693 lines
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693 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="SF_Dialog" script:language="StarBasic" script:moduleType="normal">REM =======================================================================================================================
REM === The ScriptForge library and its associated libraries are part of the LibreOffice project. ===
REM === The SFDialogs library is one of the associated libraries. ===
REM === Full documentation is available on https://help.libreoffice.org/ ===
REM =======================================================================================================================
Option Compatible
Option ClassModule
Option Explicit
''' SF_Dialog
''' =========
''' Management of dialogs defined with the Basic IDE
''' Each instance of the current class represents a single dialog box displayed to the user
''' A dialog box can be displayed in modal or in non-modal modes
''' In modal mode, the box is displayed and the execution of the macro process is suspended
''' until one of the OK or Cancel buttons is pressed. In the meantime, other user actions
''' executed on the box can trigger specific actions.
''' In non-modal mode, the dialog box is "floating" on the user desktop and the execution
''' of the macro process continues normally
''' A dialog box disappears from memory after its explicit termination.
''' Service invocation and usage:
''' Dim myDialog As Object, lButton As Long
''' Set myDialog = CreateScriptService("SFDialogs.Dialog", Container, Library, DialogName)
''' ' Args:
''' ' Container: "GlobalScope" for preinstalled libraries
''' ' A window name (see its definition in the ScriptForge.UI service)
''' ' "" (default) = the current document
''' ' Library: The (case-sensitive) name of a library contained in the container
''' ' Default = "Standard"
''' ' DialogName: a case-sensitive string designating the dialog where it is about
''' ' ... Initialize controls ...
''' lButton = myDialog.Execute() ' Default mode = Modal
''' If lButton = myDialog.OKBUTTON Then
''' ' ... Process controls and do what is needed
''' End If
''' myDialog.Terminate()
REM ================================================================== EXCEPTIONS
REM ============================================================= PRIVATE MEMBERS
Private [Me] As Object
Private [_Parent] As Object
Private ObjectType As String ' Must be DIALOG
Private ServiceName As String
' Dialog location
Private _Container As String
Private _Library As String
Private _Name As String
Private _CacheIndex As Long ' Index in cache storage
' Dialog UNO references
Private _DialogProvider As Object ' com.sun.star.io.XInputStreamProvider
Private _DialogControl As Object ' com.sun.star.awt.XControl - stardiv.Toolkit.UnoDialogControl
Private _DialogModel As Object ' com.sun.star.awt.XControlModel - stardiv.Toolkit.UnoControlDialogModel
' Dialog attributes
Private _Displayed As Boolean ' True after Execute()
Private _Modal As Boolean ' Set by Execute()
REM ============================================================ MODULE CONSTANTS
Private Const OKBUTTON = 1
Private Const CANCELBUTTON = 0
REM ===================================================== CONSTRUCTOR/DESTRUCTOR
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set [Me] = Nothing
Set [_Parent] = Nothing
ObjectType = "DIALOG"
ServiceName = "SFDialogs.Dialog"
_Container = ""
_Library = ""
_Name = ""
_CacheIndex = -1
Set _DialogProvider = Nothing
Set _DialogControl = Nothing
Set _DialogModel = Nothing
_Displayed = False
_Modal = True
End Sub ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog Constructor
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Call Class_Initialize()
End Sub ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog Destructor
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Dispose() As Variant
If _CacheIndex >= 0 Then Terminate()
Call Class_Terminate()
Set Dispose = Nothing
End Function ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog Explicit Destructor
REM ================================================================== PROPERTIES
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get Caption() As Variant
''' The Caption property refers to the title of the dialog
Caption = _PropertyGet("Caption")
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Caption (get)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Let Caption(Optional ByVal pvCaption As Variant)
''' Set the updatable property Caption
_PropertySet("Caption", pvCaption)
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Caption (let)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get Height() As Variant
''' The Height property refers to the height of the dialog box
Height = _PropertyGet("Height")
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Height (get)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Let Height(Optional ByVal pvHeight As Variant)
''' Set the updatable property Height
_PropertySet("Height", pvHeight)
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Height (let)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get Modal() As Boolean
''' The Modal property specifies if the dialog box has been executed in modal mode
Modal = _PropertyGet("Modal")
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Modal (get)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get Name() As String
''' Return the name of the actual dialog
Name = _PropertyGet("Name")
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Name
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get Page() As Variant
''' A dialog may have several pages that can be traversed by the user step by step. The Page property of the Dialog object defines which page of the dialog is active.
''' The Page property of a control defines the page of the dialog on which the control is visible.
''' For example, if a control has a page value of 1, it is only visible on page 1 of the dialog.
