2084 lines
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2084 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="SF_FileSystem" script:language="StarBasic" script:moduleType="normal">REM =======================================================================================================================
REM === The ScriptForge library and its associated libraries are part of the LibreOffice project. ===
REM === Full documentation is available on https://help.libreoffice.org/ ===
REM =======================================================================================================================
Option Compatible
Option Explicit
''' SF_FileSystem
''' =============
''' Class implementing the file system service
''' for common file and folder handling routines
''' Including copy and move of files and folders, with or without wildcards
''' The design choices are largely inspired by
''' https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/filesystemobject-object
''' The File and Folder classes have been found redundant with the current class and have not been implemented
''' The implementation is mainly based on the XSimpleFileAccess UNO interface
''' https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1ucb_1_1XSimpleFileAccess.html
''' Subclasses:
''' SF_TextStream
''' Definitions:
''' File and folder names may be expressed either in the (preferable because portable) URL form
''' or in the more usual operating system notation (e.g. C:\... for Windows)
''' The notation, both for arguments and for returned values
''' is determined by the FileNaming property: either "URL" (default) or "SYS"
''' FileName: the full name of the file including the path without any ending path separator
''' FolderName: the full name of the folder including the path and the ending path separator
''' Name: the last component of the File- or FolderName including its extension
''' BaseName: the last component of the File- or FolderName without its extension
''' NamePattern: any of the above names containing wildcards in its last component
''' Admitted wildcards are: the "?" represents any single character
''' the "*" represents zero, one, or multiple characters
''' Service invocation example:
''' Dim FSO As Variant
''' Set FSO = CreateScriptService("FileSystem")
REM ================================================================== EXCEPTIONS
Const UNKNOWNFILEERROR = "UNKNOWNFILEERROR" ' Source file does not exist
Const UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR = "UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR" ' Source folder or Destination folder does not exist
Const NOTAFILEERROR = "NOTAFILEERROR" ' Destination is a folder, not a file
Const NOTAFOLDERERROR = "NOTAFOLDERERROR" ' Destination is a file, not a folder
Const OVERWRITEERROR = "OVERWRITEERROR" ' Destination can not be overwritten
Const READONLYERROR = "READONLYERROR" ' Destination has its read-only attribute set
Const NOFILEMATCHERROR = "NOFILEMATCHFOUND" ' No file matches Source containing wildcards
Const FOLDERCREATIONERROR = "FOLDERCREATIONERROR" ' FolderName is an existing folder or file
REM ============================================================ MODULE CONSTANTS
''' TextStream open modes
Const cstForReading = 1
Const cstForWriting = 2
Const cstForAppending = 8
REM ===================================================== CONSTRUCTOR/DESTRUCTOR
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Dispose() As Variant
Set Dispose = Nothing
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem Explicit destructor
REM ================================================================== PROPERTIES
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get ConfigFolder() As String
''' Return the configuration folder of LibreOffice
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.getConfigFolder"
ConfigFolder = SF_FileSystem._GetConfigFolder("user")
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.ConfigFolder
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get ExtensionsFolder() As String
''' Return the folder containing the installed extensions
Dim oMacro As Object ' /singletons/com.sun.star.util.theMacroExpander
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.getExtensionsFolder"
Set oMacro = SF_Utils._GetUNOService("MacroExpander")
ExtensionsFolder = SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(oMacro.ExpandMacros("$UNO_USER_PACKAGES_CACHE") & "/")
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.ExtensionsFolder
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get FileNaming() As Variant
''' Return the current files and folder notation, either "ANY", "URL" or "SYS"
''' "ANY": methods receive either URL or native file names, but always return URL file names
''' "URL": methods expect URL arguments and return URL strings (when relevant)
''' "SYS": idem but operating system notation
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.getFileNaming"
FileNaming = _SF_.FileSystemNaming
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.FileNaming (get)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Let FileNaming(ByVal pvNotation As Variant)
''' Set the files and folders notation: "ANY", "URL" or "SYS"
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.setFileNaming"
If VarType(pvNotation) = V_STRING Then
Select Case UCase(pvNotation)
Case "ANY", "URL", "SYS" : _SF_.FileSystemNaming = UCase(pvNotation)
Case Else ' Unchanged
End Select
End If
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.FileNaming (let)
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get ForAppending As Integer
''' Convenient constant (see documentation)
ForAppending = cstForAppending
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.ForAppending
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get ForReading As Integer
''' Convenient constant (see documentation)
ForReading = cstForReading
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.ForReading
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get ForWriting As Integer
''' Convenient constant (see documentation)
ForWriting = cstForWriting
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.ForWriting
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get HomeFolder() As String
''' Return the user home folder
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.getHomeFolder"
HomeFolder = SF_FileSystem._GetConfigFolder("home")
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.HomeFolder
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get InstallFolder() As String
''' Return the installation folder of LibreOffice
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.getInstallFolder"
InstallFolder = SF_FileSystem._GetConfigFolder("inst")
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.InstallFolder
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get ObjectType As String
''' Only to enable object representation
ObjectType = "SF_FileSystem"
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.ObjectType
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get ServiceName As String
''' Internal use
ServiceName = "ScriptForge.FileSystem"
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.ServiceName
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get TemplatesFolder() As String
''' Return the folder defined in the LibreOffice paths options as intended for templates files
Dim sPath As String ' Template property of com.sun.star.util.PathSettings
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.getTemplatesFolder"
sPath = SF_Utils._GetUNOService("PathSettings").Template
TemplatesFolder = SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(Split(sPath, ";")(0))
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.TemplatesFolder
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get TemporaryFolder() As String
''' Return the folder defined in the LibreOffice paths options as intended for temporary files
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.getTemporaryFolder"
TemporaryFolder = SF_FileSystem._GetConfigFolder("temp")
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.TemporaryFolder
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get UserTemplatesFolder() As String
''' Return the folder defined in the LibreOffice paths options as intended for User templates files
Dim sPath As String ' Template_writable property of com.sun.star.util.PathSettings
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.getUserTemplatesFolder"
sPath = SF_Utils._GetUNOService("PathSettings").Template_writable
UserTemplatesFolder = SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(sPath)
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.UserTemplatesFolder
REM ===================================================================== METHODS
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function BuildPath(Optional ByVal FolderName As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Name As Variant _
) As String
''' Combines a folder path and the name of a file and returns the combination with a valid path separator
''' Inserts an additional path separator between the foldername and the name, only if necessary
''' Args:
''' FolderName: Path with which Name is combined. Path need not specify an existing folder
''' Name: To be appended to the existing path.
