Contributions are always **welcome and recommended**! Here is how for beginner's: [Get started with open source click here](
* When you contribute, you agree to give a non-exclusive license to to use that contribution in any context as we ( see appropriate.
* Make your changes only in ./build Folder OR package.json OR ./dist/js/demo.js OR package-lock.json OR ./dist/js/pages/ OR ./docs OR in any html files which are necessary for contribution
* Do not make changes in ./dist/css/ AND ./dist/js/ AND ./plugins Because it contains compiled files and do not include in PR (Pull Request)
*`npm run production` (compile css/js files and test all pages are perfectly working fine, before creating a pull request)
You can use Gitpod(an online IDE which is free for Open Source) for working on issues or making PRs (Pull Requests). With a single click it will launch a workspace and automatically: