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import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from torch.autograd import Function
from torch.distributed import ProcessGroup
__all__ = ["DistCrossEntropy", "cross_entropy_1d"]
class DistCrossEntropy(Function):
Overwrite the forward and backward function to calculate the cross entropy loss before gather
Function (:class:`torch.autograd.Function`): default
def forward(ctx, vocab_logits: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, ignore_index: int, process_group: ProcessGroup):
Calculate the cross entropy loss before gather, the origin loss function is as follows:
loss = -log(exp(x[class])/sum(exp(x[i]))
and can be rewrite as:
loss = log(sum(exp(x[i])) - x[class]
To avoid the `nan` of log(sum(exp(x[i]))), we minus the max of x[i]
vocab_logits (:class:`torch.Tensor`): The logits of the vocabulary, shape is
[batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size]
labels (:class:`torch.Tensor`): The labels of the vocabulary, shape is
[batch_size, seq_len]
:class:`torch.Tensor`: The cross entropy loss
# get the max
logits_max = torch.max(vocab_logits, dim=-1)[0]
dist.all_reduce(logits_max, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX, group=process_group)
# minus the max to avoid the result of sum of exp is too large and the log is nan
vocab_logits = vocab_logits - logits_max.unsqueeze(dim=-1)
# mask the target in the local device
partition_vocab_size = vocab_logits.size()[-1]
rank = dist.get_rank(group=process_group)
world_size = dist.get_world_size(group=process_group)
global_vocab_size = partition_vocab_size * world_size
# [down, up) => false, other device and -100 => true
delta = (global_vocab_size + world_size - 1) // world_size
down_threshold = rank * delta
up_threshold = down_threshold + delta
mask = (target < down_threshold) | (target >= up_threshold)
masked_target = target.clone() - down_threshold
masked_target[mask] = 0
# reshape the logits and target
# reshape the vocab_logits to [bath_size * seq_len, vocab_size]
# reshape the labels to [bath_size * seq_len]
logits_2d = vocab_logits.view(-1, partition_vocab_size)
masked_target_1d = masked_target.view(-1)
# extract the x[class] and set the x[other device] to zero
pred_logits_1d = logits_2d[
torch.arange(start=0, end=logits_2d.shape[0], device=logits_2d.device), masked_target_1d
pred_logits_1d = pred_logits_1d.clone().contiguous()
pred_logits = pred_logits_1d.view_as(target)
pred_logits[mask] = 0.0
# allreduce the get all x(i,y)
dist.all_reduce(pred_logits, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, group=process_group)
exp_logits = vocab_logits
torch.exp(vocab_logits, out=exp_logits)
sum_exp_logits = torch.sum(exp_logits, dim=-1)
dist.all_reduce(sum_exp_logits, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, group=process_group)
# calculate the loss
# loss = log(sum(exp(x[i]))) - x[class]
loss = torch.where(target == ignore_index, 0.0, torch.log(sum_exp_logits) - pred_logits)
loss = torch.sum(loss).div_(torch.sum(loss != 0.0))
# calculate the softmax
ctx.save_for_backward(exp_logits, mask, masked_target_1d)
return loss
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
# retrieve the saved tensors
exp_logits, mask, masked_target_1d = ctx.saved_tensors
# use exp logits as the input grad
grad_logits = exp_logits
partion_vocab_size = grad_logits.shape[-1]
grad_logits_2d = grad_logits.view(-1, partion_vocab_size)
update = 1.0 - mask.view(-1).float()
grad_logits_2d[torch.arange(0, grad_logits_2d.shape[0]), masked_target_1d] -= update
return grad_logits, None, None
def cross_entropy_1d(
vocab_logits: torch.Tensor, labels: torch.Tensor, ignore_index: int = -100, process_group: ProcessGroup = None
) -> torch.Tensor:
return DistCrossEntropy.apply(vocab_logits, labels, ignore_index, process_group)