import argparse import copy import json import os import random import string from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer from colossalqa.local.llm import ColossalAPI, ColossalLLM from colossalqa.data_loader.document_loader import DocumentLoader from colossalqa.retrieval_conversation_zh import ChineseRetrievalConversation from colossalqa.retriever import CustomRetriever from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from RAG_ChatBot import RAG_ChatBot, DEFAULT_RAG_CFG # Define the mapping between embed_model_name(passed from Front End) and the actual path on the back end server EMBED_MODEL_DICT = { "m3e": os.environ.get("EMB_MODEL_PATH", DEFAULT_RAG_CFG["embed_model_name_or_path"]) } # Define the mapping between LLM_name(passed from Front End) and the actual path on the back end server LLM_DICT = { "chatglm2": os.environ.get("CHAT_LLM_PATH", "THUDM/chatglm-6b"), "pangu": "Pangu_API", "chatgpt": "OpenAI_API" } def randomword(length): letters = string.ascii_lowercase return "".join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(length)) class ColossalQAServerRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): chatbot = None def _set_response(self): """ set http header for response """ self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "application/json") self.end_headers() def do_POST(self): content_length = int(self.headers["Content-Length"]) post_data = received_json = json.loads(post_data.decode("utf-8")) print(received_json) # conversation_ready is False(user's first request): Need to upload files and initialize the RAG chain if received_json["conversation_ready"] is False: self.rag_config = DEFAULT_RAG_CFG.copy() try: assert received_json["embed_model_name"] in EMBED_MODEL_DICT assert received_json["llm_name"] in LLM_DICT self.docs_files = received_json["docs"] embed_model_name, llm_name = received_json["embed_model_name"], received_json["llm_name"] # Find the embed_model/llm ckpt path on the back end server. embed_model_path, llm_path = EMBED_MODEL_DICT[embed_model_name], LLM_DICT[llm_name] self.rag_config["embed_model_name_or_path"] = embed_model_path # Create the storage path for knowledge base files self.rag_config["retri_kb_file_path"] = os.path.join(os.environ["TMP"], "colossalqa_kb/"+randomword(20)) if not os.path.exists(self.rag_config["retri_kb_file_path"]): os.makedirs(self.rag_config["retri_kb_file_path"]) if (embed_model_path is not None) and (llm_path is not None): # ---- Intialize LLM, QA_chatbot here ---- print("Initializing LLM...") if llm_path == "Pangu_API": from colossalqa.local.pangu_llm import Pangu self.llm = Pangu(id=1) self.llm.set_auth_config() # verify user's auth info here self.rag_config["mem_llm_kwargs"] = None self.rag_config["disambig_llm_kwargs"] = None self.rag_config["gen_llm_kwargs"] = None elif llm_path == "OpenAI_API": from langchain.llms import OpenAI self.llm = OpenAI() self.rag_config["mem_llm_kwargs"] = None self.rag_config["disambig_llm_kwargs"] = None self.rag_config["gen_llm_kwargs"] = None else: # ** (For Testing Only) ** # In practice, all LLMs will run on the cloud platform and accessed by API, instead of running locally. # initialize model from model_path by using ColossalLLM self.rag_config["mem_llm_kwargs"] = {"max_new_tokens": 50, "temperature": 1, "do_sample": True} self.rag_config["disambig_llm_kwargs"] = {"max_new_tokens": 30, "temperature": 1, "do_sample": True} self.rag_config["gen_llm_kwargs"] = {"max_new_tokens": 100, "temperature": 1, "do_sample": True} self.colossal_api = ColossalAPI(llm_name, llm_path) self.llm = ColossalLLM(n=1, api=self.colossal_api) print(f"Initializing RAG Chain...") print("RAG_CONFIG: ", self.rag_config) self.__class__.chatbot = RAG_ChatBot(self.llm, self.rag_config) print("Loading Files....\n", self.docs_files) self.__class__.chatbot.load_doc_from_files(self.docs_files) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- res = {"response": f"文件上传完成,模型初始化完成,让我们开始对话吧!(后端模型:{llm_name})", "error": "", "conversation_ready": True} except Exception as e: res = {"response": "文件上传或模型初始化有误,无法开始对话。", "error": f"Error in File Uploading and/or RAG initialization. Error details: {e}", "conversation_ready": False} # conversation_ready is True: Chatbot and docs are all set. Ready to chat. else: user_input = received_json["user_input"] chatbot_response, self.__class__.chatbot.memory =, self.__class__.chatbot.memory) res = {"response": chatbot_response, "error": "", "conversation_ready": True} self._set_response() self.wfile.write(json.dumps(res).encode("utf-8")) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Chinese retrieval based conversation system") parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=13666, help="port on localhost to start the server") args = parser.parse_args() server_address = ("localhost", args.port) httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, ColossalQAServerRequestHandler) print(f"Starting server on port {args.port}...") httpd.serve_forever()