''' If the page value of the dialog is increased from 1 to 2, then all controls with a page value of 1 disappear and all controls with a page value of 2 become visible.
Page = _PropertyGet("Page")
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Page (get)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Let Page(Optional ByVal pvPage As Variant)
''' Set the updatable property Page
_PropertySet("Page", pvPage)
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Page (let)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get Visible() As Variant
''' The Visible property is False before the Execute() statement
Visible = _PropertyGet("Visible")
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Visible (get)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Let Visible(Optional ByVal pvVisible As Variant)
''' Set the updatable property Visible
_PropertySet("Visible", pvVisible)
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Visible (let)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get Width() As Variant
''' The Width property refers to the Width of the dialog box
Width = _PropertyGet("Width")
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Width (get)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Let Width(Optional ByVal pvWidth As Variant)
''' Set the updatable property Width
_PropertySet("Width", pvWidth)
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Width (let)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get XDialogModel() As Object
''' The XDialogModel property returns the model UNO object of the dialog
XDialogModel = _PropertyGet("XDialogModel")
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.XDialogModel (get)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get XDialogView() As Object
''' The XDialogView property returns the view UNO object of the dialog
XDialogView = _PropertyGet("XDialogView")
End Property ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.XDialogView (get)
REM ===================================================================== METHODS
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Activate() As Boolean
''' Set the focus on the current dialog instance
''' Probably called from after an event occurrence or to focus on a non-modal dialog
''' Args:
''' Returns:
''' True if focusing is successful
''' Example:
''' Dim oDlg As Object
''' Set oDlg = CreateScriptService(,, "myDialog") ' Dialog stored in current document's standard library
''' oDlg.Activate()
Dim bActivate As Boolean ' Return value
Const cstThisSub = "SFDialogs.Dialog.Activate"
Const cstSubArgs = ""
If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bActivate = False
If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not _IsStillAlive() Then GoTo Finally
End If
If Not IsNull(_DialogControl) Then
bActivate = True
End If
Activate = bActivate
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Activate
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Controls(Optional ByVal ControlName As Variant) As Variant
''' Return either
''' - the list of the controls contained in the dialog
''' - a dialog control object based on its name
''' Args:
''' ControlName: a valid control name as a case-sensitive string. If absent the list is returned
''' Returns:
''' A zero-base array of strings if ControlName is absent
''' An instance of the SF_DialogControl class if ControlName exists
''' Exceptions:
''' ControlName is invalid
''' Example:
''' Dim myDialog As Object, myList As Variant, myControl As Object
''' Set myDialog = CreateScriptService("SFDialogs.Dialog", Container, Library, DialogName)
''' myList = myDialog.Controls()
''' Set myControl = myDialog.Controls("myTextBox")
Dim oControl As Object ' The new control class instance
Const cstThisSub = "SFDialogs.Dialog.Controls"
Const cstSubArgs = "[ControlName]"
If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
If IsMissing(ControlName) Or IsEmpty(ControlName) Then ControlName = ""
If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not _IsStillAlive() Then GoTo Finally
If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(ControlName, "ControlName", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
End If
If Len(ControlName) = 0 Then
Controls = _DialogModel.getElementNames()
If Not _DialogModel.hasByName(ControlName) Then GoTo CatchNotFound
' Create the new dialog control class instance
Set oControl = New SF_DialogControl
With oControl
._Name = ControlName
Set .[Me] = oControl
Set .[_Parent] = [Me]
._DialogName = _Name
Set ._ControlModel = _DialogModel.getByName(ControlName)
Set ._ControlView = _DialogControl.getControl(ControlName)
End With
Set Controls = oControl
End If
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(ControlName, "ControlName", V_STRING, _DialogModel.getElementNames())
GoTo Finally
End Function ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Controls
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub EndExecute(Optional ByVal ReturnValue As Variant)
''' Ends the display of a modal dialog and gives back the argument
