
1176 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="SF_UI" script:language="StarBasic" script:moduleType="normal">REM =======================================================================================================================
REM === The ScriptForge library and its associated libraries are part of the LibreOffice project. ===
REM === Full documentation is available on ===
REM =======================================================================================================================
Option Compatible
Option Explicit
&apos;&apos;&apos; SF_UI
&apos;&apos;&apos; =====
&apos;&apos;&apos; Singleton class module for the identification and the manipulation of the
&apos;&apos;&apos; different windows composing the whole LibreOffice application:
&apos;&apos;&apos; - Windows selection
&apos;&apos;&apos; - Windows moving and resizing
&apos;&apos;&apos; - Statusbar settings
&apos;&apos;&apos; - Creation of new windows
&apos;&apos;&apos; - Access to the underlying &quot;documents&quot;
&apos;&apos;&apos; WindowName: how to designate a window. It can be either
&apos;&apos;&apos; a full FileName given in the notation indicated by the current value of SF_FileSystem.FileNaming
&apos;&apos;&apos; or the last component of the full FileName or even only its BaseName
&apos;&apos;&apos; or the title of the window
&apos;&apos;&apos; or, for new documents, something like &quot;Untitled 1&quot;
&apos;&apos;&apos; or one of the special windows &quot;BASICIDE&quot; and &quot;WELCOMESCREEN&quot;
&apos;&apos;&apos; The window search is case-sensitive
&apos;&apos;&apos; Service invocation example:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Dim ui As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos; ui = CreateScriptService(&quot;UI&quot;)
REM ================================================================== EXCEPTIONS
Const DOCUMENTERROR = &quot;DOCUMENTERROR&quot; &apos; Requested document was not found
Const DOCUMENTCREATIONERROR = &quot;DOCUMENTCREATIONERROR&quot; &apos; Incoherent arguments, new document could not be created
Const DOCUMENTOPENERROR = &quot;DOCUMENTOPENERROR&quot; &apos; Document could not be opened, check the arguments
Const BASEDOCUMENTOPENERROR = &quot;BASEDOCUMENTOPENERROR&quot; &apos; Id. for Base document
REM ============================================================= PRIVATE MEMBERS
Type Window
Component As Object &apos;
Frame As Object &apos;
WindowName As String &apos; Object Name
WindowTitle As String &apos; Only mean to identify new documents
WindowFileName As String &apos; URL of file name
DocumentType As String &apos; Writer, Calc, ...
End Type
&apos; The progress/status bar of the active window
&apos;Private oStatusBar As Object &apos;
REM ============================================================ MODULE CONSTANTS
&apos; Special windows
Const BASICIDE = &quot;BASICIDE&quot;
&apos; Document types (only if not 1 of the special windows)
Const BASEDOCUMENT = &quot;Base&quot;
Const CALCDOCUMENT = &quot;Calc&quot;
Const DRAWDOCUMENT = &quot;Draw&quot;
Const IMPRESSDOCUMENT = &quot;Impress&quot;
Const MATHDOCUMENT = &quot;Math&quot;
Const WRITERDOCUMENT = &quot;Writer&quot;
&apos; Window subtypes - Not supported yet
Const BASETABLE = &quot;BASETABLE&quot;
Const BASEQUERY = &quot;BASEQUERY&quot;
&apos; Macro execution modes
Const cstMACROEXECNORMAL = 0 &apos; Default, execution depends on user configuration and choice
Const cstMACROEXECNEVER = 1 &apos; Macros are not executed
Const cstMACROEXECALWAYS = 2 &apos; Macros are always executed
REM ===================================================== CONSTRUCTOR/DESTRUCTOR
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Dispose() As Variant
Set Dispose = Nothing
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI Explicit destructor
REM ================================================================== PROPERTIES
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function ActiveWindow() As String
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns a valid WindowName for the currently active window
&apos;&apos;&apos; When &quot;&quot; is returned, the window could not be identified
Dim vWindow As Window &apos; A component
Dim oComp As Object &apos;
Set oComp = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent
If Not IsNull(oComp) Then
vWindow = SF_UI._IdentifyWindow(oComp)
With vWindow
If Len(.WindowFileName) &gt; 0 Then
ActiveWindow = SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(.WindowFileName)
ElseIf Len(.WindowName) &gt; 0 Then
ActiveWindow = .WindowName
ElseIf Len(.WindowTitle) &gt; 0 Then
ActiveWindow = .WindowTitle
ActiveWindow = &quot;&quot;
End If
End With
End If
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.ActiveWindow
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get MACROEXECALWAYS As Integer
&apos;&apos;&apos; Macros are always executed
End Property &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.MACROEXECALWAYS
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get MACROEXECNEVER As Integer
&apos;&apos;&apos; Macros are not executed
End Property &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.MACROEXECNEVER
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get MACROEXECNORMAL As Integer
&apos;&apos;&apos; Default, execution depends on user configuration and choice
End Property &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.MACROEXECNORMAL
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get ObjectType As String
&apos;&apos;&apos; Only to enable object representation
ObjectType = &quot;SF_UI&quot;
End Property &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.ObjectType
REM ===================================================================== METHODS
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Activate(Optional ByVal WindowName As Variant) As Boolean
&apos;&apos;&apos; Make the specified window active
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; WindowName: see definitions
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos; True if the given window is found and can be activated
&apos;&apos;&apos; There is no change in the actual user interface if no window matches the selection
&apos;&apos;&apos; Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos; ui.Activate(&quot;C:\Me\My file.odt&quot;)
Dim bActivate As Boolean &apos; Return value
Dim oEnum As Object &apos;
Dim oComp As Object &apos;
Dim vWindow As Window &apos; A single component
Dim oContainer As Object &apos;
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.Activate&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;WindowName&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bActivate = False
If IsMissing(WindowName) Or IsEmpty(WindowName) Then WindowName = &quot;&quot;
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(WindowName, &quot;WindowName&quot;) Then GoTo Finally
End If
Set oEnum = StarDesktop.Components().createEnumeration
Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements
Set oComp = oEnum.nextElement
vWindow = SF_UI._IdentifyWindow(oComp)
With vWindow
&apos; Does the current window match the arguments ?
