ValueError(f"Duplicated edges: {(i, j)}") edge_set.add((i, j)) r.append(resharding_costs[pt:pt + prod_length]) pt += prod_length assert pt == len(resharding_costs) ###################### # omit alias set now # ###################### # A = alias_set.reshape((-1, 2)) # noqa # for (i, j) in A: # prod_length = strategies_len[i] * strategies_len[j] # v.append(alias_convert_costs[pt:pt + prod_length]) # pt += prod_length # assert pt == len(alias_convert_costs) # L = [] # noqa # pt = node_nums # for i in range(node_nums): # length = liveness_set[i] # L.append(liveness_set[pt:pt + length]) # pt += length # assert pt == len(liveness_set) v = [] pt = 0 c = [] d = [] m = [] pt = 0 for i in range(node_nums): length = strategies_len[i] c.append(compute_costs[pt:pt + length]) d.append(communication_costs[pt:pt + length]) m.append(memory_costs[pt:pt + length]) pt += length assert pt == len(compute_costs), f"{pt} == {len(compute_costs)}" assert pt == len(communication_costs), f"{pt} == {len(communication_costs)}" assert pt == len(memory_costs), f"{pt} == {len(memory_costs)}" # 1. Create variables ############################# # create variables for node # ############################# s = [] num_nodes = 0 reverse_follow_backpatch = [] for i in range(node_nums): if s_follow[i] < 0: if strategies_len[i] == 1: s.append([1]) else: num_nodes += 1 s.append(LpVariable.matrix(f"s[{i}]", (range(strategies_len[i]),), cat="Binary")) else: if s_follow[i] < len(s): s.append(s[s_follow[i]]) else: s.append(None) reverse_follow_backpatch.append(i) for i in reverse_follow_backpatch: s[i] = s[s_follow[i]] ############################# # create variables for edge # ############################# e = [] num_edges = 0 for (idx, (i, j)) in enumerate(E): if len(s[i]) == 1: e.append(s[j]) elif len(s[j]) == 1: e.append(s[i]) else: num_edges += 1 e.append(LpVariable.matrix(f"e[{i},{j}]", (range(len(s[i]) * len(s[j])),), cat="Binary")) assert len(e[idx]) == len(r[idx]) for element in s: assert len(element) > 0 # 2. Set initial value ###################################### # set a initial value for warm start # ###################################### if s_init_np is not None: s_init = s_init_np.reshape((-1, 3)) for (idx, value, fix) in s_init: for i in range(len(s[idx])): s[idx][i].setInitialValue(i == value) if fix: s[idx][i].fixValue() # 3. Objective prob = LpProblem("myProblem", LpMinimize) ################################################################### # computing the node cost(computing cost and communication cost) # ################################################################### obj = 0 for i in range(node_nums): assert len(s[i]) == len(c[i]) assert len(s[i]) == len(d[i]) obj += lpDot(s[i], c[i]) + lpDot(s[i], d[i]) ############################################# # computing the edge cost(resharding cost) # ############################################# for i in range(len(E)): assert len(e[i]) == len(r[i]) obj += lpDot(e[i], r[i]) prob += obj # 4. Constraints # (a). specified by `cat="Binary"` # (b) ################################################# # make sure each node only choose one strategy # ################################################# for i in range(node_nums): if s_follow[i] < 0: prob += lpSum(s[i]) == 1 # (c) ################################################# # compute memory consumption with liveness set # ################################################# if memory_budget > 0: for liveness_stage in liveness_set: mem = 0 for live_variable in liveness_stage.unique_live_vars: if live_variable.node not in self.node_index_dict: continue node_index = self.node_index_dict[live_variable.node] mem += lpSum(s[node_index][j] * m[node_index][j] for j in range(len(s[node_index]))) prob += mem <= memory_budget # (d). specified by `cat="Binary"` for (idx, (i, j)) in enumerate(E): if strategies_len[i] == 1 or strategies_len[j] == 1: continue # (e) prob += lpSum(e[idx]) == 1 # (f) for row in range(len(s[i])): C = len(s[j]) # noqa prob += lpSum(e[idx][row * C + col] for col in range(0, C)) <= s[i][row] # (g) for col in range(len(s[j])): R = len(s[i]) # noqa C = len(s[j]) # noqa prob += lpSum(e[idx][row * C + col] for row in range(0, R)) <= s[j][col] # (h) ###################### # omit alias set now # ###################### # alias_set = set() # for (idx, (i, j)) in enumerate(A): # R = len(s[i]) # noqa # C = len(s[j]) # noqa # if (i, j) in alias_set: # raise ValueError(f"Duplicated edges: {(i, j)}") # alias_set.add((i, j)) # alias_set.add((j, i)) # for row in range(len(s[i])): # for col in range(len(s[j])): # if v[idx][row * C + col] > 0.5: # prob += s[i][row] + s[j][col] <= 1 msg = verbose time_limit = 600 assert "COIN_CMD" in pulp.listSolvers( onlyAvailable=True), ("Please install ILP solvers by 'sudo apt install coinor-cbc'") solver = pulp.COIN_CMD(mip=True, msg=msg, timeLimit=time_limit, threads=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) # solver = pulp.GLPK_CMD(mip=True, msg=msg, timeLimit=time_limit) prob.solve(solver) status = prob.status objective = pulp.value(prob.objective) objective = float(objective) if objective is not None else -1.0 if verbose: print(f"ILP Status: {LpStatus[status]}\tObjective: {objective}\t" f"Time: {time.time() - tic}") print(f"#nodes: {num_nodes}, #edges: {num_edges}") if prob.status in [pulp.LpStatusInfeasible]: raise RuntimeError("Cannot run the function under the given memory budget. " "Please increase the memory budget.") # Get and check results s_val = np.full((node_nums,), -1, dtype=np.int32) for i in range(node_nums): s_val[i] = get_non_zero_index(s[i]) e_val = np.full((len(E),), -1, dtype=np.int32) for (idx, (i, j)) in enumerate(E): e_val[idx] = get_non_zero_index(e[idx]) i_spec_index = e_val[idx] // len(s[j]) j_spec_index = e_val[idx] % len(s[j]) assert i_spec_index == s_val[i], f"e_val[{i}][{j}]" assert j_spec_index == s_val[j], f"e_val[{i}][{j}]" if verbose and r[idx][e_val[idx]] > 0: print(f"Edge cost {(i, j)} : {r[idx][e_val[idx]]}") self.last_s_val = list(s_val) # self._recover_merged_node_strategy() self.last_objective = objective if objective > INFINITY_COST: warnings.warn("Detect unexpected behaviors in the auto-sharding pass.") return self.last_s_val, e_val, self.last_objective, status def call_solver_serialized_args(self): """ Call the solver with serialized arguments and handle python errors. Additionally, we could give a serious of solutions with different memory budget. """ if self.solution_numbers == 1: args = self._prepare_data_for_solver() ret = self._call_solver_serialized_args(*args) return ret origin_memory_budget = self.memory_budget memory_budget_list = [ origin_memory_budget * self.memory_increasing_coefficient**i for i in range(self.solution_numbers) ] ret_list = [] for memory_budget in memory_budget_list: self.memory_budget = memory_budget args = self._prepare_data_for_solver() ret = self._call_solver_serialized_args(*args) ret_list.append(ret) return ret_list