mirror of https://github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1587 lines
46 KiB
1587 lines
46 KiB
package service
import (
httpUtil "github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel/backend/utils/http"
composeV2 "github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel/backend/utils/docker"
type DatabaseOp string
var (
Add DatabaseOp = "add"
Delete DatabaseOp = "delete"
func checkPort(key string, params map[string]interface{}) (int, error) {
port, ok := params[key]
if ok {
portN := 0
var err error
switch p := port.(type) {
case string:
portN, err = strconv.Atoi(p)
if err != nil {
return portN, nil
case float64:
portN = int(math.Ceil(p))
case int:
portN = p
oldInstalled, _ := appInstallRepo.ListBy(appInstallRepo.WithPort(portN))
if len(oldInstalled) > 0 {
var apps []string
for _, install := range oldInstalled {
apps = append(apps, install.App.Name)
return portN, buserr.WithMap(constant.ErrPortInOtherApp, map[string]interface{}{"port": portN, "apps": apps}, nil)
if common.ScanPort(portN) {
return portN, buserr.WithDetail(constant.ErrPortInUsed, portN, nil)
} else {
return portN, nil
return 0, nil
func checkPortExist(port int) error {
errMap := make(map[string]interface{})
errMap["port"] = port
appInstall, _ := appInstallRepo.GetFirst(appInstallRepo.WithPort(port))
if appInstall.ID > 0 {
errMap["type"] = i18n.GetMsgByKey("TYPE_APP")
errMap["name"] = appInstall.Name
return buserr.WithMap("ErrPortExist", errMap, nil)
runtime, _ := runtimeRepo.GetFirst(runtimeRepo.WithPort(port))
if runtime != nil {
errMap["type"] = i18n.GetMsgByKey("TYPE_RUNTIME")
errMap["name"] = runtime.Name
return buserr.WithMap("ErrPortExist", errMap, nil)
domain, _ := websiteDomainRepo.GetFirst(websiteDomainRepo.WithPort(port))
if domain.ID > 0 {
errMap["type"] = i18n.GetMsgByKey("TYPE_DOMAIN")
errMap["name"] = domain.Domain
return buserr.WithMap("ErrPortExist", errMap, nil)
if common.ScanPort(port) {
return buserr.WithDetail(constant.ErrPortInUsed, port, nil)
return nil
var DatabaseKeys = map[string]uint{
constant.AppMysql: 3306,
constant.AppMariaDB: 3306,
constant.AppPostgresql: 5432,
constant.AppPostgres: 5432,
constant.AppMongodb: 27017,
constant.AppRedis: 6379,
constant.AppMemcached: 11211,
var ToolKeys = map[string]uint{
"minio": 9001,
func createLink(ctx context.Context, app model.App, appInstall *model.AppInstall, params map[string]interface{}) error {
var dbConfig dto.AppDatabase
if DatabaseKeys[app.Key] > 0 {
database := &model.Database{
AppInstallID: appInstall.ID,
Name: appInstall.Name,
Type: app.Key,
Version: appInstall.Version,
From: "local",
Address: appInstall.ServiceName,
Port: DatabaseKeys[app.Key],
detail, err := appDetailRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(appInstall.AppDetailId))
if err != nil {
return err
formFields := &dto.AppForm{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(detail.Params), formFields); err != nil {
return err
for _, form := range formFields.FormFields {
if form.EnvKey == "PANEL_APP_PORT_HTTP" {
portFloat, ok := form.Default.(float64)
if ok {
database.Port = uint(int(portFloat))
switch app.Key {
case constant.AppMysql, constant.AppMariaDB, constant.AppPostgresql, constant.AppMongodb:
if password, ok := params["PANEL_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD"]; ok {
if password != "" {
database.Password = password.(string)
if app.Key == "mysql" || app.Key == "mariadb" {
database.Username = "root"
if rootUser, ok := params["PANEL_DB_ROOT_USER"]; ok {
database.Username = rootUser.(string)
authParam := dto.AuthParam{
RootPassword: password.(string),
RootUser: database.Username,
authByte, err := json.Marshal(authParam)
if err != nil {
return err
appInstall.Param = string(authByte)
case constant.AppRedis:
if password, ok := params["PANEL_REDIS_ROOT_PASSWORD"]; ok {
authParam := dto.RedisAuthParam{
RootPassword: "",
if password != "" {
authParam.RootPassword = password.(string)
database.Password = password.(string)
authByte, err := json.Marshal(authParam)
if err != nil {
return err
appInstall.Param = string(authByte)
if err := databaseRepo.Create(ctx, database); err != nil {
return err
if ToolKeys[app.Key] > 0 {
if app.Key == "minio" {
authParam := dto.MinioAuthParam{}
if password, ok := params["PANEL_MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD"]; ok {
authParam.RootPassword = password.(string)
if rootUser, ok := params["PANEL_MINIO_ROOT_USER"]; ok {
authParam.RootUser = rootUser.(string)
authByte, err := json.Marshal(authParam)
if err != nil {
return err
appInstall.Param = string(authByte)
if app.Type == "website" || app.Type == "tool" {
paramByte, err := json.Marshal(params)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = json.Unmarshal(paramByte, &dbConfig); err != nil {
return err
if !reflect.DeepEqual(dbConfig, dto.AppDatabase{}) && dbConfig.ServiceName != "" {
hostName := params["PANEL_DB_HOST_NAME"]
if hostName == nil || hostName.(string) == "" {
return nil
database, _ := databaseRepo.Get(commonRepo.WithByName(hostName.(string)))
if database.ID == 0 {
return nil
var resourceId uint
if dbConfig.DbName != "" && dbConfig.DbUser != "" && dbConfig.Password != "" {
switch database.Type {
case constant.AppPostgresql, constant.AppPostgres:
iPostgresqlRepo := repo.NewIPostgresqlRepo()
