mirror of https://github.com/hpcaitech/ColossalAI
445 lines
17 KiB
445 lines
17 KiB
import warnings
import time
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing
from torch.fx.node import Node
from torch.fx.graph import Graph
from . import GraphAnalyser
from colossalai.auto_parallel.solver.cost_graph import CostGraph
from colossalai.auto_parallel.solver.strategies_constructor import StrategiesConstructor
from typing import Dict
from .constants import INFINITY_COST
import pulp
from pulp import LpVariable, LpProblem, LpMinimize, lpSum, lpDot, LpStatus
warnings.warn(f'please install the pulp')
__all___ = ['Solver']
class Solver:
def __init__(self,
graph: Graph,
strategies_constructor: StrategiesConstructor,
cost_graph: CostGraph,
graph_analyser: GraphAnalyser,
memory_budget: float = -1.0,
solution_numbers: int = 1,
memory_increasing_coefficient: float = 1.3):
Solver class will integrate information provided by the components and use ILP solver to find a possible optimal strategies combination for target computing graph.
graph: The computing graph to be optimized.
strategies_constructor: It will provide all the possible strategies for each node in the computing graph.
cost_graph: A graph data structure to simplify the edge cost graph.
graph_analyser: graph_analyser will analyse the graph to obtain the variable liveness information, which will be used to generate memory constraints.
memory_budget: Memory constraint for the solution.
solution_numbers: If solution_numbers is larger than one, solver will us a serious of solutions based on different memory budget.
memory_increasing_coefficient: If solution_numbers is larger than one, we will use this coefficient to generate new memory budget.
self.graph = graph
self.strategies_constructor = strategies_constructor
self.cost_graph = cost_graph
self.graph_analyser = graph_analyser
self.nodes = list(self.graph.nodes)
self.leaf_strategies = self.strategies_constructor.leaf_strategies
self.strategy_map = self.strategies_constructor.strategy_map
self.memory_budget = memory_budget
self.solution_numbers = solution_numbers
if self.solution_numbers > 1:
self.memory_increasing_coefficient = memory_increasing_coefficient
self.memory_increasing_coefficient = 1
self.liveness_list = self.graph_analyser.liveness_analysis()
self.node_index_dict = self._generate_node_index_dict()
# The last solution vector of auto sharding.
self.last_s_val = None
# The last objective value of the best ILP solution.
self.last_objective = None
def _generate_node_index_dict(self) -> Dict[Node, int]:
node_index_dict = {}
for index, strategies_vector in enumerate(self.leaf_strategies):
node_index_dict[strategies_vector.node] = index
return node_index_dict
def _prepare_data_for_solver(self):
Extract information from components for solver.
node_nums = len(self.leaf_strategies)
memory_budget = self.memory_budget
# prepare strategies_len
strategies_len = []
for node in self.nodes:
strategies_len = np.array(strategies_len)
# prepare following_nodes
following_nodes = self.cost_graph.following_dict
index_following_nodes = {}
for src, target in following_nodes.items():
src_index = self.node_index_dict[src]
target_index = self.node_index_dict[target]
index_following_nodes[src_index] = target_index
following_nodes = index_following_nodes
for index in range(node_nums):
if index not in following_nodes:
following_nodes[index] = -1
# prepare edge_pairs and resharding costs
edge_pairs = []
resharding_costs = []
for pairs, edge_cost in self.cost_graph.edge_costs.items():
src_node = pairs[0]
dst_node = pairs[1]
src_node_index = self.node_index_dict[src_node]
dst_node_index = self.node_index_dict[dst_node]
for i in range(strategies_len[src_node_index]):
for j in range(strategies_len[dst_node_index]):
resharding_costs.append(edge_cost[(i, j)])
edge_pairs = np.array(edge_pairs)
resharding_costs = np.array(resharding_costs)
# prepare liveness_set
liveness_set = self.liveness_list
# omit alias_set now
alias_set = None
alias_convert_costs = None
# prepare compute_costs, communication_costs and memory_costs
compute_costs = []
communication_costs = []
memory_costs = []
extra_node_costs = self.cost_graph.extra_node_costs
for strategies_vector in self.leaf_strategies:
node = strategies_vector.node
for index, strategy in enumerate(strategies_vector):
# node in extra_node_costs means it has some extra communication
# cost from node merging, so we need to add those extra communication
# cost into
if node in extra_node_costs:
origin_communication_cost = strategy.communication_cost
extra_node_cost = extra_node_costs[node][index]
communication_cost = origin_communication_cost + extra_node_cost
# temporarily we just consider the forward memory cost
memory_cost = strategy.memory_cost
if isinstance(memory_cost, tuple):
compute_costs = np.array(compute_costs)
communication_costs = np.array(communication_costs)
memory_costs = np.array(memory_costs)
# omit initial value for nodes
s_init_np = None
return node_nums, memory_budget, strategies_len, following_nodes, edge_pairs, alias_set, liveness_set, compute_costs, communication_costs, memory_costs, resharding_costs, alias_convert_costs, s_init_np
def _call_solver_serialized_args(self,
Call the solver with serialized arguments.
