2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
import concurrent . futures
import os
import re
import time
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any , Dict , List
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import openai
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import tqdm
from utils import jdump , jload
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
ref_step_template = {
" en " :
" Now please compare the answer with the {adjective} answer, determine whether the answer is able to achieve the same level of {metric} . \n \n " ,
" cn " :
" 请比较答案与上面的 {adjective} 答案,确定答案是否可以达到与该 {adjective} 答案同样水平的 {metric} 。 \n \n "
ref_answer_template_general = {
" en " : " \n An example answer with good quality is as follows: \n \n {answer} \n \n " ,
" cn " : " \n 一个优质的示例答案如下: \n \n {answer} \n \n "
ref_answer_template_correctness = {
" en " : " \n A correct answer is as follows: \n \n {answer} \n \n " ,
" cn " : " \n 标准答案如下: \n \n {answer} \n \n "
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
def get_battle_result ( sys_prompt : str , user_prompt : str , id : int , max_tokens : int = 2048 ) - > Dict [ str , Any ] :
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
Get battle evaluation from GPT - 4.
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
Args :
sys_prompt : prompt for the system .
user_prompt : prompt for the user .
id : id of the answers for comparison .
max_tokens : the maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion .
Returns :
An evaluation of one comparison .
for _ in range ( MAX_API_RETRY ) :
try :
response = openai . ChatCompletion . create (
model = " gpt-4 " ,
messages = [
" role " : " system " ,
" content " : sys_prompt
} ,
" role " : " user " ,
" content " : user_prompt ,
} ,
] ,
temperature = 0.2 ,
max_tokens = max_tokens ,
evaluation = response [ " choices " ] [ 0 ] [ " message " ] [ " content " ]
return { " evaluation " : evaluation , " id " : id }
except Exception as e :
print ( e )
time . sleep ( 1 )
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
print ( f " Evaluation { id } failed after { MAX_API_RETRY } retries. " )
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
return { " evaluation " : " " , " id " : id }
def parse_battle_score ( evaluation : str ) - > List [ float ] :
Parse evaluation from GPT - 4 and get the scores of model 1 and 2.
Args :
evaluation : evaluation from GPT - 4.
Returns :
A score pair of two different model answers .
try :
pattern = re . compile ( " ([0-9]|10) out of 10 " )
sp = re . findall ( pattern , evaluation )
if len ( re . findall ( pattern , evaluation ) ) == 2 :
return [ float ( sp [ 0 ] ) , float ( sp [ 1 ] ) ]
pattern = re . compile ( " a score of ([0-9]|10) " )
sp = re . findall ( pattern , evaluation )
if len ( re . findall ( pattern , evaluation ) ) == 2 :
return [ float ( sp [ 0 ] ) , float ( sp [ 1 ] ) ]
pattern = re . compile ( " ([0-9]|10)/10 " )
sp = re . findall ( pattern , evaluation )
if len ( re . findall ( pattern , evaluation ) ) == 2 :
return [ float ( sp [ 0 ] ) , float ( sp [ 1 ] ) ]
score_pair = evaluation . split ( " \n " ) [ 0 ]
score_pair = score_pair . replace ( " , " , " " )
sp = score_pair . split ( " " )
if len ( sp ) == 2 :
return [ float ( sp [ 0 ] ) , float ( sp [ 1 ] ) ]
else :
raise Exception ( f " Invalid score pair. Got { evaluation } . " )
except Exception as e :
return [ - 1 , - 1 ]
def battle ( answer1 : List [ Dict ] , answer2 : List [ Dict ] , prompt_dict : Dict [ str , Any ] ) - > List [ Dict ] :
Use GPT - 4 to compare answers of two different models .
Args :
answer1 : answers of model 1.
answer2 : answers of model 2.
prompt_dict : prompt for battle .