''' Returns:
''' The path concatenated with the file name after insertion of a path separator, if necessary
''' Example:
''' Dim a As String
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' a = FSO.BuildPath("C:\Windows", "Notepad.exe") returns C:\Windows\Notepad.exe
Dim sBuild As String ' Return value
Dim sFile As String ' Alias for Name
Const cstFileProtocol = "file:///"
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.BuildPath"
Const cstSubArgs = "FolderName, Name"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
sBuild = ""
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FolderName, "FolderName") Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Name, "Name", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
End If
FolderName = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(FolderName)
' Add separator if necessary. FolderName is now in URL notation
If Len(FolderName) > 0 Then
If Right(FolderName, 1) <> "/" Then sBuild = FolderName & "/" Else sBuild = FolderName
sBuild = cstFileProtocol
End If
' Encode the file name
sFile = ConvertToUrl(Name)
' Some file names produce http://file.name.suffix/
If Left(sFile, 7) = "http://" Then sFile = cstFileProtocol & Mid(sFile, 8, Len(sFile) - 8)
' Combine both parts
If Left(sFile, Len(cstFileProtocol)) = cstFileProtocol Then sBuild = sBuild & Mid(sFile, Len(cstFileProtocol) + 1) Else sBuild = sBuild & sFile
BuildPath = SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(sBuild)
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.BuildPath
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function CompareFiles(Optional ByVal FileName1 As Variant _
, Optional ByVal FileName2 As Variant _
, Optional ByVal CompareContents As Variant _
''' Compare 2 files and return True if they seem identical
''' The comparison may be based on the file attributes, like modification time,
''' or on their contents.
''' Args:
''' FileName1: The 1st file to compare
''' FileName2: The 2nd file to compare
''' CompareContents: When True, the contents of the files are compared. Default = False
''' Returns:
''' True when the files seem identical
''' Exceptions:
''' UNKNOWNFILEERROR One of the files does not exist
''' Example:
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' MsgBox FSO.CompareFiles("C:\myFile1.txt", "C:\myFile2.txt", CompareContents := True)
Dim bCompare As Boolean ' Return value
Dim sFile As String ' Alias of FileName1 and 2
Dim iFile As Integer ' 1 or 2
Const cstPyHelper = "$" & "_SF_FileSystem__CompareFiles"
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.CompareFiles"
Const cstSubArgs = "FileName1, FileName2, [CompareContents=False]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bCompare = False
If IsMissing(CompareContents) Or IsEmpty(CompareContents) Then CompareContents = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName1, "FileName1", False) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName2, "FileName2", False) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(CompareContents, "CompareContents", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
' Do the files exist ? Otherwise raise error
sFile = FileName1 : iFile = 1
If Not SF_FileSystem.FileExists(sFile) Then GoTo CatchNotExists
sFile = FileName2 : iFile = 2
If Not SF_FileSystem.FileExists(sFile) Then GoTo CatchNotExists
With ScriptForge.SF_Session
bCompare = .ExecutePythonScript(.SCRIPTISSHARED, _SF_.PythonHelper & cstPyHelper _
, _ConvertFromUrl(FileName1) _
, _ConvertFromUrl(FileName2) _
, CompareContents)
End With
CompareFiles = bCompare
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(UNKNOWNFILEERROR, "FileName" & iFile, sFile)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.CompareFiles
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function CopyFile(Optional ByVal Source As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Destination As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Overwrite As Variant _
) As Boolean
''' Copies one or more files from one location to another
''' Args:
''' Source: FileName or NamePattern which can include wildcard characters, for one or more files to be copied
''' Destination: FileName where the single Source file is to be copied
''' or FolderName where the multiple files from Source are to be copied
''' If FolderName does not exist, it is created
''' Anyway, wildcard characters are not allowed in Destination
''' Overwrite: If True (default), files may be overwritten
''' CopyFile will fail if Destination has the read-only attribute set, regardless of the value of Overwrite.
''' Returns:
''' True if at least one file has been copied
''' False if an error occurred
''' An error also occurs if a source using wildcard characters doesn't match any files.
''' The method stops on the first error it encounters
''' No attempt is made to roll back or undo any changes made before an error occurs
''' Exceptions:
''' UNKNOWNFILEERROR Source does not exist
''' UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR Source folder or Destination folder does not exist
''' NOFILEMATCHERROR No file matches Source containing wildcards
''' NOTAFOLDERERROR Destination is a file, not a folder
''' NOTAFILEERROR Destination is a folder, not a file
''' OVERWRITEERROR Destination can not be overwritten
''' READONLYERROR Destination has its read-only attribute set
''' Example:
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' FSO.CopyFile("C:\Windows\*.*", "C:\Temp\", Overwrite := False) ' Only files are copied, subfolders are not
Dim bCopy As Boolean ' Return value
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.CopyFile"
Const cstSubArgs = "Source, Destination, [Overwrite=True]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bCopy = False
If IsMissing(Overwrite) Or IsEmpty(Overwrite) Then Overwrite = True
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(Source, "Source", True) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(Destination, "Destination", False) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Overwrite, "Overwrite", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
bCopy = SF_FileSystem._CopyMove("CopyFile", Source, Destination, Overwrite)
CopyFile = bCopy
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.CopyFile
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function CopyFolder(Optional ByVal Source As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Destination As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Overwrite As Variant _
) As Boolean
''' Copies one or more folders from one location to another
''' Args:
''' Source: FolderName or NamePattern which can include wildcard characters, for one or more folders to be copied
''' Destination: FolderName where the single Source folder is to be copied
''' or FolderName where the multiple folders from Source are to be copied
''' If FolderName does not exist, it is created
''' Anyway, wildcard characters are not allowed in Destination
''' Overwrite: If True (default), folders and their content may be overwritten
''' CopyFile will fail if Destination has the read-only attribute set, regardless of the value of Overwrite.
''' Returns:
''' True if at least one folder has been copied
''' False if an error occurred
''' An error also occurs if a source using wildcard characters doesn't match any folders.
