//AdminLTE mixins //=============== //Changes the color and the hovering properties of the navbar @mixin navbar-variant($color, $font-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8), $hover-color: #f6f6f6, $hover-bg: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)) { background-color: $color; //Navbar links .nav > li > a { color: $font-color; } .nav > li > a:hover, .nav > li > a:active, .nav > li > a:focus, .nav .open > a, .nav .open > a:hover, .nav .open > a:focus, .nav > .active > a { background: $hover-bg; color: $hover-color; } //Add color to the sidebar toggle button .sidebar-toggle { color: $font-color; &:hover { color: $hover-color; background: $hover-bg; } } } //Logo color variation @mixin logo-variant($bg-color, $color: #fff, $border-bottom-color: transparent, $border-bottom-width: 0) { background-color: $bg-color; color: $color; border-bottom: $border-bottom-width solid $border-bottom-color; &:hover { background-color: darken($bg-color, 1%); } } //Box solid color variantion creator @mixin box-solid-variant($color, $text-color: #fff) { border: 1px solid $color; > .box-header { color: $text-color; background: $color; background-color: $color; a, .btn { color: $text-color; } } } //Direct Chat Variant @mixin direct-chat-variant($bg-color, $color: #fff) { .right > .direct-chat-text { background: $bg-color; border-color: $bg-color; color: $color; &:after, &:before { border-left-color: $bg-color; } } } //border radius creator @mixin border-radius($radius) { border-radius: $radius; } @mixin translate($x, $y) { -ms-transform: translate($x, $y); // IE9 only transform: translate($x, $y); } //Different radius each side @mixin border-radius-sides($top-left, $top-right, $bottom-left, $bottom-right) { border-radius: $top-left $top-right $bottom-left $bottom-right; } @mixin rotate($value) { -ms-transform: rotate($value); transform: rotate($value); } @mixin animation($animation) { animation: $animation; } //Gradient background @mixin gradient($color: #F5F5F5, $start: #EEE, $stop: #FFF) { background: $color; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0, $start), color-stop(1, $stop)); background: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom, $start, $stop); background: -moz-linear-gradient(center bottom, $start 0%, $stop 100%); background: -o-linear-gradient($stop, $start); } //Added 2.1.0 //Skins Mixins //Dark Sidebar Mixin @mixin skin-dark-sidebar($link-hover-border-color) { // Sidebar background color (Both .wrapper and .left-side are responsible for sidebar bg color) .wrapper, .main-sidebar, .left-side { background-color: $sidebar-dark-bg; } //User Panel (resides in the sidebar) .user-panel { > .info, > .info > a { color: #fff; } } //Sidebar Menu. First level links .sidebar-menu > li { //Section Headning &.header { color: lighten($sidebar-dark-bg, 20%); background: darken($sidebar-dark-bg, 4%); } //links > a { border-left: 3px solid transparent; } //Hover and active states &:hover > a, &.active > a { color: $sidebar-dark-hover-color; background: $sidebar-dark-hover-bg; border-left-color: $link-hover-border-color; } //First Level Submenu > .treeview-menu { margin: 0 1px; background: $sidebar-dark-submenu-bg; } } //All links within the sidebar menu .sidebar a { color: $sidebar-dark-color; &:hover { text-decoration: none; } } //All submenus .treeview-menu { > li { > a { color: $sidebar-dark-submenu-color; } &.active > a, > a:hover { color: $sidebar-dark-submenu-hover-color; } } } //The sidebar search form .sidebar-form { @include border-radius(3px); border: 1px solid lighten($sidebar-dark-bg, 10%); margin: 10px 10px; input[type="text"], .btn { box-shadow: none; background-color: lighten($sidebar-dark-bg, 10%); border: 1px solid transparent; height: 35px; transition: all $transition-speed $transition-fn; } input[type="text"] { color: #666; @include border-radius-sides(2px, 0, 2px, 0); &:focus, &:focus + .input-group-btn .btn { background-color: #fff; color: #666; } &:focus + .input-group-btn .btn { border-left-color: #fff; } } .btn { color: #999; @include border-radius-sides(0, 2px, 0, 2px); } } } //Light Sidebar Mixin @mixin skin-light-sidebar($icon-active-color) { // Sidebar background color (Both .wrapper and .left-side are responsible for sidebar bg color) .wrapper, .main-sidebar, .left-side { background-color: $sidebar-light-bg; } .content-wrapper, .main-footer { border-left: 1px solid $gray; } //User Panel (resides in the sidebar) .user-panel { > .info, > .info > a { color: $sidebar-light-color; } } //Sidebar Menu. First level links .sidebar-menu > li { transition: border-left-color .3s ease; //border-left: 3px solid transparent; //Section Headning &.header { color: lighten($sidebar-light-color, 25%); background: $sidebar-light-bg; } //links > a { border-left: 3px solid transparent; font-weight: 600; } //Hover and active states &:hover > a, &.active > a { color: $sidebar-light-hover-color; background: $sidebar-light-hover-bg; } &:hover > a { } &.active { border-left-color: $icon-active-color; > a { font-weight: 600; } } //First Level Submenu > .treeview-menu { background: $sidebar-light-submenu-bg; } } //All links within the sidebar menu .sidebar a { color: $sidebar-light-color; &:hover { text-decoration: none; } } //All submenus .treeview-menu { > li { > a { color: $sidebar-light-submenu-color; } &.active > a, > a:hover { color: $sidebar-light-submenu-hover-color; } &.active > a { font-weight: 600; } } } //The sidebar search form .sidebar-form { @include border-radius(3px); border: 1px solid $gray; //darken($sidebar-light-bg, 5%); margin: 10px 10px; input[type="text"], .btn { box-shadow: none; background-color: #fff; //darken($sidebar-light-bg, 3%); border: 1px solid transparent; height: 35px; transition: all $transition-speed $transition-fn; } input[type="text"] { color: #666; @include border-radius-sides(2px, 0, 2px, 0); &:focus, &:focus + .input-group-btn .btn { background-color: #fff; color: #666; } &:focus + .input-group-btn .btn { border-left-color: #fff; } } .btn { color: #999; @include border-radius-sides(0, 2px, 0, 2px); } } @media (min-width: map-get($grid-breakpoints, sm)) { &.sidebar-mini.sidebar-collapse { .sidebar-menu > li > .treeview-menu { border-left: 1px solid $gray; } } } }