oldPostgresqlDb, _ := iPostgresqlRepo.Get(commonRepo.WithByName(dbConfig.DbName), iPostgresqlRepo.WithByFrom(constant.ResourceLocal))
resourceId = oldPostgresqlDb.ID
if oldPostgresqlDb.ID > 0 {
if oldPostgresqlDb.Username != dbConfig.DbUser || oldPostgresqlDb.Password != dbConfig.Password {
return buserr.New(constant.ErrDbUserNotValid)
} else {
var createPostgresql dto.PostgresqlDBCreate
createPostgresql.Name = dbConfig.DbName
createPostgresql.Username = dbConfig.DbUser
createPostgresql.Database = database.Name
createPostgresql.Format = "UTF8"
createPostgresql.Password = dbConfig.Password
createPostgresql.From = database.From
createPostgresql.SuperUser = true
pgdb, err := NewIPostgresqlService().Create(ctx, createPostgresql)
if err != nil {
return err
resourceId = pgdb.ID
case constant.AppMysql, constant.AppMariaDB:
iMysqlRepo := repo.NewIMysqlRepo()
oldMysqlDb, _ := iMysqlRepo.Get(commonRepo.WithByName(dbConfig.DbName), iMysqlRepo.WithByFrom(constant.ResourceLocal))
resourceId = oldMysqlDb.ID
if oldMysqlDb.ID > 0 {
if oldMysqlDb.Username != dbConfig.DbUser || oldMysqlDb.Password != dbConfig.Password {
return buserr.New(constant.ErrDbUserNotValid)
} else {
var createMysql dto.MysqlDBCreate
createMysql.Name = dbConfig.DbName
createMysql.Username = dbConfig.DbUser
createMysql.Database = database.Name
createMysql.Format = "utf8mb4"
createMysql.Permission = "%"
createMysql.Password = dbConfig.Password
createMysql.From = database.From
mysqldb, err := NewIMysqlService().Create(ctx, createMysql)
if err != nil {
return err
resourceId = mysqldb.ID
var installResource model.AppInstallResource
installResource.ResourceId = resourceId
installResource.AppInstallId = appInstall.ID
if database.AppInstallID > 0 {
installResource.LinkId = database.AppInstallID
} else {
installResource.LinkId = database.ID
installResource.Key = database.Type
installResource.From = database.From
if err := appInstallResourceRepo.Create(ctx, &installResource); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func handleAppInstallErr(ctx context.Context, install *model.AppInstall) error {
op := files.NewFileOp()
appDir := install.GetPath()
dir, _ := os.Stat(appDir)
if dir != nil {
_, _ = compose.Down(install.GetComposePath())
if err := op.DeleteDir(appDir); err != nil {
return err
if err := deleteLink(ctx, install, true, true, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func deleteAppInstall(install model.AppInstall, deleteBackup bool, forceDelete bool, deleteDB bool) error {
op := files.NewFileOp()
appDir := install.GetPath()
dir, _ := os.Stat(appDir)
if dir != nil {
out, err := compose.Down(install.GetComposePath())
if err != nil && !forceDelete {
return handleErr(install, err, out)
if err = runScript(&install, "uninstall"); err != nil {
_, _ = compose.Up(install.GetComposePath())
return err
tx, ctx := helper.GetTxAndContext()
defer tx.Rollback()
if err := appInstallRepo.Delete(ctx, install); err != nil {
return err
if err := deleteLink(ctx, &install, deleteDB, forceDelete, deleteBackup); err != nil && !forceDelete {
return err
if DatabaseKeys[install.App.Key] > 0 {
_ = databaseRepo.Delete(ctx, databaseRepo.WithAppInstallID(install.ID))
switch install.App.Key {
case constant.AppOpenresty:
websites, _ := websiteRepo.List()
for _, website := range websites {
if website.AppInstallID > 0 {
websiteAppInstall, _ := appInstallRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(website.AppInstallID))
if websiteAppInstall.AppId > 0 {
websiteApp, _ := appRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(websiteAppInstall.AppId))
if websiteApp.Type == constant.RuntimePHP {
go func() {
_, _ = compose.Down(websiteAppInstall.GetComposePath())
_ = op.DeleteDir(websiteAppInstall.GetPath())
_ = appInstallRepo.Delete(ctx, websiteAppInstall)
_ = websiteRepo.DeleteAll(ctx)
_ = websiteDomainRepo.DeleteAll(ctx)
case constant.AppMysql, constant.AppMariaDB:
_ = mysqlRepo.Delete(ctx, mysqlRepo.WithByMysqlName(install.Name))
case constant.AppPostgresql:
_ = postgresqlRepo.Delete(ctx, postgresqlRepo.WithByPostgresqlName(install.Name))
_ = backupRepo.DeleteRecord(ctx, commonRepo.WithByType("app"), commonRepo.WithByName(install.App.Key), backupRepo.WithByDetailName(install.Name))
uploadDir := path.Join(global.CONF.System.BaseDir, fmt.Sprintf("1panel/uploads/app/%s/%s", install.App.Key, install.Name))
if _, err := os.Stat(uploadDir); err == nil {
_ = os.RemoveAll(uploadDir)
if deleteBackup {
localDir, _ := loadLocalDir()
backupDir := path.Join(localDir, fmt.Sprintf("app/%s/%s", install.App.Key, install.Name))
if _, err := os.Stat(backupDir); err == nil {
_ = os.RemoveAll(backupDir)
global.LOG.Infof("delete app %s-%s backups successful", install.App.Key, install.Name)
_ = op.DeleteDir(appDir)
return nil
func deleteLink(ctx context.Context, install *model.AppInstall, deleteDB bool, forceDelete bool, deleteBackup bool) error {
resources, _ := appInstallResourceRepo.GetBy(appInstallResourceRepo.WithAppInstallId(install.ID))
if len(resources) == 0 {
return nil
for _, re := range resources {
if deleteDB {
switch re.Key {
case constant.AppMysql, constant.AppMariaDB:
mysqlService := NewIMysqlService()
database, _ := mysqlRepo.Get(commonRepo.WithByID(re.ResourceId))
if reflect.DeepEqual(database, model.DatabaseMysql{}) {
if err := mysqlService.Delete(ctx, dto.MysqlDBDelete{
ID: database.ID,
ForceDelete: forceDelete,
DeleteBackup: deleteBackup,
