finish region search loop

oahzxl 2022-12-06 11:08:39 +08:00
parent 7330d90745
commit 3b7d671206
2 changed files with 116 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class NodeIndexTracer(object):
def __init__(self, gm) -> None: = gm
self.nodes_list = list(gm.graph.nodes)
self.idx_trace_list = [{'idx': [], 'compute': []} for _ in range(len(self.nodes_list))]
self.idx_trace_list = [{'idx': [], 'compute': {}} for _ in range(len(self.nodes_list))]
self.idx_trace_equal = []
self.idx_view_list = []
self.idx_count = -1
@ -48,9 +48,12 @@ class NodeIndexTracer(object):
_, compute_from = self._find_trace_from_node(node_from)
idx_to, compute_to = self._find_trace_from_node(node_to)
for i in compute_from:
if i in idx_to and i not in compute_to:
for k, v in compute_from.items():
if k in idx_to:
if k in compute_to:
compute_to[k] = copy.deepcopy(v)
def _mark_idx_equal(self, idx1, idx2):
@ -77,7 +80,9 @@ class NodeIndexTracer(object):
for d in dim:
cur_idx = input_node_idx_trace[d]
if cur_idx not in self.idx_trace_list[idx]['compute']:
self.idx_trace_list[idx]['compute'][cur_idx] = [idx]
def _find_trace_from_node(self, node):
@ -357,6 +362,11 @@ class NodeIndexTracer(object):
"dim_to": dim_to}
def _remove_duplicate_compute(self):
for i in self.idx_trace_list:
for k, v in i['compute'].items():
i['compute'][k] = list(set(v))
def _merge_equal_idx(self):
idx_equal = copy.deepcopy(self.idx_trace_equal)
@ -406,6 +416,8 @@ class NodeIndexTracer(object):
raise NotImplementedError(node.op, "op not implemented yet!")
@ -521,6 +533,19 @@ class MemoryEstimator(object):
def _print_compute_op_mem_log(self, log, nodes, title=None):
if title:
for idx, (l, n) in enumerate(zip(log, nodes)):
if n.op in ['placeholder', 'get_attr', 'output']:
if any(i in for i in ['getitem', 'getattr']):
print("%s:%.2f \t" % (, l), end='')
if (idx + 1) % 3 == 0:
def estimate_chunk_inference_mem(self, gm: torch.fx.GraphModule, start_nodes=None, end_nodes=None, chunk_dims=None, chunk_sizes=None):
act_memory = 0.0
act_memory_peak_log = []
@ -584,8 +609,10 @@ class MemoryEstimator(object):
print("with chunk" if use_chunk else "without chunk")
self._print_mem_log(act_memory_peak_log, node_list, "peak")
self._print_mem_log(act_memory_after_node_log, node_list, "after")
# self._print_mem_log(act_memory_peak_log, node_list, "peak")
# self._print_mem_log(act_memory_after_node_log, node_list, "after")
self._print_compute_op_mem_log(act_memory_peak_log, node_list, "peak")
self._print_compute_op_mem_log(act_memory_after_node_log, node_list, "after")
# param_memory = parameter_size(gm)
# all_memory = act_memory + param_memory
@ -602,7 +629,7 @@ class ChunkRegionSearch(object):
def _find_peak_node(self, mem_peak):
max_value = max(mem_peak)
max_idx = [mem_peak.index(max_value)]
max_idx = mem_peak.index(max_value)
return max_idx
def _get_free_var(self):
@ -635,18 +662,35 @@ class ChunkRegionSearch(object):
raise RuntimeError()
# from peak_node to len-2
chunk_region_end = None
for i in range(peak_node, len(active_node) - 1):
for i in range(peak_node, len(active_node)):
if len(active_node[i]) == min_var:
chunk_region_end = i - 1
chunk_region_end = i
if i in free_vars or i == 0:
raise RuntimeError()
return chunk_region_start, chunk_region_end
def _not_compute(self, trace, chunk_range, dim_idx):
if trace['idx'][dim_idx] not in trace['compute']:
return True
if trace['idx'][dim_idx] in trace['compute'] and \
all(i < chunk_range[0] or i > chunk_range[1] for i in trace['compute'][trace['idx'][dim_idx]]):
return True
return False
def _search_possible_chunk_regions(self, max_chunk_region, peak_node):
possible_chunk_region = []
output_trace = copy.deepcopy(self.index_tracer.idx_trace_list)
input_trace = []