''' The method stops on the first error it encounters
''' No attempt is made to roll back or undo any changes made before an error occurs
''' Exceptions:
''' UNKNOWNFILEERROR Source does not exist
''' UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR Source folder or Destination folder does not exist
''' NOFILEMATCHERROR No file matches Source containing wildcards
''' NOTAFOLDERERROR Destination is a file, not a folder
''' OVERWRITEERROR Destination can not be overwritten
''' READONLYERROR Destination has its read-only attribute set
''' Example:
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' FSO.CopyFolder("C:\Windows\*", "C:\Temp\", Overwrite := False)
Dim bCopy As Boolean ' Return value
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.CopyFolder"
Const cstSubArgs = "Source, Destination, [Overwrite=True]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bCopy = False
If IsMissing(Overwrite) Or IsEmpty(Overwrite) Then Overwrite = True
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(Source, "Source", True) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(Destination, "Destination", False) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Overwrite, "Overwrite", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
bCopy = SF_FileSystem._CopyMove("CopyFolder", Source, Destination, Overwrite)
CopyFolder = bCopy
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.CopyFolder
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function CreateFolder(Optional ByVal FolderName As Variant) As Boolean
''' Return True if the given folder name could be created successfully
''' The parent folder does not need to exist beforehand
''' Args:
''' FolderName: a string representing the folder to create. It must not exist
''' Returns:
''' True if FolderName is a valid folder name, does not exist and creation was successful
''' False otherwise including when FolderName is a file
''' Exceptions:
''' FOLDERCREATIONERROR FolderName is an existing folder or file
''' Example:
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' FSO.CreateFolder("C:\NewFolder\")
Dim bCreate As Boolean ' Return value
Dim oSfa As Object ' com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.CreateFolder"
Const cstSubArgs = "FolderName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bCreate = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FolderName, "FolderName") Then GoTo Finally
End If
Set oSfa = SF_Utils._GetUnoService("FileAccess")
If SF_FileSystem.FolderExists(FolderName) Then GoTo CatchExists
If SF_FileSystem.FileExists(FolderName) Then GoTo CatchExists
bCreate = True
CreateFolder = bCreate
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(FOLDERCREATIONERROR, "FolderName", FolderName)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.CreateFolder
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function CreateTextFile(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Overwrite As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Encoding As Variant _
) As Object
''' Creates a specified file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to write to the file
''' Args:
''' FileName: Identifies the file to create
''' Overwrite: Boolean value that indicates if an existing file can be overwritten (default = True)
''' Encoding: The character set that should be used
''' Use one of the Names listed in https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xhtml
''' Note that LibreOffice does not implement all existing sets
''' Default = UTF-8
''' Returns:
''' An instance of the SF_TextStream class representing the opened file or a Null object if an error occurred
''' It doesn't check either if the given encoding is implemented in LibreOffice
''' Exceptions:
''' OVERWRITEERROR File exists, creation impossible
''' Example:
''' Dim myFile As Object
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' Set myFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("C:\Temp\ThisFile.txt", Overwrite := True)
Dim oTextStream As Object ' Return value
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.CreateTextFile"
Const cstSubArgs = "FileName, [Overwrite=True], [Encoding=""UTF-8""]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
Set oTextStream = Nothing
If IsMissing(Overwrite) Or IsEmpty(Overwrite) Then Overwrite = True
If IsMissing(Encoding) Or IsEmpty(Encoding) Then Encoding = "UTF-8"
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, "FileName") Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Overwrite, "Overwrite", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Encoding, "Encoding", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
End If
With SF_FileSystem
If .FileExists(FileName) Then
If Overwrite Then .DeleteFile(FileName) Else GoTo CatchOverWrite
End If
Set oTextStream = .OpenTextFile(FileName, .ForWriting, Create := True, Encoding := Encoding)
End With
Set CreateTextFile = oTextStream
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(OVERWRITEERROR, "FileName", FileName)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.CreateTextFile
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function DeleteFile(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant) As Boolean
''' Deletes one or more files
''' Args:
''' FileName: FileName or NamePattern which can include wildcard characters, for one or more files to be deleted
''' Returns:
''' True if at least one file has been deleted
''' False if an error occurred
''' An error also occurs if a FileName using wildcard characters doesn't match any files.
''' The method stops on the first error it encounters
''' No attempt is made to roll back or undo any changes made before an error occurs
''' Exceptions:
''' UNKNOWNFILEERROR FileName does not exist
''' NOFILEMATCHERROR No file matches FileName containing wildcards
''' NOTAFILEERROR Argument is a folder, not a file
''' Example:
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' FSO.DeleteFile("C:\Temp\*.*") ' Only files are deleted, subfolders are not
Dim bDelete As Boolean ' Return value
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.DeleteFile"
Const cstSubArgs = "FileName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bDelete = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, "FileName", True) Then GoTo Finally
End If
bDelete = SF_FileSystem._Delete("DeleteFile", FileName)
DeleteFile = bDelete
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.DeleteFile
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function DeleteFolder(Optional ByVal FolderName As Variant) As Boolean
''' Deletes one or more Folders
''' Args:
''' FolderName: FolderName or NamePattern which can include wildcard characters, for one or more Folders to be deleted
''' Returns:
''' True if at least one folder has been deleted
''' False if an error occurred
''' An error also occurs if a FolderName using wildcard characters doesn't match any folders.
''' The method stops on the first error it encounters
''' No attempt is made to roll back or undo any changes made before an error occurs
''' Exceptions:
''' UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR FolderName does not exist
''' NOFILEMATCHERROR No folder matches FolderName containing wildcards
''' NOTAFOLDERERROR Argument is a file, not a folder
''' Example:
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' FSO.DeleteFolder("C:\Temp\*") ' Only folders are deleted, files in the parent folder are not
Dim bDelete As Boolean ' Return value
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.DeleteFolder"
Const cstSubArgs = "FolderName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bDelete = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FolderName, "FolderName", True) Then GoTo Finally
End If
bDelete = SF_FileSystem._Delete("DeleteFolder", FolderName)
DeleteFolder = bDelete
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.DeleteFolder
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function FileExists(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant) As Boolean
''' Return True if the given file exists
''' Args:
''' FileName: a string representing a file
''' Returns:
''' True if FileName is a valid File name and it exists
''' False otherwise including when FileName is a folder
''' Example:
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' If FSO.FileExists("C:\Notepad.exe") Then ...
Dim bExists As Boolean ' Return value
Dim oSfa As Object ' com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.FileExists"
Const cstSubArgs = "FileName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bExists = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, "FileName") Then GoTo Finally
End If
FileName = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(FileName)
Set oSfa = SF_Utils._GetUnoService("FileAccess")
bExists = oSfa.exists(FileName) And Not oSfa.isFolder(FileName)
FileExists = bExists
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.FileExists
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Files(Optional ByVal FolderName As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Filter As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Return an array of the FileNames stored in the given folder. The folder must exist
''' Args:
''' FolderName: the folder to explore
''' Filter: contains wildcards ("?" and "*") to limit the list to the relevant files (default = "")
''' Returns:
''' An array of strings, each entry is the FileName of an existing file
''' Exceptions:
''' UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR Folder does not exist
''' NOTAFOLDERERROR FolderName is a file, not a folder
''' Example:
''' Dim a As Variant
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' a = FSO.Files("C:\Windows\")
Dim vFiles As Variant ' Return value
Dim oSfa As Object ' com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess
Dim sFolderName As String ' URL lias for FolderName
Dim sFile As String ' Single file
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.Files"
Const cstSubArgs = "FolderName, [Filter=""""]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vFiles = Array()
If IsMissing(Filter) Or IsEmpty(Filter) Then Filter = ""
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FolderName, "FolderName") Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Filter, "Filter", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
End If
sFolderName = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(FolderName)
If SF_FileSystem.FileExists(FolderName) Then GoTo CatchFile ' Must not be a file
If Not SF_FileSystem.FolderExists(FolderName) Then GoTo CatchFolder ' Folder must exist
' Get files
Set oSfa = SF_Utils._GetUnoService("FileAccess")
vFiles = oSfa.getFolderContents(sFolderName, False)
' Adjust notations
For i = 0 To UBound(vFiles)
sFile = SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(vFiles(i))
vFiles(i) = sFile
Next i
' Reduce list to those passing the filter
If Len(Filter) > 0 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(vFiles)
sFile = SF_FileSystem.GetName(vFiles(i))
If Not SF_String.IsLike(sFile, Filter) Then vFiles(i) = ""
Next i
vFiles = Sf_Array.TrimArray(vFiles)
End If
Files = vFiles
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(NOTAFOLDERERROR, "FolderName", FolderName)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR, "FolderName", FolderName)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.Files
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function FolderExists(Optional ByVal FolderName As Variant) As Boolean
''' Return True if the given folder name exists
''' Args:
''' FolderName: a string representing a folder
''' Returns:
''' True if FolderName is a valid folder name and it exists
''' False otherwise including when FolderName is a file
''' Example:
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' If FSO.FolderExists("C:\") Then ...