tic = time.time()
for x in [strategies_len, edge_pairs, compute_costs, communication_costs, memory_costs, resharding_costs]:
assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray)
assert len(strategies_len) == node_nums, "strategies_len"
def get_non_zero_index(binary_vector):
Get the index of non-zero item in a vector.
ct = 0
ret = None
for i, elem in enumerate(binary_vector):
if pulp.value(elem):
ret = i
ct += 1
assert ct == 1
return ret
# 0. Unpack flatten numpy arrays
s_follow = following_nodes
E = edge_pairs.reshape((-1, 2)) # noqa
r = []
pt = 0
edge_set = set()
for (i, j) in E:
prod_length = strategies_len[i] * strategies_len[j]
if (i, j) in edge_set:
raise ValueError(f"Duplicated edges: {(i, j)}")
edge_set.add((i, j))
r.append(resharding_costs[pt:pt + prod_length])
pt += prod_length
assert pt == len(resharding_costs)
# omit alias set now #
# A = alias_set.reshape((-1, 2)) # noqa
# for (i, j) in A:
# prod_length = strategies_len[i] * strategies_len[j]
# v.append(alias_convert_costs[pt:pt + prod_length])
# pt += prod_length
# assert pt == len(alias_convert_costs)
# L = [] # noqa
# pt = node_nums
# for i in range(node_nums):
# length = liveness_set[i]
# L.append(liveness_set[pt:pt + length])
# pt += length
# assert pt == len(liveness_set)
v = []
pt = 0
c = []
d = []
m = []
pt = 0
for i in range(node_nums):
length = strategies_len[i]
c.append(compute_costs[pt:pt + length])
d.append(communication_costs[pt:pt + length])
m.append(memory_costs[pt:pt + length])
pt += length
assert pt == len(compute_costs), f"{pt} == {len(compute_costs)}"
assert pt == len(communication_costs), f"{pt} == {len(communication_costs)}"
assert pt == len(memory_costs), f"{pt} == {len(memory_costs)}"
# 1. Create variables
# create variables for node #
s = []
num_nodes = 0
reverse_follow_backpatch = []
for i in range(node_nums):
if s_follow[i] < 0:
if strategies_len[i] == 1:
num_nodes += 1
s.append(LpVariable.matrix(f"s[{i}]", (range(strategies_len[i]),), cat="Binary"))
if s_follow[i] < len(s):
for i in reverse_follow_backpatch:
s[i] = s[s_follow[i]]
# create variables for edge #
e = []
num_edges = 0
for (idx, (i, j)) in enumerate(E):
if len(s[i]) == 1:
elif len(s[j]) == 1:
num_edges += 1
e.append(LpVariable.matrix(f"e[{i},{j}]", (range(len(s[i]) * len(s[j])),), cat="Binary"))
assert len(e[idx]) == len(r[idx])
# 2. Set initial value
# set a initial value for warm start #
if s_init_np is not None:
s_init = s_init_np.reshape((-1, 3))
for (idx, value, fix) in s_init:
for i in range(len(s[idx])):
s[idx][i].setInitialValue(i == value)
if fix:
# 3. Objective
prob = LpProblem("myProblem", LpMinimize)
# computing the node cost(computing cost and communication cost) #
obj = 0
for i in range(node_nums):
obj += lpDot(s[i], c[i]) + lpDot(s[i], d[i])
# computing the edge cost(resharding cost) #
for i in range(len(E)):
obj += lpDot(e[i], r[i])
prob += obj
# 4. Constraints
# (a). specified by `cat="Binary"`
# (b)
# make sure each node only choose one strategy #
for i in range(node_nums):
if s_follow[i] < 0:
prob += lpSum(s[i]) == 1
# (c)
# compute memory consumption with liveness set #
if memory_budget > 0:
for liveness_stage in liveness_set:
mem = 0
for live_variable in liveness_stage.unique_live_vars:
