from functools import reduce import operator import torch import torch.distributed as dist class DeviceMesh: """A logical view of a physical mesh. The logical view is used in the search process. A physical mesh can have multiple logical views. (e.g., a 2x8 physical mesh can be viewed as a 1x16 or a 4x4 logical mesh). Each mesh dimension has its own latency and bandwidth. We use alpha-beta model to model the communication cost. Arguments: physical_mesh_id (torch.Tensor): physical view of the devices in global rank. mesh_shape (torch.Size): shape of logical view. mesh_alpha (List[float], optional): coefficients used for computing communication cost (default: None) mesh_beta (List[float], optional): coefficients used for computing communication cost (default: None) init_process_group (bool, optional): initialize logical process group during initializing the DeviceMesh instance if the init_process_group set to True. Otherwise, users need to call create_process_groups_for_logical_mesh manually to init logical process group. (default: False) """ def __init__(self, physical_mesh_id, mesh_shape, mesh_alpha=None, mesh_beta=None, init_process_group=False): self.physical_mesh_id = physical_mesh_id self.mesh_shape = mesh_shape self._logical_mesh_id = self.physical_mesh_id.reshape(self.mesh_shape) # map global rank into logical rank self.convert_map = {} self._global_rank_to_logical_rank_map(self._logical_mesh_id, []) # coefficient for alpha-beta communication model if mesh_alpha is None: mesh_alpha = [1] * len(self.mesh_shape) if mesh_beta is None: mesh_beta = [1] * len(self.mesh_shape) self.mesh_alpha = tuple(mesh_alpha) self.mesh_beta = tuple(mesh_beta) if init_process_group: self.process_groups_dict = self.create_process_groups_for_logical_mesh() @property def shape(self): return self.mesh_shape @property def num_devices(self): return reduce(operator.mul, self.physical_mesh_id.shape, 1) @property def logical_mesh_id(self): return self._logical_mesh_id def _global_rank_to_logical_rank_map(self, tensor, index_list): ''' This method is a helper function to build convert_map recursively. ''' for index, inner_tensor in enumerate(tensor): if inner_tensor.numel() == 1: self.convert_map[int(inner_tensor)] = index_list + [index] else: self._global_rank_to_logical_rank_map(inner_tensor, index_list + [index]) def create_process_groups_for_logical_mesh(self): ''' This method is used to initialize the logical process groups which will be used in communications among logical device mesh. Note: if init_process_group set to False, you have to call this method manually. Otherwise, the communication related function, such as ShapeConsistencyManager.apply will raise errors. ''' process_groups_dict = {} check_duplicate_list = [] global_rank_flatten_list = self.physical_mesh_id.view(-1).tolist() for global_rank in global_rank_flatten_list: process_groups = self.global_rank_to_process_groups_with_global_rank(global_rank) for axis, process_group in process_groups.items(): if axis not in process_groups_dict: process_groups_dict[axis] = [] if process_group not in check_duplicate_list: check_duplicate_list.append(process_group) process_group_handler = dist.new_group(process_group) process_groups_dict[axis].append((process_group, process_group_handler)) return process_groups_dict def global_rank_to_logical_rank(self, rank): return self.convert_map[rank] def global_rank_to_process_groups_with_logical_rank(self, rank): ''' Give a global rank and return all logical process groups of this rank. for example: physical_mesh_id = torch.arange(0, 16).reshape(2, 8) mesh_shape = (4, 4) # [[0, 1, 2, 3], # [4, 5, 6, 7], # [8, 9, 10,11], # [12,13,14,15]] device_mesh = DeviceMesh(physical_mesh_id, mesh_shape) print(device_mesh.global_rank_to_process_groups_with_logical_rank(0)) output: # key is axis name # value is a list of logical ranks in same axis with rank 0 {0: [[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [3, 0]], 1: [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3]]} ''' process_groups = {} for d in range(self.logical_mesh_id.dim()): for replacer in range(self.logical_mesh_id.shape[d]): if d not in process_groups: process_groups[d] = [] process_group_member = self.convert_map[rank].copy() process_group_member[d] = replacer process_groups[d].append(process_group_member) return process_groups def global_rank_to_process_groups_with_global_rank(self, rank): ''' Give a global rank and return all process groups of this rank. for example: physical_mesh_id = torch.arange(0, 16).reshape(2, 8) mesh_shape = (4, 4) # [[0, 1, 2, 3], # [4, 5, 6, 7], # [8, 9, 10,11], # [12,13,14,15]] device_mesh = DeviceMesh(physical_mesh_id, mesh_shape) print(device_mesh.global_rank_to_process_groups_with_global_rank(0)) output: # key is axis name # value is a list of global ranks in same axis with rank 0 {0: [0, 4, 8, 12], 1: [0, 1, 2, 3]} ''' logical_process_groups = self.global_rank_to_process_groups_with_logical_rank(rank) process_groups = {} for dim, logical_ranks in logical_process_groups.items(): process_groups[dim] = [] for logical_rank in logical_ranks: for g_rank, l_rank in self.convert_map.items(): if l_rank == logical_rank: process_groups[dim].append(g_rank) return process_groups def all_gather_cost(self, num_bytes, mesh_dim): num_devices = self.logical_mesh_id.shape[mesh_dim] return (self.mesh_alpha[mesh_dim] + self.mesh_beta[mesh_dim] * (num_devices - 1) / num_devices * num_bytes + 0.1) def all_reduce_cost(self, num_bytes, mesh_dim): num_devices = self.logical_mesh_id.shape[mesh_dim] return (self.mesh_alpha[mesh_dim] + self.mesh_beta[mesh_dim] * 2 * (num_devices - 1) / num_devices * num_bytes + 0.01) def reduce_scatter_cost(self, num_bytes, mesh_dim): num_devices = self.logical_mesh_id.shape[mesh_dim] return (self.mesh_alpha[mesh_dim] + self.mesh_beta[mesh_dim] * (num_devices - 1) / num_devices * num_bytes + 0.001) def all_to_all_cost(self, num_bytes, mesh_dim): num_devices = self.logical_mesh_id.shape[mesh_dim] penalty_factor = num_devices / 2.0 return (self.mesh_alpha[mesh_dim] + self.mesh_beta[mesh_dim] * (num_devices - 1) / num_devices / num_devices * num_bytes * penalty_factor + 0.001)