mirror of https://github.com/hpcaitech/ColossalAI
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624 lines
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# Code adapted from https://github.com/THUDM/LongBench/blob/main/metrics.py
# Code adapted from https://github.com/hendrycks/math/blob/main/modeling/math_equivalence.py
# Code adapted from https://github.com/ruixiangcui/AGIEval/blob/main/src/evaluation.py
import difflib
import re
import string
from collections import Counter
import jieba
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
from rouge import Rouge
metrics4subcategory = {
"pretrain": {
"perplexity": ["ALL"],
"ppl_score": ["ALL"],
"per_byte_perplexity": ["ALL"],
"per_byte_ppl_score": ["ALL"],
# The commented are non 4-choice questions.
"agieval": {
"combined_single_choice_accuracy": [
# "lsat-ar",
# "lsat-lr",
# "lsat-rc",
# "aqua-rat",
"first_token_accuracy": [
# "lsat-ar",
# "lsat-lr",
# "lsat-rc",
# "aqua-rat",
"single_choice_accuracy": [
# "lsat-ar",
# "lsat-lr",
# "lsat-rc",
# "aqua-rat",
"multi_choice_accuracy": ["jec-qa-kd", "jec-qa-ca", "gaokao-physics", "gaokao-mathqa"],
"math_equivalence": ["gaokao-mathcloze", "math"],
"perplexity": ["ALL"],
"ppl_score_over_choices": [
"ppl_score": ["ALL"],
"cmmlu": {
"first_token_accuracy": ["ALL"],
"single_choice_accuracy": ["ALL"],
"perplexity": ["ALL"],
"ppl_score_over_choices": ["ALL"],
"ppl_score": ["ALL"],
"gaokaobench": {
"combined_single_choice_accuracy": [
"English MCQs",
"Biology MCQs",
"Chemistry MCQs",
"History MCQs",
"Math I MCQs",
"Math II MCQs",
"Political Science MCQs",
"first_token_accuracy": [
"English MCQs",
"Biology MCQs",
"Chemistry MCQs",
"History MCQs",
"Math I MCQs",
"Math II MCQs",
"Political Science MCQs",
"single_choice_accuracy": [
"English MCQs",
"Biology MCQs",
"Chemistry MCQs",
"History MCQs",
"Math I MCQs",
"Math II MCQs",
"Political Science MCQs",
"multi_choice_accuracy": [
"Chinese Lang and Usage MCQs",
"Chinese Modern Lit",
"English Fill in Blanks",
"English Reading Comp",
"Geography MCQs",
"Physics MCQs",
"English Cloze Test",
"math_equivalence": ["Math I Fill-in-the-Blank", "Math II Fill-in-the-Blank"],
"rouge_score": ["English Language Cloze Passage"],
"rouge_zh_score": [
"Chinese Language Famous Passages and Sentences Dictation",
"Chemistry Open-ended Questions",
"History Open-ended Questions",
"Biology Open-ended Questions",
"Political Science Open-ended Questions",
"English Language Error Correction",
"Chinese Language Language and Writing Skills Open-ended Questions",
"Math II Open-ended Questions",
"Chinese Language Literary Text Reading",
"Chinese Language Ancient Poetry Reading",
"Chinese Language Classical Chinese Reading",
"Physics Open-ended Questions",
"Math I Open-ended Questions",
"Geography Open-ended Questions",
"Chinese Language Practical Text Reading",
"perplexity": ["ALL"],
"ppl_score_over_choices": ["ALL"],
"ppl_score": ["ALL"],
"longbench": {
