/** * Represents map legend. * @constructor * @param {Object} params Configuration parameters. * @param {String} params.cssClass Additional CSS class to apply to legend element. * @param {Boolean} params.vertical If <code>true</code> legend will be rendered as vertical. * @param {String} params.title Legend title. * @param {Function} params.labelRender Method to convert series values to legend labels. */ jvm.Legend = function(params) { this.params = params || {}; this.map = this.params.map; this.series = this.params.series; this.body = jvm.$('<div/>'); this.body.addClass('jvectormap-legend'); if (this.params.cssClass) { this.body.addClass(this.params.cssClass); } if (params.vertical) { this.map.legendCntVertical.append( this.body ); } else { this.map.legendCntHorizontal.append( this.body ); } this.render(); } jvm.Legend.prototype.render = function(){ var ticks = this.series.scale.getTicks(), i, inner = jvm.$('<div/>').addClass('jvectormap-legend-inner'), tick, sample, label; this.body.html(''); if (this.params.title) { this.body.append( jvm.$('<div/>').addClass('jvectormap-legend-title').html(this.params.title) ); } this.body.append(inner); for (i = 0; i < ticks.length; i++) { tick = jvm.$('<div/>').addClass('jvectormap-legend-tick'); sample = jvm.$('<div/>').addClass('jvectormap-legend-tick-sample'); switch (this.series.params.attribute) { case 'fill': if (jvm.isImageUrl(ticks[i].value)) { sample.css('background', 'url('+ticks[i].value+')'); } else { sample.css('background', ticks[i].value); } break; case 'stroke': sample.css('background', ticks[i].value); break; case 'image': sample.css('background', 'url('+ticks[i].value+') no-repeat center center'); break; case 'r': jvm.$('<div/>').css({ 'border-radius': ticks[i].value, border: this.map.params.markerStyle.initial['stroke-width']+'px '+ this.map.params.markerStyle.initial['stroke']+' solid', width: ticks[i].value * 2 + 'px', height: ticks[i].value * 2 + 'px', background: this.map.params.markerStyle.initial['fill'] }).appendTo(sample); break; } tick.append( sample ); label = ticks[i].label; if (this.params.labelRender) { label = this.params.labelRender(label); } tick.append( jvm.$('<div>'+label+' </div>').addClass('jvectormap-legend-tick-text') ); inner.append(tick); } inner.append( jvm.$('<div/>').css('clear', 'both') ); }