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title: Implementations
Thanks to many of AdminLTE users, there are multiple implementations of the template for easy integration with back-end frameworks. The following are some of them:
##### AdminLTE v3.0
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- [Setup AdminLTE3 in to Laravel in few minutes ](https://youtu.be/jA7hr2gE9yc ) by [Shailesh Ladumor ](https://github.com/shailesh-ladumor )
- [Laravel-AdminLTE _v3.x_ ](https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE ) by [Jeroen Noten ](https://github.com/jeroennoten )
- [django-adminlte3 ](https://github.com/d-demirci/django-adminlte3 ) by [d-demirci ](https://github.com/d-demirci )
- [AdminLTE3.MVC ](https://www.nuget.org/packages/AdminLTE3.MVC/ ) by [somaraj ](https://github.com/somaraj )
- [admin-lte-dotnet ](https://github.com/iyilm4z/admin-lte-dotnet ) by [iyilm4z ](https://github.com/iyilm4z )
- [WebPx.AdminLTE.AspNetCore ](https://github.com/WebPx/WebPx.AdminLTE.AspNetCore ) by [WebPx ](https://github.com/WebPx )
- [AdminLTE-3-Angular ](https://github.com/erdkse/adminlte-3-angular ) by [erdkse ](https://github.com/erdkse )
- [AdminLTE-3-React ](https://github.com/erdkse/adminlte-3-react ) by [erdkse ](https://github.com/erdkse )
- [AdminLTE-3-Vue ](https://github.com/erdkse/adminlte-3-vue ) by [erdkse ](https://github.com/erdkse )
- [ASP.NET Core MVC / Angular Startup Project ](https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/module-zero-core-template ) by [ASP.NET Boilerplate ](https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate )
- [AdminLTE-3-CakePHP ](https://github.com/arodu/cakelte ) by [arodu ](https://github.com/arodu )
- [AdminLTE-3 for Lua Server Pages ](https://github.com/RealTimeLogic/LSP-Examples/tree/master/Dashboard ) by [Real Time Logic ](https://github.com/RealTimeLogic/ )
##### AdminLTE v2.4
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- [Setup AdminLTE2 in to Laravel in few minutes ](https://youtu.be/8Fa7Ji4lDyI ) by [Shailesh Ladumor ](https://github.com/shailesh-ladumor )
- [Laravel-AdminLTE _v1.x & v2.x_ ](https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE ) by [Jeroen Noten ](https://github.com/jeroennoten )
- [adminlte-laravel ](https://github.com/acacha/adminlte-laravel ) by [Sergi Tur Badenas ](https://github.com/acacha )
- [yii2-adminlte-asset ](https://github.com/dmstr/yii2-adminlte-asset ) by [Tobias Munk ](https://github.com/schmunk42 )
##### AdminLTE v2.3
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- [AdminThemeBundle (Symfony) ](https://github.com/avanzu/AdminThemeBundle ) by [Marc Bach ](https://github.com/avanzu )
- [lte-rails ](https://github.com/racketlogger/lte-rails ) by [Carlos at RacketLogger ](https://github.com/racketlogger )
##### AdminLTE v2.2
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- [AdminLTE-RTL ](https://github.com/mmdsharifi/AdminLTE-RTL ) by [Mohammad Sharifi ](https://github.com/mmdsharifi )
##### AdminLTE v2.1
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- [adminlte2-rails ](https://github.com/nicolas-besnard/adminlte2-rails ) by [Nicolas Besnard ](https://github.com/nicolas-besnard )
> ##### Note!
> These implementations are not supported by ColorlibHQ. However, they do provide a good example of how to integrate AdminLTE into different frameworks. For the latest release of AdminLTE, please visit our [repository](https://github.com/ColorlibHQ/AdminLTE/) or [website](https://adminlte.io).
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