If (Len(.WindowFileName) &gt; 0 And .WindowFileName = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(WindowName)) _
Or (Len(.WindowName) &gt; 0 And .WindowName = WindowName) _
Or (Len(.WindowTitle) &gt; 0 And .WindowTitle = WindowName) Then
Set oContainer = vWindow.Frame.ContainerWindow
With oContainer
If .isVisible() = False Then .setVisible(True)
.IsMinimized = False
.toFront() &apos; Force window change in Linux
Wait 1 &apos; Bypass desynchro issue in Linux
End With
bActivate = True
Exit Do
End If
End With
Activate = bActivate
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.Activate
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function CreateBaseDocument(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant _
, Optional ByVal EmbeddedDatabase As Variant _
, Optional ByVal RegistrationName As Variant _
) As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Create a new LibreOffice Base document embedding an empty database of the given type
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; FileName: Identifies the file to create. It must follow the SF_FileSystem.FileNaming notation
&apos;&apos;&apos; If the file already exists, it is overwritten without warning
&apos;&apos;&apos; EmbeddedDatabase: either &quot;HSQLDB&quot; (default) or &quot;FIREBIRD&quot;
&apos;&apos;&apos; RegistrationName: the name used to store the new database in the databases register
&apos;&apos;&apos; If &quot;&quot; (default), no registration takes place
&apos;&apos;&apos; If the name already exists it is overwritten without warning
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos; A SFDocuments.SF_Document object or one of its subclasses
&apos;&apos;&apos; Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Dim myBase As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Set myBase = ui.CreateBaseDocument(&quot;C:\Databases\MyBaseFile.odb&quot;, &quot;FIREBIRD&quot;)
Dim oCreate As Variant &apos; Return value
Dim oDBContext As Object &apos;
Dim oDatabase As Object &apos;
Dim oComp As Object &apos; Loaded component
Dim sFileName As String &apos; Alias of FileName
Dim FSO As Object &apos; Alias for FileSystem service
Const cstDocType = &quot;private:factory/s&quot;
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.CreateBaseDocument&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;FileName, [EmbeddedDatabase=&quot;&quot;HSQLDB&quot;&quot;|&quot;&quot;FIREBIRD&quot;&quot;], [RegistrationName=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;]&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
Set oCreate = Nothing
If IsMissing(EmbeddedDatabase) Or IsEmpty(EmbeddedDatabase) Then EmbeddedDatabase = &quot;HSQLDB&quot;
If IsMissing(RegistrationName) Or IsEmpty(RegistrationName) Then RegistrationName = &quot;&quot;
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, &quot;FileName&quot;) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(EmbeddedDatabase, &quot;EmbeddedDatabase&quot;, V_STRING, Array(&quot;HSQLDB&quot;, &quot;FIREBIRD&quot;)) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(RegistrationName, &quot;RegistrationName&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
End If
Set oDBContext = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;DatabaseContext&quot;)
With oDBContext
Set oDatabase = .createInstance()
oDatabase.URL = &quot;sdbc:embedded:&quot; &amp; LCase(EmbeddedDatabase)
&apos; Create empty Base document
Set FSO = CreateScriptService(&quot;FileSystem&quot;)
sFileName = FSO._ConvertToUrl(FileName)
&apos; An existing file is overwritten without warning
If FSO.FileExists(FileName) Then FSO.DeleteFile(FileName)
If FSO.FileExists(FileName &amp; &quot;.lck&quot;) Then FSO.DeleteFile(FileName &amp; &quot;.lck&quot;)
oDatabase.DatabaseDocument.storeAsURL(sFileName, Array(SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(&quot;Overwrite&quot;, True)))
&apos; Register database if requested
If Len(RegistrationName) &gt; 0 Then
If .hasRegisteredDatabase(RegistrationName) Then
.changeDatabaseLocation(RegistrationName, sFileName)
.registerDatabaseLocation(RegistrationName, sFileName)
End If
End If
End With
Set oCreate = OpenBaseDocument(FileName)
Set CreateBaseDocument = oCreate
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.CreateBaseDocument
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function CreateDocument(Optional ByVal DocumentType As Variant _
, Optional ByVal TemplateFile As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Hidden As Variant _
) As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Create a new LibreOffice document of a given type or based on a given template
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; DocumentType: &quot;Calc&quot;, &quot;Writer&quot;, etc. If absent, a TemplateFile must be given
&apos;&apos;&apos; TemplateFile: the full FileName of the template to build the new document on
&apos;&apos;&apos; If the file does not exist, the argument is ignored
&apos;&apos;&apos; The &quot;FileSystem&quot; service provides the TemplatesFolder and UserTemplatesFolder
&apos;&apos;&apos; properties to help to build the argument
&apos;&apos;&apos; Hidden: if True, open in the background (default = False)
&apos;&apos;&apos; To use with caution: activation or closure can only happen programmatically
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos; A SFDocuments.SF_Document object or one of its subclasses
&apos;&apos;&apos; Exceptions:
&apos;&apos;&apos; DOCUMENTCREATIONERROR Wrong arguments
&apos;&apos;&apos; Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Dim myDoc1 As Object, myDoc2 As Object, FSO As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Set myDoc1 = ui.CreateDocument(&quot;Calc&quot;)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Set FSO = CreateScriptService(&quot;FileSystem&quot;)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Set myDoc2 = ui.CreateDocument(, FSO.BuildPath(FSO.TemplatesFolder, &quot;personal/;))
Dim oCreate As Variant &apos; Return value
Dim vProperties As Variant &apos; Array of
Dim bTemplateExists As Boolean &apos; True if TemplateFile is valid
Dim sNew As String &apos; File url
Dim oComp As Object &apos; Loaded component
Const cstDocType = &quot;private:factory/s&quot;