Dim bExists As Boolean ' Return value
Dim oSfa As Object ' com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.FolderExists"
Const cstSubArgs = "FolderName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bExists = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FolderName, "FolderName") Then GoTo Finally
End If
FolderName = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(FolderName)
Set oSfa = SF_Utils._GetUnoService("FileAccess")
bExists = oSfa.isFolder(FolderName)
FolderExists = bExists
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.FolderExists
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetBaseName(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant) As String
''' Returns the BaseName part of the last component of a File- or FolderName, without its extension
''' The method does not check for the existence of the specified file or folder
''' Args:
''' FileName: Path and file name
''' Returns:
''' The BaseName of the given argument in native operating system format. May be empty
''' Example:
''' Dim a As String
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' a = FSO.GetBaseName("C:\Windows\Notepad.exe") returns Notepad
Dim sBase As String ' Return value
Dim sExt As String ' Extension
Dim sName As String ' Last component of FileName
Dim vName As Variant ' Array of trunks of sName
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.GetBaseName"
Const cstSubArgs = "FileName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
sBase = ""
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, "FileName") Then GoTo Finally
End If
sName = SF_FileSystem.GetName(FileName)
If Len(sName) > 0 Then
If InStr(sName, ".") > 0 Then
vName = Split(sName, ".")
sExt = vName(UBound(vName))
sBase = Left(sName, Len(sName) - Len(sExt) - 1)
sBase = sName
End If
End If
GetBaseName = sBase
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.GetBaseName
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetExtension(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant) As String
''' Returns the extension part of a File- or FolderName, without the dot (.).
''' The method does not check for the existence of the specified file or folder
''' Args:
''' FileName: Path and file name
''' Returns:
''' The extension without a leading dot. May be empty
''' Example:
''' Dim a As String
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' a = FSO.GetExtension("C:\Windows\Notepad.exe") returns exe
Dim sExt As String ' Return value
Dim sName As String ' Last component of FileName
Dim vName As Variant ' Array of trunks of sName
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.GetExtension"
Const cstSubArgs = "FileName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
sExt = ""
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, "FileName") Then GoTo Finally
End If
sName = SF_FileSystem.GetName(FileName)
If Len(sName) > 0 And InStr(sName, ".") > 0 Then
vName = Split(sName, ".")
sExt = vName(UBound(vName))
End If
GetExtension = sExt
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.GetExtension
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetFileLen(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant) As Currency
''' Return file size in bytes with four decimals '''
''' Args:
''' FileName: a string representing a file
''' Returns:
''' File size if FileName exists
''' Exceptions:
''' UNKNOWNFILEERROR The file does not exist of is a folder
''' Example:
''' Print SF_FileSystem.GetFileLen("C:\pagefile.sys")
Dim curSize As Currency ' Return value
Const cstPyHelper = "$" & "_SF_FileSystem__GetFilelen"
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.GetFileLen"
Const cstSubArgs = "FileName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
curSize = 0
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, "FileName") Then GoTo Finally
End If
If SF_FileSystem.FileExists(FileName) Then
With ScriptForge.SF_Session
curSize = .ExecutePythonScript(.SCRIPTISSHARED, _SF_.PythonHelper & cstPyHelper _
, _ConvertFromUrl(FileName))
End With
GoTo CatchNotExists
End If
GetFileLen = curSize
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(UNKNOWNFILEERROR, "FileName", FileName)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.GetFileLen
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetFileModified(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant) As Date
''' Returns the last modified date for the given file
''' Args:
''' FileName: a string representing an existing file
''' Returns:
''' The modification date and time as a Basic Date
''' Exceptions:
''' UNKNOWNFILEERROR The file does not exist of is a folder
''' Example:
''' Dim a As Date
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' a = FSO.GetFileModified("C:\Temp\myDoc.odt")
Dim dModified As Date ' Return value
Dim oModified As New com.sun.star.util.DateTime
Dim oSfa As Object ' com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.GetFileModified"
Const cstSubArgs = "FileName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
dModified = 0
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, "FileName") Then GoTo Finally
End If
Set oSfa = SF_Utils._GetUnoService("FileAccess")
If SF_FileSystem.FileExists(FileName) Then
FileName = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(FileName)
Set oModified = oSfa.getDateTimeModified(FileName)
dModified = CDateFromUnoDateTime(oModified)
GoTo CatchNotExists
End If
GetFileModified = dModified
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(UNKNOWNFILEERROR, "FileName", FileName)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.GetFileModified
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetName(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant) As String
''' Returns the last component of a File- or FolderName
''' The method does not check for the existence of the specified file or folder
''' Args:
''' FileName: Path and file name
''' Returns:
''' The last component of the full file name in native operating system format
''' Example:
''' Dim a As String
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' a = FSO.GetName("C:\Windows\Notepad.exe") returns Notepad.exe
Dim sName As String ' Return value
Dim vFile As Variant ' Array of components
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.GetName"
Const cstSubArgs = "FileName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
sName = ""
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, "FileName") Then GoTo Finally
End If
FileName = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(FileName)
If Len(FileName) > 0 Then
If Right(FileName, 1) = "/" Then FileName = Left(FileName, Len(FileName) - 1)
vFile = Split(FileName, "/")
sName = ConvertFromUrl(vFile(UBound(vFile))) ' Always in SYS format
End If
GetName = sName
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.GetName
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetParentFolderName(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant) As String
''' Returns a string containing the name of the parent folder of the last component in a specified File- or FolderName
''' The method does not check for the existence of the specified file or folder
''' Args:
''' FileName: Path and file name
''' Returns:
''' A FolderName including its final path separator
''' Example:
''' Dim a As String
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' a = FSO.GetParentFolderName("C:\Windows\Notepad.exe") returns C:\Windows\
Dim sFolder As String ' Return value
Dim sName As String ' Last component of FileName
Dim vFile As Variant ' Array of file components
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.GetParentFolderName"
Const cstSubArgs = "FileName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
sFolder = ""
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, "FileName") Then GoTo Finally
End If
FileName = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(FileName)
If Right(FileName, 1) = "/" Then FileName = Left(FileName, Len(FileName) - 1)
vFile = Split(FileName, "/")
If UBound(vFile) >= 0 Then vFile(UBound(vFile)) = ""
sFolder = Join(vFile, "/")
If sFolder = "" Or Right(sFolder, 1) <> "/" Then sFolder = sFolder & "/"
GetParentFolderName = SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(sFolder)
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.GetParentFolderName
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetProperty(Optional ByVal PropertyName As Variant) As Variant
''' Return the actual value of the given property
''' Args:
''' PropertyName: the name of the property as a string
''' Returns:
''' The actual value of the property
''' Exceptions
''' ARGUMENTERROR The property does not exist
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.GetProperty"
Const cstSubArgs = "PropertyName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
GetProperty = Null