Type: re.Key,
Database: database.MysqlName,
}); err != nil && !forceDelete {
return err
case constant.AppPostgresql:
pgsqlService := NewIPostgresqlService()
database, _ := postgresqlRepo.Get(commonRepo.WithByID(re.ResourceId))
if reflect.DeepEqual(database, model.DatabasePostgresql{}) {
if err := pgsqlService.Delete(ctx, dto.PostgresqlDBDelete{
ID: database.ID,
ForceDelete: forceDelete,
DeleteBackup: deleteBackup,
Type: re.Key,
Database: database.PostgresqlName,
}); err != nil {
return err
return appInstallResourceRepo.DeleteBy(ctx, appInstallResourceRepo.WithAppInstallId(install.ID))
func getUpgradeCompose(install model.AppInstall, detail model.AppDetail) (string, error) {
if detail.DockerCompose == "" {
return "", nil
composeMap := make(map[string]interface{})
if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(detail.DockerCompose), &composeMap); err != nil {
return "", err
value, ok := composeMap["services"]
if !ok || value == nil {
return "", buserr.New(constant.ErrFileParse)
servicesMap := value.(map[string]interface{})
if len(servicesMap) == 1 {
index := 0
oldServiceName := ""
for k := range servicesMap {
oldServiceName = k
if index > 0 {
servicesMap[install.ServiceName] = servicesMap[oldServiceName]
if install.ServiceName != oldServiceName {
delete(servicesMap, oldServiceName)
envs := make(map[string]interface{})
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(install.Env), &envs); err != nil {
return "", err
config := getAppCommonConfig(envs)
if config.ContainerName == "" {
config.ContainerName = install.ContainerName
envs[constant.ContainerName] = install.ContainerName
config.Advanced = true
if err := addDockerComposeCommonParam(composeMap, install.ServiceName, config, envs); err != nil {
return "", err
paramByte, err := json.Marshal(envs)
if err != nil {
return "", err
install.Env = string(paramByte)
composeByte, err := yaml.Marshal(composeMap)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(composeByte), nil
func upgradeInstall(req request.AppInstallUpgrade) error {
install, err := appInstallRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(req.InstallID))
if err != nil {
return err
detail, err := appDetailRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(req.DetailID))
if err != nil {
return err
if install.Version == detail.Version {
return errors.New("two version is same")
install.Status = constant.Upgrading
go func() {
var (
upErr error
backupFile string
preErr error
global.LOG.Infof(i18n.GetMsgWithName("UpgradeAppStart", install.Name, nil))
if req.Backup {
iBackUpService := NewIBackupService()
fileName := fmt.Sprintf("upgrade_backup_%s_%s.tar.gz", install.Name, time.Now().Format(constant.DateTimeSlimLayout)+common.RandStrAndNum(5))
backupRecord, err := iBackUpService.AppBackup(dto.CommonBackup{Name: install.App.Key, DetailName: install.Name, FileName: fileName})
if err == nil {
backups, _ := iBackUpService.ListAppRecords(install.App.Key, install.Name, "upgrade_backup")
if len(backups) > 3 {
backupsToDelete := backups[:len(backups)-3]
var deleteIDs []uint
for _, backup := range backupsToDelete {
deleteIDs = append(deleteIDs, backup.ID)
_ = iBackUpService.BatchDeleteRecord(deleteIDs)
localDir, err := loadLocalDir()
if err == nil {
backupFile = path.Join(localDir, backupRecord.FileDir, backupRecord.FileName)
} else {
global.LOG.Errorf(i18n.GetMsgWithName("ErrAppBackup", install.Name, err))
} else {
global.LOG.Errorf(i18n.GetMsgWithName("ErrAppBackup", install.Name, err))
defer func() {
if upErr != nil {
global.LOG.Infof(i18n.GetMsgWithName("ErrAppUpgrade", install.Name, upErr))
if req.Backup {
global.LOG.Infof(i18n.GetMsgWithName("AppRecover", install.Name, nil))
if err := NewIBackupService().AppRecover(dto.CommonRecover{Name: install.App.Key, DetailName: install.Name, Type: "app", Source: constant.ResourceLocal, File: backupFile}); err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("recover app [%s] [%s] failed %v", install.App.Key, install.Name, err)
existInstall, _ := appInstallRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(req.InstallID))
if existInstall.ID > 0 {
existInstall.Status = constant.UpgradeErr
existInstall.Message = upErr.Error()
_ = appInstallRepo.Save(context.Background(), &existInstall)
if preErr != nil {
global.LOG.Infof(i18n.GetMsgWithName("ErrAppUpgrade", install.Name, preErr))
existInstall, _ := appInstallRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(req.InstallID))
if existInstall.ID > 0 {
existInstall.Status = constant.UpgradeErr
existInstall.Message = preErr.Error()
_ = appInstallRepo.Save(context.Background(), &existInstall)
fileOp := files.NewFileOp()
detailDir := path.Join(constant.ResourceDir, "apps", install.App.Resource, install.App.Key, detail.Version)
if install.App.Resource == constant.AppResourceRemote {
if preErr = downloadApp(install.App, detail, &install); preErr != nil {
if detail.DockerCompose == "" {
composeDetail, err := fileOp.GetContent(path.Join(detailDir, "docker-compose.yml"))
if err != nil {
preErr = err
detail.DockerCompose = string(composeDetail)
_ = appDetailRepo.Update(context.Background(), detail)
go func() {
_, _, _ = httpUtil.HandleGet(detail.DownloadCallBackUrl, http.MethodGet, constant.TimeOut5s)
if install.App.Resource == constant.AppResourceLocal {
detailDir = path.Join(constant.ResourceDir, "apps", "local", strings.TrimPrefix(install.App.Key, "local"), detail.Version)
