set -xe pip install -r requirements.txt # model name or path MODEL="google/vit-base-patch16-224" # path for saving model OUTPUT_PATH="./output_model.bin" # plugin(training strategy) # can only be one of "torch_ddp"/"torch_ddp_fp16"/"low_level_zero"/"gemini" PLUGIN="gemini" # number of gpus to use GPUNUM=4 # batch size per gpu BS=16 # learning rate LR="2e-4" # number of epoch EPOCH=3 # weight decay WEIGHT_DECAY=0.05 # ratio of warmup steps WARMUP_RATIO=0.3 # run the script for demo torchrun \ --standalone \ --nproc_per_node ${GPUNUM} \ \ --model_name_or_path ${MODEL} \ --output_path ${OUTPUT_PATH} \ --plugin ${PLUGIN} \ --batch_size ${BS} \ --num_epoch ${EPOCH} \ --learning_rate ${LR} \ --weight_decay ${WEIGHT_DECAY} \ --warmup_ratio ${WARMUP_RATIO}