#!/usr/bin/env python """ tracer.py: Implemented a tracer which supports control flow and user-defined meta arguments. The implementation is partly inspired HuggingFace's fx tracer """ import enum import functools import inspect import operator from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Any, Dict, Optional import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch import Tensor from torch.fx import Node, Tracer from torch.fx.graph import Graph, magic_methods, reflectable_magic_methods from torch.fx.proxy import ParameterProxy, Proxy from ..proxy import ColoProxy from ._tracer_utils import compute_meta_data_for_functions_proxy, extract_meta, is_element_in_list from .bias_addition_patch import module_to_func_dict from .registry import bias_addition_function, bias_addition_module, meta_patched_function, meta_patched_module __all__ = ['ColoTracer'] class TracerType(enum.Enum): DEFAULT = 1 META = 2 class ColoTracer(Tracer): """ ColoTracer is a symbolic tracer designed to support dynamic control flow by using meta tensors for the `colossalai.fx` module. This tracer is initialized in the same way as the original torch.fx.Tracer. Usage:: class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.linear1 = nn.Linear(10, 10) self.linear2 = nn.Linear(10, 10) def forward(self, x, y): x1 = self.linear1(x) y1 = self.linear2(y) if x1.dim() == 2: return x1 + y1 else: return x1 - y1 model = Model() tracer = ColoTracer() graph = tracer.trace(model, concrete_args={'y': torch.rand(4, 10)}, meta_args={'x': torch.rand(4, 10, device='meta')}) """ def __init__(self, trace_act_ckpt: bool = False, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.tracer_type = TracerType.META self.proxy_cls = ColoProxy # whether the tracer will record the usage of torch.utils.checkpoint self.trace_act_ckpt = trace_act_ckpt # whether the current tracing occurs within the activation checkpoint functions self.inside_torch_checkpoint_func = False self.act_ckpt_region_count = 0 # Feature flag for proxying accesses to buffer values proxy_buffer_attributes: bool = True _TORCH_METHODS_TO_PATCH = ["arange", "zeros", "ones", "full", "full_like", "eye", "empty", "tensor", "finfo"] def create_proxy(self, kind, target, args, kwargs, name=None, type_expr=None, proxy_factory_fn=None) -> ColoProxy: """ Create a proxy for different kinds of operations. """ if self.tracer_type == TracerType.DEFAULT: # since meta_args is not given # we just fall back to the original torch.fx.Tracer proxy = super().create_proxy(kind, target, args, kwargs, name, type_expr, proxy_factory_fn) return proxy # if graph is traced for auto parallelism module, some extra node will be added during # graph construction to deal with the compatability between bias addition and all reduce. # if no extra manipulation is applied, we just pass the origin arguments to create_proxy function # to create node on computation graph origin_arguments = (kind, target, args, kwargs, name, type_expr, proxy_factory_fn) # dispatch the arguments generator depending on the kind and target in origin arguments. args_metas, _ = extract_meta(*args, **kwargs) if kind == "call_function": if bias_addition_function.has(target): return bias_addition_function.get(target)(self, target, args, kwargs) elif bias_addition_function.has(target.__name__): # use name for some builtin op like @ (matmul) return bias_addition_function.get(target.__name__)(self, target, args, kwargs) elif kind == "call_method": method = getattr(args_metas[0].__class__, target) if bias_addition_function.has(method): return bias_addition_function.get(method)(self, target, args, kwargs) elif kind == "call_module": if not hasattr(self, "orig_forward"): raise AttributeError(f"{self} does not have an attribute called orig_forward") self._disable_module_getattr = True try: mod = self.root.get_submodule(target) mod_type = type(mod) if bias_addition_module.has(mod_type) and mod.bias is not None: function_to_substitute = module_to_func_dict[mod_type] handle = bias_addition_module.get(mod_type)(self, target, args, kwargs, function_to_substitute) return handle.generate() finally: self._disable_module_getattr = False # create nodes using patched arguments proxy = super().create_proxy(*origin_arguments) proxy: ColoProxy meta_out = self._meta_data_computing( kind, target, args, kwargs, ) proxy.meta_data = meta_out return proxy def _module_getattr(self, attr, attr_val, parameter_proxy_cache): if getattr(self, "_disable_module_getattr", False): return attr_val else: # return super()._module_getattr(attr, attr_val, parameter_proxy_cache) def maybe_get_proxy_for_attr(attr_val, collection_to_search, parameter_proxy_cache): for n, p in collection_to_search: if attr_val is p: if n not in parameter_proxy_cache: kwargs = {} if "proxy_factory_fn" in inspect.signature(self.create_proxy).parameters: kwargs["proxy_factory_fn"] = (None if not self.param_shapes_constant else lambda node: ParameterProxy(self, node, n, attr_val)) val_proxy = self.create_proxy("get_attr", n, (), {}, **kwargs) # type: ignore[arg-type] parameter_proxy_cache[n] = val_proxy return parameter_proxy_cache[n] return None if isinstance(attr_val, torch.nn.Parameter): maybe_parameter_proxy = maybe_get_proxy_for_attr(attr_val, self.root.named_parameters(), parameter_proxy_cache) if maybe_parameter_proxy is not None: return maybe_parameter_proxy if self.proxy_buffer_attributes and isinstance(attr_val, torch.Tensor): maybe_buffer_proxy = maybe_get_proxy_for_attr(attr_val, self.root.named_buffers(), parameter_proxy_cache) if maybe_buffer_proxy is not None: return maybe_buffer_proxy return attr_val def call_module(self, m, forward, args, kwargs): self.orig_forward = forward module_qualified_name = self.path_of_module(m) # a leaf module is the torch.nn.Module subclasses starting with `torch.nn` # which means customized modules are not leaf module by default # if a customized or third-party module like apex.normalization.FusedRMSNorm is patched, # we should treat it as leaf module as well if meta_patched_module.has(m.__class__) or self.is_leaf_module(m, module_qualified_name): return self.create_proxy('call_module', module_qualified_name, args, kwargs) else: return forward(*args, **kwargs) def proxy(self, node) -> Proxy: """ Returns a ColoProxy object. """ return self.proxy_cls(node, self) def _configure_tracer_type(self, tracer_type: TracerType): if tracer_type == TracerType.DEFAULT: self.proxy_cls = Proxy self.tracer_type = TracerType.DEFAULT elif tracer_type == TracerType.META: self.proxy_cls = ColoProxy self.tracer_type = TracerType.META else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognised tracer type {tracer_type}") def _meta_data_computing(self, kind, target, args, kwargs): if kind == "placeholder" and target in self.meta_args and self.meta_args[target].is_meta: meta_out = self.meta_args[target] return meta_out if target in self.orig_torch_tensor_methods: # NOTE: tensor constructors in PyTorch define the `device` argument as # *kwargs-only*. That is why this works. If you add methods to # _TORCH_METHODS_TO_PATCH that do not define `device` as kwarg-only, # this will break and you will likely see issues where we cannot infer # the size of the output. if "device" in kwargs: kwargs["device"] = "meta" try: args_metas, kwargs_metas = extract_meta(*args, **kwargs) if kind == "call_function": # fetch patched function if meta_patched_function.has(target): meta_target = meta_patched_function.get(target) elif meta_patched_function.has(target.__name__): # use name for some builtin op like @ (matmul) meta_target = meta_patched_function.get(target.__name__) else: meta_target = target meta_out = meta_target(*args_metas, **kwargs_metas) if isinstance(meta_out, torch.Tensor): meta_out = meta_out.to(device="meta") elif kind == "call_method": method = getattr(args_metas[0].__class__, target) # fetch patched method if meta_patched_function.has(method): meta_target = meta_patched_function.get(method) else: meta_target = method meta_out = meta_target(*args_metas, **kwargs_metas) elif kind == "call_module": if not hasattr(self, "orig_forward"): raise AttributeError(f"{self} does not have an attribute called orig_forward") self._disable_module_getattr = True try: mod = self.root.get_submodule(target) mod_type = type(mod) if meta_patched_module.has(mod_type): meta_out = meta_patched_module.get(mod_type)(mod, *args_metas, **kwargs_metas) else: meta_out = self.orig_forward(*args_metas, **kwargs_metas) finally: self._disable_module_getattr = False elif kind == "get_attr": self._disable_module_getattr = True try: attr_itr = self.root