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.CreateDocument&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;[DocumentType=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;], [TemplateFile=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;], [Hidden=False]&quot;
&apos;&gt;&gt;&gt; If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
Set oCreate = Nothing
If IsMissing(DocumentType) Or IsEmpty(DocumentType) Then DocumentType = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(TemplateFile) Or IsEmpty(TemplateFile) Then TemplateFile = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(Hidden) Or IsEmpty(Hidden) Then Hidden = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(DocumentType, &quot;DocumentType&quot;, V_STRING _
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(TemplateFile, &quot;TemplateFile&quot;, , True) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Hidden, &quot;Hidden&quot;, V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
If Len(DocumentType) + Len(TemplateFile) = 0 Then GoTo CatchError
If Len(TemplateFile) &gt; 0 Then bTemplateExists = SF_FileSystem.FileExists(TemplateFile) Else bTemplateExists = False
If Len(DocumentType) = 0 Then
If Not bTemplateExists Then GoTo CatchError
End If
If bTemplateExists Then sNew = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(TemplateFile) Else sNew = cstDocType &amp; LCase(DocumentType)
vProperties = Array( _
SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(&quot;AsTemplate&quot;, bTemplateExists) _
, SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(&quot;Hidden&quot;, Hidden) _
Set oComp = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sNew, &quot;_blank&quot;, 0, vProperties)
If Not IsNull(oComp) Then Set oCreate = CreateScriptService(&quot;SFDocuments.Document&quot;, oComp)
Set CreateDocument = oCreate
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(DOCUMENTCREATIONERROR, &quot;DocumentType&quot;, DocumentType, &quot;TemplateFile&quot;, TemplateFile)
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.CreateDocument
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Documents() As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns the list of the currently open documents. Special windows are ignored.
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos; A zero-based 1D array of filenames (in SF_FileSystem.FileNaming notation)
&apos;&apos;&apos; or of window titles for unsaved documents
&apos;&apos;&apos; Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Dim vDocs As Variant, sDoc As String
&apos;&apos;&apos; vDocs = ui.Documents()
&apos;&apos;&apos; For each sDoc In vDocs
&apos;&apos;&apos; ...
Dim vDocuments As Variant &apos; Return value
Dim oEnum As Object &apos;
Dim oComp As Object &apos;
Dim vWindow As Window &apos; A single component
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.Documents&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vDocuments = Array()
SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs)
Set oEnum = StarDesktop.Components().createEnumeration
Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements
Set oComp = oEnum.nextElement
vWindow = SF_UI._IdentifyWindow(oComp)
With vWindow
If Len(.WindowFileName) &gt; 0 Then
vDocuments = SF_Array.Append(vDocuments, SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(.WindowFileName))
ElseIf Len(.WindowTitle) &gt; 0 Then
vDocuments = SF_Array.Append(vDocuments, .WindowTitle)
End If
End With
Documents = vDocuments
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.Documents
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetDocument(Optional ByVal WindowName As Variant) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns a SFDocuments.Document object referring to the active window or the given window
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; WindowName: see definitions. If absent the active window is considered
&apos;&apos;&apos; Exceptions:
&apos;&apos;&apos; DOCUMENTERROR The targeted window could not be found
&apos;&apos;&apos; Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Dim oDoc As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Set oDoc = ui.GetDocument
&apos;&apos;&apos; oDoc.Save()
Dim oDocument As Object &apos; Return value
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.GetDocument&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;[WindowName]&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
Set oDocument = Nothing
If IsMissing(WindowName) Or IsEmpty(WindowName) Then WindowName = &quot;&quot;
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(WindowName, &quot;WindowName&quot;, , True) Then GoTo Finally
End If
Set oDocument = SF_Services.CreateScriptService(&quot;SFDocuments.Document&quot;, WindowName)
If IsNull(oDocument) Then GoTo CatchDeliver
Set GetDocument = oDocument
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(DOCUMENTERROR, &quot;WindowName&quot;, WindowName)
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.GetDocument
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetProperty(Optional ByVal PropertyName As Variant) As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos; Return the actual value of the given property
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; PropertyName: the name of the property as a string
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos; The actual value of the property
&apos;&apos;&apos; Exceptions
&apos;&apos;&apos; ARGUMENTERROR The property does not exist
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.GetProperty&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;PropertyName&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
GetProperty = Null
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(PropertyName, &quot;PropertyName&quot;, V_STRING, Properties()) Then GoTo Catch
End If
Select Case UCase(PropertyName)
Case &quot;ACTIVEWINDOW&quot; : GetProperty = ActiveWindow()
Case Else
End Select
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.GetProperty
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub Maximize(Optional ByVal WindowName As Variant)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Maximizes the active window or the given window
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; WindowName: see definitions. If absent the active window is considered
&apos;&apos;&apos; Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos; ui.Maximize
&apos;&apos;&apos; ...
