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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
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<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Internet" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
Option Explicit
Public sNewSheetName as String
Function CheckHistoryControls()
Dim bLocGoOn as Boolean
Dim Firstdate as Date
Dim LastDate as Date
LastDate = CDateFromUNODate(StockRatesModel.txtEndDate.Date)
FirstDate = CDateFromUNODate(StockRatesModel.txtStartDate.Date)
bLocGoOn = FirstDate &lt;&gt; 0 And LastDate &lt;&gt; 0
If bLocGoOn Then
If FirstDate &gt;= LastDate Then
Msgbox(sMsgStartDatebeforeEndDate,16, sProductname)
bLocGoOn = False
End If
End If
CheckHistoryControls = bLocGoon
End Function
Sub InsertCompanyHistory()
Dim StockName as String
Dim CurRow as Integer
Dim sMsgInternetError as String
Dim CurRate as Double
Dim oCell as Object
Dim sStockID as String
Dim ChartSource as String
If CheckHistoryControls() Then
StartDate = CDateFromUNODate(StockRatesModel.txtStartDate.Date)
EndDate = CDateFromUNODate(StockRatesModel.txtEndDate.Date)
If StockRatesModel.optDaily.State = 1 Then
sInterval = &quot;d&quot;
iStep = 1
ElseIf StockRatesModel.optWeekly.State = 1 Then
sInterval = &quot;w&quot;
iStep = 7
StartDate = StartDate - WeekDay(StartDate) + 2
EndDate = EndDate - WeekDay(EndDate) + 2
End If
iEndDay = Day(EndDate)
iEndMonth = Month(EndDate)
iEndYear = Year(EndDate)
iStartDay = Day(StartDate)
iStartMonth = Month(StartDate)
iStartYear = Year(StartDate)
&apos; oDocument.AddActionLock()
InitializeStatusline(&quot;&quot;, 10, 1)
oBackGroundSheet = oSheets.GetbyName(&quot;Background&quot;)
StockName = DlgStockRates.GetControl(&quot;lstStockNames&quot;).GetSelectedItem()
CurRow = GetStockRowIndex(Stockname)
sStockID = oFirstSheet.GetCellByPosition(SBCOLUMNID1, CurRow).String
ChartSource = ReplaceString(HistoryChartSource, sStockID, &quot;&lt;StockID&gt;&quot;)
ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, iStartDay, &quot;&lt;StartDay&gt;&quot;)
ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, cStr(iStartMonth-1), &quot;&lt;StartMonth&gt;&quot;)
ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, iStartYear, &quot;&lt;StartYear&gt;&quot;)
ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, iEndDay, &quot;&lt;EndDay&gt;&quot;)
ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, cStr(iEndMonth-1), &quot;&lt;EndMonth&gt;&quot;)
ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, iEndYear, &quot;&lt;EndYear&gt;&quot;)
ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, sInterval, &quot;&lt;interval&gt;&quot;)
If GetCurrentRate(ChartSource, CurRate, 1) Then
UpdateValue(StockName, Today, CurRate)
sMsgInternetError = Stockname &amp; &quot;: &quot; &amp; sNoInternetDataAvailable &amp; chr(13) &amp; sCheckInternetSettings
Msgbox(sMsgInternetError, 16, sProductname)
End If
If oSheets.HasbyName(sNewSheetName) Then
oController.ActiveSheet = oSheets.GetByName(sNewSheetName)
End If
&apos; oDocument.RemoveActionLock()
End If
End Sub
Sub InternetUpdate()
Dim i as Integer
Dim StocksCount as Integer
Dim iStartRow as Integer
Dim sUrl as String
Dim StockName as String
Dim CurRate as Double
Dim oCell as Object
Dim sMsgInternetError as String
Dim sStockID as String
Dim ChartSource as String
&apos; oDocument.AddActionLock()
StocksCount = GetStocksCount(iStartRow)
InitializeStatusline(&quot;&quot;, StocksCount + 1, 1)