''' as return value for the current Execute() action
''' EndExecute is usually contained in the processing of a macro
''' triggered by a dialog or control event
''' Args:
''' ReturnValue: must be numeric. The value passed to the running Execute() method
''' Example:
''' Sub OnEvent(poEvent As Variant)
''' Dim oDlg As Object
''' Set oDlg = CreateScriptService("SFDialogs.DialogEvent", poEvent)
''' oDlg.EndExecute(25)
''' End Sub
Dim lExecute As Long ' Alias of ReturnValue
Const cstThisSub = "SFDialogs.Dialog.EndExecute"
Const cstSubArgs = "ReturnValue"
If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not _IsStillAlive() Then GoTo Finally
If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(ReturnValue, "ReturnValue", V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lExecute = CLng(ReturnValue)
Call _DialogControl.endDialog(lExecute)
Exit Sub
GoTo Finally
End Sub ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.EndExecute
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Execute(Optional ByVal Modal As Variant) As Long
''' Display the dialog and wait for its termination by the user
''' Args:
''' Modal: False when non-modal dialog. Default = True
''' Returns:
''' 0 = Cancel button pressed
''' 1 = OK button pressed
''' Otherwise: the dialog stopped with an EndExecute statement executed from a dialog or control event
''' Example:
''' Dim oDlg As Object, lReturn As Long
''' Set oDlg = CreateScriptService(,, "myDialog") ' Dialog stored in current document's standard library
''' lReturn = oDlg.Execute()
''' Select Case lReturn
Dim lExecute As Long ' Return value
Const cstThisSub = "SFDialogs.Dialog.Execute"
Const cstSubArgs = "[Modal=True]"
If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
lExecute = -1
If IsMissing(Modal) Or IsEmpty(Modal) Then Modal = True
If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not _IsStillAlive() Then GoTo Finally
If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(Modal, "Modal", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
If Modal Then
_Modal = True
_Displayed = True
lExecute = _DialogControl.execute()
Select Case lExecute
Case 1 : lExecute = OKBUTTON
Case 0 : lExecute = CANCELBUTTON
Case Else
End Select
_Displayed = False
_Modal = False
_Displayed = True
_DialogModel.DesktopAsParent = True
lExecute = 0
End If
Execute = lExecute
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Execute
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetProperty(Optional ByVal PropertyName As Variant) As Variant
''' Return the actual value of the given property
''' Args:
''' PropertyName: the name of the property as a string
''' Returns:
''' The actual value of the property
''' Exceptions:
''' ARGUMENTERROR The property does not exist
''' Examples:
''' oDlg.GetProperty("Caption")
Const cstThisSub = "Model.GetProperty"
Const cstSubArgs = ""
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
GetProperty = Null
If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(PropertyName, "PropertyName", V_STRING, Properties()) Then GoTo Catch
End If
GetProperty = _PropertyGet(PropertyName)
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.GetProperty
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Methods() As Variant
''' Return the list of public methods of the Model service as an array
Methods = Array( _
"Activate" _
, "Controls" _
, "EndExecute" _
, "Execute" _
, "Terminate" _
End Function ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Methods
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Properties() As Variant
''' Return the list or properties of the Timer class as an array
Properties = Array( _
"Caption" _
, "Height" _
, "Modal" _
, "Name" _
, "Page" _
, "Visible" _
, "Width" _
End Function ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Properties
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function SetProperty(Optional ByVal PropertyName As Variant _
, Optional ByRef Value As Variant _
) As Boolean
''' Set a new value to the given property
''' Args:
''' PropertyName: the name of the property as a string
''' Value: its new value
''' Exceptions
''' ARGUMENTERROR The property does not exist
Const cstThisSub = "SFDialogs.Dialog.SetProperty"
Const cstSubArgs = "PropertyName, Value"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
SetProperty = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(PropertyName, "PropertyName", V_STRING, Properties()) Then GoTo Catch
End If
SetProperty = _PropertySet(PropertyName, Value)
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.SetProperty
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Terminate() As Boolean
''' Terminate the dialog service for the current dialog instance
''' After termination any action on the current instance will be ignored
''' Args:
''' Returns:
''' True if termination is successful
''' Example:
''' Dim oDlg As Object, lReturn As Long
''' Set oDlg = CreateScriptService(,, "myDialog") ' Dialog stored in current document's standard library
''' lreturn = oDlg.Execute()
''' Select Case lReturn
''' ' ...