"f1_score": ["hotpotqa", "2wikimqa", "musique", "narrativeqa", "qasper", "multifieldqa_en", "triviaqa"],
"f1_zh_score": ["multifieldqa_zh"],
"rouge_score": ["gov_report", "qmsum", "multi_news", "samsum"],
"rouge_zh_score": ["dureader", "vcsum"],
"retrieval_score": ["passage_retrieval_en"],
"retrieval_zh_score": ["passage_retrieval_zh"],
"classification_score": ["trec", "lsht"],
"code_sim_score": ["lcc", "repobench-p"],
"count_score": ["passage_count"],
"perplexity": ["ALL"],
"ppl_score": ["ALL"],
"mmlu": {
"first_token_accuracy": ["ALL"],
"single_choice_accuracy": ["ALL"],
"accuracy": ["ALL"],
"perplexity": ["ALL"],
"ppl_score_over_choices": ["ALL"],
"ppl_score": ["ALL"],
def _fix_fracs(string):
substrs = string.split("\\frac")
new_str = substrs[0]
if len(substrs) > 1:
substrs = substrs[1:]
for substr in substrs:
new_str += "\\frac"
if substr[0] == "{":
new_str += substr
assert len(substr) >= 2
return string
a = substr[0]
b = substr[1]
if b != "{":
if len(substr) > 2:
post_substr = substr[2:]
new_str += "{" + a + "}{" + b + "}" + post_substr
new_str += "{" + a + "}{" + b + "}"
if len(substr) > 2:
post_substr = substr[2:]
new_str += "{" + a + "}" + b + post_substr
new_str += "{" + a + "}" + b
string = new_str
return string
def _fix_a_slash_b(string):
if len(string.split("/")) != 2:
return string
a = string.split("/")[0]
b = string.split("/")[1]
a = int(a)
b = int(b)
assert string == "{}/{}".format(a, b)
new_string = "\\frac{" + str(a) + "}{" + str(b) + "}"
return new_string
return string
def _remove_right_units(string):
# "\\text{ " only ever occurs (at least in the val set) when describing units
if "\\text{ " in string:
splits = string.split("\\text{ ")
assert len(splits) == 2
return splits[0]
return string
def _fix_sqrt(string):
if "\\sqrt" not in string:
return string
splits = string.split("\\sqrt")
new_string = splits[0]
for split in splits[1:]:
if split[0] != "{":
a = split[0]
new_substr = "\\sqrt{" + a + "}" + split[1:]
new_substr = "\\sqrt" + split
new_string += new_substr
return new_string
def _strip_string(string):
# linebreaks
string = string.replace("\n", "")
# print(string)
# remove inverse spaces
string = string.replace("\\!", "")
# print(string)
# replace \\ with \
string = string.replace("\\\\", "\\")
# print(string)
# replace tfrac and dfrac with frac
string = string.replace("tfrac", "frac")
string = string.replace("dfrac", "frac")
# print(string)
# remove \left and \right
string = string.replace("\\left", "")
string = string.replace("\\right", "")
# print(string)
# Remove circ (degrees)
string = string.replace("^{\\circ}", "")
string = string.replace("^\\circ", "")
# remove dollar signs
string = string.replace("\\$", "")
# remove units (on the right)
string = _remove_right_units(string)
# remove percentage
string = string.replace("\\%", "")
string = string.replace("\%", "")
# " 0." equivalent to " ." and "{0." equivalent to "{." Alternatively, add "0" if "." is the start of the string
string = string.replace(" .", " 0.")
string = string.replace("{.", "{0.")