for i, n in enumerate(self.node_list):
if len(n.args) > 0 and n.op != 'output':
input_idx = _find_idx_by_name(n.args[0].name, self.node_list)
for before_idx in range(max_chunk_region[0], peak_node):
for after_idx in range(peak_node, max_chunk_region[1]):
for after_idx in range(peak_node, max_chunk_region[1] + 1):
# skip non compute nodes
if any(op in ['placeholder', 'get_attr', 'output'] for op in
[self.node_list[before_idx].op, self.node_list[after_idx].op]):
@ -656,23 +700,59 @@ class ChunkRegionSearch(object):
# select free dim
before_trace = self.index_tracer.idx_trace_list[before_idx]
after_trace = self.index_tracer.idx_trace_list[after_idx]
before_trace = input_trace[before_idx]
after_trace = output_trace[after_idx]
free_dim = []
for i in range(min(len(before_trace['idx']), len(after_trace['idx']))):
if (before_trace['idx'][i] == after_trace['idx'][i] and
before_trace['idx'][i] not in before_trace['compute'] and
after_trace['idx'][i] not in after_trace['compute']):
self._not_compute(before_trace, (before_idx, after_idx), i) and
self._not_compute(after_trace, (before_idx, after_idx), i) and
self.node_list[after_idx].meta['tensor_meta'].shape[i] != 1):
possible_chunk_region.append({'region': (before_idx, after_idx), 'dim': free_dim})
return possible_chunk_region
def _search_best_chunk_region(self, possible_chunk_regions):
max_region_range = 0
best_regions = None
for i in possible_chunk_regions:
if i['region'][1] - i['region'][0] > max_region_range:
best_regions = i
max_region_range = i['region'][1] - i['region'][0]
return best_regions
def _step_search(self, peak_node, active_node):
max_chunk_region = self._search_max_chunk_region(active_node, peak_node)
possible_chunk_regions = self._search_possible_chunk_regions(max_chunk_region, peak_node)
best_chunk_region = self._search_best_chunk_region(possible_chunk_regions)
return best_chunk_region
def _stop_search(self, init_mem_peak, mem_peak):
sorted_init_mem_peak = sorted(init_mem_peak)
if max(mem_peak) < sorted_init_mem_peak[int(len(sorted_init_mem_peak) * 0.5)]:
return True
return False
def search_region(self):
mem_peak, mem_after, active_node = self.memory_estimator.estimate_chunk_inference_mem(
peak_nodes = self._find_peak_node(mem_peak)
for idx, peak_node in enumerate(peak_nodes):
max_chunk_region = self._search_max_chunk_region(active_node, peak_node)
possible_chunk_regions = self._search_possible_chunk_regions(max_chunk_region, peak_node)
chunk_regions = []
init_mem_peak, _, active_node = self.memory_estimator.estimate_chunk_inference_mem(
mem_peak = init_mem_peak
while True:
peak_node = self._find_peak_node(mem_peak)
chunk_region = self._step_search(peak_node, active_node)
if chunk_region is None or len(chunk_region['dim']) == 0:
mem_peak, _, active_node = self.memory_estimator.estimate_chunk_inference_mem(, [i['region'][0] for i in chunk_regions],
[i['region'][1] for i in chunk_regions], [i['dim'][0] for i in chunk_regions], [1] * len(chunk_regions))
if self._stop_search(init_mem_peak, mem_peak):
return chunk_regions
def _gen_chunk_slice_dim(chunk_dim, chunk_idx_name, shape):
@ -696,11 +776,12 @@ def _get_first_non_single_dim(shape):
raise RuntimeError("can not get first non single dim for shape", shape)
def _gen_loop_start(chunk_input_meta, chunk_output, chunk_size=2):
def _gen_loop_start(chunk_input_meta, chunk_output, chunk_dim, chunk_size=2):
if len(chunk_input_meta) == 1:
node = chunk_input_meta[0]
node_shape = node.meta['tensor_meta'].shape
chunk_dim = _get_first_non_single_dim(node_shape)
free_shape = [node_shape[i] if i in chunk_dim else 1 for i in range(len(node_shape))]
chunk_dim = _get_first_non_single_dim(free_shape)
chunk_slice = _gen_chunk_slice_dim(chunk_dim, "gen_chunk_idx", node_shape)
