mirror of https://github.com/hpcaitech/ColossalAI
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261 lines
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// Adapted from turboderp exllama: https://github.com/turboderp/exllama
#include "q4_matmul.cuh"
#include "column_remap.cuh"
#include "util.cuh"
#include "matrix.cuh"
#include "cu_compat.cuh"
#include "cuda_buffers.cuh"
#if defined(USE_ROCM)
#include "hip_compat.cuh"
const int THREADS_X = 32; // Block size and thread count along columns in w and out
const int THREADS_Y = 1; // Block size and thread count along rows in x and out
typedef void (*fp_q4_matmul_kernel)
const half*,
const uint32_t*,
const half*,
const uint32_t*,
const int,
const int,
const int,
const int,
const int,
const uint32_t*,
template<bool use_half2, bool use_groupsize, bool use_x_map>
__global__ void q4_matmul_kernel
const half* __restrict__ x,
const uint32_t* __restrict__ w,
half* __restrict__ out,
const half* __restrict__ w_scales,
const uint32_t* __restrict__ w_zeros,
const int height,
const int dim,
const int width,
const int groupsize,
const int block_size_z,
const uint32_t* __restrict__ x_map,
bool no_zero
// Start of block
int x_column = block_size_z * blockIdx.z;
int x_column_end = min(dim, block_size_z * (blockIdx.z + 1));
int w_column = THREADS_X * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
int x_row = THREADS_Y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
int iterations = (x_column_end - x_column) / 8;
// Views
MatrixView_half x_(x, height, dim);
MatrixView_half w_scales_(w_scales, dim / groupsize, width);
MatrixView_q4_row w_zeros_(w_zeros, dim / groupsize, width);
MatrixView_q4_column w_(w, dim, width);
MatrixView_half_rw out_(out, height, width);
// Zero output
if (!no_zero && blockIdx.z == 0 && (threadIdx.x & 1) == 0)
*((uint32_t*) out_.item_ptr(x_row, w_column)) = 0;
// Loop over part of x row (and w column)
half2 acc = {};
half acc_h = {};
if constexpr (use_groupsize)
// For quant matrices where groupsize divides BLOCK_SIZE_Z we always start on a group boundary, so this
// could be slightly faster
for (int k = x_column, group = x_column / groupsize; k < x_column + iterations * 8; group++, k += groupsize)
if constexpr (use_half2)
half2 w_scale = w_scales_.item_half2half2(group, w_column);
uint32_t w_zero = w_zeros_.item(group, w_column) + 1;
if constexpr (use_x_map) acc = dot_product_8_x_map(acc, x_, x_row, k, w_, k, w_column, w_scale, w_zero, groupsize / 8, x_map);
else acc = dot_product_8 (acc, x_, x_row, k, w_, k, w_column, w_scale, w_zero, groupsize / 8);
half w_scale = w_scales_.item(group, w_column);
uint32_t w_zero = w_zeros_.item(group, w_column) + 1;
if constexpr (use_x_map) acc_h = dot_product_8_x_map_h(acc_h, x_, x_row, k, w_, k, w_column, w_scale, w_zero, groupsize / 8, x_map);
else acc_h = dot_product_8_h (acc_h, x_, x_row, k, w_, k, w_column, w_scale, w_zero, groupsize / 8);
// Otherwise assume groupsize is a multiple of 8, do 8 columns per iteration and trust the cache
for (int k = x_column; k < x_column + iterations * 8; k += 8)
if constexpr (use_half2)
int group = k / groupsize;
half2 w_scale = w_scales_.item_half2half2(group, w_column);
uint32_t w_zero = w_zeros_.item(group, w_column) + 1;
if constexpr (use_x_map) acc = dot_product_8_x_map(acc, x_, x_row, k, w_, k, w_column, w_scale, w_zero, 1, x_map);
else acc = dot_product_8 (acc, x_, x_row, k, w_, k, w_column, w_scale, w_zero, 1);
int group = k / groupsize;
half w_scale = w_scales_.item(group, w_column);
uint32_t w_zero = w_zeros_.item(group, w_column) + 1;
if constexpr (use_x_map) acc_h = dot_product_8_x_map_h(acc_h, x_, x_row, k, w_, k, w_column, w_scale, w_zero, 1, x_map);