Dim oEnum As Object &apos;
Dim oComp As Object &apos;
Dim vWindow As Window &apos; A single component
Dim oContainer As Object &apos;
Dim bFound As Boolean &apos; True if window found
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.Maximize&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;[WindowName]&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
If IsMissing(WindowName) Or IsEmpty(WindowName) Then WindowName = &quot;&quot;
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(WindowName, &quot;WindowName&quot;, , True) Then GoTo Finally
End If
bFound = False
If Len(WindowName) &gt; 0 Then
Set oEnum = StarDesktop.Components().createEnumeration
Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements And Not bFound
Set oComp = oEnum.nextElement
vWindow = SF_UI._IdentifyWindow(oComp)
With vWindow
&apos; Does the current window match the arguments ?
If (Len(.WindowFileName) &gt; 0 And .WindowFileName = SF_FileSystem.ConvertToUrl(WindowName)) _
Or (Len(.WindowName) &gt; 0 And .WindowName = WindowName) _
Or (Len(.WindowTitle) &gt; 0 And .WindowTitle = WindowName) Then bFound = True
End With
vWindow = SF_UI._IdentifyWindow(StarDesktop.CurrentComponent)
bFound = True
End If
If bFound Then
Set oContainer = vWindow.Frame.ContainerWindow
oContainer.IsMaximized = True
End If
Exit Sub
GoTo Finally
End Sub &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.Maximize
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub Minimize(Optional ByVal WindowName As Variant)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Minimizes the current window or the given window
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; WindowName: see definitions. If absent the current window is considered
&apos;&apos;&apos; Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos; ui.Minimize(&quot;myFile.ods&quot;)
&apos;&apos;&apos; ...
Dim oEnum As Object &apos;
Dim oComp As Object &apos;
Dim vWindow As Window &apos; A single component
Dim oContainer As Object &apos;
Dim bFound As Boolean &apos; True if window found
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.Minimize&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;[WindowName]&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
If IsMissing(WindowName) Or IsEmpty(WindowName) Then WindowName = &quot;&quot;
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(WindowName, &quot;WindowName&quot;, , True) Then GoTo Finally
End If
bFound = False
If Len(WindowName) &gt; 0 Then
Set oEnum = StarDesktop.Components().createEnumeration
Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements And Not bFound
Set oComp = oEnum.nextElement
vWindow = SF_UI._IdentifyWindow(oComp)
With vWindow
&apos; Does the current window match the arguments ?
If (Len(.WindowFileName) &gt; 0 And .WindowFileName = SF_FileSystem.ConvertToUrl(WindowName)) _
Or (Len(.WindowName) &gt; 0 And .WindowName = WindowName) _
Or (Len(.WindowTitle) &gt; 0 And .WindowTitle = WindowName) Then bFound = True
End With
vWindow = SF_UI._IdentifyWindow(StarDesktop.CurrentComponent)
bFound = True
End If
If bFound Then
Set oContainer = vWindow.Frame.ContainerWindow
oContainer.IsMinimized = True
End If
Exit Sub
GoTo Finally
End Sub &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.Minimize
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Methods() As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos; Return the list of public methods of the UI service as an array
Methods = Array(&quot;Activate&quot; _
, &quot;CreateBaseDocument&quot; _
, &quot;CreateDocument&quot; _
, &quot;Documents&quot; _
, &quot;GetDocument&quot; _
, &quot;Maximize&quot; _
, &quot;Minimize&quot; _
, &quot;OpenBaseDocument&quot; _
, &quot;OpenDocument&quot; _
, &quot;Resize&quot; _
, &quot;SetStatusbar&quot; _
, &quot;ShowProgressBar&quot; _
, &quot;WindowExists&quot; _
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.Methods
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function OpenBaseDocument(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant _
, Optional ByVal RegistrationName As Variant _
, Optional ByVal MacroExecution As Variant _
) As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Open an existing LibreOffice Base document and return a SFDocuments.Document object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; FileName: Identifies the file to open. It must follow the SF_FileSystem.FileNaming notation
&apos;&apos;&apos; RegistrationName: the name of a registered database
&apos;&apos;&apos; It is ignored if FileName &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;
&apos;&apos;&apos; MacroExecution: one of the MACROEXECxxx constants
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos; A SFDocuments.SF_Base object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Null if the opening failed, including when due to a user decision
&apos;&apos;&apos; Exceptions:
&apos;&apos;&apos; BASEDOCUMENTOPENERROR Wrong arguments
&apos;&apos;&apos; Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Dim mBasec As Object, FSO As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Set myBase = ui.OpenBaseDocument(&quot;C:\Temp\myDB.odb&quot;, MacroExecution := ui.MACROEXECNEVER)
Dim oOpen As Variant &apos; Return value
Dim vProperties As Variant &apos; Array of
Dim oDBContext As Object &apos;
Dim oComp As Object &apos; Loaded component
Dim sFile As String &apos; Alias for FileName
Dim iMacro As Integer &apos; Alias for MacroExecution
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.OpenBaseDocument&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;[FileName=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;], [RegistrationName=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;], [MacroExecution=0|1|2]&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
Set oOpen = Nothing
If IsMissing(FileName) Or IsEmpty(FileName) Then FileName = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(RegistrationName) Or IsEmpty(RegistrationName) Then RegistrationName = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(MacroExecution) Or IsEmpty(MacroExecution) Then MacroExecution = MACROEXECNORMAL
