2022-02-18 12:42:31 +00:00
import math
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from colossalai.global_variables import moe_env
from colossalai.context import ParallelMode, seed
from colossalai.utils import get_current_device
2022-02-27 14:28:39 +00:00
class MoeExperts(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, comm: str):
assert comm in {"all_to_all", "all_gather"}, \
"This kind of communication has not been implemented yet.\n Please use Experts build function."
self.comm = comm
class Experts(MoeExperts):
2022-02-18 12:42:31 +00:00
"""A wrapper class to create experts. It will create E experts across the
moe model parallel group, where E is the number of experts. Every expert
is a instence of the class, 'expert' in initialization parameters.
:param expert: The class of all experts
:param num_experts: The number of experts
:param expert_args: Args used to initialize experts
:type num_experts: int
def __init__(self, expert, num_experts, **expert_args):
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2022-02-18 12:42:31 +00:00
assert num_experts % moe_env.model_parallel_size == 0, \
"The number of experts should be divied by moe model size"
num_local_experts = num_experts // moe_env.model_parallel_size
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2022-02-18 12:42:31 +00:00
with seed(ParallelMode.MOE_MODEL):
self.experts = nn.ModuleList([expert(**expert_args) for _ in range(num_local_experts)])
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for exp in self.experts:
for param in exp.parameters():
param.__setattr__('moe_param', True)
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self.num_local_experts = num_local_experts
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def forward(self, inputs):
expert_input = torch.chunk(inputs, self.num_local_experts, dim=1)
expert_output = []
for i in range(self.num_local_experts):
output = torch.cat(expert_output, dim=1).contiguous()
return output
2022-02-27 14:28:39 +00:00
class FFNExperts(MoeExperts):
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def __init__(self, num_experts: int, d_model: int, d_ff: int, activation=None, drop_rate: float = 0):
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2022-02-18 12:42:31 +00:00
assert num_experts % moe_env.model_parallel_size == 0, \
"The number of experts should be divied by moe model size"
num_local_experts = num_experts // moe_env.model_parallel_size
self.w1 = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_local_experts, d_model, d_ff, device=get_current_device()))
self.b1 = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_local_experts, 1, d_ff, device=get_current_device()))
self.w2 = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_local_experts, d_ff, d_model, device=get_current_device()))
self.b2 = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_local_experts, 1, d_model, device=get_current_device()))
s1 = math.sqrt(0.1 / d_model)
s2 = math.sqrt(0.1 / d_ff)
2022-02-27 06:01:25 +00:00
with seed(ParallelMode.MOE_MODEL):
nn.init.trunc_normal_(self.w1, std=s1)
nn.init.trunc_normal_(self.b1, std=s1)
nn.init.trunc_normal_(self.w2, std=s2)
nn.init.trunc_normal_(self.b2, std=s2)
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self.act = nn.GELU() if activation is None else activation
self.drop = nn.Dropout(p=drop_rate)
for param in self.parameters():
param.__setattr__('moe_param', True)
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def forward(self, inputs): # inputs [g, el, c, h]
2022-02-18 12:42:31 +00:00
el = inputs.size(1)
h = inputs.size(-1)
inputs = inputs.transpose(0, 1)
inshape = inputs.shape
inputs = inputs.reshape(el, -1, h)
out_ff = torch.baddbmm(self.b1, inputs, self.w1)
out_act = self.act(out_ff)
with seed(ParallelMode.TENSOR):
inter = self.drop(out_act)
out_model = torch.baddbmm(self.b2, inter, self.w2)
with seed(ParallelMode.TENSOR):
outputs = self.drop(out_model) # outputs [el, gc, h]
outputs = outputs.reshape(inshape)
outputs = outputs.transpose(0, 1).contiguous()
return outputs
2022-02-27 14:28:39 +00:00
class TPExperts(MoeExperts):
def __init__(self, num_experts: int, d_model: int, d_ff: int, activation=None, drop_rate: float = 0):
assert d_ff % moe_env.model_parallel_size == 0, \
"d_ff should be divied by moe model size"
p_ff = d_ff // moe_env.model_parallel_size
self.w1 = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_experts, d_model, p_ff, device=get_current_device()))
self.b1 = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_experts, 1, p_ff, device=get_current_device()))
self.w2 = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_experts, p_ff, d_model, device=get_current_device()))
self.b2 = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(num_experts, 1, d_model, device=get_current_device()))
s1 = math.sqrt(0.1 / d_model)
s2 = math.sqrt(0.1 / d_ff)
with seed(ParallelMode.MOE_MODEL):
nn.init.trunc_normal_(self.w1, std=s1)
nn.init.trunc_normal_(self.b1, std=s1)
nn.init.trunc_normal_(self.w2, std=s2)
nn.init.trunc_normal_(self.b2, std=s2)
self.act = nn.GELU() if activation is None else activation
self.drop = nn.Dropout(p=drop_rate)
self.w1.__setattr__('moe_param', True)
self.w2.__setattr__('moe_param', True)
self.b1.__setattr__('moe_param', True)
def forward(self, inputs): # inputs [g, e, c, h]
e = inputs.size(1)
h = inputs.size(-1)
inputs = inputs.transpose(0, 1)
inshape = inputs.shape
inputs = inputs.reshape(e, -1, h)
out_ff = torch.baddbmm(self.b1, inputs, self.w1)
out_act = self.act(out_ff)
with seed(ParallelMode.TENSOR):
inter = self.drop(out_act)
out_model = torch.baddbmm(self.b2, inter, self.w2)
outputs = self.drop(out_model) # outputs [e, gc, h]
outputs = outputs.reshape(inshape)
outputs = outputs.transpose(0, 1).contiguous()
return outputs # outputs [g, e, c, h]