# Introduction
This example introduce how to pretrain roberta from scratch, including preprocessing, pretraining, finetune. The example can help you quickly train a high-quality roberta.

## 0. Prerequisite
- Install Colossal-AI
- Editing the port from `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` and `/etc/ssh/ssh_config`, every host expose the same ssh port of server and client. If you are a root user, you also set the **PermitRootLogin** from `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` to "yes"
- Ensure that each host can log in to each other without password. If you have n hosts, need to execute n<sup>2</sup> times

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ip_destination

- In all hosts, edit /etc/hosts to record all hosts' name and ip.The example is shown below.

```bash   GPU001   GPU002   GPU003   GPU004   GPU005   GPU006   GPU007

- restart ssh
service ssh restart

## 1. Corpus Preprocessing
cd preprocessing
following the `README.md`, preprocess original corpus to h5py plus numpy

## 2. Pretrain

cd pretraining
following the `README.md`, load the h5py generated by preprocess of step 1 to pretrain the model

## 3. Finetune

The checkpoint produced by this repo can replace `pytorch_model.bin` from  [hfl/chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large](https://huggingface.co/hfl/chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large/tree/main) directly. Then use transformers from Hugging Face to finetune downstream application.

## Contributors
The example is contributed by AI team from [Moore Threads](https://www.mthreads.com/). If you find any problems for pretraining, please file an issue or send an email to yehua.zhang@mthreads.com. At last, welcome any form of contribution!