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package job
import (
type monitor struct{}
func NewMonitorJob() *monitor {
return &monitor{}
func (m *monitor) Run() {
settingRepo := repo.NewISettingRepo()
monitorStatus, _ := settingRepo.Get(settingRepo.WithByKey("MonitorStatus"))
if monitorStatus.Value == "disable" {
var itemModel model.MonitorBase
totalPercent, _ := cpu.Percent(3*time.Second, false)
if len(totalPercent) == 1 {
itemModel.Cpu = totalPercent[0]
cpuCount, _ := cpu.Counts(false)
loadInfo, _ := load.Avg()
itemModel.CpuLoad1 = loadInfo.Load1
itemModel.CpuLoad5 = loadInfo.Load5
itemModel.CpuLoad15 = loadInfo.Load15
itemModel.LoadUsage = loadInfo.Load1 / (float64(cpuCount*2) * 0.75) * 100
memoryInfo, _ := mem.VirtualMemory()
itemModel.Memory = memoryInfo.UsedPercent
if err := global.DB.Create(&itemModel).Error; err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("Insert basic monitoring data failed, err: %v", err)
go loadDiskIO()
go loadNetIO()
MonitorStoreDays, err := settingRepo.Get(settingRepo.WithByKey("MonitorStoreDays"))
if err != nil {
storeDays, _ := strconv.Atoi(MonitorStoreDays.Value)
timeForDelete := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -storeDays)
_ = global.DB.Where("created_at < ?", timeForDelete).Delete(&model.MonitorBase{}).Error
_ = global.DB.Where("created_at < ?", timeForDelete).Delete(&model.MonitorIO{}).Error
_ = global.DB.Where("created_at < ?", timeForDelete).Delete(&model.MonitorNetwork{}).Error
func loadDiskIO() {
ioStat, _ := disk.IOCounters()
time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)
ioStat2, _ := disk.IOCounters()
var ioList []model.MonitorIO
for _, io2 := range ioStat2 {
for _, io1 := range ioStat {
if io2.Name == io1.Name {
var itemIO model.MonitorIO
itemIO.Name = io1.Name
itemIO.Read = uint64(float64(io2.ReadBytes-io1.ReadBytes) / 60)
itemIO.Write = uint64(float64(io2.WriteBytes-io1.WriteBytes) / 60)
itemIO.Count = uint64(float64(io2.ReadCount-io1.ReadCount) / 60)
writeCount := uint64(float64(io2.WriteCount-io1.WriteCount) / 60)
if writeCount > itemIO.Count {
itemIO.Count = writeCount
itemIO.Time = uint64(float64(io2.ReadTime-io1.ReadTime) / 60)
writeTime := uint64(float64(io2.WriteTime-io1.WriteTime) / 60)
if writeTime > itemIO.Time {
itemIO.Time = writeTime
ioList = append(ioList, itemIO)
if err := global.DB.CreateInBatches(ioList, len(ioList)).Error; err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("Insert io monitoring data failed, err: %v", err)
func loadNetIO() {
netStat, _ := net.IOCounters(true)
netStatAll, _ := net.IOCounters(false)
time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)
netStat2, _ := net.IOCounters(true)
var netList []model.MonitorNetwork
for _, net2 := range netStat2 {
for _, net1 := range netStat {
if net2.Name == net1.Name {
var itemNet model.MonitorNetwork
itemNet.Name = net1.Name
itemNet.Up = float64(net2.BytesSent-net1.BytesSent) / 1024 / 60
itemNet.Down = float64(net2.BytesRecv-net1.BytesRecv) / 1024 / 60
netList = append(netList, itemNet)
netStatAll2, _ := net.IOCounters(false)
for _, net2 := range netStatAll2 {
for _, net1 := range netStatAll {
if net1.BytesSent == 0 || net1.BytesRecv == 0 {
if net2.Name == net1.Name {
var itemNet model.MonitorNetwork
itemNet.Name = net1.Name
itemNet.Up = float64(net2.BytesSent-net1.BytesSent) / 1024 / 60
itemNet.Down = float64(net2.BytesRecv-net1.BytesRecv) / 1024 / 60
netList = append(netList, itemNet)
if err := global.DB.CreateInBatches(netList, len(netList)).Error; err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("Insert network monitoring data failed, err: %v", err)