Returns :
Evaluations of all comparison pairs .
assert len ( answer1 ) == len ( answer2 )
handles = [ ]
evaluation_file = [ ]
total_len = len ( answer1 )
question_idx_list = list ( range ( total_len ) )
print ( f " Total number of answers: { len ( answer1 ) } . " )
evaluations = [ ]
with concurrent . futures . ThreadPoolExecutor ( max_workers = 4 ) as executor :
futures = [ ]
for i in question_idx_list :
assert answer1 [ i ] [ " id " ] == answer2 [ i ] [ " id " ]
answer_id = answer1 [ i ] [ " id " ]
ques = answer1 [ i ] [ " instruction " ] if answer1 [ i ] [
" input " ] == " " else answer1 [ i ] [ " instruction " ] + " " + answer1 [ i ] [ " input " ]
cat = answer1 [ i ] [ " category " ]
ans1 = answer1 [ i ] [ " output " ]
ans2 = answer2 [ i ] [ " output " ]
sys_prompt = prompt_dict [ " system_prompt " ]
prompt_template = prompt_dict [ " prompt_template " ]
prompt = prompt_template . format (
question = ques ,
answer_1 = ans1 ,
answer_2 = ans2 ,
prompt = prompt_dict [ " prompt " ] ,
future = executor . submit ( get_battle_result , sys_prompt , prompt , answer_id , 2048 )
futures . append ( future )
for future in tqdm . tqdm ( concurrent . futures . as_completed ( futures ) , total = len ( futures ) ) :
evaluations . append ( future . result ( ) )
evaluations . sort ( key = lambda x : x [ " id " ] )
return evaluations
def save_battle_results ( evaluations : List [ Dict ] , name1 : str , name2 : str , save_path : str ) - > None :
Save evaluation results ( model 1 vs model 2 ) from GPT - 4.
Args :
evaluations : evaluation results from GPT - 4.
name1 : model 1 ' s name.
name2 : model 2 ' s name.
save_path : path to save battle results .
evaluation_file = deepcopy ( evaluations )
ans1_score = 0
ans2_score = 0
better_count = 0
worse_count = 0
tie_count = 0
invalid_count = 0
better_file = [ ]
worse_file = [ ]
tie_file = [ ]
invalid_file = [ ]
for idx , evaluation in enumerate ( evaluations ) :
scores = parse_battle_score ( evaluation [ " evaluation " ] )
evaluation_file [ idx ] [ " score " ] = scores
if scores [ 0 ] == - 1 and scores [ 1 ] == - 1 :
invalid_count + = 1
invalid_file . append ( evaluation_file [ idx ] )
print ( f ' Invalid score pair: { evaluation_file [ idx ] [ " id " ] } . ' )
else :
if scores [ 0 ] > scores [ 1 ] :
worse_count + = 1
worse_file . append ( evaluation_file [ idx ] )
elif scores [ 0 ] < scores [ 1 ] :
better_count + = 1
better_file . append ( evaluation_file [ idx ] )
else :
tie_count + = 1
tie_file . append ( evaluation_file [ idx ] )
ans1_score + = scores [ 0 ]
ans2_score + = scores [ 1 ]
prefix = f " { name1 } _vs_ { name2 } "
if not os . path . exists ( save_path ) :
os . makedirs ( save_path )
jdump ( better_file , os . path . join ( save_path , prefix , f " { name2 } _better.json " ) )
jdump ( worse_file , os . path . join ( save_path , prefix , f " { name2 } _worse.json " ) )
jdump ( tie_file , os . path . join ( save_path , prefix , f " { prefix } _tie.json " ) )
jdump ( invalid_file , os . path . join ( save_path , prefix , f " { prefix } _invalid.json " ) )
jdump ( evaluation_file , os . path . join ( save_path , prefix , f " { prefix } _evaluations.json " ) )
if os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( save_path , " battle_results.json " ) ) :
results = jload ( os . path . join ( save_path , " battle_results.json " ) )
else :
results = { }
results [ prefix ] = {
" model " : [ name1 , name2 ] ,
" better " : better_count ,
" worse " : worse_count ,
" tie " : tie_count ,
" win_rate " : better_count / ( len ( evaluations ) - invalid_count ) ,
" score " : [
ans1_score / ( len ( evaluations ) - invalid_count ) ,
ans2_score / ( len ( evaluations ) - invalid_count ) ,
] ,
jdump ( results , os . path . join ( save_path , " battle_results.json " ) )
print ( f " Total { invalid_count } invalid score pair(s). " )
print ( f " Model { name2 } has { better_count } better answer(s). " )
print ( f " Model { name2 } has { worse_count } worse answer(s). " )
print ( f " { tie_count } answer(s) play(s) to a tie. " )
print ( f " Win rate of model { name2 } : { better_count / ( len ( evaluations ) - invalid_count ) : .2f } " )
print ( f " Model { name1 } average score: { ans1_score / ( len ( evaluations ) - invalid_count ) : .2f } " )
print ( f " Model { name2 } average score: { ans2_score / ( len ( evaluations ) - invalid_count ) : .2f } " )
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
def reference_template ( metric : str , language : str , reference : Dict [ str , Any ] ) - > str :
Get prompt template for GPT evaluation with reference .