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(PropertyName, "PropertyName", V_STRING, Properties()) Then GoTo Catch
End If
Select Case UCase(PropertyName)
Case "ConfigFolder" : GetProperty = ConfigFolder
Case "ExtensionsFolder" : GetProperty = ExtensionsFolder
Case "FileNaming" : GetProperty = FileNaming
Case "HomeFolder" : GetProperty = HomeFolder
Case "InstallFolder" : GetProperty = InstallFolder
Case "TemplatesFolder" : GetProperty = TemplatesFolder
Case "TemporaryFolder" : GetProperty = TemporaryFolder
Case "UserTemplatesFolder" : GetProperty = UserTemplatesFolder
Case Else
End Select
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.GetProperty
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetTempName() As String
''' Returns a randomly generated temporary file name that is useful for performing
''' operations that require a temporary file : the method does not create any file
''' Args:
''' Returns:
''' A FileName as a String that can be used f.i. with CreateTextFile()
''' The FileName does not have any suffix
''' Example:
''' Dim a As String
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' a = FSO.GetTempName() & ".txt"
Dim sFile As String ' Return value
Dim sTempDir As String ' The path to a temporary folder
Dim lRandom As Long ' Random integer
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.GetTempName"
Const cstSubArgs = ""
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
sFile = ""
SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs)
lRandom = SF_Session.ExecuteCalcFunction("RANDBETWEEN", 1, 999999)
sFile = SF_FileSystem.TemporaryFolder & "SF_" & Right("000000" & lRandom, 6)
GetTempName = SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(sFile)
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.GetTempName
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function HashFile(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Algorithm As Variant _
) As String
''' Return an hexadecimal string representing a checksum of the given file
''' Next algorithms are supported: MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512
''' Args:
''' FileName: a string representing a file
''' Algorithm: The hashing algorithm to use
''' Returns:
''' The requested checksum as a string. Hexadecimal digits are lower-cased
''' A zero-length string when an error occurred
''' Exceptions:
''' UNKNOWNFILEERROR The file does not exist of is a folder
''' Example:
''' Print SF_FileSystem.HashFile("C:\pagefile.sys", "MD5")
Dim sHash As String ' Return value
Const cstPyHelper = "$" & "_SF_FileSystem__HashFile"
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.HashFile"
Const cstSubArgs = "FileName, Algorithm=""MD5""|""SHA1""|""SHA224""|""SHA256""|""SHA384""|""SHA512"""
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
sHash = ""
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, "FileName") Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Algorithm, "Algorithm", V_STRING _
, Array("MD5", "SHA1", "SHA224", "SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512")) Then GoTo Finally
End If
If SF_FileSystem.FileExists(FileName) Then
With ScriptForge.SF_Session
sHash = .ExecutePythonScript(.SCRIPTISSHARED, _SF_.PythonHelper & cstPyHelper _
, _ConvertFromUrl(FileName), LCase(Algorithm))
End With
GoTo CatchNotExists
End If
HashFile = sHash
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(UNKNOWNFILEERROR, "FileName", FileName)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.HashFile
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Methods() As Variant
''' Return the list or methods of the FileSystem service as an array
Methods = Array("BuildPath" _
, "CompareFiles" _
, "CopyFile" _
, "CopyFolder" _
, "CreateFolder" _
, "CreateTextFile" _
, "DeleteFile" _
, "DeleteFolder" _
, "FileExists" _
, "Files" _
, "FolderExists" _
, "GetBaseName" _
, "GetExtension" _
, "GetFileLen" _
, "GetFileModified" _
, "GetName" _
, "GetParentFolderName" _
, "GetTempName" _
, "HashFile" _
, "MoveFile" _
, "MoveFolder" _
, "OpenTextFile" _
, "PickFile" _
, "PickFolder" _
, "SubFolders" _
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.Methods
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function MoveFile(Optional ByVal Source As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Destination As Variant _
) As Boolean
''' Moves one or more files from one location to another
''' Args:
''' Source: FileName or NamePattern which can include wildcard characters, for one or more files to be moved
''' Destination: FileName where the single Source file is to be moved
''' If Source and Destination have the same parent folder MoveFile amounts to renaming the Source
''' or FolderName where the multiple files from Source are to be moved
''' If FolderName does not exist, it is created
''' Anyway, wildcard characters are not allowed in Destination
''' Returns:
''' True if at least one file has been moved
''' False if an error occurred
''' An error also occurs if a source using wildcard characters doesn't match any files.
''' The method stops on the first error it encounters
''' No attempt is made to roll back or undo any changes made before an error occurs
''' Exceptions:
''' UNKNOWNFILEERROR Source does not exist
''' UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR Source folder or Destination folder does not exist
''' NOFILEMATCHERROR No file matches Source containing wildcards
''' NOTAFOLDERERROR Destination is a file, not a folder
''' NOTAFILEERROR Destination is a folder, not a file
''' OVERWRITEERROR Destination can not be overwritten
''' Example:
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' FSO.MoveFile("C:\Temp1\*.*", "C:\Temp2\") ' Only files are moved, subfolders are not
Dim bMove As Boolean ' Return value
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.MoveFile"
Const cstSubArgs = "Source, Destination"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bMove = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(Source, "Source", True) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(Destination, "Destination", False) Then GoTo Finally
End If
bMove = SF_FileSystem._CopyMove("MoveFile", Source, Destination, False)
MoveFile = bMove
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.MoveFile
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function MoveFolder(Optional ByVal Source As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Destination As Variant _
) As Boolean
''' Moves one or more folders from one location to another
''' Args:
''' Source: FolderName or NamePattern which can include wildcard characters, for one or more folders to be moved
''' Destination: FolderName where the single Source folder is to be moved
''' FolderName must not exist
''' or FolderName where the multiple folders from Source are to be moved
''' If FolderName does not exist, it is created
''' Anyway, wildcard characters are not allowed in Destination
''' Returns:
''' True if at least one folder has been moved
''' False if an error occurred
''' An error also occurs if a source using wildcard characters doesn't match any folders.
''' The method stops on the first error it encounters
''' No attempt is made to roll back or undo any changes made before an error occurs
''' Exceptions:
''' UNKNOWNFILEERROR Source does not exist
''' UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR Source folder or Destination folder does not exist
''' NOFILEMATCHERROR No file matches Source containing wildcards
''' NOTAFOLDERERROR Destination is a file, not a folder
''' OVERWRITEERROR Destination can not be overwritten
''' Example:
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' FSO.MoveFolder("C:\Temp1\*", "C:\Temp2\")
Dim bMove As Boolean ' Return value
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.MoveFolder"
Const cstSubArgs = "Source, Destination"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bMove = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(Source, "Source", True) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(Destination, "Destination", False) Then GoTo Finally
End If
bMove = SF_FileSystem._CopyMove("MoveFolder", Source, Destination, False)
MoveFolder = bMove
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.MoveFolder
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function OpenTextFile(Optional ByVal FileName As Variant _
, Optional ByVal IOMode As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Create As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Encoding As Variant _
) As Object
''' Opens a specified file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to read from, write to, or append to the file
''' Args:
''' FileName: Identifies the file to open
''' IOMode: Indicates input/output mode. Can be one of three constants: ForReading, ForWriting, or ForAppending
''' Create: Boolean value that indicates whether a new file can be created if the specified filename doesn't exist.
''' The value is True if a new file and its parent folders may be created; False if they aren't created (default)
''' Encoding: The character set that should be used
''' Use one of the Names listed in https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xhtml
''' Note that LibreOffice does not implement all existing sets
''' Default = UTF-8
''' Returns:
''' An instance of the SF_TextStream class representing the opened file or a Null object if an error occurred
''' The method does not check if the file is really a text file
''' It doesn't check either if the given encoding is implemented in LibreOffice nor if it is the right one
''' Exceptions:
''' UNKNOWNFILEERROR File does not exist
''' Example:
''' Dim myFile As Object
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' Set myFile = FSO.OpenTextFile("C:\Temp\ThisFile.txt", FSO.ForReading)
''' If Not IsNull(myFile) Then ' ... Go ahead with reading text lines
Dim oTextStream As Object ' Return value
Dim bExists As Boolean ' File to open does exist
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.OpenTextFile"
Const cstSubArgs = "FileName, [IOMode=1], [Create=False], [Encoding=""UTF-8""]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
Set oTextStream = Nothing
With SF_FileSystem
If IsMissing(IOMode) Or IsEmpty(IOMode) Then IOMode = ForReading
If IsMissing(Create) Or IsEmpty(Create) Then Create = False
If IsMissing(Encoding) Or IsEmpty(Encoding) Then Encoding = "UTF-8"
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, "FileName") Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(IOMode, "IOMode", V_NUMERIC _
, Array(ForReading, ForWriting, ForAppending)) _
Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Create, "Create", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Encoding, "Encoding", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
End If
bExists = .FileExists(FileName)
Select Case IOMode
Case ForReading : If Not bExists Then GoTo CatchNotExists
Case Else : If Not bExists And Not Create Then GoTo CatchNotExists
End Select
If IOMode = ForAppending And Not bExists Then IOMode = ForWriting
End With
' Create and initialize TextStream class instance
Set oTextStream = New SF_TextStream
With oTextStream
.[Me] = oTextStream
.[_Parent] = SF_FileSystem
._FileName = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(FileName)
._IOMode = IOMode
._Encoding = Encoding
._FileExists = bExists
End With
Set OpenTextFile = oTextStream
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(UNKNOWNFILEERROR, "FileName", FileName)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.OpenTextFile
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function PickFile(Optional ByVal DefaultFile As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Mode As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Filter As Variant _
) As String
''' Returns the file selected with a FilePicker dialog box
''' The mode, OPEN or SAVE, and the filter may be preset
''' If mode = SAVE and the picked file exists, a warning message will be displayed
''' Modified from Andrew Pitonyak's Base Macro Programming §10.4
''' Args:
''' DefaultFile: Folder part: the FolderName from which to start. Default = the last selected folder
''' File part: the default file to open or save
''' Mode: "OPEN" (input file) or "SAVE" (output file)
''' Filter: by default only files having the given suffix will be displayed. Default = all suffixes
''' The filter combo box will contain the given SuffixFilter (if not "*") and "*.*"
''' Returns:
''' The selected FileName in URL format or "" if the dialog was cancelled
''' Example:
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' FSO.PickFile("C:\", "OPEN", "txt") ' Only *.txt files are displayed
Dim oFileDialog As Object ' com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FilePicker
Dim oFileAccess As object ' com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess
Dim oPath As Object ' com.sun.star.util.PathSettings
Dim iAccept As Integer ' Result of dialog execution
Dim sInitPath As String ' Current working directory
Dim sBaseFile As String
Dim iMode As Integer ' Numeric alias for SelectMode
Dim sFile As String ' Return value
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.PickFile"
Const cstSubArgs = "[DefaultFile=""""], [Mode=""OPEN""|""SAVE""],[Filter=""""]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
sFile = ""
If IsMissing(DefaultFile) Or IsEmpty(DefaultFile) Then DefaultFile = ""
If IsMissing(Mode) Or IsEmpty(Mode) Then Mode = "OPEN"
If IsMissing(Filter) Or IsEmpty(Filter) Then Filter = ""
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(DefaultFile, "DefaultFile", , True) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Mode, "Mode", V_STRING, Array("OPEN", "SAVE")) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Filter, "Filter", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
End If
DefaultFile = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(DefaultFile)
' Derive numeric equivalent of the Mode argument: https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/TemplateDescription_8idl.html
With com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.TemplateDescription
End With
' Activate the filepicker dialog
Set oFileDialog = SF_Utils._GetUNOService("FilePicker")
With oFileDialog
' Set filters
If Len(Filter) > 0 Then .appendFilter("*." & Filter, "*." & Filter) ' Twice: required by API
.appendFilter("*.*", "*.*")
If Len(Filter) > 0 Then .setCurrentFilter("*." & Filter) Else .setCurrentFilter("*.*")
' Set initial folder
If Len(DefaultFile) = 0 Then ' TODO: SF_Session.WorkingFolder
Set oPath = SF_Utils._GetUNOService("PathSettings")
sInitPath = oPath.Work ' Probably My Documents
sInitPath = SF_FileSystem._ParseUrl(ConvertToUrl(DefaultFile)).Path
End If
' Set default values
Set oFileAccess = SF_Utils._GetUNOService("FileAccess")
If oFileAccess.exists(sInitPath) Then .SetDisplayDirectory(sInitPath)
sBaseFile = SF_FileSystem.GetName(DefaultFile)
' Get selected file
iAccept = .Execute()
If iAccept = com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.ExecutableDialogResults.OK Then sFile = .getSelectedFiles()(0)
End With
PickFile = SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(sFile)
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.PickFile
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function PickFolder(Optional ByVal DefaultFolder As variant _
, Optional ByVal FreeText As Variant _
) As String
''' Display a FolderPicker dialog box
''' Args:
''' DefaultFolder: the FolderName from which to start. Default = the last selected folder
''' FreeText: text to display in the dialog. Default = ""
''' Returns:
''' The selected FolderName in URL or operating system format
''' The zero-length string if the dialog was cancelled
''' Example:
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' FSO.PickFolder("C:\", "Choose a folder or press Cancel")
Dim oFolderDialog As Object ' com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FolderPicker
Dim iAccept As Integer ' Value returned by the dialog (OK, Cancel, ..)
