activation along the sequence dimension. This method can achieve better memory efficiency and allows us to train with larger batch size and longer sequence length.
Paper: [Sequence Parallelism: Long Sequence Training from System Perspective](
## How to Prepare WikiPedia Dataset
First, let's prepare the WikiPedia dataset from scratch. To generate a preprocessed dataset, we need four items:
1. raw WikiPedia dataset
2. wikipedia extractor (extract data from the raw dataset)
3. vocabulary file
4. preprocessing scripts (generate final data from extracted data)
For the preprocessing script, we thank Megatron-LM for providing a preprocessing script to generate the corpus file.
After running the preprocessing scripts, you will obtain two files:
1. my-bert_text_sentence.bin
2. my-bert_text_sentence.idx
If you happen to encouter `index out of range` problem when running Megatron's script,
this is probably because that a sentence starts with a punctuation and cannot be tokenized. A work-around is to update `Encoder.encode` method with the code below:
class Encoder(object):
def __init__(self, args):
def initializer(self):
def encode(self, json_line):
data = json.loads(json_line)
ids = {}
for key in self.args.json_keys:
text = data[key]
doc_ids = []
# lsg: avoid sentences which start with a punctuation
# as it cannot be tokenized by splitter
if len(text) > 0 and text[0] in string.punctuation:
`DATA_PATH` refers to the path to the data file generated by Megatron's script. For example, in the section above, you should get two data files (my-bert_text_sentence.bin and my-bert_text_sentence.idx). You just need to `DATA_PATH` to the path to the bin file without the file extension.
For example, if your my-bert_text_sentence.bin is /home/Megatron-LM/my-bert_text_sentence.bin, then you should set
sequence dimension on 8 GPUs. You can change `size=4` to `size=8`. If you wish to use pipeline parallelism, you can set `pipeline=<num_of_pipeline_stages>`.