Today = CDate(Date)
For i = iStartRow + 1 To iStartRow + StocksCount
StockName = oFirstSheet.GetCellbyPosition(SBCOLUMNNAME1, i).String
sStockID = oFirstSheet.GetCellByPosition(SBCOLUMNID1, i).String
ChartSource = ReplaceString(sCurChartSource, sStockID, &quot;&lt;StockID&gt;&quot;)
If GetCurrentRate(ChartSource, CurRate, 0) Then
InsertCurrentValue(CurRate, i, Now)
sMsgInternetError = Stockname &amp; &quot;: &quot; &amp; sNoInternetDataAvailable &amp; chr(13) &amp; sCheckInternetSettings
Msgbox(sMsgInternetError, 16, sProductname)
End If
oStatusline.SetValue(i - iStartRow + 1)
&apos; oDocument.RemoveActionLock
End Sub
Function GetCurrentRate(sUrl as String, fValue As Double, iValueRow as Integer) as Boolean
Dim sFilter As String
Dim sOptions As String
Dim oLinkSheet As Object
Dim sDate as String
If oSheets.hasByName(&quot;Link&quot;) Then
oLinkSheet = oSheets.getByName(&quot;Link&quot;)
oLinkSheet = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
oSheets.insertByName(&quot;Link&quot;, oLinkSheet)
oLinkSheet.IsVisible = False
End If
sFilter = &quot;Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)&quot;
sOptions = sCurSeparator &amp; &quot;,34,SYSTEM,1,1/10/2/10/3/10/4/10/5/10/6/10/7/10/8/10/9/10&quot;
oLinkSheet.LinkMode =, &quot;&quot;, sFilter, sOptions, 1 )
fValue = oLinkSheet.getCellByPosition(iValueCol, iValueRow).Value
If fValue = 0 Then
Dim sValue as String
sValue = oLinkSheet.getCellByPosition(1, iValueRow).String
sValue = ReplaceString(sValue, &quot;.&quot;,&quot;,&quot;)
fValue = Val(sValue)
End If
GetCurrentRate = fValue &lt;&gt; 0
End Function
Sub UpdateValue(ByVal sName As String, fDate As Double, fValue As Double )
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim iColumn As Long
Dim iRow As Long
Dim i as Long
Dim oCell As Object
Dim LastDate as Date
Dim bLeaveLoop as Boolean
Dim RemoveCount as Long
Dim iLastRow as Long
Dim iLastLinkRow as Long
Dim dDate as Date
Dim CurDate as Date
Dim oLinkSheet as Object
Dim StartIndex as Long
Dim iCellValue as Long
&apos; Insert Sheet with Company - Chart
sName = CheckNewSheetname(oSheets, sName)
If NOT oSheets.hasByName(sName) Then
oSheets.CopybyName(&quot;Background&quot;, sName, oSheets.Count)
oSheet = oSheets.getByName(sName)
iMaxRow = iCurRow
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(SBDATECOLUMN, iCurRow)
oCell.Value = fDate
End If
sNewSheetName = sName
oLinkSheet = oSheets.GetByName(&quot;Link&quot;)
oSheet = oSheets.getByName(sName)
iLastRow = GetLastUsedRow(oSheet)- 2
iLastLinkRow = GetLastUsedRow(oLinkSheet)
iCurRow = iLastRow
bLeaveLoop = False
RemoveCount = 0
&apos; Delete all Cells in Date Area
oCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(SBDATECOLUMN,iCurRow)
If oCell.CellStyle = sColumnHeader Then
bLeaveLoop = True
StartIndex = iCurRow
iCurRow = iCurRow + 1
RemoveCount = RemoveCount + 1
iCurRow = iCurRow - 1
End If
Loop Until bLeaveLoop
If RemoveCount &gt; 1 Then
oSheet.Rows.RemoveByIndex(iCurRow, RemoveCount-1)
End If
For i = 1 To iLastLinkRow
oCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(SBDATECOLUMN,iCurRow)
iCellValue = oLinkSheet.GetCellByPosition(0,i).Value
If iCellValue &gt; 0 Then
End If
oCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(SBVALUECOLUMN,iCurRow)
If i &lt; iLastLinkRow Then
iCurRow = iCurRow + 1
End If
Next i
iMaxRow = iCurRow
End Sub
Function StringToDate(DateString as String) as Date
Dim ShortMonths(11)
