/* eslint-env node */ const autoprefix = require('autoprefixer') const browserSync = require('browser-sync').create() const del = require('del') const { src, dest, lastRun, watch, series, parallel } = require('gulp') const cleanCss = require('gulp-clean-css') const eslint = require('gulp-eslint-new') const fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include') const validator = require('gulp-html') const gulpIf = require('gulp-if') const npmDist = require('gulp-npm-dist') const postcss = require('gulp-postcss') const rename = require('gulp-rename') const sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('sass')) const gulpStylelint = require('gulp-stylelint') const terser = require('gulp-terser') const rollup = require('rollup') const rollupTypescript = require('@rollup/plugin-typescript') const rtlcss = require('rtlcss') const pkg = require('./package') const year = new Date().getFullYear() const banner = `/*! * AdminLTE v${pkg.version} (${pkg.homepage}) * Copyright 2014-${year} ${pkg.author} * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/ColorlibHQ/AdminLTE/blob/master/LICENSE) */` // Define paths const paths = { dist: { base: './dist/', css: './dist/css', js: './dist/js', html: './dist/pages', assets: './dist/assets', vendor: './dist/vendor' }, src: { base: './src/', html: './src/pages/**/*.html', assets: './src/assets/**/*.*', partials: './src/partials/**/*.html', scss: './src/scss', ts: './src/ts', nodeModules: './node_modules/' }, temp: { base: './.temp/', css: './.temp/css', js: './.temp/js', html: './.temp/pages', assets: './.temp/assets', vendor: './.temp/vendor' } } const sassOptions = { outputStyle: 'expanded', includePaths: ['./node_modules/'] } const postcssOptions = [ autoprefix({ cascade: false }) ] const postcssRtlOptions = [ autoprefix({ cascade: false }), rtlcss({}) ] // From here Dev mode will Start // Lint SCSS const lintScss = () => src([paths.src.scss + '/**/*.scss'], { since: lastRun(lintScss) }) .pipe(gulpStylelint({ failAfterError: false, reporters: [ { formatter: 'string', console: true } ] })) // Compile SCSS const scss = () => src(paths.src.scss + '/adminlte.scss', { sourcemaps: true }) .pipe(sass(sassOptions).on('error', sass.logError)) .pipe(postcss(postcssOptions)) .pipe(dest(paths.temp.css, { sourcemaps: '.' })) .pipe(browserSync.stream()) // Compile SCSS Dark const scssDark = () => src(paths.src.scss + '/dark/adminlte-dark-addon.scss', { sourcemaps: true }) .pipe(sass(sassOptions).on('error', sass.logError)) .pipe(postcss(postcssOptions)) .pipe(dest(paths.temp.css + '/dark', { sourcemaps: '.' })) .pipe(browserSync.stream()) // Lint TS function isFixed(file) { // Has ESLint fixed the file contents? return file.eslint !== null && file.eslint.fixed } const lintTs = () => src([paths.src.ts + '/**/*.ts'], { since: lastRun(lintTs) }) .pipe(eslint({ fix: true })) .pipe(eslint.format()) .pipe(gulpIf(isFixed, dest(paths.src.ts))) .pipe(eslint.failAfterError()) // Compile TS const tsCompile = () => rollup.rollup({ input: paths.src.ts + '/adminlte.ts', output: { banner }, plugins: [ rollupTypescript() ] }).then(bundle => bundle.write({ file: paths.temp.js + '/adminlte.js', format: 'umd', name: 'adminlte', sourcemap: true })) const assets = () => src([paths.src.assets]) .pipe(dest(paths.temp.assets)) .pipe(browserSync.stream()) const index = () => src([paths.src.base + '*.html']) .pipe(fileinclude({ prefix: '@@', basepath: './src/partials/', context: { environment: 'development' } })) .pipe(dest(paths.temp.base)) .pipe(browserSync.stream()) const html = () => src([paths.src.html]) .pipe(fileinclude({ prefix: '@@', basepath: './src/partials/', context: { environment: 'development' } })) .pipe(dest(paths.temp.html)) .pipe(browserSync.stream()) const