- added scss lines form @BruceHill
- created pages/examples/legacy-user-menu.html as single page demo with html code from @BruceHill but with some modifications ;)
- updated demo files, added legacy user menu link in Extras after Starter Page
- rebuild dist files
- update color darken/lighten for custom-switch's
- added .overlay in .modal-dialog/.modal-content
- created demo modal in modals.html
- rebuild css dist files
- replaced slimScroll to overlayScrollbars
- added new layout types (fixed, navbar-fixed & footer-fixed)
- changed old default layout from "fixed" to non-fixed
- enhanced PushMenu.js to load options via data
- enhanced Layout.js new layout calcs, options via data for scrollbar
- fixed forms fontawesome icons
- added warning-feedback (without icon)
- added sidebar-mini-md
- updated index to use layout-fixed
- updated index2 to use layout-fixed, layout-navbar-fixed & layout-footer-fixed
- added Modals Demo Page
- added Link to Modals in any other Demo Page
- added Modal Color Variation fixes
- updated zindex values `header` from 1000 to 900 `sidebar` from 1100 to 950 (below bootstrap 4 defaults to work with dropdown, modal, popover & tooltip)
- removed tooltip zindex overide
Loading the minified version of fastclick doesn't work. My guess is that the FastClick object gets renamed in the minification process, making the check for "typeOf FastClick" useless and causing FastClick to never execute. Loading the unminified version of fastclick removes the 300ms click delay across the board.
- Modified one of the original styles to be matched with AdminLTE and Works good on both Desktop and Mobile versions.
- Minified .js and .css files
- Created new pace page for Pace preview
- Added Pace page to navigation to the whole theme files