out_shape = str(list(chunk_output.meta['tensor_meta'].shape))
@ -713,12 +794,13 @@ def _gen_loop_start(chunk_input_meta, chunk_output, chunk_size=2):
return context
def _gen_loop_end(chunk_outputs, chunk_inputs, node_list):
def _gen_loop_end(chunk_outputs, chunk_inputs, node_list, chunk_dim):
chunk_inputs_name = chunk_inputs[0].name
chunk_outputs_name =
chunk_outputs_idx = _find_idx_by_name(chunk_outputs_name, node_list)
chunk_output_shape = chunk_outputs.meta['tensor_meta'].shape
chunk_dim = _get_first_non_single_dim(chunk_output_shape)
free_shape = [chunk_output_shape[i] if i in chunk_dim else 1 for i in range(len(chunk_output_shape))]
chunk_dim = _get_first_non_single_dim(free_shape)
chunk_slice = _gen_chunk_slice_dim(chunk_dim, "gen_chunk_idx", chunk_output_shape)
context = " chunk_result%s = %s\n" % (chunk_slice, chunk_outputs_name)
@ -780,7 +862,11 @@ def emit_code_with_chunk(body, ckpt_func, nodes, emit_node_func, delete_unused_v
# find the offload regions
chunk_regions = [(58, 62)]
chunk_region_search = ChunkRegionSearch(meta_graph)
chunk_search = chunk_region_search.search_region()
chunk_regions = [i['region'] for i in chunk_search]
chunk_dims = [i['dim'] for i in chunk_search]
chunk_starts = [item[0] for item in chunk_regions]
chunk_ends = [item[1] for item in chunk_regions]
chunk_inputs = []
@ -789,16 +875,6 @@ def emit_code_with_chunk(body, ckpt_func, nodes, emit_node_func, delete_unused_v
node_list = list(nodes)
memory_estimator = MemoryEstimator()
memory_estimator.estimate_chunk_inference_mem(meta_graph, chunk_starts, chunk_ends, [1], [2])
node_index_tracer = NodeIndexTracer(meta_graph)
chunk_region_search = ChunkRegionSearch(meta_graph)
# find the input and output var names for each offload region
for idx, (start, end) in enumerate(chunk_regions):
offload_node_list = node_list[start:end + 1]
@ -824,13 +900,13 @@ def emit_code_with_chunk(body, ckpt_func, nodes, emit_node_func, delete_unused_v
# add for loop
chunk_input_meta = [meta_nodes[i] for i in chunk_inputs_idx[region_idx]]
body.append(_gen_loop_start(chunk_input_meta, node_list[chunk_ends[region_idx]]))
body.append(_gen_loop_start(chunk_input_meta, node_list[chunk_ends[region_idx]], chunk_dims[region_idx]))
if within_chunk_region:
emit_node_func(node, body)
# replace input var with chunk var
if node_idx in chunk_starts:
body[-1] = body[-1].replace("("+ chunk_inputs[region_idx][0].name +")", '(chunk_tensor)')
body[-1] = body[-1].replace(chunk_inputs[region_idx][0].name, 'chunk_tensor')
body[-1] = ' ' + body[-1]
delete_unused_value_func(node, body, chunk_inputs_names)
@ -840,7 +916,7 @@ def emit_code_with_chunk(body, ckpt_func, nodes, emit_node_func, delete_unused_v
delete_unused_value_func(node, body, chunk_inputs_names)
if node_idx in chunk_ends:
body.append(_gen_loop_end(node, chunk_inputs[region_idx], node_list))
body.append(_gen_loop_end(node, chunk_inputs[region_idx], node_list, chunk_dims[region_idx]))
within_chunk_region = False
region_idx += 1

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@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ def _test_fwd_and_bwd(model: torch.nn.Module, gm: ColoGraphModule, node, pair):
with torch.no_grad():
non_fx_out = model(node, pair)
fx_out = gm(node, pair)
assert torch.equal(non_fx_out[0], fx_out[0]), "fx_out doesn't comply with original output"
assert torch.equal(non_fx_out[1], fx_out[1]), "fx_out doesn't comply with original output"
assert torch.allclose(non_fx_out[0], fx_out[0], atol=1e-6), "fx_out doesn't comply with original output"
assert torch.allclose(non_fx_out[1], fx_out[1], atol=1e-6), "fx_out doesn't comply with original output"
# test barckward
# loss0 = non_fx_out[0].sum() + non_fx_out[1].sum()