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2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
Support Team
<small><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 5 mins</small>
<p>Why not buy a new awesome theme?</p>
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2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
AdminLTE Design Team
<small><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 2 hours</small>
<p>Why not buy a new awesome theme?</p>
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2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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<p>Why not buy a new awesome theme?</p>
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2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
Sales Department
<small><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> Yesterday</small>
<p>Why not buy a new awesome theme?</p>
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2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
<small><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 2 days</small>
<p>Why not buy a new awesome theme?</p>
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 00:00:29 +00:00
<i class="fa fa-users text-aqua"></i> 5 new members joined today
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 00:00:29 +00:00
<i class="fa fa-warning text-yellow"></i> Very long description here that may not fit into the page and may cause design problems
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 00:00:29 +00:00
<i class="fa fa-users text-red"></i> 5 new members joined
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 00:00:29 +00:00
<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart text-green"></i> 25 sales made
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 00:00:29 +00:00
<i class="fa fa-user text-red"></i> You changed your username
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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<li class="header">You have 9 tasks</li>
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Design some buttons
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Create a nice theme
<small class="pull-right">40%</small>
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<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-green" style="width: 40%" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="20" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100">
<span class="sr-only">40% Complete</span>
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Some task I need to do
<small class="pull-right">60%</small>
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2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
<span class="hidden-xs">Alexander Pierce</span>
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Alexander Pierce - Web Developer
<small>Member since Nov. 2012</small>
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2015-02-02 17:39:29 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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<p>Alexander Pierce</p>
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
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2015-02-07 21:34:25 +00:00
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2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
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2015-02-07 17:37:42 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-04-04 01:33:33 +00:00
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2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-14 00:06:07 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
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<li><a href="examples/404.html"><i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i> 404 Error</a></li>
<li><a href="examples/500.html"><i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i> 500 Error</a></li>
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i> Level One</a></li>
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i> Level One <i class="fa fa-angle-left pull-right"></i></a>
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i> Level Two</a></li>
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i> Level Two <i class="fa fa-angle-left pull-right"></i></a>
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i> Level Three</a></li>
<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i> Level Three</a></li>
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
2015-02-07 16:35:34 +00:00
<li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i> Level One</a></li>
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
2015-03-23 01:17:14 +00:00
<li><a href="../documentation/index.html"><i class="fa fa-book"></i> <span>Documentation</span></a></li>
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
<li class="header">LABELS</li>
2015-04-03 15:59:05 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-25 18:40:23 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-16 02:33:44 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
<h4 class="box-title">Draggable Events</h4>
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2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-16 02:33:44 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-06-22 17:29:03 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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2015-06-22 17:29:03 +00:00
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
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2015-04-15 23:05:23 +00:00
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2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
<h3 class="control-sidebar-heading">Recent Activity</h3>
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
<i class="menu-icon fa fa-birthday-cake bg-red"></i>
<div class="menu-info">
<h4 class="control-sidebar-subheading">Langdon's Birthday</h4>
<p>Will be 23 on April 24th</p>
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
<a href="javascript::;">
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
<i class="menu-icon fa fa-user bg-yellow"></i>
<div class="menu-info">
<h4 class="control-sidebar-subheading">Frodo Updated His Profile</h4>
<p>New phone +1(800)555-1234</p>
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
<a href="javascript::;">
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
<i class="menu-icon fa fa-envelope-o bg-light-blue"></i>
<div class="menu-info">
<h4 class="control-sidebar-subheading">Nora Joined Mailing List</h4>
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
<i class="menu-icon fa fa-file-code-o bg-green"></i>
<div class="menu-info">
<h4 class="control-sidebar-subheading">Cron Job 254 Executed</h4>
<p>Execution time 5 seconds</p>
</ul><!-- /.control-sidebar-menu -->
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
<h3 class="control-sidebar-heading">Tasks Progress</h3>
<ul class="control-sidebar-menu">
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
<a href="javascript::;">
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
<h4 class="control-sidebar-subheading">
Custom Template Design
<span class="label label-danger pull-right">70%</span>
<div class="progress progress-xxs">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" style="width: 70%"></div>
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
<a href="javascript::;">
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
<h4 class="control-sidebar-subheading">
Update Resume
<span class="label label-success pull-right">95%</span>
<div class="progress progress-xxs">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" style="width: 95%"></div>
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
<a href="javascript::;">
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
<h4 class="control-sidebar-subheading">
Laravel Integration
2015-06-02 12:10:26 +00:00
<span class="label label-warning pull-right">50%</span>
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
<div class="progress progress-xxs">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-warning" style="width: 50%"></div>
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
<a href="javascript::;">