Dim sFolder As String ' Return value '
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.PickFolder"
Const cstSubArgs = "[DefaultFolder=""""], [FreeText=""""]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
sFolder = ""
If IsMissing(DefaultFolder) Or IsEmpty(DefaultFolder) Then DefaultFolder = ""
If IsMissing(FreeText) Or IsEmpty(FreeText) Then FreeText = ""
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(DefaultFolder, "DefaultFolder", , True) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(FreeText, "FreeText", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
End If
DefaultFolder = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(DefaultFolder)
Set oFolderDialog = SF_Utils._GetUNOService("FolderPicker")
If Not IsNull(oFolderDialog) Then
With oFolderDialog
If Len(DefaultFolder) > 0 Then .DisplayDirectory = ConvertToUrl(DefaultFolder)
.Description = FreeText
iAccept = .Execute()
' https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/ExecutableDialogResults_8idl.html
If iAccept = com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.ExecutableDialogResults.OK Then
.DisplayDirectory = .Directory ' Set the next default initial folder to the selected one
sFolder = .Directory & "/"
End If
End With
End If
PickFolder = SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(sFolder)
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.PickFolder
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Properties() As Variant
''' Return the list or properties of the FileSystem module as an array
Properties = Array( _
"ConfigFolder" _
, "ExtensionsFolder" _
, "FileNaming" _
, "HomeFolder" _
, "InstallFolder" _
, "TemplatesFolder" _
, "TemporaryFolder" _
, "UserTemplatesFolder" _
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.Properties
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function SetProperty(Optional ByVal PropertyName As Variant _
, Optional ByRef Value As Variant _
) As Boolean
''' Set a new value to the given property
''' Args:
''' PropertyName: the name of the property as a string
''' Value: its new value
''' Exceptions
''' ARGUMENTERROR The property does not exist
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.SetProperty"
Const cstSubArgs = "PropertyName, Value"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
SetProperty = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(PropertyName, "PropertyName", V_STRING, Properties()) Then GoTo Catch
End If
Select Case UCase(PropertyName)
Case Else
End Select
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.SetProperty
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function SubFolders(Optional ByVal FolderName As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Filter As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Return an array of the FolderNames stored in the given folder. The folder must exist
''' Args:
''' FolderName: the folder to explore
''' Filter: contains wildcards ("?" and "*") to limit the list to the relevant folders (default = "")
''' Returns:
''' An array of strings, each entry is the FolderName of an existing folder
''' Exceptions:
''' UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR Folder does not exist
''' NOTAFOLDERERROR FolderName is a file, not a folder
''' Example:
''' Dim a As Variant
''' FSO.FileNaming = "SYS"
''' a = FSO.SubFolders("C:\Windows\")
Dim vSubFolders As Variant ' Return value
Dim oSfa As Object ' com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess
Dim sFolderName As String ' URL lias for FolderName
Dim sFolder As String ' Single folder
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "FileSystem.SubFolders"
Const cstSubArgs = "FolderName, [Filter=""""]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vSubFolders = Array()
If IsMissing(Filter) Or IsEmpty(Filter) Then Filter = ""
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FolderName, "FolderName") Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Filter, "Filter", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
End If
sFolderName = SF_FileSystem._ConvertToUrl(FolderName)
If SF_FileSystem.FileExists(FolderName) Then GoTo CatchFile ' Must not be a file
If Not SF_FileSystem.FolderExists(FolderName) Then GoTo CatchFolder ' Folder must exist
' Get SubFolders
Set oSfa = SF_Utils._GetUnoService("FileAccess")
vSubFolders = oSfa.getFolderContents(sFolderName, True)
' List includes files; remove them or adjust notations of folders
For i = 0 To UBound(vSubFolders)
sFolder = SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(vSubFolders(i) & "/")
If SF_FileSystem.FileExists(sFolder) Then vSubFolders(i) = "" Else vSubFolders(i) = sFolder
' Reduce list to those passing the filter
If Len(Filter) > 0 And Len(vSubFolders(i)) > 0 Then
sFolder = SF_FileSystem.GetName(vSubFolders(i))
If Not SF_String.IsLike(sFolder, Filter) Then vSubFolders(i) = ""
End If
Next i
vSubFolders = SF_Array.TrimArray(vSubFolders)
SubFolders = vSubFolders
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(NOTAFOLDERERROR, "FolderName", FolderName)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR, "FolderName", FolderName)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem.SubFolders
REM =========================================================== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _ConvertFromUrl(psFile) As String
''' Execute the builtin ConvertFromUrl function only when relevant
''' i.e. when FileNaming (how arguments and return values are provided) = "SYS"
''' Called at the bottom of methods returning file names
''' Remark: psFile might contain wildcards
Const cstQuestion = "$QUESTION$", cstStar = "$STAR$" ' Special tokens to replace wildcards
If SF_FileSystem.FileNaming = "SYS" Then
_ConvertFromUrl = Replace(Replace( _
ConvertFromUrl(Replace(Replace(psFile, "?", cstQuestion), "*", cstStar)) _
, cstQuestion, "?"), cstStar, "*")
_ConvertFromUrl = psFile
End If
End Function ' ScriptForge.FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _ConvertToUrl(psFile) As String
''' Execute the builtin ConvertToUrl function only when relevant
''' i.e. when FileNaming (how arguments and return values are provided) = "SYS"
''' Called at the top of methods receiving file names as arguments
''' Remark: psFile might contain wildcards
If SF_FileSystem.FileNaming = "URL" Then
_ConvertToUrl = psFile
' ConvertToUrl encodes "?"
_ConvertToUrl = Replace(ConvertToUrl(psFile), "%3F", "?")
End If
End Function ' ScriptForge.FileSystem._ConvertToUrl
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _CopyMove(psMethod As String _
, psSource As String _
, psDestination As String _
, pbOverWrite As Boolean _
) As Boolean
''' Checks the arguments and executes the given method
''' Args:
''' psMethod: CopyFile/CopyFolder or MoveFile/MoveFolder
''' psSource: Either File/FolderName
''' or NamePattern which can include wildcard characters, for one or more files/folders to be copied
''' psDestination: FileName or FolderName for copy/move of a single file/folder
''' Otherwise a destination FolderName. If it does not exist, it is created
''' pbOverWrite: If True, files/folders may be overwritten
''' Must be False for Move operations
''' Next checks are done:
''' With wildcards (multiple files/folders):
''' - Parent folder of source must exist
''' - Destination must not be a file
''' - Parent folder of Destination must exist
''' - If the Destination folder does not exist a new folder is created,
''' - At least one file matches the wildcards expression
''' - Destination files/folder must not exist if pbOverWrite = False
''' - Destination files/folders must not have the read-only attribute set
''' - Destination files must not be folders, destination folders must not be files
''' Without wildcards (single file/folder):