content, err := fileOp.GetContent(install.GetEnvPath())
if err != nil {
preErr = err
if req.PullImage {
projectName := strings.ToLower(install.Name)
images, err := composeV2.GetDockerComposeImages(projectName, content, []byte(detail.DockerCompose))
if err != nil {
preErr = err
for _, image := range images {
global.LOG.Infof(i18n.GetMsgWithName("PullImageStart", image, nil))
if out, err := cmd.ExecWithTimeOut("docker pull "+image, 20*time.Minute); err != nil {
if out != "" {
err = errors.New(out)
preErr = buserr.WithNameAndErr("ErrDockerPullImage", "", err)
} else {
command := exec.Command("/bin/bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("cp -rn %s/* %s || true", detailDir, install.GetPath()))
stdout, _ := command.CombinedOutput()
if stdout != nil {
global.LOG.Infof("upgrade app [%s] [%s] cp file log : %s ", install.App.Key, install.Name, string(stdout))
sourceScripts := path.Join(detailDir, "scripts")
if fileOp.Stat(sourceScripts) {
dstScripts := path.Join(install.GetPath(), "scripts")
_ = fileOp.DeleteDir(dstScripts)
_ = fileOp.CreateDir(dstScripts, 0755)
scriptCmd := exec.Command("cp", "-rf", sourceScripts+"/.", dstScripts+"/")
_, _ = scriptCmd.CombinedOutput()
var newCompose string
if req.DockerCompose == "" {
newCompose, upErr = getUpgradeCompose(install, detail)
if upErr != nil {
} else {
newCompose = req.DockerCompose
install.DockerCompose = newCompose
install.Version = detail.Version
install.AppDetailId = req.DetailID
if out, err := compose.Down(install.GetComposePath()); err != nil {
if out != "" {
upErr = errors.New(out)
upErr = err
envs := make(map[string]interface{})
if upErr = json.Unmarshal([]byte(install.Env), &envs); upErr != nil {
envParams := make(map[string]string, len(envs))
handleMap(envs, envParams)
if upErr = env.Write(envParams, install.GetEnvPath()); upErr != nil {
if upErr = runScript(&install, "upgrade"); upErr != nil {
if upErr = fileOp.WriteFile(install.GetComposePath(), strings.NewReader(install.DockerCompose), 0775); upErr != nil {
if out, err := compose.Up(install.GetComposePath()); err != nil {
if out != "" {
upErr = errors.New(out)
upErr = err
install.Status = constant.Running
_ = appInstallRepo.Save(context.Background(), &install)
global.LOG.Infof(i18n.GetMsgWithName("UpgradeAppSuccess", install.Name, nil))
return appInstallRepo.Save(context.Background(), &install)
func getContainerNames(install model.AppInstall) ([]string, error) {
envStr, err := coverEnvJsonToStr(install.Env)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
project, err := composeV2.GetComposeProject(install.Name, install.GetPath(), []byte(install.DockerCompose), []byte(envStr), true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
containerMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, service := range project.AllServices() {
if service.ContainerName == "${CONTAINER_NAME}" || service.ContainerName == "" {
containerMap[service.ContainerName] = struct{}{}
var containerNames []string
for k := range containerMap {
containerNames = append(containerNames, k)
if len(containerNames) == 0 {
containerNames = append(containerNames, install.ContainerName)
return containerNames, nil
func coverEnvJsonToStr(envJson string) (string, error) {
envMap := make(map[string]interface{})
_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(envJson), &envMap)
newEnvMap := make(map[string]string, len(envMap))
handleMap(envMap, newEnvMap)
envStr, err := gotenv.Marshal(newEnvMap)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return envStr, nil
func checkLimit(app model.App) error {
if app.Limit > 0 {
installs, err := appInstallRepo.ListBy(appInstallRepo.WithAppId(app.ID))
if err != nil {
return err
if len(installs) >= app.Limit {
return buserr.New(constant.ErrAppLimit)
return nil
func checkRequiredAndLimit(app model.App) error {
if err := checkLimit(app); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func handleMap(params map[string]interface{}, envParams map[string]string) {
for k, v := range params {
switch t := v.(type) {
case string:
envParams[k] = t
case float64:
envParams[k] = strconv.FormatFloat(t, 'f', -1, 32)
case uint:
envParams[k] = strconv.Itoa(int(t))
case int:
envParams[k] = strconv.Itoa(t)
case []interface{}:
strArray := make([]string, len(t))
for i := range t {
strArray[i] = strings.ToLower(fmt.Sprintf("%v", t[i]))
envParams[k] = strings.Join(strArray, ",")
case map[string]interface{}:
handleMap(t, envParams)
func downloadApp(app model.App, appDetail model.AppDetail, appInstall *model.AppInstall) (err error) {
if app.IsLocalApp() {
return nil
appResourceDir := path.Join(constant.AppResourceDir, app.Resource)
appDownloadDir := app.GetAppResourcePath()
appVersionDir := path.Join(appDownloadDir, appDetail.Version)
fileOp := files.NewFileOp()
if !appDetail.Update && fileOp.Stat(appVersionDir) {
if !fileOp.Stat(appDownloadDir) {
_ = fileOp.CreateDir(appDownloadDir, 0755)
if !fileOp.Stat(appVersionDir) {
_ = fileOp.CreateDir(appVersionDir, 0755)
global.LOG.Infof("download app[%s] from %s", app.Name, appDetail.DownloadUrl)
filePath := path.Join(appVersionDir, app.Key+"-"+appDetail.Version+".tar.gz")
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if appInstall != nil {
appInstall.Status = constant.DownloadErr
appInstall.Message = err.Error()
