- changed /* comments to // (to avoid displaying in compiled css file) - added .alert-primary - removed _label.scss (due renamed to badge with BS4) - reworked bg-*, bg-gradient-*, custom-switch-*, custom-range-* as mixin - changed control-sidebar-light border color to main-header border - renamed `.direct-chat-info` to `.direct-chat-infos` (not theme color, its a extra block inside direct-chat & updated demo files - enhanced direct-chat with all colors - added `.dropdown-menu-xl` - reworked color-palette in pages/UI/general - changed `Block Quotes Pulled Right` to `Secondary Block Quotes` in pages/UI/general - removed `@-webkit-keyframes flipInX` due autoprefixer - enhanced demo.js with additional colors for sidebar & renamed `Navbar border` to `No Navbar border`
- fixed scss code style & headers - moved pages scss to seperate folder - added pages/_projects scss - added pages/examples/projects demo
- added sweetalert2 & toastr to package.json & build/npm/Plugins.js - added plugin related scss fixes and created files per plugin - updated "Modals" demo page to "Modals & Alerts" & renamed link on all demo files - rebuild dist files