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import copy
from typing import List
import torch
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from colossalai . utils import get_current_device
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from . huggingface import HuggingFaceModel
class ChatGLMModel ( HuggingFaceModel ) :
def _get_truncated_prompts ( self , inputs : List [ str ] , max_new_tokens : int ) - > List [ str ] :
truncated_inputs = copy . deepcopy ( inputs )
# Adapted from https://github.com/THUDM/ChatGLM-6B/blob/main/ptuning/main.py#L187
for i , input in enumerate ( inputs ) :
a_ids = self . tokenizer . encode ( text = input , truncation = False , add_special_tokens = False )
if len ( a_ids ) > self . model_max_length - max_new_tokens :
half = ( self . model_max_length - max_new_tokens ) / / 2
prompt = self . tokenizer . decode ( a_ids [ : half ] , skip_special_tokens = True ) + self . tokenizer . decode (
a_ids [ - half : ] , skip_special_tokens = True
truncated_inputs [ i ] = prompt
return truncated_inputs
@torch.no_grad ( )
def get_loss (
self , batch_prompt : List [ str ] , batch_target : List [ List [ str ] ] , pretrain : bool = False
) - > List [ List [ float ] ] :
Calculate loss only on target tokens .
Args :
batch : A batch of prompt without target answer .
batch_target : A batch of target answer . Sometimes one question can have multiple target answers .
Returns :
Loss .
# We set max_new_tokens in self._get_truncated_prompts to 0 because we only need logits to calculate loss.
# We don't need to generate new tokens.
# Target answer's length is usually << model_max_length, but we still call it in case.
# We don't call self._get_truncated_prompts for batch_prompt because we need target answer's length first to reserve some space for target answer's tokens.
batch_target = [ self . _get_truncated_prompts ( prompt_target , 0 ) for prompt_target in batch_target ]
# Get the number of target answers for different questions
batch_target_nums = [ len ( prompt_target ) for prompt_target in batch_target ]
labels_list = [ ]
input_ids_list = [ ]
for input , targets in zip ( batch_prompt , batch_target ) :
for target in targets :
# Adapted from https://github.com/THUDM/ChatGLM-6B/blob/main/ptuning/main.py#L187
# If there is no history, the prompt is just the query.
# We don't need to override self.generate() in ChatGLM-6B but need to override it in ChatGLM2-6B.
# See https://huggingface.co/THUDM/chatglm-6b/blob/main/modeling_chatglm.py#L1276
target_tokenized = self . tokenizer . encode ( text = target , add_special_tokens = False )
# Get prompt with length model_max_length - len(target_tokenized).
# Reserve some space for target answer tokens using max_new_tokens.
# This will generate the correct start_idx and end_idx.
max_new_tokens = len ( target_tokenized )
# Here 3 tokens are reserved for [gmask_id, bos_token, eos_id]. So we reserve max_new_tokens + 3 tokens.
# See https://huggingface.co/THUDM/chatglm-6b/blob/main/tokenization_chatglm.py#L323
prompt_with_correct_length = self . _get_truncated_prompts ( [ input ] , max_new_tokens + 3 ) [ 0 ]
input_tokenized = self . tokenizer . encode ( prompt_with_correct_length , add_special_tokens = False )
input_ids = self . tokenizer . build_inputs_with_special_tokens ( input_tokenized , target_tokenized )
context_length = input_ids . index ( self . tokenizer . bos_token_id )
context_length - 1
target_ids = [ IGNORE_INDEX ] * len ( input_ids )
# -1 is for eos_token, we don't want to calculate loss on eos token.
target_ids [ - max_new_tokens - 1 : - 1 ] = input_ids [ - max_new_tokens - 1 : - 1 ]
input_ids_list . append ( torch . LongTensor ( input_ids ) )
labels_list . append ( torch . LongTensor ( target_ids ) )