else acc_h = dot_product_8_h (acc_h, x_, x_row, k, w_, k, w_column, w_scale, w_zero, 1);
// Add to block result
if constexpr (use_half2)
half result = __hadd(__low2half(acc), __high2half(acc));
atomicAdd(out_.item_ptr(x_row, w_column), result);
atomicAdd(out_.item_ptr(x_row, w_column), acc_h);
fp_q4_matmul_kernel q4_matmul_kernel_pick(ExLlamaTuning* tuningParams, int block_size_z, int groupsize, uint32_t* x_map)
// <bool use_half2, bool use_groupsize, bool use_x_map>
if (tuningParams->matmul_no_half2) {
if (block_size_z % groupsize == 0) {
if (x_map) return q4_matmul_kernel<false, true, true >;
else return q4_matmul_kernel<false, true, false>;
} else {
if (x_map) return q4_matmul_kernel<false, false, true >;
else return q4_matmul_kernel<false, false, false>;
} else {
if (block_size_z % groupsize == 0)
if (x_map) return q4_matmul_kernel<true, true, true >;
else return q4_matmul_kernel<true, true, false>;
} else {
if (x_map) return q4_matmul_kernel<true, false, true >;
else return q4_matmul_kernel<true, false, false>;
// Compute y = x @ w
void q4_matmul_cuda
ExLlamaTuning* tuningParams,
const half* x,
const int x_height,
const Q4Matrix* w,
half* out,
bool no_zero,
cudaStream_t alt_stream
int height = x_height;
int dim = w->height;
int width = w->width;
uint32_t* x_map = w->cuda_x_map;
const half* x_mapped = x;
if (x_map && !tuningParams->matmul_fused_remap && !alt_stream)
CudaBuffers* buffers = get_buffers(w->device);
column_remap_cuda(x, buffers->temp_state, x_height, dim, w->cuda_x_map);
x_mapped = buffers->temp_state;
x_map = NULL;
int block_size_z;
if (w->width == 4096) block_size_z = 384; // 7B
else if (w->width == 11008) block_size_z = 256;
else if (w->width == 5120) block_size_z = 384; // 13B
else if (w->width == 13824) block_size_z = 256;
else if (w->width == 6656) block_size_z = 256; // 33B
else if (w->width == 17920) block_size_z = 128;
else block_size_z = 256;
//if (!no_zero) cudaMemsetAsync(out, 0, x_height * w->width * sizeof(half));
dim3 threads(THREADS_X, THREADS_Y, 1);
dim3 blocks
(width + threads.x - 1) / threads.x,
(height + threads.y - 1) / threads.y,
(dim + block_size_z - 1) / block_size_z
fp_q4_matmul_kernel kernel = q4_matmul_kernel_pick(tuningParams, block_size_z, w->groupsize, x_map);
kernel<<<blocks, threads, 0, alt_stream>>> (x_mapped, w->cuda_qweight, out, w->cuda_scales, w->cuda_qzeros, height, dim, width, w->groupsize, block_size_z, x_map, no_zero);
void q4_matmul_recons_cuda
ExLlamaTuning* tuningParams,
const half* x,
const int x_height,
Q4Matrix* w,
half* out,
const cublasHandle_t handle,
bool no_zero
int height = x_height;
int dim = w->height;
int width = w->width;
CudaBuffers* buffers = get_buffers(w->device);
const half* x_mapped = x;
if (w->cuda_x_map)
TORCH_CHECK(buffers->temp_state_size >= x_height * dim, "temp_state buffer is too small");
column_remap_cuda(x, buffers->temp_state, x_height, dim, w->cuda_x_map);
x_mapped = buffers->temp_state;
#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && __CUDA_ARCH__ < 700
const float alpha = 1.0f;
const float beta = no_zero ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
cublasSgemmEx(handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, width, height, dim, &alpha, buffers->temp_dq, CUDA_R_16F, width,
x_mapped, CUDA_R_16F, dim, &beta, out, CUDA_R_16F, width);
const half alpha = __float2half(1.0f);
const half beta = no_zero ? __float2half(1.0f) : __float2half(0.0f);
cublasHgemm(handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, width, height, dim, &alpha, buffers->temp_dq, width, x_mapped, dim, &beta, out, width);