@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ ErrDomainIsExist: "Domain is already exist"
ErrAliasIsExist:"Alias is already exist"
ErrAppDelete:'Other Website use this App'
ErrGroupIsUsed:'The group is in use and cannot be deleted'
ErrBackupMatch: 'the backup file does not match the current partial data of the website:{{.detail}}"'
ErrBackupExist: 'the backup file corresponds to a portion of the original data that does not exist:{{.detail}}"'
ErrBackupMatch: 'the backup file does not match the current partial data of the website:{{.detail}}'
ErrBackupExist: 'the backup file corresponds to a portion of the original data that does not exist:{{.detail}}'
ErrPHPResource:'The local runtime does not support switching!'
ErrPathPermission:'A folder with non-1000:1000 permissions was detected in the index directory, which may cause an Access denied error when accessing the website. Please click the save button above'
ErrDomainIsUsed:"Domain is already used by website {{ .name }}"