which has been accepted as official tutorials by top conference [SC](https://sc22.supercomputing.org/), [AAAI](https://aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI-23/), [PPoPP](https://ppopp23.sigplan.org/), [CVPR](https://cvpr2023.thecvf.com/), [ISC](https://www.isc-hpc.com/), etc.
quickly deploy large AI model training and inference, reducing large AI model training budgets and scaling down the labor cost of learning and deployment.
Both academia and industry are scaling DL training on larger clusters. However, degrading generalization performance, non-negligible communication overhead, and increasing model size prevent DL researchers and engineers from exploring large-scale AI models.
One way to achieve the goal of maintaining or improving the model accuracy in the large-scale setting while maintaining compute efficiency is to design algorithms that
are less communication and memory hungry. Notably, they are not mutually exclusive but can
be optimized jointly to further speed up training.
1. Model Accuracy
- Gradient Descent Optimization
- Gradient Descent Variants
- Momentum
- Adaptive Gradient
- Large Batch Training Optimization
- Generalization Gap
- Second-Order Optimization
- Hessian-Free
- Shampoo
2. Model Accuracy
- Communication Efficiency
- Reduce Volumn of Comm.
- Reduce Frequency of Comm.
- Memory Efficiency
- Mix-Precision Training
- Memory-Efficient Methods, e.g. ZeRO, Gemini, etc.
Some of the above are still under development. **If you wish to make a contribution to this repository, please read the `Contributing` section below.**
## Discussion
Discussion about the Colossal-AI project is always welcomed! We would love to exchange ideas with the community to better help this project grow.
If you think there is a need to discuss anything, you may jump to our [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/colossalaiworkspace/shared_invite/zt-z7b26eeb-CBp7jouvu~r0~lcFzX832w).
If you encounter any problem while running these optimizers, you may want to raise an issue in this repository.
If you find that an optimizer is broken (not working) or not user-friendly, you may put up a pull request to this repository and update this optimizer.
### Add a New Optimizer
If you wish to add an optimizer for a specific application, please follow the steps below.
1. create the new optimizer file in the current folder
2. Prepare the corresponding example files in the [Examples](https://github.com/hpcaitech/ColossalAI-Examples) repository to prove effectiveness of the new optimizer
3. Prepare a detailed readme on environment setup, dataset preparation, code execution, etc. in your example folder
4. Update the table of content (last section above) in this readme file
If your PR is accepted, we may invite you to put up a tutorial or blog in [ColossalAI Documentation](https://colossalai.org/).