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, &quot;FileName&quot;, , True) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(RegistrationName, &quot;RegistrationName&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(MacroExecution, &quot;MacroExecution&quot;, V_NUMERIC _
End If
&apos; Check the existence of FileName
If Len(FileName) = 0 Then &apos; FileName has precedence over RegistrationName
If Len(RegistrationName) = 0 Then GoTo CatchError
Set oDBContext = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;DatabaseContext&quot;)
If Not oDBContext.hasRegisteredDatabase(RegistrationName) Then GoTo CatchError
FileName = SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(oDBContext.getDatabaseLocation(RegistrationName))
End If
If Not SF_FileSystem.FileExists(FileName) Then GoTo CatchError
Select Case MacroExecution
Case 0 : iMacro = .USE_CONFIG
Case 1 : iMacro = .NEVER_EXECUTE
End Select
End With
vProperties = Array(SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(&quot;MacroExecutionMode&quot;, iMacro))
sFile = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(FileName)
Set oComp = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sFile, &quot;_blank&quot;, 0, vProperties)
If Not IsNull(oComp) Then Set oOpen = CreateScriptService(&quot;SFDocuments.Document&quot;, oComp)
Set OpenBaseDocument = oOpen
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(BASEDOCUMENTOPENERROR, &quot;FileName&quot;, FileName, &quot;RegistrationName&quot;, RegistrationName)
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.OpenBaseDocument
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function OpenDocument(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Password As Variant _
, Optional ByVal ReadOnly As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Hidden As Variant _
, Optional ByVal MacroExecution As Variant _
, Optional ByVal FilterName As Variant _
, Optional ByVal FilterOptions As Variant _
) As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Open an existing LibreOffice document with the given options
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; FileName: Identifies the file to open. It must follow the SF_FileSystem.FileNaming notation
&apos;&apos;&apos; Password: To use when the document is protected
&apos;&apos;&apos; If wrong or absent while the document is protected, the user will be prompted to enter a password
&apos;&apos;&apos; ReadOnly: Default = False
&apos;&apos;&apos; Hidden: if True, open in the background (default = False)
&apos;&apos;&apos; To use with caution: activation or closure can only happen programmatically
&apos;&apos;&apos; MacroExecution: one of the MACROEXECxxx constants
&apos;&apos;&apos; FilterName: the name of a filter that should be used for loading the document
&apos;&apos;&apos; If present, the filter must exist
&apos;&apos;&apos; FilterOptions: an optional string of options associated with the filter
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos; A SFDocuments.SF_Document object or one of its subclasses
&apos;&apos;&apos; Null if the opening failed, including when due to a user decision
&apos;&apos;&apos; Exceptions:
&apos;&apos;&apos; DOCUMENTOPENERROR Wrong arguments
&apos;&apos;&apos; Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Dim myDoc As Object, FSO As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Set myDoc = ui.OpenDocument(&quot;C:\Temp\myFile.odt&quot;, MacroExecution := ui.MACROEXECNEVER)
Dim oOpen As Variant &apos; Return value
Dim oFilterFactory As Object &apos;
Dim vProperties As Variant &apos; Array of
Dim oComp As Object &apos; Loaded component
Dim sFile As String &apos; Alias for FileName
Dim iMacro As Integer &apos; Alias for MacroExecution
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.OpenDocument&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;FileName, [Password=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;], [ReadOnly=False], [Hidden=False], [MacroExecution=0|1|2], [FilterName=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;], [FilterOptions=&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;]&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
Set oOpen = Nothing
If IsMissing(Password) Or IsEmpty(Password) Then Password = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(ReadOnly) Or IsEmpty(ReadOnly) Then ReadOnly = False
If IsMissing(Hidden) Or IsEmpty(Hidden) Then Hidden = False
If IsMissing(MacroExecution) Or IsEmpty(MacroExecution) Then MacroExecution = MACROEXECNORMAL
If IsMissing(FilterName) Or IsEmpty(FilterName) Then FilterName = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(FilterOptions) Or IsEmpty(FilterOptions) Then FilterOptions = &quot;&quot;
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, &quot;FileName&quot;) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Password, &quot;Password&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(ReadOnly, &quot;ReadOnly&quot;, V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Hidden, &quot;Hidden&quot;, V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(MacroExecution, &quot;MacroExecution&quot;, V_NUMERIC _
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(FilterName, &quot;FilterName&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(FilterOptions, &quot;FilterOptions&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
End If
&apos; Check the existence of FileName and FilterName
If Not SF_FileSystem.FileExists(FileName) Then GoTo CatchError
If Len(FilterName) &gt; 0 Then
Set oFilterFactory = SF_Utils._GetUNOService(&quot;FilterFactory&quot;)
If Not oFilterFactory.hasByName(FilterName) Then GoTo CatchError
End If
Select Case MacroExecution
Case 0 : iMacro = .USE_CONFIG
Case 1 : iMacro = .NEVER_EXECUTE
End Select
End With
vProperties = Array( _
SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(&quot;ReadOnly&quot;, ReadOnly) _
, SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(&quot;Hidden&quot;, Hidden) _
, SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(&quot;MacroExecutionMode&quot;, iMacro) _
, SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(&quot;FilterName&quot;, FilterName) _
, SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(&quot;FilterOptions&quot;, FilterOptions) _
If Len(Password) &gt; 0 Then &apos; Password is to add only if &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; !?