if err = fileOp.DownloadFileWithProxy(appDetail.DownloadUrl, filePath); err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("download app[%s] error %v", app.Name, err)
if err = fileOp.Decompress(filePath, appResourceDir, files.SdkTarGz, ""); err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("decompress app[%s] error %v", app.Name, err)
_ = fileOp.DeleteFile(filePath)
appDetail.Update = false
_ = appDetailRepo.Update(context.Background(), appDetail)
func copyData(app model.App, appDetail model.AppDetail, appInstall *model.AppInstall, req request.AppInstallCreate) (err error) {
fileOp := files.NewFileOp()
appResourceDir := path.Join(constant.AppResourceDir, app.Resource)
if app.Resource == constant.AppResourceRemote {
err = downloadApp(app, appDetail, appInstall)
if err != nil {
go func() {
_, _, _ = httpUtil.HandleGet(appDetail.DownloadCallBackUrl, http.MethodGet, constant.TimeOut5s)
appKey := app.Key
installAppDir := path.Join(constant.AppInstallDir, app.Key)
if app.Resource == constant.AppResourceLocal {
appResourceDir = constant.LocalAppResourceDir
appKey = strings.TrimPrefix(app.Key, "local")
installAppDir = path.Join(constant.LocalAppInstallDir, appKey)
resourceDir := path.Join(appResourceDir, appKey, appDetail.Version)
if !fileOp.Stat(installAppDir) {
if err = fileOp.CreateDir(installAppDir, 0755); err != nil {
appDir := path.Join(installAppDir, req.Name)
if fileOp.Stat(appDir) {
if err = fileOp.DeleteDir(appDir); err != nil {
if err = fileOp.Copy(resourceDir, installAppDir); err != nil {
versionDir := path.Join(installAppDir, appDetail.Version)
if err = fileOp.Rename(versionDir, appDir); err != nil {
envPath := path.Join(appDir, ".env")
envParams := make(map[string]string, len(req.Params))
handleMap(req.Params, envParams)
if err = env.Write(envParams, envPath); err != nil {
if err := fileOp.WriteFile(appInstall.GetComposePath(), strings.NewReader(appInstall.DockerCompose), 0755); err != nil {
return err
func runScript(appInstall *model.AppInstall, operate string) error {
workDir := appInstall.GetPath()
scriptPath := ""
switch operate {
case "init":
scriptPath = path.Join(workDir, "scripts", "init.sh")
case "upgrade":
scriptPath = path.Join(workDir, "scripts", "upgrade.sh")
case "uninstall":
scriptPath = path.Join(workDir, "scripts", "uninstall.sh")
if !files.NewFileOp().Stat(scriptPath) {
return nil
out, err := cmd.ExecScript(scriptPath, workDir)
if err != nil {
if out != "" {
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("run script %s error %s", scriptPath, out)
return errors.New(errMsg)
return err
return nil
func checkContainerNameIsExist(containerName, appDir string) (bool, error) {
client, err := composeV2.NewDockerClient()
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer client.Close()
var options container.ListOptions
list, err := client.ContainerList(context.Background(), options)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, container := range list {
if containerName == container.Names[0][1:] {
if workDir, ok := container.Labels[composeWorkdirLabel]; ok {
if workDir != appDir {
return true, nil
} else {
return true, nil
return false, nil
func upApp(appInstall *model.AppInstall, pullImages bool) {
upProject := func(appInstall *model.AppInstall) (err error) {
var (
out string
errMsg string
if pullImages && appInstall.App.Type != "php" {
projectName := strings.ToLower(appInstall.Name)
envByte, err := files.NewFileOp().GetContent(appInstall.GetEnvPath())
if err != nil {
return err
images, err := composeV2.GetDockerComposeImages(projectName, envByte, []byte(appInstall.DockerCompose))
if err != nil {
return err
for _, image := range images {
if out, err = cmd.ExecWithTimeOut("docker pull "+image, 60*time.Minute); err != nil {
if out != "" {
if strings.Contains(out, "no such host") {
errMsg = i18n.GetMsgByKey("ErrNoSuchHost") + ":"
if strings.Contains(out, "timeout") {
errMsg = i18n.GetMsgByKey("ErrImagePullTimeOut") + ":"
} else {
if err.Error() == buserr.New(constant.ErrCmdTimeout).Error() {
errMsg = i18n.GetMsgByKey("ErrImagePullTimeOut")
} else {
errMsg = i18n.GetMsgWithMap("ErrImagePull", map[string]interface{}{"err": err.Error()})
appInstall.Message = errMsg + out
return err
out, err = compose.Up(appInstall.GetComposePath())
if err != nil {
if out != "" {
appInstall.Message = errMsg + out
return err
if err := upProject(appInstall); err != nil {
appInstall.Status = constant.UpErr
} else {
appInstall.Status = constant.Running
exist, _ := appInstallRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(appInstall.ID))
if exist.ID > 0 {
containerNames, err := getContainerNames(*appInstall)
if err != nil {
if len(containerNames) > 0 {
appInstall.ContainerName = strings.Join(containerNames, ",")
_ = appInstallRepo.Save(context.Background(), appInstall)
func rebuildApp(appInstall model.AppInstall) error {
appInstall.Status = constant.Rebuilding
_ = appInstallRepo.Save(context.Background(), &appInstall)
go func() {
dockerComposePath := appInstall.GetComposePath()
out, err := compose.Down(dockerComposePath)
if err != nil {
_ = handleErr(appInstall, err, out)
out, err = compose.Up(appInstall.GetComposePath())
if err != nil {
_ = handleErr(appInstall, err, out)
containerNames, err := getContainerNames(appInstall)
if err != nil {
_ = handleErr(appInstall, err, out)
