2017-07-01 20:16:47 +00:00
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) {
$ ( '#config-text' ) . keyup ( function ( ) {
eval ( $ ( this ) . val ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.configurator input, .configurator select' ) . change ( function ( ) {
updateConfig ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.demo i' ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . parent ( ) . find ( 'input' ) . click ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#startDate' ) . daterangepicker ( {
singleDatePicker : true ,
startDate : moment ( ) . subtract ( 6 , 'days' )
} ) ;
$ ( '#endDate' ) . daterangepicker ( {
singleDatePicker : true ,
startDate : moment ( )
} ) ;
updateConfig ( ) ;
function updateConfig ( ) {
var options = { } ;
if ( $ ( '#singleDatePicker' ) . is ( ':checked' ) )
options . singleDatePicker = true ;
if ( $ ( '#showDropdowns' ) . is ( ':checked' ) )
options . showDropdowns = true ;
if ( $ ( '#showWeekNumbers' ) . is ( ':checked' ) )
options . showWeekNumbers = true ;
if ( $ ( '#showISOWeekNumbers' ) . is ( ':checked' ) )
options . showISOWeekNumbers = true ;
if ( $ ( '#timePicker' ) . is ( ':checked' ) )
options . timePicker = true ;
if ( $ ( '#timePicker24Hour' ) . is ( ':checked' ) )
options . timePicker24Hour = true ;
if ( $ ( '#timePickerIncrement' ) . val ( ) . length && $ ( '#timePickerIncrement' ) . val ( ) != 1 )
options . timePickerIncrement = parseInt ( $ ( '#timePickerIncrement' ) . val ( ) , 10 ) ;
if ( $ ( '#timePickerSeconds' ) . is ( ':checked' ) )
options . timePickerSeconds = true ;
if ( $ ( '#autoApply' ) . is ( ':checked' ) )
options . autoApply = true ;
if ( $ ( '#dateLimit' ) . is ( ':checked' ) )
options . dateLimit = { days : 7 } ;
if ( $ ( '#ranges' ) . is ( ':checked' ) ) {
options . ranges = {
'Today' : [ moment ( ) , moment ( ) ] ,
'Yesterday' : [ moment ( ) . subtract ( 1 , 'days' ) , moment ( ) . subtract ( 1 , 'days' ) ] ,
'Last 7 Days' : [ moment ( ) . subtract ( 6 , 'days' ) , moment ( ) ] ,
'Last 30 Days' : [ moment ( ) . subtract ( 29 , 'days' ) , moment ( ) ] ,
'This Month' : [ moment ( ) . startOf ( 'month' ) , moment ( ) . endOf ( 'month' ) ] ,
'Last Month' : [ moment ( ) . subtract ( 1 , 'month' ) . startOf ( 'month' ) , moment ( ) . subtract ( 1 , 'month' ) . endOf ( 'month' ) ]
} ;
if ( $ ( '#locale' ) . is ( ':checked' ) ) {
options . locale = {
format : 'MM/DD/YYYY' ,
separator : ' - ' ,
applyLabel : 'Apply' ,
cancelLabel : 'Cancel' ,
fromLabel : 'From' ,
toLabel : 'To' ,
customRangeLabel : 'Custom' ,
weekLabel : 'W' ,
daysOfWeek : [ 'Su' , 'Mo' , 'Tu' , 'We' , 'Th' , 'Fr' , 'Sa' ] ,
monthNames : [ 'January' , 'February' , 'March' , 'April' , 'May' , 'June' , 'July' , 'August' , 'September' , 'October' , 'November' , 'December' ] ,
firstDay : 1
} ;
if ( ! $ ( '#linkedCalendars' ) . is ( ':checked' ) )
options . linkedCalendars = false ;
if ( ! $ ( '#autoUpdateInput' ) . is ( ':checked' ) )
options . autoUpdateInput = false ;
if ( ! $ ( '#showCustomRangeLabel' ) . is ( ':checked' ) )
options . showCustomRangeLabel = false ;
if ( $ ( '#alwaysShowCalendars' ) . is ( ':checked' ) )
options . alwaysShowCalendars = true ;
if ( $ ( '#parentEl' ) . val ( ) . length )
options . parentEl = $ ( '#parentEl' ) . val ( ) ;
if ( $ ( '#startDate' ) . val ( ) . length )
options . startDate = $ ( '#startDate' ) . val ( ) ;
if ( $ ( '#endDate' ) . val ( ) . length )
options . endDate = $ ( '#endDate' ) . val ( ) ;
if ( $ ( '#minDate' ) . val ( ) . length )
options . minDate = $ ( '#minDate' ) . val ( ) ;
if ( $ ( '#maxDate' ) . val ( ) . length )
options . maxDate = $ ( '#maxDate' ) . val ( ) ;
if ( $ ( '#opens' ) . val ( ) . length && $ ( '#opens' ) . val ( ) != 'right' )
options . opens = $ ( '#opens' ) . val ( ) ;
if ( $ ( '#drops' ) . val ( ) . length && $ ( '#drops' ) . val ( ) != 'down' )
options . drops = $ ( '#drops' ) . val ( ) ;
if ( $ ( '#buttonClasses' ) . val ( ) . length && $ ( '#buttonClasses' ) . val ( ) != 'btn btn-sm' )
options . buttonClasses = $ ( '#buttonClasses' ) . val ( ) ;
if ( $ ( '#applyClass' ) . val ( ) . length && $ ( '#applyClass' ) . val ( ) != 'btn-success' )
options . applyClass = $ ( '#applyClass' ) . val ( ) ;
if ( $ ( '#cancelClass' ) . val ( ) . length && $ ( '#cancelClass' ) . val ( ) != 'btn-default' )
options . cancelClass = $ ( '#cancelClass' ) . val ( ) ;
2018-02-04 12:51:11 +00:00
$ ( '#config-text' ) . val ( "$('#demo').daterangepicker(" + JSON . stringify ( options , null , ' ' ) + ", function(start, end, label) {\n console.log('New date range selected: ' + start.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' to ' + end.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' (predefined range: ' + label + ')');\n});" ) ;
2017-07-01 20:16:47 +00:00
$ ( '#config-demo' ) . daterangepicker ( options , function ( start , end , label ) { console . log ( 'New date range selected: ' + start . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) + ' to ' + end . format ( 'YYYY-MM-DD' ) + ' (predefined range: ' + label + ')' ) ; } ) ;
if ( $ ( window ) . width ( ) > 980 ) {
$ ( '#sidebar' ) . affix ( {
offset : {
top : 300 ,
bottom : function ( ) {
return ( this . bottom = $ ( '.footer' ) . outerHeight ( true ) )
} ) ;
$ ( 'body' ) . scrollspy ( { target : '#nav-spy' , offset : 20 } ) ;
} ) ;