Different languages have different prompt templates .
Args :
metric : metric used in GPT evaluation with reference .
language : language for the template .
reference : the instruction that contains target answer .
Returns :
Prompt template for GPT evaluation with reference .
step_to_add = ref_step_template [ language ]
for_the_given_answer = " {metric} (1-5) (directly give the score for the given answer): " if language == " en " else " {metric} (1-5) (直接对给定答案打分) "
# adjective is used to describe the word "answer" in the prompt.
adjective = " example " if language == " en " else " 示例 "
answer_to_add = ref_answer_template_general [ language ]
# Only for correctness, we will provide a correct answer and so the adjective for "answer" will be "correct". The prompt words will be "a correct answer".
# In other cases, the prompt words will be "an example answer with good quality" by default.
if metric . lower ( ) == " correctness " :
adjective = " correct " if language == " en " else " 标准 "
answer_to_add = ref_answer_template_correctness [ language ]
answer_to_add = answer_to_add . format ( answer = reference [ " target " ] if reference [ " target " ] else reference [ " output " ] )
step_to_add = step_to_add . format ( metric = metric . lower ( ) ,
adjective = adjective ) + for_the_given_answer . format ( metric = metric )
return answer_to_add + step_to_add
def fill_in_message ( role : str , content : str ) - > Dict [ str , str ] :
Generate one formatted message to send through chat completion .
Args :
role : the role of the author of this message .
content : the contents of the message .
Returns :
One message to send through chat completion .
return { " role " : role , " content " : content }
def multiturn_chat_completion ( user_messages : List [ str ] , model : str , max_tokens : int = 1 , turns = 2 ) - > Dict [ str , Any ] :
Do multi - turn chat completion .
When turns == 1 , it is a one - turn conversation for normal GPT evaluation .
When turns == 2 , it is a two - turn conversation which is used for GPT evaluation with reference answers .
Args :
user_messages : messages user wants to send .
model : the model used to evaluate answers .
max_tokens : the maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion .
turns : the number of turns for conversation .
Returns :
Last turn ' s response.
if len ( user_messages ) != turns :
raise Exception ( " The length of user messages should be equal to the turn number! " )
assistant_responses = [ ]
for i in range ( turns ) :
messages_to_send = [ ]
for j in range ( i ) :
messages_to_send . append ( fill_in_message ( " user " , user_messages [ j ] ) )
messages_to_send . append (
fill_in_message ( " assistant " , assistant_responses [ j ] [ " choices " ] [ 0 ] [ " message " ] [ " content " ] ) )
# Length of user messages == Length of assistant messages + 1
# Because we always expect the api to response
messages_to_send . append ( fill_in_message ( " user " , user_messages [ i ] ) )
response = openai . ChatCompletion . create (
model = model ,
messages = messages_to_send ,
temperature = 0 ,
max_tokens = max_tokens ,
# Avoid exceeding rate limits.
# You can comment this line if your request doesn't contain many tokens.
time . sleep ( 1 )
assistant_responses . append ( response )
return assistant_responses [ - 1 ]
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
def get_gpt_evaluation_without_logprobs ( prompt : Dict [ str , Any ] ,
inst : Dict [ str , Any ] ,
metrics : List [ str ] ,
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
language : str ,
reference : Dict [ str , Any ] = None ,
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
model : str = " gpt-3.5-turbo " ,
max_tokens : int = 2048 ) - > Dict [ str , Any ] :
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2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
Use chat models ( gpt - 3.5 - turbo or gpt - 4 ) to evaluate one model answer .
