import torch import functools from colossalai.utils.model.utils import _substitute_init_recursively, InsertPostInitMethodToModuleSubClasses, call_to_str from colossalai.builder.pipeline import partition_uniform, partition_balanced from colossalai.core import global_context as gpc from colossalai.tensor import ColoTensor class PipelinableContext(InsertPostInitMethodToModuleSubClasses): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._layer_spec_dict = {} self._root_children = None self._model = None self._layer_spec_list = [] self._func_dict = {} self._policy = "balanced" @property def policy(self): return self._policy @property def layers_count(self): return len(self._layer_spec_list) @property def funcs_count(self): return len(self._func_dict) def _pre_context_exec(self): """ The Callback function when entering the context """ # reserve rng states self.cpu_rng_state = torch.get_rng_state() self.cuda_rng_state = torch.cuda.get_rng_state() def _post_context_exec(self): """ The callback function when exiting context. """ # reset rng states torch.set_rng_state(self.cpu_rng_state) torch.cuda.set_rng_state(self.cuda_rng_state) def _post_init_method(self, module: torch.nn.Module, *args, **kwargs): """ The function to call at the end of the constructor of each module. NOTE() The module may be passed to this function multiple times. """ module_id = id(module) modified_args = [] for obj in args: if issubclass(obj.__class__, torch.nn.modules.module.Module): obj = self._layer_spec_dict[id(obj)] modified_args.append(obj) # (lyl)TODO: analyse kwargs as well modified_args = tuple(modified_args) self._root_children = list(module.children()) self._model = module layer_spec = LayerSpec(module.__class__, *modified_args, **kwargs) layer_spec.set_children(module.children()) self._layer_spec_dict[module_id] = layer_spec name_list = [] for name, param in module.named_parameters(): if isinstance(param, ColoTensor): continue name_list.append((name, param)) for name, param in name_list: delattr(module, name) setattr(module, name, ColoTensor.init_from_torch_tensor(tensor=param, save_payload=False)) def to_layer_list(self, exec_seq=None): """ Create a layer spec list and func list with execution sequence given by user. If exec_seq is None, we will take the module initizing order as execution order. """ if exec_seq is None: #if user do not provide the model executing sequence, we use the initialization order as the executing order. for child in self._root_children: layer_spec = self._layer_spec_dict[id(child)] if layer_spec.typename in (torch.nn.modules.container.ModuleList, torch.nn.modules.container.Sequential): for child_in_container in layer_spec.children: self._layer_spec_list.append(self._layer_spec_dict[id(child_in_container)]) else: self._layer_spec_list.append(layer_spec) else: func_key = "first" for index, element in enumerate(exec_seq): if isinstance(element, str): module = dict(self._model.named_modules())[element] layer_spec = self._layer_spec_dict[id(module)] func_key = layer_spec self._layer_spec_list.append(layer_spec) else: if func_key not in self._func_dict: self._func_dict[func_key] = [] self._func_dict[func_key].append(element) def partition(self, num_chunks, pipeline_size, rank): """ Partitioned model will be built respect to partion policy. The real module instance will be built in this method. """ if isinstance(self._policy, str): if self._policy == "uniform": parts = partition_uniform(len(self._layer_spec_list), pipeline_size, num_chunks)[rank] elif self._policy == "balanced": param_counts = [] for layer_spec in self._layer_spec_list: param_counts.append(layer_spec.count_params()) parts = partition_balanced(param_counts, pipeline_size, num_chunks)[rank] else: raise ValueError("A string partition policy should be one of ['uniform', 'balanced'].") elif isinstance(self._policy, dict): parts = self._policy[rank] else: raise ValueError("A partition policy should be either a string or a dictionary.") layers_to_build = [] for start, end in parts: layers_to_build += self._layer_spec_list[start:end] func_dict_in_partition = {} module_list_in_partition = [] if rank == 0 and "first" in self._func_dict: func_dict_in_partition["first"] = self._func_dict["first"] for layer in layers_to_build: module = module_list_in_partition.append(module) if layer in self._func_dict: func_dict_in_partition[id(module)] = self._func_dict[layer] module_list_in_partition = torch.nn.ModuleList(module_list_in_partition) pipeline_model = PipelinableModel(module_list_in_partition, func_dict_in_partition) return pipeline_model def load_policy(self, policy): self._policy = policy class PipelinableModel(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, module_list, func_dict): super().__init__() self._module_list = module_list self._func_dict = func_dict def forward(self, input_tensor): if "first" in self._func_dict: funcs = self._func_dict["first"] if isinstance(funcs, list): for f in funcs: input_tensor = f(input_tensor) else: input_tensor = funcs(input_tensor) for module in self._module_list: input_tensor = module(input_tensor) if id(module) in self._func_dict: funcs = self._func_dict[id(module)] if isinstance(funcs, list): for f in funcs: input_tensor = f(input_tensor) else: input_tensor = funcs(input_tensor) return input_tensor class LayerSpec: def __init__(self, typename, *module_args, **module_kwargs): self.typename = typename self.module_args = module_args self.module_kwargs = module_kwargs self.children = None self._param_count = 0 if not issubclass(typename, torch.nn.Module): raise RuntimeError('LayerSpec only supports torch.nn.Module types.') def __repr__(self): return call_to_str(self.typename.__name__, self.module_args, self.module_kwargs) @property def param_count(self): return self._param_count def build(self): """Build the stored specification.""" recovered_args = [] for obj in self.module_args: if isinstance(obj, LayerSpec): obj = recovered_args.append(obj) recovered_args = tuple(recovered_args) return self.typename(*recovered_args, **self.module_kwargs) def set_children(self, children): self.children = children def count_params(self): self._param_count = 0 layer = for param in layer.parameters(): self._param_count += param.numel() return self._param_count def reset_param_count(self): self._param_count = 0