# Because of multiple target answers, the final batch size may be greater than self.batch_size.
# We will generate new batches.
losses = [ ]
target_token_nums = [ ]
batched_input_ids = [
input_ids_list [ i : i + self . batch_size ] for i in range ( 0 , len ( input_ids_list ) , self . batch_size )
batched_labels = [ labels_list [ i : i + self . batch_size ] for i in range ( 0 , len ( labels_list ) , self . batch_size ) ]
for batch_input_ids , batch_labels in zip ( batched_input_ids , batched_labels ) :
losses_per_batch , target_token_num_per_batch = self . _calculate_loss ( batch_input_ids , batch_labels )
losses . extend ( losses_per_batch )
target_token_nums . extend ( target_token_num_per_batch )
start_indice = 0
losses_per_sample = [ ]
target_token_nums_per_sample = [ ]
for length in batch_target_nums :
losses_per_sample . append ( losses [ start_indice : start_indice + length ] )
target_token_nums_per_sample . append ( target_token_nums [ start_indice : start_indice + length ] )
start_indice + = length
return losses_per_sample , target_token_nums_per_sample , None
def _calculate_loss ( self , input_ids_list : List [ torch . LongTensor ] , labels : List [ torch . LongTensor ] ) - > List [ float ] :
Calculate loss only on target tokens .
Hugging Face generate ( ) function can ' t return per sample loss.
It will only return the mean of the loss in a batch .
In torch . nn . CrossEntropyLoss ( ) , reduction should be specified as " none " to get per sample loss .
Args :
input_ids_list : A batch of input token ids .
labels : A batch of labels .
Returns :
A list of loss .
input_ids = torch . nn . utils . rnn . pad_sequence (
input_ids_list , batch_first = True , padding_value = self . tokenizer . pad_token_id
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) . to ( get_current_device ( ) )
2023-09-24 15:14:11 +00:00
labels = torch . nn . utils . rnn . pad_sequence ( labels , batch_first = True , padding_value = IGNORE_INDEX ) . to (
2024-02-06 02:53:03 +00:00
get_current_device ( )
2023-09-24 15:14:11 +00:00
outputs = self . model ( input_ids ) [ 0 ]
shift_logits = outputs [ . . . , : - 1 , : ] . contiguous ( )
shift_labels = labels [ . . . , 1 : ] . contiguous ( )
loss_fct = torch . nn . CrossEntropyLoss ( reduction = " none " , ignore_index = IGNORE_INDEX )
loss = loss_fct ( shift_logits . view ( - 1 , shift_logits . size ( - 1 ) ) , shift_labels . view ( - 1 ) ) . view ( shift_labels . size ( ) )
lens = ( labels != IGNORE_INDEX ) . sum ( - 1 ) . cpu ( ) . numpy ( )
loss_sum = loss . sum ( - 1 ) . to ( torch . float32 ) . cpu ( ) . detach ( ) . numpy ( )
return loss_sum . tolist ( ) , lens . tolist ( )
class ChatGLM2Model ( ChatGLMModel ) :
def _get_truncated_prompts ( self , inputs : List [ str ] , max_new_tokens : int ) - > List [ str ] :
truncated_inputs = copy . deepcopy ( inputs )
# Adapted from https://github.com/THUDM/ChatGLM2-6B/blob/main/ptuning/main.py#L180
for i , input in enumerate ( inputs ) :
a_ids = self . tokenizer . encode ( text = input , add_special_tokens = True , truncation = False )
if len ( a_ids ) > self . model_max_length - max_new_tokens :
half = ( self . model_max_length - max_new_tokens ) / / 2
prompt = self . tokenizer . decode ( a_ids [ : half ] , skip_special_tokens = True ) + self . tokenizer . decode (
a_ids [ - half : ] , skip_special_tokens = True
truncated_inputs [ i ] = prompt
return truncated_inputs
@torch.no_grad ( )
def generate ( self , inputs : List [ str ] , max_new_tokens : int , * * kwargs ) - > List [ str ] :
""" Generate results given a list of inputs and get logits of the first new token over choices.
Args :
inputs : A list of strings .
max_new_tokens : Max new tokens for generation .
kwargs : Key arguments for generation
Returns :
A list of generated strings and logits over choices .
Note :
Currently the function only returns the logits of the first new token .
It is used for single choice question .
For multiple choices question , please avoid using the loss over choices .
You should set argument choices as None in self . inference ( ) .