vProperties = SF_Array.Append(vProperties, SF_Utils._MakePropertyValue(&quot;Password&quot;, Password))
End If
sFile = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(FileName)
Set oComp = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(sFile, &quot;_blank&quot;, 0, vProperties)
If Not IsNull(oComp) Then Set oOpen = CreateScriptService(&quot;SFDocuments.Document&quot;, oComp)
Set OpenDocument = oOpen
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(DOCUMENTOPENERROR, &quot;FileName&quot;, FileName, &quot;Password&quot;, Password, &quot;FilterName&quot;, FilterName)
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.OpenDocument
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Properties() As Variant
&apos;&apos;&apos; Return the list or properties of the Timer class as an array
Properties = Array( _
&quot;ActiveWindow&quot; _
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.Properties
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub Resize(Optional ByVal Left As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Top As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Width As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Height As Variant _
&apos;&apos;&apos; Resizes and/or moves the active window. Negative arguments are ignored.
&apos;&apos;&apos; If the window was minimized or without arguments, it is restored
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Left, Top: Distances from top and left edges of the screen
&apos;&apos;&apos; Width, Height: Dimensions of the window
&apos;&apos;&apos; Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos; ui.Resize(10,,500) &apos; Top and Height are unchanged
&apos;&apos;&apos; ...
Dim vWindow As Window &apos; A single component
Dim oContainer As Object &apos;
Dim iPosSize As Integer &apos; Computes which of the 4 arguments should be considered
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.Resize&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;[Left], [Top], [Width], [Height]&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
If IsMissing(Left) Or IsEmpty(Left) Then Left = -1
If IsMissing(Top) Or IsEmpty(Top) Then Top = -1
If IsMissing(Width) Or IsEmpty(Width) Then Width = -1
If IsMissing(Height) Or IsEmpty(Height) Then Height = -1
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Left, &quot;Left&quot;, V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Top, &quot;Top&quot;, V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Width, &quot;Width&quot;, V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Height, &quot;Height&quot;, V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
End If
vWindow = SF_UI._IdentifyWindow(StarDesktop.CurrentComponent)
If Not IsNull(vWindow.Frame) Then
Set oContainer = vWindow.Frame.ContainerWindow
iPosSize = 0
If Left &gt;= 0 Then iPosSize = iPosSize +
If Top &gt;= 0 Then iPosSize = iPosSize +
If Width &gt; 0 Then iPosSize = iPosSize +
If Height &gt; 0 Then iPosSize = iPosSize +
With oContainer
.IsMaximized = False
.IsMinimized = False
.setPosSize(Left, Top, Width, Height, iPosSize)
End With
End If
Exit Sub
GoTo Finally
End Sub &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.Resize
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function SetProperty(Optional ByVal PropertyName As Variant _
, Optional ByRef Value As Variant _
) As Boolean
&apos;&apos;&apos; Set a new value to the given property
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; PropertyName: the name of the property as a string
&apos;&apos;&apos; Value: its new value
&apos;&apos;&apos; Exceptions
&apos;&apos;&apos; ARGUMENTERROR The property does not exist
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.SetProperty&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;PropertyName, Value&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
SetProperty = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(PropertyName, &quot;PropertyName&quot;, V_STRING, Properties()) Then GoTo Catch
End If
Select Case UCase(PropertyName)
Case Else
End Select
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.SetProperty
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub SetStatusbar(Optional ByVal Text As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Percentage As Variant _
&apos;&apos;&apos; Display a text and a progressbar in the status bar of the active window
&apos;&apos;&apos; Any subsequent calls in the same macro run refer to the same status bar of the same window,
&apos;&apos;&apos; even if the window is not active anymore
&apos;&apos;&apos; A call without arguments resets the status bar to its normal state.