# if empty, return empty string
if len(string) == 0:
return string
if string[0] == ".":
string = "0" + string
# to consider: get rid of e.g. "k = " or "q = " at beginning
if len(string.split("=")) == 2:
if len(string.split("=")[0]) <= 2:
string = string.split("=")[1]
# fix sqrt3 --> sqrt{3}
string = _fix_sqrt(string)
# remove spaces
string = string.replace(" ", "")
# \frac1b or \frac12 --> \frac{1}{b} and \frac{1}{2}, etc. Even works with \frac1{72} (but not \frac{72}1). Also does a/b --> \\frac{a}{b}
string = _fix_fracs(string)
# manually change 0.5 --> \frac{1}{2}
if string == "0.5":
string = "\\frac{1}{2}"
# NOTE: X/Y changed to \frac{X}{Y} in dataset, but in simple cases fix in case the model output is X/Y
string = _fix_a_slash_b(string)
return string
def parse_math_answer(raw_string):
def remove_boxed(s):
left = "\\boxed{"
assert s[: len(left)] == left
assert s[-1] == "}"
answer = s[len(left) : -1]
if "=" in answer:
answer = answer.split("=")[-1].lstrip(" ")
return answer
return None
def last_boxed_only_string(string):
idx = string.rfind("\\boxed")
if idx < 0:
idx = string.rfind("\\fbox")
if idx < 0:
return None
i = idx
right_brace_idx = None
num_left_braces_open = 0
while i < len(string):
if string[i] == "{":
num_left_braces_open += 1
if string[i] == "}":
num_left_braces_open -= 1
if num_left_braces_open == 0:
right_brace_idx = i
i += 1
if right_brace_idx == None:
retval = None
retval = string[idx : right_brace_idx + 1]
return retval
def get_answer_with_dollar_sign(s):
first_pattern = "\$(.*)\$"
last_match = None
matches = re.findall(first_pattern, s)
if matches:
last_match = matches[-1]
if "=" in last_match:
last_match = last_match.split("=")[-1].lstrip(" ")
return last_match
def get_answer_without_dollar_sign(s):
last_match = None
if "=" in s:
last_match = s.split("=")[-1].lstrip(" ").rstrip(".")
if "\\n" in last_match:
last_match = last_match.split("\\n")[0]
pattern = "(?:\\$)?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?![\w\d])"
matches = re.findall(pattern, s)
if matches:
last_match = matches[-1]
return last_match
if "\\boxed" in raw_string:
answer = remove_boxed(last_boxed_only_string(raw_string))
answer = get_answer_with_dollar_sign(raw_string)
if not answer:
answer = get_answer_without_dollar_sign(raw_string)
return answer
def math_equivalence(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
prediction = parse_math_answer(prediction)
if prediction is None and reference is None:
print("WARNING: Both None")
return False
if prediction is None or reference is None:
return False
ss1 = _strip_string(prediction)
ss2 = _strip_string(reference)
return ss1 == ss2
return prediction == reference
def multi_choice_accuracy(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
# Only find uppercase letters not surrounded by lowercase letters
all_classes = kwargs.get("all_classes", None)
if all_classes:
pattern = f"(?<![a-z])[{all_classes[0]}-{all_classes[-1]}](?![a-z])"
pattern = "(?<![a-z])[A-F](?![a-z])"
prediction = re.findall(pattern, prediction)
reference = re.findall(pattern, reference)
prediction_set = set(prediction)
reference_set = set(reference)
score = 0.0
for p in prediction_set:
if p not in reference_set:
return 0.0
score += 1 / len(reference_set)
return score
def combined_single_choice_accuracy(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
return single_choice_accuracy(prediction, reference, **kwargs)
def single_choice_accuracy(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
# Only find uppercase letters not surrounded by lowercase letters
all_classes = kwargs.get("all_classes", None)
if all_classes:
pattern = f"(?<![a-z])[{all_classes[0]}-{all_classes[-1]}](?![a-z])"
pattern = "(?<![a-z])[A-F](?![a-z])"
prediction = re.findall(pattern, prediction)[0:1]
reference = re.findall(pattern, reference)
assert len(reference) == 1
prediction_set = set(prediction)
reference_set = set(reference)
if prediction_set == reference_set:
return 1.0
return 0.0
def normalize_answer(s):
"""Lower text and remove punctuation, articles and extra whitespace."""
def remove_articles(text):
return re.sub(r"\b(a|an|the)\b", " ", text)
def white_space_fix(text):
return " ".join(text.split())
def remove_punc(text):
exclude = set(string.punctuation)
return "".join(ch for ch in text if ch not in exclude)
def lower(text):
return text.lower()
return white_space_fix(remove_articles(remove_punc(lower(s))))
def normalize_zh_answer(s):
"""Lower text and remove punctuation, extra whitespace."""