# Follow the process of model.chat() method in modeling_chatglm2.py
# See https://huggingface.co/THUDM/chatglm2-6b/blob/main/modeling_chatglm.py#L1020
# See https://huggingface.co/THUDM/chatglm2-6b/blob/main/modeling_chatglm.py#L1001
query = [ ]
for input in inputs :
prompt = self . tokenizer . build_prompt ( input , None )
query . append ( prompt )
truncated_query = self . _get_truncated_prompts ( query , max_new_tokens )
encoded_inputs = self . tokenizer (
truncated_query ,
padding = True ,
truncation = True ,
return_tensors = " pt " ,
max_length = self . model_max_length - max_new_tokens ,
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) . to ( get_current_device ( ) )
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# Set output_scores=True to get prediction scores.
outputs = self . model . generate (
* * encoded_inputs , max_new_tokens = max_new_tokens , return_dict_in_generate = True , output_scores = True , * * kwargs
# We only need to decode predicted tokens.
sequences = outputs . sequences [ : , encoded_inputs [ " input_ids " ] . shape [ 1 ] : ]
scores = [ ]
if self . indices_for_choices :
# If the question is a single-choice question, we will return the scores of specific indices for first predicted token.
# The indices are the tokenization results of the options for the single-choice question.
# For example, if the options of the question are A, B, C and D, we only returns scores at indices of A, B, C and D.
for option_indices in self . indices_for_choices :
scores . append ( outputs . scores [ 0 ] [ : , option_indices ] . detach ( ) . cpu ( ) )
scores = torch . max ( torch . stack ( scores ) , dim = 0 ) [ 0 ]
decoded_sequences = self . tokenizer . batch_decode ( sequences , skip_special_tokens = True )
return decoded_sequences , scores
@torch.no_grad ( )
def get_loss (
self , batch_prompt : List [ str ] , batch_target : List [ List [ str ] ] , pretrain : bool = False
) - > List [ List [ float ] ] :
Calculate loss only on target tokens .
Args :
batch : A batch of prompt without target answer .
batch_target : A batch of target answer . Sometimes one question can have multiple target answers .
Returns :
Loss .
# We set max_new_tokens in self._get_truncated_prompts to 0 because we only need logits to calculate loss.
# We don't need to generate new tokens.
# Target answer's length is usually << model_max_length, but we still call it in case.
# We don't call self._get_truncated_prompts for batch_prompt because we need target answer's length first to reserve some space for target answer's tokens.
batch_target = [ self . _get_truncated_prompts ( prompt_target , 0 ) for prompt_target in batch_target ]
# Get the number of target answers for different questions
batch_target_nums = [ len ( prompt_target ) for prompt_target in batch_target ]
labels_list = [ ]
input_ids_list = [ ]
for input , targets in zip ( batch_prompt , batch_target ) :
for target in targets :
# Adapted from https://github.com/THUDM/ChatGLM2-6B/blob/main/ptuning/main.py#L180
prompt = self . tokenizer . build_prompt ( input , None )
target_tokenized = self . tokenizer . encode (
text = target , add_special_tokens = False , truncation = True , max_length = self . model_max_length
max_new_tokens = len ( target_tokenized )
prompt_with_correct_length = self . _get_truncated_prompts ( [ prompt ] , max_new_tokens ) [ 0 ]
input_tokenized = self . tokenizer . encode (
prompt_with_correct_length ,
add_special_tokens = True ,
truncation = True ,
max_length = self . model_max_length ,
input_ids = input_tokenized + target_tokenized + [ self . tokenizer . eos_token_id ]
target_ids = [ IGNORE_INDEX ] * len ( input_ids )
# -1 is for "eos"
target_ids [ - max_new_tokens - 1 : - 1 ] = input_ids [ - max_new_tokens - 1 : - 1 ]
input_ids_list . append ( torch . LongTensor ( input_ids ) )
labels_list . append ( torch . LongTensor ( target_ids ) )
# Because of multiple target answers, the final batch size may be greater than self.batch_size.
# We will generate new batches.
losses = [ ]
target_token_nums = [ ]
batched_input_ids = [
input_ids_list [ i : i + self . batch_size ] for i in range ( 0 , len ( input_ids_list ) , self . batch_size )
batched_labels = [ labels_list [ i : i + self . batch_size ] for i in range ( 0 , len ( labels_list ) , self . batch_size ) ]
for batch_input_ids , batch_labels in zip ( batched_input_ids , batched_labels ) :
losses_per_batch , target_token_num_per_batch = self . _calculate_loss ( batch_input_ids , batch_labels )
losses . extend ( losses_per_batch )
target_token_nums . extend ( target_token_num_per_batch )
start_indice = 0
losses_per_sample = [ ]
target_token_nums_per_sample = [ ]
for length in batch_target_nums :
losses_per_sample . append ( losses [ start_indice : start_indice + length ] )
target_token_nums_per_sample . append ( target_token_nums [ start_indice : start_indice + length ] )
start_indice + = length
return losses_per_sample , target_token_nums_per_sample , None