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Text: the optional text to be displayed before the progress bar
&apos;&apos;&apos; Percentage: the optional degree of progress between 0 and 100
&apos;&apos;&apos; Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Dim i As Integer
&apos;&apos;&apos; For i = 0 To 100
&apos;&apos;&apos; ui.SetStatusbar(&quot;Progress ...&quot;, i)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Wait 50
&apos;&apos;&apos; Next i
&apos;&apos;&apos; ui.SetStatusbar
Dim oComp As Object
Dim oControl As Object
Static oStatusbar As Object
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.SetStatusbar&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;[Text], [Percentage]&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
If IsMissing(Text) Or IsEmpty(Text) Then Text = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(Percentage) Or IsEmpty(Percentage) Then Percentage = -1
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Text, &quot;Text&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Percentage, &quot;Percentage&quot;, V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
End If
With oStatusbar
If IsNull(oStatusbar) Then &apos; Initial call
Set oComp = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent
If Not IsNull(oComp) Then
Set oControl = Nothing
If SF_Session.HasUnoProperty(oComp, &quot;CurrentController&quot;) Then Set oControl = oComp.CurrentController
If Not IsNull(oControl) Then
If SF_Session.HasUnoMethod(oControl, &quot;getStatusIndicator&quot;) Then oStatusbar = oControl.getStatusIndicator()
End If
End If
If Not IsNull(oStatusbar) Then
.start(&quot;&quot;, 100)
End If
End If
If Not IsNull(oStatusbar) Then
If Len(Text) = 0 And Percentage = -1 Then
If Len(Text) &gt; 0 Then .setText(Text)
If Percentage &gt;= 0 And Percentage &lt;= 100 Then .setValue(Percentage)
End If
End If
End With
Exit Sub
GoTo Finally
End Sub &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.SetStatusbar
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub ShowProgressBar(Optional Title As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Text As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Percentage As Variant _
&apos;&apos;&apos; Display a non-modal dialog box. Specify its title, an explicatory text and the progress on a progressbar
&apos;&apos;&apos; A call without arguments erases the progress bar dialog.
&apos;&apos;&apos; The box will anyway vanish at the end of the macro run.
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Title: the title appearing on top of the dialog box (Default = &quot;ScriptForge&quot;)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Text: the optional text to be displayed above the progress bar (default = zero-length string)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Percentage: the degree of progress between 0 and 100. Default = 0
&apos;&apos;&apos; Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Dim i As Integer
&apos;&apos;&apos; For i = 0 To 100
&apos;&apos;&apos; ui.ShowProgressBar(, &quot;Progress ... &quot; &amp; i &amp; &quot;/100&quot;, i)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Wait 50
&apos;&apos;&apos; Next i
&apos;&apos;&apos; ui.ShowProgressBar
Dim bFirstCall As Boolean &apos; True at first invocation of method
Static oDialog As Object &apos; SFDialogs.Dialog object
Static oFixedText As Object &apos; SFDialogs.DialogControl object
Static oProgressBar As Object &apos; SFDialogs.DialogControl object
Dim sTitle As String &apos; Alias of Title
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.ShowProgressBar&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;[Title], [Text], [Percentage]&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
If IsMissing(Title) Or IsEmpty(Title) Then Title = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(Text) Or IsEmpty(Text) Then Text = &quot;&quot;
If IsMissing(Percentage) Or IsEmpty(Percentage) Then Percentage = -1
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Title, &quot;Title&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Text, &quot;Text&quot;, V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Percentage, &quot;Percentage&quot;, V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
End If
With oDialog
bFirstCall = ( IsNull(oDialog) )
If Not bFirstCall Then bFirstCall = Not ._IsStillAlive(False) &apos; False to not raise an error
If bFirstCall Then Set oDialog = CreateScriptService(&quot;SFDialogs.Dialog&quot;, &quot;GlobalScope&quot;, &quot;ScriptForge&quot;, &quot;dlgProgress&quot;)
If Not IsNull(oDialog) Then
If Len(Title) = 0 And Len(Text) = 0 And Percentage = -1 Then
Set oDialog = .Dispose()
.Caption = Iif(Len(Title) &gt; 0, Title, &quot;ScriptForge&quot;)
If bFirstCall Then
Set oFixedText = .Controls(&quot;ProgressText&quot;)
Set oProgressBar = .Controls(&quot;ProgressBar&quot;)
.Controls(&quot;CloseButton&quot;).Caption = _SF_.Interface.GetText(&quot;CLOSEBUTTON&quot;)
.Execute(Modal := False)
End If
If Len(Text) &gt; 0 Then oFixedText.Caption = Text
oProgressBar.Value = Iif(Percentage &gt;= 0 And Percentage &lt;= 100, Percentage, 0)
End If
End If
End With
Exit Sub
GoTo Finally
End Sub &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.ShowProgressBar
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function WindowExists(Optional ByVal WindowName As Variant) As Boolean
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns True if the specified window exists
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; WindowName: see definitions
&apos;&apos;&apos; Returns:
&apos;&apos;&apos; True if the given window is found
&apos;&apos;&apos; Examples:
&apos;&apos;&apos; ui.WindowExists(&quot;C:\Me\My file.odt&quot;)
Dim bWindowExists As Boolean &apos; Return value
Dim oEnum As Object &apos;
Dim oComp As Object &apos;
Dim vWindow As Window &apos; A single component
Dim oContainer As Object &apos;
Const cstThisSub = &quot;UI.WindowExists&quot;
Const cstSubArgs = &quot;WindowName&quot;
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bWindowExists = False
If IsMissing(WindowName) Or IsEmpty(WindowName) Then WindowName = &quot;&quot;
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(WindowName, &quot;WindowName&quot;) Then GoTo Finally
End If
Set oEnum = StarDesktop.Components().createEnumeration
Do While oEnum.hasMoreElements
Set oComp = oEnum.nextElement
vWindow = SF_UI._IdentifyWindow(oComp)
With vWindow
&apos; Does the current window match the arguments ?