def white_space_fix(text):
return "".join(text.split())
def remove_punc(text):
cn_punctuation = "!?。。"#$%&'()*+,-/:;<=>@[\]^_`{|}~⦅⦆「」、、〃》「」『』【】〔〕〖〗〘〙〚〛〜〝〞〟〰〾〿–—‘’‛“”„‟…‧﹏."
all_punctuation = set(string.punctuation + cn_punctuation)
return "".join(ch for ch in text if ch not in all_punctuation)
def lower(text):
return text.lower()
return white_space_fix(remove_punc(lower(s)))
def count_score(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
numbers = re.findall(r"\d+", prediction)
right_num = 0
for number in numbers:
if str(number) == str(reference):
right_num += 1
final_score = 0.0 if len(numbers) == 0 else right_num / len(numbers)
return float(final_score)
def retrieval_score(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
pattern = r"Paragraph (\d+)"
matches = re.findall(pattern, reference)
ground_truth_id = matches[0]
numbers = re.findall(r"\d+", prediction)
right_num = 0
for number in numbers:
if str(number) == str(ground_truth_id):
right_num += 1
final_score = 0.0 if len(numbers) == 0 else right_num / len(numbers)
return float(final_score)
def retrieval_zh_score(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
pattern = r"段落(\d+)"
matches = re.findall(pattern, reference)
ground_truth_id = matches[0]
numbers = re.findall(r"\d+", prediction)
right_num = 0
for number in numbers:
if str(number) == str(ground_truth_id):
right_num += 1
final_score = 0.0 if len(numbers) == 0 else right_num / len(numbers)
return float(final_score)
def code_sim_score(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
all_lines = prediction.lstrip("\n").split("\n")
prediction = ""
for line in all_lines:
if ("`" not in line) and ("#" not in line) and ("//" not in line):
prediction = line
return fuzz.ratio(prediction, reference) / 100
def classification_score(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
em_match_list = []
all_classes = kwargs["all_classes"]
for class_name in all_classes:
if class_name in prediction:
for match_term in em_match_list:
if match_term in reference and match_term != reference:
if em_match_list != 0:
if reference in em_match_list:
score = 1.0 / len(em_match_list)
score = 0.0
best_match = None
highest_similarity = 0
for string in all_classes:
similarity = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, string, prediction).ratio()
if similarity > highest_similarity:
highest_similarity = similarity
best_match = string
score = float(best_match == reference)
return score
def rouge_score(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
rouge = Rouge()
scores = rouge.get_scores([prediction], [reference], avg=True)
return 0.0
return scores["rouge-l"]["f"]
def rouge_zh_score(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
prediction = " ".join(list(jieba.cut(prediction, cut_all=False)))
reference = " ".join(list(jieba.cut(reference, cut_all=False)))
score = rouge_score(prediction, reference)
return score
def _f1_score(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
common = Counter(prediction) & Counter(reference)
num_same = sum(common.values())
if num_same == 0:
return 0
precision = 1.0 * num_same / len(prediction)
recall = 1.0 * num_same / len(reference)
f1 = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
return f1
def f1_score(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
normalized_prediction = normalize_answer(prediction)
normalized_ground_truth = normalize_answer(reference)
prediction_tokens = normalized_prediction.split()
ground_truth_tokens = normalized_ground_truth.split()
return _f1_score(prediction_tokens, ground_truth_tokens)
def f1_zh_score(prediction, reference, **kwargs):
prediction_tokens = list(jieba.cut(prediction, cut_all=False))
ground_truth_tokens = list(jieba.cut(reference, cut_all=False))
prediction_tokens = [normalize_zh_answer(token) for token in prediction_tokens]
ground_truth_tokens = [normalize_zh_answer(token) for token in ground_truth_tokens]
prediction_tokens = [token for token in prediction_tokens if len(token) > 0]
ground_truth_tokens = [token for token in ground_truth_tokens if len(token) > 0]
return _f1_score(prediction_tokens, ground_truth_tokens)