2023-06-19 03:21:55 +00:00
Temperature is set to 0 to make the model more deterministic .
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
Args :
prompt : a dictionary including prompt template , CoT and metrics .
inst : the instruction that is needed to be evaluated .
metrics : the metrics for evaluation .
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
language : language used to change the CoT ( add one more step about comparing the given answer and reference ) if reference is not None .
reference : the reference answer .
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
model : the model used to evaluate answers .
max_tokens : the maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion .
Returns :
An evaluation of one answer .
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
question = ( inst [ " instruction " ] if inst [ " input " ] == " " else inst [ " instruction " ] + " \n " + inst [ " input " ] )
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
answer = inst [ " output " ]
inst [ " evaluation " ] = { }
for metric in metrics :
if prompt [ " metrics " ] . get ( metric , None ) is None :
raise Exception (
f " Unsupported metric { metric } for category { inst [ ' category ' ] } ! You should add this metric in the prompt file! "
for i in range ( MAX_API_RETRY ) :
try :
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
prompt_reference = " " if reference is None else reference_template ( metric , language , reference )
prompt_1st_round = prompt [ " prompt " ] . format (
question = question ,
answer = answer ,
metric = prompt [ " metrics " ] [ metric ] ,
steps = prompt [ " CoT " ] [ metric ] ,
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
if prompt_reference :
# Do a 2-round conversation
response = multiturn_chat_completion ( [ prompt_1st_round , prompt_reference ] ,
model ,
max_tokens = max_tokens ,
turns = 2 )
else :
response = multiturn_chat_completion ( [ prompt_1st_round ] , model , max_tokens = max_tokens , turns = 1 )
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
inst [ " evaluation " ] [ metric ] = {
" response " : response [ " choices " ] [ 0 ] [ " message " ] [ " content " ] ,
" logprobs " : None ,
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
# Prevent exceeding rate limits because we have multiple workers.
# But this will slow down the evaluation process.
# You can comment this line if your request doesn't contain many tokens.
time . sleep ( len ( metrics ) * 0.5 )
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
except Exception as e :
print ( e )
time . sleep ( 1 )
if metric not in inst [ " evaluation " ] :
print ( f " Evaluation { inst [ ' id ' ] } for metric { metric } failed after { MAX_API_RETRY } retries. " )
inst [ " evaluation " ] [ metric ] = { }
return inst
def get_gpt_evaluation_with_logprobs ( prompt : Dict [ str , Any ] ,
inst : Dict [ str , Any ] ,
metrics : List [ str ] ,
max_tokens : int = 2048 ) - > Dict [ str , Any ] :
Use completion model ( text - davinci - 003 ) to evaluate one model answer .
Only completion models can return log probabilities .
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2023-06-19 03:21:55 +00:00
Temperature is set to 0 to make the model more deterministic .
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
Args :
prompt : a dictionary including prompt template , CoT and metrics .
inst : the instruction that is needed to be evaluated .
metrics : the metrics for evaluation .
max_tokens : the maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion .
Returns :
An evaluation of one answer .
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
question = ( inst [ " instruction " ] if inst [ " input " ] == " " else inst [ " instruction " ] + " \n " + inst [ " input " ] )
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
answer = inst [ " output " ]
inst [ " evaluation " ] = { }
for metric in metrics :
if prompt [ " metrics " ] . get ( metric , None ) is None :
raise Exception (
f " Unsupported metric { metric } for category { inst [ ' category ' ] } ! You should add this metric in the prompt file! "
for i in range ( MAX_API_RETRY ) :
try :
response = openai . Completion . create (
model = " text-davinci-003 " ,
prompt = prompt [ " prompt " ] . format (
question = question ,
answer = answer ,
metric = prompt [ " metrics " ] [ metric ] ,
steps = prompt [ " CoT " ] [ metric ] ,
) ,
logprobs = 5 ,
temperature = 0 ,
max_tokens = max_tokens ,
inst [ " evaluation " ] [ metric ] = {
" response " : response [ " choices " ] [ 0 ] [ " text " ] ,
" logprobs " : response [ " choices " ] [ 0 ] [ " logprobs " ] [ " top_logprobs " ] ,