appInstall.ContainerName = strings.Join(containerNames, ",")
appInstall.Status = constant.Running
_ = appInstallRepo.Save(context.Background(), &appInstall)
return nil
func getAppDetails(details []model.AppDetail, versions []dto.AppConfigVersion) map[string]model.AppDetail {
appDetails := make(map[string]model.AppDetail, len(details))
for _, old := range details {
old.Status = constant.AppTakeDown
appDetails[old.Version] = old
for _, v := range versions {
version := v.Name
detail, ok := appDetails[version]
if ok {
detail.Status = constant.AppNormal
appDetails[version] = detail
} else {
appDetails[version] = model.AppDetail{
Version: version,
Status: constant.AppNormal,
return appDetails
func getApps(oldApps []model.App, items []dto.AppDefine) map[string]model.App {
apps := make(map[string]model.App, len(oldApps))
for _, old := range oldApps {
old.Status = constant.AppTakeDown
apps[old.Key] = old
for _, item := range items {
config := item.AppProperty
key := config.Key
app, ok := apps[key]
if !ok {
app = model.App{}
app.Resource = constant.AppResourceRemote
app.Name = item.Name
app.Limit = config.Limit
app.Key = key
app.ShortDescZh = config.ShortDescZh
app.ShortDescEn = config.ShortDescEn
app.Website = config.Website
app.Document = config.Document
app.Github = config.Github
app.Type = config.Type
app.CrossVersionUpdate = config.CrossVersionUpdate
app.Status = constant.AppNormal
app.LastModified = item.LastModified
app.ReadMe = item.ReadMe
apps[key] = app
return apps
func handleLocalAppDetail(versionDir string, appDetail *model.AppDetail) error {
fileOp := files.NewFileOp()
dockerComposePath := path.Join(versionDir, "docker-compose.yml")
if !fileOp.Stat(dockerComposePath) {
return buserr.WithName(constant.ErrFileNotFound, "docker-compose.yml")
dockerComposeByte, _ := fileOp.GetContent(dockerComposePath)
if dockerComposeByte == nil {
return buserr.WithName(constant.ErrFileParseApp, "docker-compose.yml")
appDetail.DockerCompose = string(dockerComposeByte)
paramPath := path.Join(versionDir, "data.yml")
if !fileOp.Stat(paramPath) {
return buserr.WithName(constant.ErrFileNotFound, "data.yml")
paramByte, _ := fileOp.GetContent(paramPath)
if paramByte == nil {
return buserr.WithName(constant.ErrFileNotFound, "data.yml")
appParamConfig := dto.LocalAppParam{}
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(paramByte, &appParamConfig); err != nil {
return buserr.WithMap(constant.ErrFileParseApp, map[string]interface{}{"name": "data.yml", "err": err.Error()}, err)
dataJson, err := json.Marshal(appParamConfig.AppParams)
if err != nil {
return buserr.WithMap(constant.ErrFileParseApp, map[string]interface{}{"name": "data.yml", "err": err.Error()}, err)
var appParam dto.AppForm
if err = json.Unmarshal(dataJson, &appParam); err != nil {
return buserr.WithMap(constant.ErrFileParseApp, map[string]interface{}{"name": "data.yml", "err": err.Error()}, err)
for _, formField := range appParam.FormFields {
if strings.Contains(formField.EnvKey, " ") {
return buserr.WithName(constant.ErrAppParamKey, formField.EnvKey)
var dataMap map[string]interface{}
err = yaml.Unmarshal(paramByte, &dataMap)
if err != nil {
return buserr.WithMap(constant.ErrFileParseApp, map[string]interface{}{"name": "data.yml", "err": err.Error()}, err)
additionalProperties, ok := dataMap["additionalProperties"].(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return buserr.WithName(constant.ErrAppParamKey, "additionalProperties")
formFieldsInterface, ok := additionalProperties["formFields"]
if ok {
formFields, ok := formFieldsInterface.([]interface{})
if !ok {
return buserr.WithName(constant.ErrAppParamKey, "formFields")
for _, item := range formFields {
field := item.(map[string]interface{})
for key, value := range field {
if value == nil {
return buserr.WithName(constant.ErrAppParamKey, key)
appDetail.Params = string(dataJson)
return nil
func handleLocalApp(appDir string) (app *model.App, err error) {
fileOp := files.NewFileOp()
configYamlPath := path.Join(appDir, "data.yml")
if !fileOp.Stat(configYamlPath) {
err = buserr.WithName(constant.ErrFileNotFound, "data.yml")
iconPath := path.Join(appDir, "logo.png")
if !fileOp.Stat(iconPath) {
err = buserr.WithName(constant.ErrFileNotFound, "logo.png")
configYamlByte, err := fileOp.GetContent(configYamlPath)
if err != nil {
err = buserr.WithMap(constant.ErrFileParseApp, map[string]interface{}{"name": "data.yml", "err": err.Error()}, err)
localAppDefine := dto.LocalAppAppDefine{}
if err = yaml.Unmarshal(configYamlByte, &localAppDefine); err != nil {
err = buserr.WithMap(constant.ErrFileParseApp, map[string]interface{}{"name": "data.yml", "err": err.Error()}, err)
app = &localAppDefine.AppProperty
app.Resource = constant.AppResourceLocal
app.Status = constant.AppNormal
app.Recommend = 9999
app.TagsKey = append(app.TagsKey, "Local")
app.Key = "local" + app.Key
readMePath := path.Join(appDir, "README.md")
readMeByte, err := fileOp.GetContent(readMePath)
if err == nil {
app.ReadMe = string(readMeByte)
iconByte, _ := fileOp.GetContent(iconPath)
if iconByte != nil {
iconStr := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(iconByte)
app.Icon = iconStr
func handleErr(install model.AppInstall, err error, out string) error {
reErr := err
install.Message = err.Error()
if out != "" {
install.Message = out
reErr = errors.New(out)
install.Status = constant.UpErr