Dim DateList() as String
Dim MaxIndex as Integer
Dim i as Integer
ShortMonths(0) = &quot;Jan&quot;
ShortMonths(1) = &quot;Feb&quot;
ShortMonths(2) = &quot;Mar&quot;
ShortMonths(3) = &quot;Apr&quot;
ShortMonths(4) = &quot;May&quot;
ShortMonths(5) = &quot;Jun&quot;
ShortMonths(6) = &quot;Jul&quot;
ShortMonths(7) = &quot;Aug&quot;
ShortMonths(8) = &quot;Sep&quot;
ShortMonths(9) = &quot;Oct&quot;
ShortMonths(10) = &quot;Nov&quot;
ShortMonths(11) = &quot;Dec&quot;
For i = 0 To 11
DateString = ReplaceString(DateString,CStr(i+1),ShortMonths(i))
Next i
DateString = ReplaceString(DateString, &quot;.&quot;, &quot;-&quot;)
StringToDate = CDate(DateString)
End Function
Sub UpdateChart(sName As String)
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oCell As Object, oCursor As Object
Dim oChartRange As Object
Dim oEmbeddedChart As Object, oCharts As Object
Dim oChart As Object, oDiagram As Object
Dim oYAxis As Object, oXAxis As Object
Dim fMin As Double, fMax As Double
Dim nDateFormat As Long
Dim aPos As Variant
Dim aSize As Variant
Dim oContainerChart as Object
Dim mRangeAddresses(0) as New
mRangeAddresses(0).Sheet = GetSheetIndex(oSheets, sNewSheetName)
mRangeAddresses(0).StartColumn = SBDATECOLUMN
mRangeAddresses(0).StartRow = SBSTARTROW-1
mRangeAddresses(0).EndColumn = SBVALUECOLUMN
mRangeAddresses(0).EndRow = iMaxRow
oSheet = oDocument.Sheets.getByName(sNewSheetName)
oCharts = oSheet.Charts
If Not oCharts.hasElements Then
oChartRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(SBDATECOLUMN,6,5,SBSTARTROW-3)
aPos = oChartRange.Position
aSize = oChartRange.Size
Dim oRectangleShape As New
oRectangleShape.X = aPos.X
oRectangleShape.Y = aPos.Y
oRectangleShape.Width = aSize.Width
oRectangleShape.Height = aSize.Height
oCharts.addNewByName(sName, oRectangleShape, mRangeAddresses(), True, False)
oContainerChart = oCharts.getByName(sName)
oChart = oContainerChart.EmbeddedObject
oChart.Title.String = &quot;&quot;
oChart.HasLegend = False
oChart.diagram = oChart.createInstance(&quot;;)
oDiagram = oChart.Diagram
oDiagram.DataRowSource =
oChart.Area.LineStyle =
oXAxis = oDiagram.XAxis
oXAxis.TextBreak = False
nDateFormat = oXAxis.NumberFormats.getStandardFormat(, oDocLocale)
oYAxis = oDiagram.getYAxis()
oYAxis.AutoOrigin = True
oChart = oCharts(0)
oChart.Ranges = mRangeAddresses()
oChart.HasRowHeaders = False
oEmbeddedChart = oChart.EmbeddedObject
oDiagram = oEmbeddedChart.Diagram
oXAxis = oDiagram.XAxis
End If
oXAxis.AutoStepMain = False
oXAxis.AutoStepHelp = False
oXAxis.StepMain = iStep
oXAxis.StepHelp = iStep
fMin = oSheet.getCellByPosition(SBDATECOLUMN,SBSTARTROW).Value
fMax = oSheet.getCellByPosition(SBDATECOLUMN,iMaxRow).Value
oXAxis.Min = fMin
oXAxis.Max = fMax
oXAxis.AutoMin = False
oXAxis.AutoMax = False
End Sub
Sub CalculateChartafterSplit(SheetName, NewNumber, OldNumber, NoteText, SplitDate)
Dim oSheet as Object
Dim i as Integer
Dim oValueCell as Object
Dim oDateCell as Object
Dim bLeaveLoop as Boolean
If oSheets.HasbyName(SheetName) Then
oSheet = oSheets.GetbyName(SheetName)
i = 0
bLeaveLoop = False
oValueCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(SBVALUECOLUMN, SBSTARTROW + i)
If oValueCell.CellStyle = CurrCellStyle Then
SplitCellValue(oSheet, OldNumber, NewNumber, SBVALUECOLUMN, SBSTARTROW + i, &quot;&quot;)
i = i + 1
bLeaveLoop = True
End If
Loop Until bLeaveLoop
oDateCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(SBDATECOLUMN, SBSTARTROW + i-1)
End If
End Sub