# This code is adapted from huggingface baichuan model: hhttps://huggingface.co/baichuan-inc/Baichuan2-13B-Base/blob/main/modeling_baichuan.py from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.distributed import ProcessGroup from colossalai.accelerator import get_accelerator from colossalai.inference.config import ModelShardInferenceConfig from colossalai.inference.flash_decoding_utils import FDIntermTensors from colossalai.inference.modeling.backends.attention_backend import AttentionMetaData, get_attention_backend from colossalai.inference.modeling.backends.pre_attention_backend import get_pre_attention_backend from colossalai.inference.modeling.models.nopadding_llama import NopadLlamaMLP from colossalai.inference.utils import get_alibi_slopes from colossalai.kernel.kernel_loader import InferenceOpsLoader from colossalai.kernel.triton import rms_layernorm from colossalai.logging import get_dist_logger from colossalai.shardformer.layer.parallel_module import ParallelModule from colossalai.tensor.d_tensor import is_distributed_tensor inference_ops = InferenceOpsLoader().load() logger = get_dist_logger(__name__) def baichuan_rmsnorm_forward( self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, norm_output: torch.Tensor, residual: torch.Tensor = None, use_cuda_kernel: bool = True, ): # Used to address the issue of inconsistent epsilon variable names in baichuan2 7b and 13b. if hasattr(self, "variance_epsilon"): eps = self.variance_epsilon elif hasattr(self, "epsilon"): eps = self.epsilon else: TypeError( "Currently, the variable name for the epsilon of baichuan7B/13B should be 'variance_epsilon' or 'epsilon'." ) if use_cuda_kernel: if residual is not None: inference_ops.fused_add_rms_layernorm(hidden_states, residual, self.weight.data, eps) return hidden_states, residual if norm_output is None: norm_output = torch.empty_like(hidden_states) inference_ops.rms_layernorm(norm_output, hidden_states, self.weight.data, eps) return norm_output, hidden_states else: return rms_layernorm(hidden_states, self.weight.data, eps, norm_output, residual) class NopadBaichuanAttention(ParallelModule): def __init__( self, config, W_pack: ParallelModule = None, attn_oproj: ParallelModule = None, num_heads: int = None, hidden_size: int = None, model_shard_infer_config: ModelShardInferenceConfig = None, process_group: ProcessGroup = None, ): """This layer will replace the BaichuanAttention. Args: config (BaichuanConfig): Holding the Baichuan model config. W_pack (ParallelModule, optional): The packed weight. Defaults to None. attn_oproj (Linear1D_Row, optional): The Linear1D_Row o_proj. Defaults to None. """ ParallelModule.__init__(self) self.o_proj = attn_oproj self.config = config self.num_heads = num_heads self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.head_dim = self.hidden_size // self.num_heads self.process_group = process_group self.W_pack = W_pack self.use_cuda_kernel = model_shard_infer_config.use_cuda_kernel self.attention_backend = get_attention_backend(model_shard_infer_config) self.pre_attention_backend = get_pre_attention_backend(model_shard_infer_config) self.alibi_slopes = None self.use_alibi_attn = False # Used for Baichuan13B if config.hidden_size == 5120: slopes_start = self.process_group.rank() * num_heads self.use_alibi_attn = True self.alibi_slopes = get_alibi_slopes( config.num_attention_heads, device=get_accelerator().get_current_device() )[slopes_start : slopes_start + num_heads].contiguous() self.alibi_slopes = nn.Parameter(self.alibi_slopes) @staticmethod def from_native_module( module: nn.Module, process_group: Union[ProcessGroup, List[ProcessGroup]], *args, **kwargs ) -> "NopadBaichuanAttention": """Used for initialize the weight of NopadBaichuanAttention by origin BaichuanAttention. Args: module (nn.Module): The origin BaichuanAttention layer. """ config = module.config W_pack = module.W_pack attn_oproj = module.o_proj model_shard_infer_config = kwargs.get("model_shard_infer_config", None) attn_layer = NopadBaichuanAttention( config=config, W_pack=W_pack, attn_oproj=attn_oproj, model_shard_infer_config=model_shard_infer_config, num_heads=module.num_heads, hidden_size=module.hidden_size, process_group=process_group, ) return