atoms = target.split(".") for atom in atoms: attr_itr = getattr(attr_itr, atom) if isinstance(attr_itr, torch.Tensor): meta_out = attr_itr.to(device="meta") else: meta_out = attr_itr finally: self._disable_module_getattr = False else: return None except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not compute metadata for {kind} target {target}: {e}") return meta_out def trace(self, root: nn.Module, concrete_args: Optional[Dict[str, Tensor]] = None, meta_args: Optional[Dict[str, Tensor]] = None) -> Graph: """ Trace the forward computation graph using `torch.fx.Tracer`. This tracer enables data-dependent control flow. Args: root (nn.Module): a `nn.Module` object to trace the computation graph meta_args (Optional[Dict[str, Tensor]]): the meta tensor arguments used to trace the computation graph. These arguments are the sample data fed to the model during actual computation, but just converted to meta tensors. concrete_args (Optional[Dict[str, Tensor]]): the concrete arguments that should not be treated as Proxies. """ if meta_args is None: meta_args = {} if concrete_args is None: concrete_args = {} if len(meta_args) == 0: self._configure_tracer_type(TracerType.DEFAULT) else: self._configure_tracer_type(TracerType.META) # check concrete and meta args have valid names sig = inspect.signature(root.forward) sig_names = set(sig.parameters.keys()) meta_arg_names = set(meta_args.keys()) # update concrete args with default values non_meta_arg_names = sig_names - meta_arg_names for k, v in sig.parameters.items(): if k in non_meta_arg_names and \ k not in concrete_args and \ v.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty: concrete_args[k] = v.default # get non concrete arg names concrete_arg_names = set(concrete_args.keys()) non_concrete_arg_names = sig_names - concrete_arg_names def _check_arg_name_valid(names): success, element = is_element_in_list(names, sig_names) if not success: raise KeyError( f"argument {element} is not found in the signature of {root.__class__.__name__}'s forward function") _check_arg_name_valid(meta_arg_names) _check_arg_name_valid(concrete_arg_names) # assign as attributed for late reference def _check_kwargs(kwargs, should_be_meta: bool): for k, v in kwargs.items(): if not should_be_meta: assert not torch.is_tensor(v) or not v.is_meta, \ f'Expected the {k} not to be a meta tensor, please check the args passed to the tracer' else: assert v.is_meta == should_be_meta, \ f'Expected the is_meta attribute of {k} to be {should_be_meta}, but got {v.is_meta}, please check the args passed to the tracer' _check_kwargs(concrete_args, should_be_meta=False) _check_kwargs(meta_args, should_be_meta=True) self.concrete_args = concrete_args self.meta_args = meta_args self.patched_torch_tensor_methods = {} if self.tracer_type == TracerType.META: # wrap the torch tensor constructing methods so that they are captured in the graph self.patched_torch_tensor_methods = { target: wrap_tensor_constructor_method(getattr(torch, target)) for target in self._TORCH_METHODS_TO_PATCH } # patch these methods to replace their original use for name, (wrapper, orig) in self.patched_torch_tensor_methods.items(): setattr(torch, name, wrapper) # cache these methods so that we can detect whether a method call # should be patched during tracing self.orig_torch_tensor_methods = [val[1] for val in self.patched_torch_tensor_methods.values()] try: # to track the usage of torch.utils.checkpoint with self.trace_activation_checkpoint(enabled=self.trace_act_ckpt): self.graph = super().trace(root, concrete_args=concrete_args) finally: # recover the patched methods for name, (_, orig) in self.patched_torch_tensor_methods.items(): setattr(torch, name, orig) if self.tracer_type == TracerType.DEFAULT: return self.graph # This is necessary because concrete args are added as input to the traced module since # https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/55888. for node in self.graph.nodes: if node.op == "placeholder": # Removing default values for inputs as the forward pass will fail with them. if node.target in non_concrete_arg_names: node.args = () # Without this, torch.jit.script fails because the inputs type is Optional[torch.Tensor]. # It cannot infer on the attributes and methods the input should have, and fails. node.type = torch.Tensor # It is a concrete arg so it is not used and should be removed. else: if hasattr(torch.fx._symbolic_trace, "_assert_is_none"): # Newer versions of torch.fx emit an assert statement # for concrete arguments; delete those before we delete # the concrete arg. to_delete = [] for user in node.users: if user.target == torch.fx._symbolic_trace._assert_is_none: to_delete.append(user) for user in to_delete: self.graph.erase_node(user) self.graph.erase_node(node) # TODO: solves GraphModule creation. # Without this, return type annotation "Tuple" is causing code execution failure. if node.op == "output": node.type = None return self.graph @contextmanager def trace_activation_checkpoint(self, enabled: bool): if enabled: orig_ckpt_func = torch.utils.checkpoint.CheckpointFunction class PatchedCheckpointFunction(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, run_function, preserve_rng_state, *args): # signal that the current tracing occurs within activaton checkpoint part self.inside_torch_checkpoint_func = True out = run_function(*args) self.inside_torch_checkpoint_func = False self.act_ckpt_region_count += 1 return out @staticmethod def backward(ctx: Any, *grad_outputs: Any) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError( "We do not implement the backward pass as we only trace the forward pass.") # override the checkpoint function torch.utils.checkpoint.CheckpointFunction = PatchedCheckpointFunction yield if enabled: # recover the checkpoint function upon exit torch.utils.checkpoint.CheckpointFunction = orig_ckpt_func def create_node(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Node: node = super().create_node(*args, **kwargs) if self.inside_torch_checkpoint_func: # annotate the activation checkpoint module node.meta['activation_checkpoint'] = self.act_ckpt_region_count return node def wrap_tensor_constructor_method(target): def look_for_proxy(*args, **kwargs): # find in pos vars for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Proxy): return arg if isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)): return look_for_proxy(*arg) # find in keyword vars for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, Proxy): return v if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)): return look_for_proxy(*v) return None @functools.wraps(target) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): proxy = look_for_proxy(*args, **kwargs) if proxy is not None: # if the arg is a proxy, then need to record this function called on this proxy # e.g. torch.ones(size) where size is an input proxy colo_proxy = proxy.tracer.create_proxy("call_function", target, args, kwargs) if not isinstance(colo_proxy, ColoProxy): meta_out = compute_meta_data_for_functions_proxy(target, args, kwargs) colo_proxy = ColoProxy(proxy.node) colo_proxy.meta_data = meta_out return colo_proxy else: # this is called directly when the inputs do not contain proxy # e.g. torch.ones(4) where the input is static return target(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper, target # Patched magic methods for ColoProxy, then tracer could record the magic_method like __sub__, # and add meta_data attribute to the created proxy. for method in magic_methods: def _scope(method): def impl(*args, **kwargs): tracer = args[0].tracer target = getattr(operator, method) proxy = tracer.create_proxy('call_function', target, args, kwargs) if not isinstance(proxy, ColoProxy): meta_out = compute_meta_data_for_functions_proxy(target, args, kwargs) proxy = ColoProxy(proxy.node) proxy.meta_data = meta_out return proxy impl.__name__ = method as_magic = f'__{method.strip("_")}__' setattr(ColoProxy, as_magic, impl) _scope(method) def _define_reflectable(orig_method_name): method_name = f'__r{orig_method_name.strip("_")}__' def impl(self, rhs): target = getattr(operator, orig_method_name) proxy = self.tracer.create_proxy('call_function', target, (rhs, self), {}) if not isinstance(proxy, ColoProxy): meta_out = compute_meta_data_for_functions_proxy(target, *(rhs, self), {}) proxy = ColoProxy(proxy.node) proxy.meta_data = meta_out return proxy impl.__name__ = method_name impl.__qualname__ = method_name setattr(ColoProxy, method_name, impl) for orig_method_name in reflectable_magic_methods: _define_reflectable(orig_method_name)