253 lines
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253 lines
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* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
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* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
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<!ENTITY % chart-class "(line|area|circle|ring|scatter|radar|bar|stock|add-in)">
<!ENTITY % chart-solid-type "(cuboid|cylinder|cone|pyramid)">
<!-- Chart element -->
<!ELEMENT chart:chart ( chart:title?, chart:subtitle?, chart:legend?,
table:table? )>
<!ATTLIST chart:chart
chart:class %chart-class; #REQUIRED
chart:add-in-name %string; #IMPLIED
chart:table-number-list %string; #IMPLIED
draw:name %string; #IMPLIED
chart:column-mapping %string; #IMPLIED
chart:row-mapping %string; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST chart:chart %presentation-class; >
<!ATTLIST chart:chart %zindex;>
<!ATTLIST chart:chart %draw-end-position; >
<!ATTLIST chart:chart draw:id %draw-shape-id; >
<!ATTLIST chart:chart draw:layer %layerName; #IMPLIED>
<!ATTLIST style:properties
chart:scale-text %boolean; "true"
chart:stock-updown-bars %boolean; "false"
chart:stock-with-volume %boolean; "false"
chart:three-dimensional %boolean; "false"
chart:deep %boolean; "false"
chart:lines %boolean; "false"
chart:percentage %boolean; "false"
chart:solid-type %chart-solid-type; "cuboid"
chart:splines %nonNegativeInteger; "0"
chart:stacked %boolean; "false"
chart:symbol %integer; "-1"
chart:vertical %boolean; "false"
chart:lines-used %nonNegativeInteger; "0"
chart:connect-bars %boolean; "false"
chart:spline-order %nonNegativeInteger; "2"
chart:spline-resolution %nonNegativeInteger; "20"
chart:pie-offset %nonNegativeInteger; "0">
<!-- Main/Sub Title -->
<!-- the cell-address attribute is currently not supported for titles -->
<!ELEMENT chart:title (text:p)?>
<!ATTLIST chart:title
table:cell-range %cell-address; #IMPLIED
svg:x %coordinate; #IMPLIED
svg:y %coordinate; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT chart:subtitle (text:p)?>
<!ATTLIST chart:subtitle
table:cell-range %cell-address; #IMPLIED
svg:x %coordinate; #IMPLIED
svg:y %coordinate; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!-- you must specify either a legend-position or both, x and y coordinates -->
<!ELEMENT chart:legend EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:legend
chart:legend-position (top|left|bottom|right) "right"
svg:x %coordinate; #IMPLIED
svg:y %coordinate; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!-- Plot-Area specification -->
<!ELEMENT chart:plot-area (dr3d:light*,
chart:floor?) >
<!ATTLIST chart:plot-area
svg:x %coordinate; #IMPLIED
svg:y %coordinate; #IMPLIED
svg:width %length; #IMPLIED
svg:height %length; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED
table:cell-range-address %cell-range-address; #IMPLIED
chart:table-number-list %string; #IMPLIED
chart:data-source-has-labels (none|row|column|both) "none" >
<!-- 3d scene attributes on plot-area -->
<!ATTLIST chart:plot-area
dr3d:vrp %vector3D; #IMPLIED
dr3d:vpn %vector3D; #IMPLIED
dr3d:vup %vector3D; #IMPLIED
dr3d:projection (parallel|perspective) #IMPLIED
dr3d:transform CDATA #IMPLIED
dr3d:distance %length; #IMPLIED
dr3d:focal-length %length; #IMPLIED
dr3d:shadow-slant %nonNegativeInteger; #IMPLIED
dr3d:shade-mode (flat|phong|gouraud|draft) #IMPLIED
dr3d:ambient-color %color; #IMPLIED
dr3d:lighting-mode %boolean; #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST style:properties
chart:series-source (columns|rows) "columns" >
<!ELEMENT chart:wall EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:wall
svg:width %length; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT chart:floor EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:floor
svg:width %length; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!-- Stock chart elements -->
<!ELEMENT chart:stock-gain-marker EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:stock-gain-marker
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT chart:stock-loss-marker EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:stock-loss-marker
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT chart:stock-range-line EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:stock-range-line
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!-- Axis -->
<!ELEMENT chart:axis (chart:title?, chart:grid*)>
<!ATTLIST chart:axis
chart:class (category|value|series|domain) #REQUIRED
chart:name %string; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST style:properties
chart:tick-marks-major-inner %boolean; "false"
chart:tick-marks-major-outer %boolean; "true"
chart:tick-marks-minor-inner %boolean; "false"
chart:tick-marks-minor-outer %boolean; "false"
chart:logarithmic %boolean; "false"
chart:maximum %float; #IMPLIED
chart:minimum %float; #IMPLIED
chart:origin %float; #IMPLIED
chart:interval-major %float; #IMPLIED
chart:interval-minor %float; #IMPLIED
chart:gap-width %integer; #IMPLIED
chart:overlap %integer; #IMPLIED
text:line-break %boolean; "true"
chart:display-label %boolean; "true"
chart:label-arrangement (side-by-side|stagger-even|stagger-odd) "side-by-side"
chart:text-overlap %boolean; "false"
chart:visible %boolean; "true"
chart:link-data-style-to-source %boolean; "true" >
<!ELEMENT chart:grid EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:grid
chart:class (major|minor) "major"
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT chart:categories EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:categories
table:cell-range-address %cell-range-address; #IMPLIED >
each series element must have a cell-range-address element that points
to the underlying table data.
Impl. Note: Internally all href elements are merged to one table range
that represents the data for the whole chart
<!ELEMENT chart:series ( chart:domain*,
chart:data-point* )>
<!ATTLIST chart:series
chart:values-cell-range-address %cell-range-address; #IMPLIED
chart:label-cell-address %cell-address; #IMPLIED
chart:class %chart-class; #IMPLIED
chart:attached-axis %string; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT chart:domain EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:domain
table:cell-range-address %cell-range-address; #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT chart:data-point EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST chart:data-point
chart:repeated %nonNegativeInteger; #IMPLIED
chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!-- statistical properties -->
<!ELEMENT chart:mean-value EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT chart:regression-curve EMPTY >
<!ELEMENT chart:error-indicator EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST chart:mean-value chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST chart:regression-curve chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST chart:error-indicator chart:style-name %styleName; #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST style:properties
chart:mean-value %boolean; #IMPLIED
chart:error-category (none|variance|standard-deviation|percentage|error-margin|constant) "none"
chart:error-percentage %float; #IMPLIED
chart:error-margin %float; #IMPLIED
chart:error-lower-limit %float; #IMPLIED
chart:error-upper-limit %float; #IMPLIED
chart:error-upper-indicator %boolean; #IMPLIED
chart:error-lower-indicator %boolean; #IMPLIED
chart:regression-type (none|linear|logarithmic|exponential|power) "none" >
<!-- data label properties -->
<!ATTLIST style:properties
chart:data-label-number (none|value|percentage) "none"
chart:data-label-text %boolean; "false"
chart:data-label-symbol %boolean; "false" >
<!-- general text properties -->
<!ATTLIST style:properties
text:rotation-angle %integer; "0" >
<!-- symbol properties -->
<!ATTLIST style:properties
chart:symbol-width %nonNegativeLength; #IMPLIED
chart:symbol-height %nonNegativeLength; #IMPLIED
chart:symbol-image-name %string; #IMPLIED >