# Contributing ## Support The issue tracker is not the place for support requests. If you get stuck with bootstrap-colorpicker, it's very likely that the fine folks at [StackOverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/) will be able to help you; simply describe the problem you're having and provide them a link to the repo (so they know what code you're using). ## Issues For feature requests, suggestions or ideas, add `[SUGGESTION]` before the title of the issue, for anything else follow the following guidelines. ### Steps to submit an issue - Try to reproduce your problem in a separated environment, like in JSFiddle, [here is a template for it](http://jsfiddle.net/itsjavi/0vopxm13/), that you can fork in the same page. It already includes the required JS and CSS files. - Before posting your issue, consider adding this information: * Expected behaviour: what should happen? * Actual behaviour: what happens instead? * Your context: Where it happens? In which browser and version (if applicable)? * Plugin version (and/or commit reference). * jQuery version you use and list of all other plugins/scripts you are using with this one and may cause some conflict. * A link to your JSFiddle (or similar tool) demo where you reproduced the problem (if applicable). ## Pull Requests Patches and new features are welcome! - Prerequisites: having `node`, `npm`, `bower` and `grunt` installed in your machine. - After a fresh clone for your fork, you need to run `npm install && bower install` inside the project's root folder. - For checking your changes in the browser you can execute `node serve` and navigate to http://localhost:5000/ - Before any commit run always `grunt` inside the project's root folder, to update the dist files (never modify them manually). - Do not change the plugin coding style. - Check that the index.html demos aren't broken (modify if necessary). - Test your code at least in Chrome, Firefox and IE >= 10 / Edge. - Any new feature should come with updated docs if applicable (a demonstration). - Generate the `/dist` files executing `grunt` before your Pull Request. - Push to your fork and submit the pull request.