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
# Prevent exceeding rate limits because we have multiple workers.
# But this will slow down the evaluation process.
# You can comment this line if your request doesn't contain many tokens.
time . sleep ( len ( metrics ) * 0.5 )
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
except Exception as e :
print ( e )
time . sleep ( 1 )
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
if metric not in inst [ " evaluation " ] :
print ( f " Evaluation { inst [ ' id ' ] } for metric { metric } failed after { MAX_API_RETRY } retries. " )
inst [ " evaluation " ] [ metric ] = { }
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
return inst
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
def evaluate ( answers : List [ Dict ] ,
prompt : Dict [ str , Any ] ,
metrics : List [ str ] ,
category : str ,
model : str ,
language : str ,
references : List [ Dict ] = None ) - > List [ Dict ] :
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
Use GPT models to evaluate model answers and save evaluation results .
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
Args :
answers : model answers .
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
prompt : prompt for GPT evaluation .
metrics : metrics for GPT evaluation .
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
category : the category of the model answers for evaluation .
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
model : the specific GPT model used to evaluate answers .
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
language : language used in GPT evaluation
references : references for GPT evaluation
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
Returns :
Evaluations of the given answers .
print ( f " The number of instances of category { category } ' s is { len ( answers ) } . " )
evaluations = [ ]
metrics_str = " , " . join ( x for x in metrics )
print ( f " Category { category } ' s metrics are { metrics_str } . " )
with concurrent . futures . ThreadPoolExecutor ( max_workers = 4 ) as executor :
futures = [ ]
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
for idx , inst in enumerate ( answers ) :
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
# Completion models can return log probabilities.
if model == " text-davinci-003 " :
future = executor . submit ( get_gpt_evaluation_with_logprobs , prompt , inst , metrics , 1 )
else :
2023-06-13 07:12:29 +00:00
future = executor . submit ( get_gpt_evaluation_without_logprobs ,
prompt ,
inst ,
metrics ,
language ,
reference = None if references is None else references [ idx ] ,
model = model ,
max_tokens = 1 )
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
futures . append ( future )
for future in tqdm . tqdm (
concurrent . futures . as_completed ( futures ) ,
desc = f " { category } : " ,
total = len ( futures ) ,
) :
evaluations . append ( future . result ( ) )
evaluations . sort ( key = lambda x : x [ " id " ] )
print ( f " { category } done. " )
return evaluations
def calculate_scores_form_logprobs ( logprobs : Dict [ str , Any ] ) - > float :
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
Calculate the score according to log probabilities returned by text - davinci - 003.
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
Calculation formula :
score = sum ( score_i * exp ( value ) ) where score_i is the score which corresponds to the key ( predicted token ) and value is its log probability .
Ref : https : / / arxiv . org / abs / 2303.16634
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
This paper proposes NLG evaluation methods using text - davinci - 003 ( log probabilities returned by completion models ) and GPT - 4 ( probabilities obtained by sampling ) .
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Args :
logprobs : logprobs returned by openai . Completion .
Returns :
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
The score of one answer .
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
# GPT-3.5 only returns score of 1 to 5.
prob = np . zeros ( 5 )
for key , value in logprobs . items ( ) :
# Sometimes the key will be one byte of a unicode character which takes the form of "bytes:\\xe7".
2023-09-15 06:18:22 +00:00
# It is meaningless, and thus we don't calculate probability.
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
if " bytes " in key :
# results[0] is the score which corresponds to the key(predicted token).
# For example, key "5" corresponds to score 5.
results = re . findall ( r " \ d " , key )
if len ( results ) == 1 :
prob [ int ( results [ 0 ] ) - 1 ] = prob [ int ( results [ 0 ] ) - 1 ] + np . exp ( value )
score = np . dot ( np . arange ( 1 , 6 ) , prob )
return score
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
def calculate_scores_form_response ( response : str , evaluation : Dict [ str , Any ] ) - > int :
Calculate the score from the response returned by gpt - 3.5 - turbo or gpt - 4.
