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348 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
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<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="DBMeta" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
Option Explicit
Public iCommandTypes() as Integer
Public CurCommandType as Integer
Public oDataSource as Object
Public bEnableBinaryOptionGroup as Boolean
'Public bSelectContent as Boolean
Function GetDatabaseNames(baddFirstListItem as Boolean)
Dim sDatabaseList()
If oDBContext.HasElements Then
Dim LocDBList() as String
Dim MaxIndex as Integer
Dim i as Integer
LocDBList = oDBContext.ElementNames()
MaxIndex = Ubound(LocDBList())
If baddfirstListItem Then
ReDim Preserve sDatabaseList(MaxIndex + 1)
sDatabaseList(0) = sSelectDatasource
a = 1
ReDim Preserve sDatabaseList(MaxIndex)
a = 0
End If
For i = 0 To MaxIndex
sDatabaseList(a) = oDBContext.ElementNames(i)
a = a + 1
Next i
End If
GetDatabaseNames() = sDatabaseList()
End Function
Sub GetSelectedDBMetaData(sDBName as String)
Dim OldsDBname as String
Dim DBIndex as Integer
Dim LocList() as String
' If bStartUp Then
' bStartUp = false
' Exit Sub
' End Sub
With DialogModel
If GetConnection(sDBName) Then
If GetDBMetaData() Then
LocList() = AddListToList(Array(sSelectDBTable), TableNames())
.lstTables.StringItemList() = AddListToList(LocList(), QueryNames())
' bSelectContent = True
.lstTables.SelectedItems() = Array(0)
iCommandTypes() = CreateCommandTypeList()
End If
End If
bEnableBinaryOptionGroup = False
.lstTables.Enabled = True
.lblTables.Enabled = True
' Else
' DialogModel.lstTables.StringItemList = Array(sSelectDBTable)
' EmptyFieldsListboxes()
' End If
End With
End Sub
Function GetConnection(sDBName as String)
Dim oInteractionHandler as Object
Dim bExitLoop as Boolean
Dim bGetConnection as Boolean
Dim iMsg as Integer
Dim Nulllist()
If Not IsNull(oDBConnection) Then
End If
oDataSource = oDBContext.GetByName(sDBName)
' If Not oDBContext.hasbyName(sDBName) Then
' GetConnection() = False
' Exit Function
' End If
If Not oDataSource.IsPasswordRequired Then
oDBConnection = oDBContext.GetByName(sDBName).GetConnection("","")
GetConnection() = True
oInteractionHandler = createUnoService("com.sun.star.task.InteractionHandler")
oDataSource = oDBContext.GetByName(sDBName)
On Local Error Goto NOCONNECTION
bExitLoop = True
oDBConnection = oDataSource.ConnectWithCompletion(oInteractionHandler)
bGetConnection = Err = 0
If bGetConnection Then
bGetConnection = Not IsNull(oDBConnection)
If Not bGetConnection Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
If Not bGetConnection Then
iMsg = Msgbox (sMsgNoConnection,32 + 2, sMsgWizardName)
bExitLoop = iMsg = SBCANCEL
End If
Loop Until bExitLoop
On Local Error Goto 0
If Not bGetConnection Then
DialogModel.lstTables.StringItemList() = Array(sSelectDBTable)
DialogModel.lstFields.StringItemList() = NullList()
DialogModel.lstSelFields.StringItemList() = NullList()
End If
GetConnection() = bGetConnection
End If
End Function
Function GetDBMetaData()
If oDBContext.HasElements Then
Tablenames() = oDBConnection.Tables.ElementNames()
Querynames() = oDBConnection.Queries.ElementNames()
GetDBMetaData = True
MsgBox(sMsgErrNoDatabase, 64, sMsgWizardName)
GetDBMetaData = False
End If
End Function
Sub GetTableMetaData()
Dim iType as Long
Dim m as Integer
Dim Found as Boolean
Dim i as Integer
Dim sFieldName as String
Dim n as Integer
Dim WidthIndex as Integer
Dim oField as Object
MaxIndex = Ubound(DialogModel.lstSelFields.StringItemList())
Dim ColumnMap(MaxIndex)as Integer
FieldNames() = DialogModel.lstSelFields.StringItemList()
' Build a structure which maps the position of a selected field (within the selection) to the column position within
' the table. So we ensure that the controls are placed in the same order the according fields are selected.
For i = 0 To Ubound(FieldNames())
sFieldName = FieldNames(i)
Found = False
n = 0
While (n< MaxIndex And (Not Found))
If (FieldNames(n) = sFieldName) Then
Found = True
ColumnMap(n) = i
End If
n = n + 1
Next i
For n = 0 to MaxIndex
sFieldname = FieldNames(n)
oField = oColumns.GetByName(sFieldName)
iType = oField.Type
FieldMetaValues(n,0) = oField.Type
FieldMetaValues(n,1) = AssignFieldLength(oField.Precision)
FieldMetaValues(n,2) = GetValueoutofList(iType, WidthList(),1, WidthIndex)
FieldMetaValues(n,3) = WidthList(WidthIndex,3)
FieldMetaValues(n,4) = oField.FormatKey
FieldMetaValues(n,5) = oField.DefaultValue
FieldMetaValues(n,6) = oField.IsCurrency
FieldMetaValues(n,7) = oField.Scale
' If oField.Description <> "" Then
'' Todo: What's wrong with this line?