''' End Select
''' oDlg.Terminate()
Dim bTerminate As Boolean ' Return value
Const cstThisSub = "SFDialogs.Dialog.Terminate"
Const cstSubArgs = ""
If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bTerminate = False
If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not _IsStillAlive() Then GoTo Finally
End If
Set _DialogControl = Nothing
_CacheIndex = -1
bTerminate = True
Terminate = bTerminate
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Terminate
REM =========================================================== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub _Initialize()
''' Complete the object creation process:
''' - Initialization of private members
''' - Creation of the dialog graphical interface
''' - Addition of the new object in the Dialogs buffer
' Create the graphical interface
Set _DialogControl = CreateUnoDialog(_DialogProvider)
Set _DialogModel = _DialogControl.Model
' Add dialog reference to cache
_CacheIndex = SF_Register._AddDialogToCache(_DialogControl, [Me])
Exit Sub
End Sub ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog._Initialize
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _IsStillAlive(Optional ByVal pbError As Boolean) As Boolean
''' Return True if the dialog service is still active
''' If dead the actual instance is disposed. The execution is cancelled when pbError = True (default)
''' Args:
''' pbError: if True (default), raise a fatal error
Dim bAlive As Boolean ' Return value
Dim sDialog As String ' Alias of DialogName
On Local Error GoTo Catch ' Anticipate DisposedException errors or alike
If IsMissing(pbError) Then pbError = True
bAlive = ( Not IsNull(_DialogProvider) And Not IsNull(_DialogControl) )
If Not bAlive Then GoTo Catch
_IsStillAlive = bAlive
Exit Function
bAlive = False
On Error GoTo 0
sDialog = _Name
If pbError Then ScriptForge.SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(DIALOGDEADERROR, sDialog)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog._IsStillAlive
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _PropertyGet(Optional ByVal psProperty As String) As Variant
''' Return the value of the named property
''' Args:
''' psProperty: the name of the property
Static oSession As Object ' Alias of SF_Session
Dim cstThisSub As String
Const cstSubArgs = ""
cstThisSub = "SFDialogs.Dialog.get" & psProperty
If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs)
If Not _IsStillAlive() Then GoTo Finally
If IsNull(oSession) Then Set oSession = ScriptForge.SF_Services.CreateScriptService("Session")
Select Case psProperty
Case "Caption"
If oSession.HasUNOProperty(_DialogModel, "Title") Then _PropertyGet = _DialogModel.Title
Case "Height"
If oSession.HasUNOProperty(_DialogModel, "Height") Then _PropertyGet = _DialogModel.Height
Case "Modal"
_PropertyGet = _Modal
Case "Name"
_PropertyGet = _Name
Case "Page"
If oSession.HasUNOProperty(_DialogModel, "Step") Then _PropertyGet = _DialogModel.Step
Case "Visible"
If oSession.HasUnoMethod(_DialogControl, "isVisible") Then _PropertyGet = CBool(_DialogControl.isVisible())
Case "Width"
If oSession.HasUNOProperty(_DialogModel, "Width") Then _PropertyGet = _DialogModel.Width
Case "XDialogModel"
Set _PropertyGet = _DialogModel
Case "XDialogView"
Set _PropertyGet = _DialogControl
Case Else
_PropertyGet = Null
End Select
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog._PropertyGet
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _PropertySet(Optional ByVal psProperty As String _
, Optional ByVal pvValue As Variant _
) As Boolean
''' Set the new value of the named property
''' Args:
''' psProperty: the name of the property
''' pvValue: the new value of the given property
''' Returns:
''' True if successful
Dim bSet As Boolean ' Return value
Static oSession As Object ' Alias of SF_Session
Dim cstThisSub As String
Const cstSubArgs = "Value"
If ScriptForge.SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bSet = False
cstThisSub = "SFDialogs.Dialog.set" & psProperty
ScriptForge.SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs)
If Not _IsStillAlive() Then GoTo Finally
If IsNull(oSession) Then Set oSession = ScriptForge.SF_Services.CreateScriptService("Session")
bSet = True
Select Case UCase(psProperty)
Case UCase("Caption")
If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(pvValue, "Caption", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
If oSession.HasUNOProperty(_DialogModel, "Title") Then _DialogModel.Title = pvValue
Case UCase("Height")
If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(pvValue, "Height", ScriptForge.V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
If oSession.HasUNOProperty(_DialogModel, "Height") Then _DialogModel.Height = pvValue
Case UCase("Page")
If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(pvValue, "Page", ScriptForge.V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
If oSession.HasUNOProperty(_DialogModel, "Step") Then _DialogModel.Step = CLng(pvValue)
Case UCase("Visible")
If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(pvValue, "Visible", ScriptForge.V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
If oSession.HasUnoMethod(_DialogControl, "setVisible") Then _DialogControl.setVisible(pvValue)
Case UCase("Width")
If Not ScriptForge.SF_Utils._Validate(pvValue, "Width", ScriptForge.V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
If oSession.HasUNOProperty(_DialogModel, "Width") Then _DialogModel.Width = pvValue
Case Else
bSet = False
End Select
_PropertySet = bSet
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog._PropertySet
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _Repr() As String
''' Convert the Model instance to a readable string, typically for debugging purposes (DebugPrint ...)
''' Args:
''' Return:
''' "[DIALOG]: Container.Library.Name"
_Repr = "[DIALOG]: " & _Container & "." & _Library & "." & _Name
End Function ' SFDialogs.SF_Dialog._Repr
REM ============================================ END OF SFDIALOGS.SF_DIALOG
</script:module> |