**AdminLTE** -- is a fully responsive admin template. Based on **Bootstrap 3** framework. Highly customizable and easy to use. Fits many screen resolutions from small mobile devices to large desktops. Check out the live preview now and see for yourself.
**Almsaeed studio just opened a new premium templates page. Hand picked to insure the best quality and the most affordable prices. Visit http://almsaeedstudio.com/premium for more information.**
- When you contribute, you agree to give a non-exclusive license to Almsaeed Studio to use that contribution in any context as we (Almsaeed Studio) see appropriate.
- If you use content provided by another party, it must be appropriately licensed using an [open source](http://opensource.org/licenses) license.
- Contributions are only accepted through Github pull requests.
- Finally, contributed code must work in all supported browsers (see above for browser support).
AdminLTE is an open source project by [Almsaeed Studio](http://almsaeedstudio.com) that is licensed under [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). Almsaeed Studio
reserves the right to change the license of future releases.
AdminLTE 1.x can be easily upgraded to 2.x using [this guide](http://almsaeedstudio.com/themes/AdminLTE/documentation/index.html#browsers), but if you intend to keep using AdminLTE 1.x, you can download the latest release from the [releases](https://github.com/almasaeed2010/AdminLTE/releases) section above.