_ = appInstallRepo.Save(context.Background(), &install)
return reErr
func doNotNeedSync(installed model.AppInstall) bool {
return installed.Status == constant.Installing || installed.Status == constant.Rebuilding || installed.Status == constant.Upgrading ||
installed.Status == constant.Syncing
func synAppInstall(containers map[string]types.Container, appInstall *model.AppInstall, force bool) {
containerNames := strings.Split(appInstall.ContainerName, ",")
if len(containers) == 0 {
if appInstall.Status == constant.UpErr && !force {
appInstall.Status = constant.Error
appInstall.Message = buserr.WithName("ErrContainerNotFound", strings.Join(containerNames, ",")).Error()
_ = appInstallRepo.Save(context.Background(), appInstall)
notFoundNames := make([]string, 0)
exitNames := make([]string, 0)
exitedCount := 0
pausedCount := 0
runningCount := 0
total := len(containerNames)
for _, name := range containerNames {
if con, ok := containers["/"+name]; ok {
switch con.State {
case "exited":
exitNames = append(exitNames, name)
case "running":
case "paused":
} else {
notFoundNames = append(notFoundNames, name)
switch {
case exitedCount == total:
appInstall.Status = constant.Stopped
case runningCount == total:
appInstall.Status = constant.Running
case pausedCount == total:
appInstall.Status = constant.Paused
case len(notFoundNames) == total:
if appInstall.Status == constant.UpErr && !force {
appInstall.Status = constant.Error
appInstall.Message = buserr.WithName("ErrContainerNotFound", strings.Join(notFoundNames, ",")).Error()
var msg string
if exitedCount > 0 {
msg = buserr.WithName("ErrContainerMsg", strings.Join(exitNames, ",")).Error()
if len(notFoundNames) > 0 {
msg += buserr.WithName("ErrContainerNotFound", strings.Join(notFoundNames, ",")).Error()
if msg == "" {
msg = buserr.New("ErrAppWarn").Error()
appInstall.Message = msg
appInstall.Status = constant.UnHealthy
_ = appInstallRepo.Save(context.Background(), appInstall)
func getMajorVersion(version string) string {
parts := strings.Split(version, ".")
if len(parts) >= 2 {
return parts[0] + "." + parts[1]
return version
func ignoreUpdate(installed model.AppInstall) bool {
if installed.App.Type == "php" || installed.Status == constant.Installing {
return true
if installed.App.Key == constant.AppMysql {
majorVersion := getMajorVersion(installed.Version)
appDetails, _ := appDetailRepo.GetBy(appDetailRepo.WithAppId(installed.App.ID))
for _, appDetail := range appDetails {
if strings.HasPrefix(appDetail.Version, majorVersion) && common.CompareVersion(appDetail.Version, installed.Version) {
return false
return true
return false
func handleInstalled(appInstallList []model.AppInstall, updated bool, sync bool) ([]response.AppInstallDTO, error) {
var (
res []response.AppInstallDTO
containersMap map[string]types.Container
if sync {
cli, err := docker.NewClient()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer cli.Close()
containers, err := cli.ListAllContainers()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
containersMap = make(map[string]types.Container, len(containers))
for _, contain := range containers {
containersMap[contain.Names[0]] = contain
for _, installed := range appInstallList {
if updated && ignoreUpdate(installed) {
if sync && !doNotNeedSync(installed) {
synAppInstall(containersMap, &installed, false)
installDTO := response.AppInstallDTO{
ID: installed.ID,
Name: installed.Name,
AppID: installed.AppId,
AppDetailID: installed.AppDetailId,
Version: installed.Version,
Status: installed.Status,
Message: installed.Message,
HttpPort: installed.HttpPort,
HttpsPort: installed.HttpsPort,
Icon: installed.App.Icon,
AppName: installed.App.Name,
AppKey: installed.App.Key,
AppType: installed.App.Type,
Path: installed.GetPath(),
CreatedAt: installed.CreatedAt,
App: response.AppDetail{
Github: installed.App.Github,
Website: installed.App.Website,
Document: installed.App.Document,
if updated {
installDTO.DockerCompose = installed.DockerCompose
app, err := appRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(installed.AppId))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
details, err := appDetailRepo.GetBy(appDetailRepo.WithAppId(app.ID))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var versions []string
for _, detail := range details {
if detail.IgnoreUpgrade || installed.Version == "latest" {
if common.IsCrossVersion(installed.Version, detail.Version) && !app.CrossVersionUpdate {
versions = append(versions, detail.Version)
versions = common.GetSortedVersions(versions)
if len(versions) == 0 {
if !updated {
installDTO.CanUpdate = false
res = append(res, installDTO)
lastVersion := versions[0]
if app.Key == constant.AppMysql {
for _, version := range versions {
majorVersion := getMajorVersion(installed.Version)
if !strings.HasPrefix(version, majorVersion) {
} else {
lastVersion = version
if common.IsCrossVersion(installed.Version, lastVersion) {
installDTO.CanUpdate = app.CrossVersionUpdate
} else {
installDTO.CanUpdate = common.CompareVersion(lastVersion, installed.Version)
if updated {
if installDTO.CanUpdate {
res = append(res, installDTO)
} else {
res = append(res, installDTO)
return res, nil
func getAppInstallByKey(key string) (model.AppInstall, error) {
app, err := appRepo.GetFirst(appRepo.WithKey(key))
if err != nil {
return model.AppInstall{}, err