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
<h4 class="control-sidebar-subheading">
Back End Framework
<span class="label label-primary pull-right">68%</span>
<div class="progress progress-xxs">
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-primary" style="width: 68%"></div>
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
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2015-06-22 17:29:03 +00:00
<div class="tab-pane" id="control-sidebar-settings-tab">
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
<form method="post">
<h3 class="control-sidebar-heading">General Settings</h3>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-sidebar-subheading">
Report panel usage
<input type="checkbox" class="pull-right" checked />
Some information about this general settings option
</div><!-- /.form-group -->
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-sidebar-subheading">
Allow mail redirect
<input type="checkbox" class="pull-right" checked />
Other sets of options are available
</div><!-- /.form-group -->
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-sidebar-subheading">
Expose author name in posts
<input type="checkbox" class="pull-right" checked />
Allow the user to show his name in blog posts
</div><!-- /.form-group -->
<h3 class="control-sidebar-heading">Chat Settings</h3>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-sidebar-subheading">
Show me as online
<input type="checkbox" class="pull-right" checked />
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
</div><!-- /.form-group -->
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-sidebar-subheading">
Turn off notifications
<input type="checkbox" class="pull-right" />
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
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<label class="control-sidebar-subheading">
Delete chat history
<a href="javascript::;" class="text-red pull-right"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></a>
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
2015-04-04 01:19:55 +00:00
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immediately after the control sidebar -->
2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
<div class="control-sidebar-bg"></div>
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
</div><!-- ./wrapper -->
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-05-07 18:56:39 +00:00
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2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
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2015-02-16 18:33:56 +00:00
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<script src="../bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2015-05-24 13:40:57 +00:00
<!-- jQuery UI 1.11.4 -->
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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<script src="../plugins/slimScroll/jquery.slimscroll.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2015-02-07 21:34:25 +00:00
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2015-06-20 10:38:52 +00:00
<script src="../plugins/fastclick/fastclick.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
<!-- AdminLTE App -->
2015-02-02 16:52:30 +00:00
<script src="../dist/js/app.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
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<script src="../dist/js/demo.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- fullCalendar 2.2.5 -->
2015-04-15 23:05:23 +00:00
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.10.2/moment.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
<script src="../plugins/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Page specific script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
/* initialize the external events
function ini_events(ele) {
ele.each(function () {
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
// create an Event Object (http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_data/Event_Object/)
// it doesn't need to have a start or end
var eventObject = {
title: $.trim($(this).text()) // use the element's text as the event title
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
// store the Event Object in the DOM element so we can get to it later
$(this).data('eventObject', eventObject);
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
// make the event draggable using jQuery UI
zIndex: 1070,
revert: true, // will cause the event to go back to its
revertDuration: 0 // original position after the drag
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
ini_events($('#external-events div.external-event'));
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
/* initialize the calendar
//Date for the calendar events (dummy data)
var date = new Date();
var d = date.getDate(),
m = date.getMonth(),
y = date.getFullYear();
header: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
buttonText: {
today: 'today',
month: 'month',
week: 'week',
day: 'day'
//Random default events
events: [
title: 'All Day Event',
start: new Date(y, m, 1),
backgroundColor: "#f56954", //red
borderColor: "#f56954" //red
title: 'Long Event',
start: new Date(y, m, d - 5),
end: new Date(y, m, d - 2),
backgroundColor: "#f39c12", //yellow
borderColor: "#f39c12" //yellow
title: 'Meeting',
start: new Date(y, m, d, 10, 30),
allDay: false,
backgroundColor: "#0073b7", //Blue
borderColor: "#0073b7" //Blue
title: 'Lunch',
start: new Date(y, m, d, 12, 0),
end: new Date(y, m, d, 14, 0),
allDay: false,
backgroundColor: "#00c0ef", //Info (aqua)
borderColor: "#00c0ef" //Info (aqua)
title: 'Birthday Party',
start: new Date(y, m, d + 1, 19, 0),
end: new Date(y, m, d + 1, 22, 30),
allDay: false,
backgroundColor: "#00a65a", //Success (green)
borderColor: "#00a65a" //Success (green)
title: 'Click for Google',
start: new Date(y, m, 28),
end: new Date(y, m, 29),
url: 'http://google.com/',
backgroundColor: "#3c8dbc", //Primary (light-blue)
borderColor: "#3c8dbc" //Primary (light-blue)
editable: true,
droppable: true, // this allows things to be dropped onto the calendar !!!
drop: function (date, allDay) { // this function is called when something is dropped
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
// retrieve the dropped element's stored Event Object
var originalEventObject = $(this).data('eventObject');
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
// we need to copy it, so that multiple events don't have a reference to the same object
var copiedEventObject = $.extend({}, originalEventObject);
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
// assign it the date that was reported
copiedEventObject.start = date;
copiedEventObject.allDay = allDay;
copiedEventObject.backgroundColor = $(this).css("background-color");
copiedEventObject.borderColor = $(this).css("border-color");
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
// render the event on the calendar
// the last `true` argument determines if the event "sticks" (http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_rendering/renderEvent/)
$('#calendar').fullCalendar('renderEvent', copiedEventObject, true);
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
// is the "remove after drop" checkbox checked?
if ($('#drop-remove').is(':checked')) {
// if so, remove the element from the "Draggable Events" list
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
var currColor = "#3c8dbc"; //Red by default
//Color chooser button
var colorChooser = $("#color-chooser-btn");
$("#color-chooser > li > a").click(function (e) {
//Save color
currColor = $(this).css("color");
//Add color effect to button
$('#add-new-event').css({"background-color": currColor, "border-color": currColor});
$("#add-new-event").click(function (e) {
//Get value and make sure it is not null
var val = $("#new-event").val();
if (val.length == 0) {
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
//Create events
var event = $("<div />");
event.css({"background-color": currColor, "border-color": currColor, "color": "#fff"}).addClass("external-event");
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
//Add draggable funtionality
2014-02-01 15:49:36 +00:00
2015-02-01 21:25:09 +00:00
//Remove event from text input
2015-06-01 07:23:08 +00:00