' Msgbox oField.Helptext
' End If
FieldMetaValues(n,8) = oField.Description
ReDim oDBShapeList(MaxIndex) as Object
ReDim oTCShapeList(MaxIndex) as Object
ReDim oDBModelList(MaxIndex) as Object
ReDim oGroupShapeList(MaxIndex) as Object
End Sub
Function GetSpecificFieldNames() as Integer
Dim n as Integer
Dim m as Integer
Dim s as Integer
Dim iType as Integer
Dim oField as Object
Dim MaxIndex as Integer
Dim EmptyList()
If Ubound(DialogModel.lstTables.StringItemList()) > -1 Then
FieldNames() = oColumns.GetElementNames()
MaxIndex = Ubound(FieldNames())
If MaxIndex <> -1 Then
Dim ResultFieldNames(MaxIndex)
ReDim ImgFieldNames(MaxIndex)
m = 0
For n = 0 To MaxIndex
oField = oColumns.GetByName(FieldNames(n))
iType = oField.Type
If GetIndexInMultiArray(WidthList(), iType, 0) <> -1 Then
ResultFieldNames(m) = FieldNames(n)
m = m + 1
End If
If GetIndexInMultiArray(ImgWidthList(), iType, 0) <> -1 Then
ImgFieldNames(s) = FieldNames(n)
s = s + 1
End If
Next n
If s <> 0 Then
Redim Preserve ImgFieldNames(s-1)
bEnableBinaryOptionGroup = True
bEnableBinaryOptionGroup = False
End If
If (DialogModel.optBinariesasGraphics.State = 1) And (s <> 0) Then
ResultFieldNames() = AddListToList(ResultFieldNames(), ImgFieldNames())
Redim Preserve ResultFieldNames(m-1)
End If
FieldNames() = ResultFieldNames()
DialogModel.lstFields.StringItemList = FieldNames()
InitializeListboxProcedures(DialogModel, DialogModel.lstFields, DialogModel.lstSelFields)
End If
GetSpecificFieldNames = MaxIndex
GetSpecificFieldNames = -1
End If
End Function
Sub CreateDBForm()
If oDrawPage.Forms.Count = 0 Then
oDBForm = oDocument.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.form.component.Form")
oDrawpage.Forms.InsertByIndex (0, oDBForm)
oDBForm = oDrawPage.Forms.GetByIndex(0)
End If
oDBForm.Name = "Standard"
oDBForm.DataSourceName = sDBName
oDBForm.Command = TableName
oDBForm.CommandType = CurCommandType
End Sub
Sub AddOrRemoveBinaryFieldsToWidthList()
Dim LocWidthList()
Dim MaxIndex as Integer
Dim OldMaxIndex as Integer
Dim s as Integer
Dim n as Integer
Dim m as Integer
If Not bDebug Then
End If
If DialogModel.optBinariesasGraphics.State = 1 Then
OldMaxIndex = Ubound(WidthList(),1)
If OldMaxIndex = 15 Then
MaxIndex = Ubound(WidthList(),1) + Ubound(ImgWidthList(),1) + 1
ReDim Preserve WidthList(MaxIndex,4)
s = 0
For n = OldMaxIndex + 1 To MaxIndex
For m = 0 To 3
WidthList(n,m) = ImgWidthList(s,m)
Next m
s = s + 1
Next n
MergeList(DialogModel.lstFields, ImgFieldNames())
End If
ReDim Preserve WidthList(15, 4)
RemoveListItems(DialogModel.lstFields(), DialogModel.lstSelFields(), ImgFieldNames())
End If
DialogModel.lstSelFields.Tag = True
If Err <> 0 Then
Msgbox(sMsgErrMsg, 16, GetProductName())
End If
End Sub
Function CreateCommandTypeList()
Dim MaxTableIndex as Integer
Dim MaxQueryIndex as Integer
Dim MaxIndex as Integer
Dim i as Integer
Dim a as Integer
MaxTableIndex = Ubound(TableNames())
MaxQueryIndex = Ubound(QueryNames())
MaxIndex = MaxTableIndex + MaxQueryIndex + 1
If MaxIndex > -1 Then
Dim LocCommandTypes(MaxIndex) as Integer
For i = 0 To MaxTableIndex
LocCommandTypes(i) = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE
Next i
a = i
For i = 0 To MaxQueryIndex
LocCommandTypes(a) = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.QUERY
a = a + 1
Next i
End If
CreateCommandTypeList() = LocCommandTypes()
End Function
Sub GetCurrentMetaValues(Index as Integer)
CurFieldType = FieldMetaValues(Index,0)
CurFieldLength = FieldMetaValues(Index,1)
CurControlType = FieldMetaValues(Index,2)
CurControlName = FieldMetaValues(Index,3)
CurFormatKey = FieldMetaValues(Index,4)
CurDefaultValue = FieldMetaValues(Index,5)
CurIsCurrency = FieldMetaValues(Index,6)
CurScale = FieldMetaValues(Index,7)
CurHelpText = FieldMetaValues(Index,8)
CurFieldName = FieldNames(Index)
End Sub
Function AssignFieldLength(FieldLength as Long) as Integer
If FieldLength >= 65535 Then
AssignFieldLength() = -1
AssignFieldLength() = FieldLength
End If
End Function