If (Len(.WindowFileName) &gt; 0 And .WindowFileName = SF_FileSystem.ConvertToUrl(WindowName)) _
Or (Len(.WindowName) &gt; 0 And .WindowName = WindowName) _
Or (Len(.WindowTitle) &gt; 0 And .WindowTitle = WindowName) Then
bWindowExists = True
Exit Do
End If
End With
WindowExists = bWindowExists
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI.WindowExists
REM =========================================================== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub _CloseProgressBar(Optional ByRef poEvent As Object)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Triggered by the Close button in the dlgProgress dialog
&apos;&apos;&apos; to simply close the dialog
ShowProgressBar() &apos; Without arguments =&gt; close the dialog
End Sub &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI._CloseProgressBar
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _IdentifyWindow(ByRef poComponent As Object) As Object
&apos;&apos;&apos; Return a Window object (definition on top of module) based on component given as argument
&apos;&apos;&apos; Is a shortcut to explore the most relevant properties or objects bound to a UNO component
Dim oWindow As Window &apos; Return value
Dim sImplementation As String &apos; Component&apos;s implementationname
Dim sIdentifier As String &apos; Component&apos;s identifier
Dim vArg As Variant &apos; One single item of the Args UNO property
Dim FSO As Object &apos; Alias for SF_FileSystem
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
Set _IdentifyWindow = Nothing
sImplementation = &quot;&quot; : sIdentifier = &quot;&quot;
Set FSO = SF_FileSystem
With oWindow
Set .Frame = Nothing
Set .Component = Nothing
.WindowName = &quot;&quot;
.WindowTitle = &quot;&quot;
.WindowFileName = &quot;&quot;
.DocumentType = &quot;&quot;
If IsNull(poComponent) Then GoTo Finally
If SF_Session.HasUnoProperty(poComponent, &quot;ImplementationName&quot;) Then sImplementation = poComponent.ImplementationName
If SF_Session.HasUnoProperty(poComponent, &quot;Identifier&quot;) Then sIdentifier = poComponent.Identifier
Set .Component = poComponent
Select Case sImplementation
Case &quot;;
.WindowName = BASICIDE
Case &quot;; &apos; No identifier
.WindowFileName = SF_Utils._GetPropertyValue(poComponent.Args, &quot;URL&quot;)
If Len(.WindowFileName) &gt; 0 Then .WindowName = FSO.GetName(FSO._ConvertFromUrl(.WindowFileName))
.DocumentType = BASEDOCUMENT
Case &quot;org.openoffice.comp.dbu.ODatasourceBrowser&quot;
Case &quot;org.openoffice.comp.dbu.OTableDesign&quot;, &quot;org.openoffice.comp.dbu.OQueryDesign&quot; &apos; Table or Query in Edit mode
Case &quot;org.openoffice.comp.dbu.ORelationDesign&quot;
Case &quot;; &apos; Welcome screen
Set .Frame = poComponent.Frame
Case Else
If Len(sIdentifier) &gt; 0 Then
&apos; Do not use URL : it contains the TemplateFile when new documents are created from a template
.WindowFileName = poComponent.Location
If Len(.WindowFileName) &gt; 0 Then .WindowName = FSO.GetName(FSO._ConvertFromUrl(.WindowFileName))
If SF_Session.HasUnoProperty(poComponent, &quot;Title&quot;) Then .WindowTitle = poComponent.Title
Select Case sIdentifier
Case &quot;; &apos; Form
Case &quot;; &apos; Report
Case &quot;; &apos; Writer
Case &quot;; &apos; Calc
.DocumentType = CALCDOCUMENT
Case &quot;; &apos; Impress
Case &quot;; &apos; Draw
.DocumentType = DRAWDOCUMENT
Case &quot;; &apos; Math
.DocumentType = MATHDOCUMENT
Case Else
End Select
End If
End Select
If IsNull(.Frame) Then
If Not IsNull(poComponent.CurrentController) Then Set .Frame = poComponent.CurrentController.Frame
End If
End With
Set _IdentifyWindow = oWindow
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI._IdentifyWindow
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _Repr() As String
&apos;&apos;&apos; Convert the UI instance to a readable string, typically for debugging purposes (DebugPrint ...)
&apos;&apos;&apos; Args:
&apos;&apos;&apos; Return:
&apos;&apos;&apos; &quot;[UI]&quot;
_Repr = &quot;[UI]&quot;
End Function &apos; ScriptForge.SF_UI._Repr
REM ============================================ END OF SCRIPTFORGE.SF_UI