node_index = self.node_index_dict[live_variable.node]
mem += lpSum(s[node_index][j] * m[node_index][j] for j in range(len(s[node_index])))
prob += mem <= memory_budget
# (d). specified by `cat="Binary"`
for (idx, (i, j)) in enumerate(E):
if strategies_len[i] == 1 or strategies_len[j] == 1:
# (e)
prob += lpSum(e[idx]) == 1
# (f)
for row in range(len(s[i])):
C = len(s[j]) # noqa
prob += lpSum(e[idx][row * C + col] for col in range(0, C)) <= s[i][row]
# (g)
for col in range(len(s[j])):
R = len(s[i]) # noqa
C = len(s[j]) # noqa
prob += lpSum(e[idx][row * C + col] for row in range(0, R)) <= s[j][col]
# (h)
# omit alias set now #
# alias_set = set()
# for (idx, (i, j)) in enumerate(A):
# R = len(s[i]) # noqa
# C = len(s[j]) # noqa
# if (i, j) in alias_set:
# raise ValueError(f"Duplicated edges: {(i, j)}")
# alias_set.add((i, j))
# alias_set.add((j, i))
# for row in range(len(s[i])):
# for col in range(len(s[j])):
# if v[idx][row * C + col] > 0.5:
# prob += s[i][row] + s[j][col] <= 1
verbose = True
msg = verbose
time_limit = 600
assert "COIN_CMD" in pulp.listSolvers(
onlyAvailable=True), ("Please install ILP solvers by 'sudo apt install coinor-cbc'")
solver = pulp.COIN_CMD(mip=True, msg=msg, timeLimit=time_limit, threads=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
# solver = pulp.GLPK_CMD(mip=True, msg=msg, timeLimit=time_limit)
status = prob.status
objective = pulp.value(prob.objective)
objective = float(objective) if objective is not None else -1.0
if verbose:
print(f"ILP Status: {LpStatus[status]}\tObjective: {objective}\t"
f"Time: {time.time() - tic}")
print(f"#nodes: {num_nodes}, #edges: {num_edges}")
if prob.status in [pulp.LpStatusInfeasible]:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot run the function under the given memory budget. "
"Please increase the memory budget.")
# Get and check results
s_val = np.full((node_nums,), -1, dtype=np.int32)
for i in range(node_nums):
s_val[i] = get_non_zero_index(s[i])
e_val = np.full((len(E),), -1, dtype=np.int32)
for (idx, (i, j)) in enumerate(E):
e_val[idx] = get_non_zero_index(e[idx])
i_spec_index = e_val[idx] // len(s[j])
j_spec_index = e_val[idx] % len(s[j])
assert i_spec_index == s_val[i], f"e_val[{i}][{j}]"
assert j_spec_index == s_val[j], f"e_val[{i}][{j}]"
if verbose and r[idx][e_val[idx]] > 0:
print(f"Edge cost {(i, j)} : {r[idx][e_val[idx]]}")
self.last_s_val = s_val
self.last_objective = objective
if objective > INFINITY_COST:
warnings.warn("Detect unexpected behaviors in the auto-sharding pass.")
return s_val, e_val, objective, status
def call_solver_serialized_args(self):
Call the solver with serialized arguments and handle python errors. Additionally,
we could give a serious of solutions with different memory budget.
if self.solution_numbers == 1:
args = self._prepare_data_for_solver()
ret = self._call_solver_serialized_args(*args)
return ret
origin_memory_budget = self.memory_budget
memory_budget_list = [
origin_memory_budget * self.memory_increasing_coefficient**i for i in range(self.solution_numbers)
ret_list = []
for memory_budget in memory_budget_list:
self.memory_budget = memory_budget
args = self._prepare_data_for_solver()
ret = self._call_solver_serialized_args(*args)
return ret_list