2023-06-19 03:21:55 +00:00
Different from text - davinci - 003 , this function directly calculates the score according to the plain response returned by gpt - 3.5 - turbo or gpt - 4.
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Although text - davinci - 003 can return log probabilities , it costs ten times as much as gpt - 3.5 - turbo .
Args :
response : logprobs returned by openai . Completion .
evaluation : the evaluation corresponds to the question .
Returns :
The score of one answer .
try :
results = re . findall ( r " \ d " , response )
if len ( results ) == 1 :
return int ( results [ 0 ] )
else :
raise Exception ( f " Invalid score pair. Got { evaluation } . " )
except Exception as e :
return 0
2023-06-05 13:24:21 +00:00
def save_gpt_evaluation_results ( model_name : str , gpt_evaluation_results : Dict [ str , Any ] ,
save_path : str ) - > Dict [ str , Any ] :
Save evaluation results for different categories for one model .
Args :
model_name : name of the model for saving evaluation results .
2023-09-15 06:18:22 +00:00
gpt_evaluation_results : evaluations results for all the model answers .
2023-06-05 13:24:21 +00:00
save_path : path to save GPT evaluation statistics .
all_evaluations = [ ]
for category , evaluations in gpt_evaluation_results . items ( ) :
jdump ( evaluations , os . path . join ( save_path , model_name , f " { category } _evaluation_results.json " ) )
all_evaluations . extend ( evaluations )
jdump ( all_evaluations , os . path . join ( save_path , f " { model_name } _evaluation_results.json " ) )
return all_evaluations
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
def save_gpt_evaluation_statistics ( model_name : str , evaluations : List [ Dict ] , save_path : str ) - > None :
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
Generate statistics for one model .
Args :
model_name : name of the model for saving statistics .
2023-09-15 06:18:22 +00:00
evaluations : evaluations for all the model answers .
2023-06-05 13:24:21 +00:00
save_path : path to save GPT evaluation statistics .
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
if not os . path . exists ( save_path ) :
os . makedirs ( save_path )
data_per_category = { }
for evaluation in evaluations :
category = evaluation [ " category " ]
if evaluation [ " category " ] in data_per_category . keys ( ) :
data_per_category [ category ] . append ( evaluation )
else :
data_per_category [ category ] = [ evaluation ]
all_statistics = { }
for category , data in data_per_category . items ( ) :
metrics = data [ 0 ] [ " evaluation " ] . keys ( )
scores = { metric : [ ] for metric in metrics }
for evaluation in data :
for metric in metrics :
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
if evaluation [ " evaluation " ] [ metric ] == { } :
2023-09-15 06:18:22 +00:00
# This means after 3 retries, the server still returns an error, and we set the score to 0.
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
scores [ metric ] . append ( 0 )
elif evaluation [ " evaluation " ] [ metric ] [ " logprobs " ] is not None :
scores [ metric ] . append (
calculate_scores_form_logprobs ( evaluation [ " evaluation " ] [ metric ] [ " logprobs " ] [ 0 ] ) )
else :
scores [ metric ] . append (
calculate_scores_form_response ( evaluation [ " evaluation " ] [ metric ] [ " response " ] , evaluation ) )
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
statistics = { }
for metric in metrics :
arg_sort = np . argsort ( scores [ metric ] )
statistics [ metric ] = { }
statistics [ metric ] [ " avg_score " ] = sum ( scores [ metric ] ) / len ( data )
statistics [ metric ] [ " best_3 " ] = { data [ i ] [ " id " ] : scores [ metric ] [ i ] for i in arg_sort [ - 3 : ] [ : : - 1 ] }
statistics [ metric ] [ " worst_3 " ] = { data [ i ] [ " id " ] : scores [ metric ] [ i ] for i in arg_sort [ : 3 ] }
all_statistics [ category ] = statistics
jdump (
all_statistics ,
os . path . join ( save_path , f " { model_name } _evaluation_statistics.json " ) ,
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
def analyze_gpt_evaluation_statistics ( statistics_path : str , save_path : str ) - > None :
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
2023-06-05 13:24:21 +00:00
Analyze and visualize all GPT evaluation statistics in the given directory .
