2022-07-07 08:22:00 +00:00
import torch
2022-12-02 10:13:20 +00:00
from typing import Dict
2022-07-07 08:22:00 +00:00
from torch . fx . node import Node , map_arg
2022-07-12 06:10:37 +00:00
from torch . fx . graph import Graph
2022-07-07 08:22:00 +00:00
def get_comm_size ( prev_partition , next_partition ) :
2022-07-12 06:10:37 +00:00
Given two partitions ( parent and child ) ,
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calculate the communication size between the two .
# Keep tracking the communication size between parent and child
comm_size = 0
# Keep tracking all the counted node
visited_nodes = set ( )
# Go through all nodes in the child partition
# If a node has input nodes from the parent partition,
# the output size of those input nodes will be counted
# and added to comm_size
2022-07-08 02:54:41 +00:00
parent_node_names = [ n . name for n in prev_partition . graph . nodes ]
for node in next_partition . graph . nodes :
2022-07-07 08:22:00 +00:00
input_nodes : Dict [ Node , None ] = { }
map_arg ( node . args , lambda n : input_nodes . setdefault ( n ) )
map_arg ( node . kwargs , lambda n : input_nodes . setdefault ( n ) )
for n in input_nodes :
if n . name in parent_node_names and n not in visited_nodes :
comm_size + = n . meta [ ' tensor_meta ' ] . numel
visited_nodes . add ( n )
return comm_size
2022-07-12 06:10:37 +00:00
def get_leaf ( graph : Graph ) :
Given a graph , return leaf nodes of this graph .
Note : If we remove ` ` root ` ` nodes , ` ` placeholder ` ` nodes , and ` ` output ` ` nodes from fx graph ,
we will get a normal DAG . Leaf nodes in this context means leaf nodes in that DAG .
input_nodes : Dict [ Node , None ] = { }
for node in graph . nodes :
if node . op == ' output ' :
map_arg ( node . args , lambda n : input_nodes . setdefault ( n ) )
map_arg ( node . kwargs , lambda n : input_nodes . setdefault ( n ) )
placeholder_nodes = [ ]
for node in input_nodes . keys ( ) :
if node . op == ' placeholder ' :
placeholder_nodes . append ( node )
for node in placeholder_nodes :
input_nodes . pop ( node )
return list ( input_nodes . keys ( ) )
def is_leaf ( graph : Graph , node : Node ) :
return node in get_leaf ( graph )
def get_top ( graph : Graph ) :
Given a graph , return top nodes of this graph .
Note : If we remove ` ` root ` ` nodes , ` ` placeholder ` ` nodes , and ` ` output ` ` nodes from fx graph ,
we will get a normal DAG . Top nodes in this context means nodes with BFS level 0 in that DAG .
top_node_list = set ( )
for node in graph . nodes :
if node . op == ' output ' :
is_top = False
def _get_top ( node ) :
nonlocal is_top
if node . op == ' placeholder ' :
is_top = True
map_arg ( node . args , lambda n : _get_top ( n ) )
map_arg ( node . kwargs , lambda n : _get_top ( n ) )
if is_top :
top_node_list . add ( node )
return list ( top_node_list )
def is_top ( graph : Graph , node : Node ) :
return node in get_top ( graph )
def get_all_consumers ( graph : Graph , node : Node ) :
Given a graph and a node of this graph , return all consumers of the node .
Returns :
List of ` ` Nodes ` ` that node appear in these nodes ` ` args ` ` and ` ` kwargs ` ` .
consumer_list = [ ]
for n in graph . nodes :
if node in n . all_input_nodes :
consumer_list . append ( n )
return consumer_list
def assign_bfs_level_to_nodes ( graph : Graph ) :
Give a graph , assign bfs level to each node of this graph excluding ` ` placeholder ` ` and ` ` output ` ` nodes .
Example :
class MLP ( torch . nn . Module ) :
def __init__ ( self , dim : int ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . linear1 = torch . nn . Linear ( dim , dim )
self . linear2 = torch . nn . Linear ( dim , dim )
self . linear3 = torch . nn . Linear ( dim , dim )
self . linear4 = torch . nn . Linear ( dim , dim )
self . linear5 = torch . nn . Linear ( dim , dim )
def forward ( self , x ) :
l1 = self . linear1 ( x )
l2 = self . linear2 ( x )
l3 = self . linear3 ( l1 )
l4 = self . linear4 ( l2 )
l5 = self . linear5 ( l3 )
return l4 , l5
model = MLP ( 4 )
gm = symbolic_trace ( model )
print ( gm . graph )
assign_bfs_level_to_nodes ( gm . graph )
for node in gm . graph . nodes :
if hasattr ( node , ' bfs_level ' ) :
print ( node . name , node . bfs_level )
Output :
graph ( ) :
% x : [ #users=2] = placeholder[target=x]
% linear1 : [ #users=1] = call_module[target=linear1](args = (%x,), kwargs = {})
% linear2 : [ #users=1] = call_module[target=linear2](args = (%x,), kwargs = {})
% linear3 : [ #users=1] = call_module[target=linear3](args = (%linear1,), kwargs = {})
% linear4 : [ #users=1] = call_module[target=linear4](args = (%linear2,), kwargs = {})
% linear5 : [ #users=1] = call_module[target=linear5](args = (%linear3,), kwargs = {})
return ( linear4 , linear5 )
linear1 0
linear2 0
linear3 1
linear4 1
linear5 2
current_level = 0
nodes_to_process = [ ]
top_nodes = get_top ( graph )
for node in top_nodes :
node . bfs_level = current_level
nodes_to_process . extend ( get_all_consumers ( graph , node ) )
current_level + = 1
while nodes_to_process :
new_process_list = [ ]
for node in nodes_to_process :
if node . op == ' output ' :
node . bfs_level = current_level
new_process_list . extend ( get_all_consumers ( graph , node ) )
nodes_to_process = new_process_list
current_level + = 1
2022-08-30 07:54:37 +00:00
def get_node_module ( node ) - > torch . nn . Module :
Find the module associated with the given node .
Args :
node ( torch . fx . Node ) : a torch . fx . Node object in the fx computation graph
Returns :
torch . nn . Module : the module associated with the given node
assert node . graph . owning_module is not None , ' Cannot find the owning_module for node.graph, please make sure the graph is associated with a GraphModule object '
assert node . op == ' call_module ' , f ' Expected node.op to be call_module, but found { node . op } '
module = node . graph . owning_module . get_submodule ( node . target )
return module
2022-11-25 09:42:48 +00:00