#!/bin/bash #argument1: model_path # launch server model_path=${1:-"lmsys/vicuna-7b-v1.3"} chat_template="{% for message in messages %}{{'<|im_start|>' + message['role'] + '\n' + message['content'] + '<|im_end|>' + '\n'}}{% endfor %}" echo "Model Path: $model_path" echo "Chat Tempelate" "${chat_template}" echo "Starting server..." python -m colossalai.inference.server.api_server --model $model_path --chat-template "${chat_template}" & SERVER_PID=$! # waiting time sleep 60 # Run Locust echo "Starting Locust..." echo "The test will automatically begin, you can turn to for more information." echo "Test completion api first" locust -f locustfile.py -t 300 --tags online-generation --host --autostart --users 300 --stop-timeout 10 echo "Test chat api" locust -f locustfile.py -t 300 --tags online-chat --host --autostart --users 300 --stop-timeout 10 # kill Server echo "Stopping server..." kill $SERVER_PID echo "Test and server shutdown completely"