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
Args :
statistics_path : path to all the models ' statistics.
save_path : path to save table and visualization results .
if not os . path . exists ( statistics_path ) :
raise Exception ( f ' The given directory " { statistics_path } " doesn \' t exist! No statistics found! ' )
all_statistics = { }
for file_name in os . listdir ( statistics_path ) :
if file_name . endswith ( " _evaluation_statistics.json " ) :
model_name = file_name . split ( " _evaluation_statistics.json " ) [ 0 ]
all_statistics [ model_name ] = jload ( os . path . join ( statistics_path , file_name ) )
if len ( list ( all_statistics . keys ( ) ) ) == 0 :
raise Exception ( f ' There are no statistics in the given directory " { statistics_path } " ! ' )
frame_all = {
" model " : [ ] ,
" category " : [ ] ,
" metric " : [ ] ,
" avg_score " : [ ] ,
" best_3 " : [ ] ,
" worst_3 " : [ ] ,
frame_per_category = { }
for model_name , model_statistics in all_statistics . items ( ) :
for category , category_statistics in model_statistics . items ( ) :
if frame_per_category . get ( category ) is None :
frame_per_category [ category ] = {
" model " : [ ] ,
" metric " : [ ] ,
" avg_score " : [ ] ,
" best_3 " : [ ] ,
" worst_3 " : [ ] ,
for metric , metric_statistics in category_statistics . items ( ) :
frame_all [ " model " ] . append ( model_name )
frame_all [ " category " ] . append ( category )
frame_all [ " metric " ] . append ( metric )
frame_all [ " avg_score " ] . append ( metric_statistics [ " avg_score " ] )
frame_all [ " best_3 " ] . append ( metric_statistics [ " best_3 " ] )
frame_all [ " worst_3 " ] . append ( metric_statistics [ " worst_3 " ] )
frame_per_category [ category ] [ " model " ] . append ( model_name )
frame_per_category [ category ] [ " metric " ] . append ( metric )
frame_per_category [ category ] [ " avg_score " ] . append ( metric_statistics [ " avg_score " ] )
frame_per_category [ category ] [ " best_3 " ] . append ( metric_statistics [ " best_3 " ] )
frame_per_category [ category ] [ " worst_3 " ] . append ( metric_statistics [ " worst_3 " ] )
if not os . path . exists ( save_path ) :
os . makedirs ( save_path )
frame_all = pd . DataFrame ( frame_all )
2023-05-30 03:48:41 +00:00
frame_all . to_csv ( os . path . join ( save_path , " gpt_evaluation_statistics.csv " ) )
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
for category in tqdm . tqdm (
frame_per_category . keys ( ) ,
2023-06-08 09:38:47 +00:00
desc = f " GPT evaluation: " ,
2023-05-24 03:18:23 +00:00
total = len ( frame_per_category . keys ( ) ) ,
) :
data = pd . DataFrame ( frame_per_category [ category ] )
sns . set ( )
fig = plt . figure ( figsize = ( 16 , 10 ) )
plt . ylim ( ( 0 , 5 ) )
fig = sns . barplot ( x = " metric " , y = " avg_score " , hue = " model " , data = data , dodge = True )
fig . set_title ( f " Comparison between Different Models for Category { category . title ( ) } " )
plt . xlabel ( " Evaluation Metric " )
plt . ylabel ( " Average Score " )
figure = fig . get_figure ( )
figure . savefig ( os . path . join ( save_path , f " { category } .png " ) , dpi = 400 )
2023-06-05 13:24:21 +00:00
plt . close ( )