attn_layer def forward( self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, block_tables: torch.Tensor, k_cache: torch.Tensor, v_cache: torch.Tensor, sequence_lengths: torch.Tensor, cos_sin: Tuple[torch.Tensor], fd_inter_tensor: FDIntermTensors, is_prompts: bool = True, is_verifier: bool = False, tokens_to_verify: int = None, kv_seq_len: int = 0, output_tensor: torch.Tensor = None, sm_scale: int = None, cu_seqlens: torch.Tensor = None, high_precision: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor], Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor]]]: """ Args: hidden_states (torch.Tensor): input to the layer of shape [token_num, embed_dim]. block_tables (torch.Tensor): A 2D tensor of shape [batch_size, max_blocks_per_sequence], storing mapping of token_position_id -> block_id. k_cache (torch.Tensor): It holds the GPU memory for the key cache. v_cache (torch.Tensor): It holds the GPU memory for the key cache. sequence_lengths (torch.Tensor, optional): Holding the sequence length of each sequence. cos_sin (Tuple[torch.Tensor], optional): Holding cos and sin. fd_inter_tensor (FDIntermTensors, optional): Holding tensors used for storing intermediate values in flash-decoding. is_prompts (bool, optional): Whether the current inference process is in the context input phase. Defaults to True. kv_seq_len (int, optional): The max sequence length of input sequences. Defaults to 0. output_tensor (torch.Tensor, optional): The mid tensor holds the output of attention. Defaults to None. sm_scale (int, optional): Used for flash attention. Defaults to None. cu_seqlens(torch.Tensor, optional): Holding the cumulative sum of sequence length. high_precision(Optional[bool]): Whether to use float32 for underlying calculations of float16 data to achieve higher precision, defaults to False. """ token_nums = hidden_states.size(0) proj = self.W_pack(hidden_states) proj = proj.unflatten(-1, (3, self.hidden_size)).unsqueeze(0).transpose(0, -2).squeeze(-2) query_states = proj[0].view(token_nums, self.num_heads, self.head_dim) key_states = proj[1].view(token_nums, self.num_heads, self.head_dim) value_states = proj[2].view(token_nums, self.num_heads, self.head_dim) block_size = k_cache.size(-2) attn_metadata = AttentionMetaData( query_states=query_states, key_states=key_states, value_states=value_states, k_cache=k_cache, v_cache=v_cache, block_tables=block_tables, block_size=block_size, kv_seq_len=kv_seq_len, sequence_lengths=sequence_lengths, sm_scale=sm_scale, alibi_slopes=self.alibi_slopes, cu_seqlens=cu_seqlens, output_tensor=output_tensor, use_spec_dec=is_verifier, use_alibi_attn=self.use_alibi_attn, ) if is_prompts: # prefilling stage self.pre_attention_backend.prefill( attn_metadata, cos=cos_sin[0], sin=cos_sin[1], high_precision=high_precision, ) attn_output = self.attention_backend.prefill( attn_metadata, token_nums=token_nums, ) else: # decoding stage q_len = tokens_to_verify + 1 if is_verifier else 1 self.pre_attention_backend.decode( attn_metadata, q_len=q_len, ) attn_output = self.attention_backend.decode( attn_metadata, fd_inter_tensor=fd_inter_tensor, q_len=q_len, ) attn_output = attn_output.view(-1, self.hidden_size) attn_output = self.o_proj(attn_output) return attn_output # NOTE This will cause difference as out length increases. class NopadBaichuanMLP(NopadLlamaMLP): @staticmethod def from_native_module( module: nn.Module, process_group: Union[ProcessGroup, List[ProcessGroup]], *args, **kwargs ) -> ParallelModule: """Used for initialize the weight of NopadBaichuanMLP by origin MLP(Baichuan). Args: module (nn.Module): The origin MLP(Baichuan) layer. """ mlp_gproj_w = module.gate_proj.weight assert is_distributed_tensor( module.gate_proj.weight ), "gate_proj.weight must be dtensor so we could get the layout of the weight" mlp_uproj_w = module.up_proj.weight mlp_dproj = module.down_proj mlp_layer = NopadBaichuanMLP( config=None, mlp_gproj_w=mlp_gproj_w, mlp_uproj_w=mlp_uproj_w, mlp_dproj=mlp_dproj, process_group=process_group, ) return mlp_layer