appInstall, err := appInstallRepo.GetFirst(appInstallRepo.WithAppId(app.ID))
if err != nil {
return model.AppInstall{}, err
return appInstall, nil
func getAppInstallPort(key string) (httpPort, httpsPort int, err error) {
install, err := getAppInstallByKey(key)
if err != nil {
httpPort = install.HttpPort
httpsPort = install.HttpsPort
func updateToolApp(installed *model.AppInstall) {
tooKey, ok := dto.AppToolMap[installed.App.Key]
if !ok {
toolInstall, _ := getAppInstallByKey(tooKey)
if reflect.DeepEqual(toolInstall, model.AppInstall{}) {
paramMap := make(map[string]string)
_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(installed.Param), ¶mMap)
envMap := make(map[string]interface{})
_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(toolInstall.Env), &envMap)
if password, ok := paramMap["PANEL_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD"]; ok {
envMap["PANEL_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD"] = password
if _, ok := envMap["PANEL_REDIS_HOST"]; ok {
envMap["PANEL_REDIS_HOST"] = installed.ServiceName
if _, ok := envMap["PANEL_DB_HOST"]; ok {
envMap["PANEL_DB_HOST"] = installed.ServiceName
envPath := path.Join(toolInstall.GetPath(), ".env")
contentByte, err := json.Marshal(envMap)
if err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("update tool app [%s] error : %s", toolInstall.Name, err.Error())
envFileMap := make(map[string]string)
handleMap(envMap, envFileMap)
if err = env.Write(envFileMap, envPath); err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("update tool app [%s] error : %s", toolInstall.Name, err.Error())
toolInstall.Env = string(contentByte)
if err := appInstallRepo.Save(context.Background(), &toolInstall); err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("update tool app [%s] error : %s", toolInstall.Name, err.Error())
if out, err := compose.Down(toolInstall.GetComposePath()); err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("update tool app [%s] error : %s", toolInstall.Name, out)
if out, err := compose.Up(toolInstall.GetComposePath()); err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("update tool app [%s] error : %s", toolInstall.Name, out)
func addDockerComposeCommonParam(composeMap map[string]interface{}, serviceName string, req request.AppContainerConfig, params map[string]interface{}) error {
services, serviceValid := composeMap["services"].(map[string]interface{})
if !serviceValid {
return buserr.New(constant.ErrFileParse)
service, serviceExist := services[serviceName]
if !serviceExist {
return buserr.New(constant.ErrFileParse)
serviceValue := service.(map[string]interface{})
deploy := map[string]interface{}{}
if de, ok := serviceValue["deploy"]; ok {
deploy = de.(map[string]interface{})
resource := map[string]interface{}{}
if res, ok := deploy["resources"]; ok {
resource = res.(map[string]interface{})
resource["limits"] = map[string]interface{}{
"cpus": "${CPUS}",
"memory": "${MEMORY_LIMIT}",
deploy["resources"] = resource
serviceValue["deploy"] = deploy
ports, ok := serviceValue["ports"].([]interface{})
if ok {
for i, port := range ports {
portStr, portOK := port.(string)
if !portOK {
portArray := strings.Split(portStr, ":")
if len(portArray) == 2 {
portArray = append([]string{"${HOST_IP}"}, portArray...)
ports[i] = strings.Join(portArray, ":")
serviceValue["ports"] = ports
params[constant.CPUS] = "0"
params[constant.MemoryLimit] = "0"
if req.Advanced {
if req.CpuQuota > 0 {
params[constant.CPUS] = req.CpuQuota
if req.MemoryLimit > 0 {
params[constant.MemoryLimit] = strconv.FormatFloat(req.MemoryLimit, 'f', -1, 32) + req.MemoryUnit
_, portExist := serviceValue["ports"].([]interface{})
if portExist {
allowHost := ""
if req.Advanced && req.AllowPort {
allowHost = ""
params[constant.HostIP] = allowHost
services[serviceName] = serviceValue
return nil
func getAppCommonConfig(envs map[string]interface{}) request.AppContainerConfig {
config := request.AppContainerConfig{}
if hostIp, ok := envs[constant.HostIP]; ok {
config.AllowPort = hostIp.(string) != ""
} else {
config.AllowPort = true
if cpuCore, ok := envs[constant.CPUS]; ok {
numStr, ok := cpuCore.(string)
if ok {
num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(numStr, 64)
if err == nil {
config.CpuQuota = num
} else {
num64, flOk := cpuCore.(float64)
if flOk {
config.CpuQuota = num64
} else {
config.CpuQuota = 0
if memLimit, ok := envs[constant.MemoryLimit]; ok {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\d+)([A-Za-z]+)`)
matches := re.FindStringSubmatch(memLimit.(string))
if len(matches) == 3 {
num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(matches[1], 64)
if err == nil {
unit := matches[2]
config.MemoryLimit = num
config.MemoryUnit = unit
} else {
config.MemoryLimit = 0
config.MemoryUnit = "M"
if containerName, ok := envs[constant.ContainerName]; ok {
config.ContainerName = containerName.(string)
return config
func isHostModel(dockerCompose string) bool {
composeMap := make(map[string]interface{})
_ = yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(dockerCompose), &composeMap)
services, serviceValid := composeMap["services"].(map[string]interface{})
if !serviceValid {
return false
for _, service := range services {
serviceValue := service.(map[string]interface{})
if value, ok := serviceValue["network_mode"]; ok && value == "host" {
return true
return false