lintHtml = () => src([paths.temp.html + '/**/*.html', paths.src.base + '*.html']) .pipe(validator()) const vendor = () => src(npmDist({ copyUnminified: true }), { base: paths.src.nodeModules }) .pipe(dest(paths.temp.vendor)) const serve = () => { browserSync.init({ server: paths.temp.base }) watch([paths.src.scss], series(lintScss)) watch([paths.src.scss + '/**/*.scss', '!' + paths.src.scss + '/bootstrap-dark/**/*.scss', '!' + paths.src.scss + '/dark/**/*.scss'], series(scss)) watch([paths.src.scss + '/bootstrap-dark/', paths.src.scss + '/dark/'], series(scssDark)) watch([paths.src.ts], series(lintTs, tsCompile)) watch([paths.src.html, paths.src.base + '*.html', paths.src.partials], series(html, index, lintHtml)) watch([paths.src.assets], series(assets)) } // From here Dist will Start // Clean const cleanDist = () => del([paths.dist.base]) const lintDistScss = () => src([paths.src.scss + '/**/*.scss']) .pipe(gulpStylelint({ failAfterError: false, reporters: [ { formatter: 'string', console: true } ] })) // Compile and copy all scss/css const copyDistCssAll = () => src([paths.src.scss + '/**/*.scss'], { base: paths.src.scss, sourcemaps: true }) .pipe(sass(sassOptions).on('error', sass.logError)) .pipe(postcss(postcssOptions)) .pipe(dest(paths.dist.css, { sourcemaps: '.' })) const copyDistCssRtl = () => src(paths.dist.css + '/*.css', { sourcemaps: true }) .pipe(postcss(postcssRtlOptions)) .pipe(rename({ suffix: '.rtl' })) .pipe(dest(paths.dist.css + '/rtl', { sourcemaps: '.' })) // Minify CSS const minifyDistCss = () => src([ paths.dist.css + '/**/*.css' ], { base: paths.dist.css, sourcemaps: true }) .pipe(cleanCss({ format: { breakWith: 'lf' } })) .pipe(rename({ suffix: '.min' })) .pipe(dest(paths.dist.css, { sourcemaps: '.' })) const lintDistTs = () => src([paths.src.ts + '/**/*.ts']) .pipe(eslint()) .pipe(eslint.failAfterError()) // Compile and copy ts/js const copyDistJs = () => rollup.rollup({ input: paths.src.ts + '/adminlte.ts', output: { banner }, plugins: [ rollupTypescript() ] }).then(bundle => bundle.write({ file: paths.dist.js + '/adminlte.js', format: 'umd', name: 'adminlte', sourcemap: true })) // Minify JS // Need to add terser const minifyDistJs = () => src(paths.dist.js + '/adminlte.js', { sourcemaps: true }) .pipe(terser({ compress: { passes: 2 } })) .pipe(dest(paths.dist.js + '/adminlte.min.js')) // Copy assets const copyDistAssets = () => src(paths.src.assets) .pipe(dest(paths.dist.assets)) // Copy index const copyDistHtmlIndex = () => src([paths.src.base + '*.html']) .pipe(fileinclude({ prefix: '@@', basepath: './src/partials/', context: { environment: 'production' } })) .pipe(dest(paths.dist.base)) // Copy Html const copyDistHtml = () => src([paths.src.html]) .pipe(fileinclude({ prefix: '@@', basepath: './src/partials/', context: { environment: 'production' } })) .pipe(dest(paths.dist.html)) const lintDistHtml = () => src([paths.dist.html + '/**/*.html', paths.dist.base + '*.html']) .pipe(validator()) // Copy node_modules to vendor const copyDistVendor = () => src(npmDist({ copyUnminified: true }), { base: paths.src.nodeModules }) .pipe(dest(paths.dist.vendor)) const lint = parallel( lintDistScss, lintDistTs, series(copyDistHtmlIndex, copyDistHtml, lintDistHtml) ) exports.lint = lint const compile = series( cleanDist, parallel( series( parallel(copyDistCssAll, copyDistCssRtl), minifyDistCss ), series(copyDistJs, minifyDistJs), copyDistAssets, copyDistHtmlIndex, copyDistHtml, copyDistVendor ) ) exports.compile = compile // For Production Release exports.production = series(lint, compile) // Default - Only for light mode AdminLTE exports.default = series(scss, scssDark, tsCompile, html, index, assets, vendor, serve)