''' - Source file/folder must exist and be a file/folder
''' - Parent folder of Destination must exist
''' - Destination must not be an existing folder/file
''' - Destination file/folder must not exist if pbOverWrite = False
''' - Destination file must not have the read-only attribute set
Dim bCopyMove As Boolean ' Return value
Dim bCopy As Boolean ' True if Copy, False if Move
Dim bFile As Boolean ' True if File, False if Folder
Dim oSfa As Object ' com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess
Dim bWildCards As Boolean ' True if wildcards found in Source
Dim bCreateFolder As Boolean ' True when the destination folder should be created
Dim bDestExists As Boolean ' True if destination exists
Dim sSourceUrl As String ' Alias for Source
Dim sDestinationUrl As String ' Alias for Destination
Dim sDestinationFile As String ' Destination FileName
Dim sParentFolder As String ' Parent folder of Source
Dim vFiles As Variant ' Array of candidates for copy/move
Dim sFile As String ' Single file/folder
Dim sName As String ' Name (last component) of file
Dim i As Long
' Error handling left to calling routine
bCopyMove = False
bCopy = ( Left(psMethod, 4) = "Copy" )
bFile = ( Right(psMethod, 4) = "File" )
bWildCards = ( InStr(psSource, "*") + InStr(psSource, "?") + InStr(psSource, "%3F") > 0 ) 'ConvertToUrl() converts sometimes "?" to "%3F"
bDestExists = False
With SF_FileSystem
If bWildCards Then
sParentFolder = .GetParentFolderName(psSource)
If Not .FolderExists(sParentFolder) Then GoTo CatchNoMatch
If .FileExists(psDestination) Then GoTo CatchFileNotFolder
If Not .FolderExists(.GetParentFolderName(psDestination)) Then GoTo CatchDestFolderNotExists
bCreateFolder = Not .FolderExists(psDestination)
Select Case bFile
Case True ' File
If Not .FileExists(psSource) Then GoTo CatchFileNotExists
If Not .FolderExists(.GetParentFolderName(psDestination)) Then GoTo CatchSourceFolderNotExists
If .FolderExists(psDestination) Then GoTo CatchFolderNotFile
bDestExists = .FileExists(psDestination)
If pbOverWrite = False And bDestExists = True Then GoTo CatchDestinationExists
bCreateFolder = False
Case False ' Folder
If Not .FolderExists(psSource) Then GoTo CatchSourceFolderNotExists
If Not .FolderExists(.GetParentFolderName(psDestination)) Then GoTo CatchDestFolderNotExists
If .FileExists(psDestination) Then GoTo CatchFileNotFolder
bDestExists = .FolderExists(psDestination)
If pbOverWrite = False And bDestExists Then GoTo CatchDestinationExists
bCreateFolder = Not bDestExists
End Select
End If
Set oSfa = SF_Utils._GetUnoService("FileAccess")
If bWildCards Then
If bFile Then vFiles = .Files(sParentFolder, .GetName(psSource)) Else vFiles = .SubFolders(sParentFolder, .GetName(psSource))
If UBound(vFiles) < 0 Then GoTo CatchNoMatch
' Go through the candidates
If bCreateFolder Then .CreateFolder(psDestination)
For i = 0 To UBound(vFiles)
sFile = vFiles(i)
sDestinationFile = .BuildPath(psDestination, .GetName(sFile))
If bFile Then bDestExists = .FileExists(sDestinationFile) Else bDestExists = .FolderExists(sDestinationFile)
If pbOverWrite = False Then
If bDestExists Then GoTo CatchDestinationExists
If .FolderExists(sDestinationFile) Then GoTo CatchDestinationExists
End If
sSourceUrl = ._ConvertToUrl(sFile)
sDestinationUrl = ._ConvertToUrl(sDestinationFile)
If bDestExists Then
If oSfa.isReadOnly(sDestinationUrl) Then GoTo CatchDestinationReadOnly
End If
Select Case bCopy
Case True : oSfa.copy(sSourceUrl, sDestinationUrl)
Case False : oSfa.move(sSourceUrl, sDestinationUrl)
End Select
Next i
sSourceUrl = ._ConvertToUrl(psSource)
sDestinationUrl = ._ConvertToUrl(psDestination)
If bDestExists Then
If oSfa.isReadOnly(sDestinationUrl) Then GoTo CatchDestinationReadOnly
End If
If bCreateFolder Then .CreateFolder(psDestination)
Select Case bCopy
Case True : oSfa.copy(sSourceUrl, sDestinationUrl)
Case False : oSfa.move(sSourceUrl, sDestinationUrl)
End Select
End If
End With
bCopyMove = True
_CopyMove = bCopyMove
Exit Function
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(UNKNOWNFILEERROR, "Source", psSource)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR, "Source", psSource)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR, "Destination", psDestination)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(NOTAFILEERROR, "Destination", psDestination)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(OVERWRITEERROR, "Destination", psDestination)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(NOFILEMATCHERROR, "Source", psSource)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(NOTAFOLDERERROR, "Destination", psDestination)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(READONLYERROR, "Destination", Iif(bWildCards, sDestinationFile, psDestination))
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem._CopyMove
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _CountTextLines(ByVal psFileName As String _
, Optional ByVal pbIncludeBlanks As Boolean _
) As Long
''' Convenient function to count the number of lines in a textfile
''' Args:
''' psFileName: the file in FileNaming notation
''' pbIncludeBlanks: if True (default), zero-length lines are included
''' Returns:
''' The number of lines, f.i. to ease array sizing. -1 if file reading error
Dim lLines As Long ' Return value
Dim oFile As Object ' File handler
Dim sLine As String ' The last line read
lLines = 0
If IsMissing(pbIncludeBlanks) Then pbIncludeBlanks = True
Set oFile = SF_FileSystem.OpenTextFile(psFileName, ForReading)
With oFile
If Not IsNull(oFile) Then
Do While Not .AtEndOfStream
sLine = .ReadLine()
lLines = lLines + Iif(Len(sLine) > 0 Or pbIncludeBlanks, 1, 0)
End If
Set oFile = .Dispose()
End With
_CountTextLines = lLines
Exit Function
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem._CountTextLines
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _Delete(psMethod As String _
, psFile As String _
) As Boolean
''' Checks the argument and executes the given psMethod
''' Args:
''' psMethod: CopyFile/CopyFolder or MoveFile/MoveFolder
''' psFile: Either File/FolderName
''' or NamePattern which can include wildcard characters, for one or more files/folders to be deleted
''' Next checks are done:
''' With wildcards (multiple files/folders):
''' - Parent folder of File must exist
''' - At least one file matches the wildcards expression
''' - Files or folders to delete must not have the read-only attribute set
''' Without wildcards (single file/folder):
''' - File/folder must exist and be a file/folder
''' - A file or folder to delete must not have the read-only attribute set
Dim bDelete As Boolean ' Return value
Dim bFile As Boolean ' True if File, False if Folder
Dim oSfa As Object ' com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess
Dim bWildCards As Boolean ' True if wildcards found in File
Dim sFileUrl As String ' Alias for File
Dim sParentFolder As String ' Parent folder of File
Dim vFiles As Variant ' Array of candidates for deletion
Dim sFile As String ' Single file/folder
Dim sName As String ' Name (last component) of file
Dim i As Long
' Error handling left to calling routine
bDelete = False
bFile = ( Right(psMethod, 4) = "File" )
bWildCards = ( InStr(psFile, "*") + InStr(psFile, "?") + InStr(psFile, "%3F") > 0 ) 'ConvertToUrl() converts sometimes "?" to "%3F"
With SF_FileSystem
If bWildCards Then
sParentFolder = .GetParentFolderName(psFile)
If Not .FolderExists(sParentFolder) Then GoTo CatchNoMatch
Select Case bFile
Case True ' File
If .FolderExists(psFile) Then GoTo CatchFolderNotFile
If Not .FileExists(psFile) Then GoTo CatchFileNotExists
Case False ' Folder
If .FileExists(psFile) Then GoTo CatchFileNotFolder
If Not .FolderExists(psFile) Then GoTo CatchFolderNotExists
End Select
End If
Set oSfa = SF_Utils._GetUnoService("FileAccess")
If bWildCards Then
If bFile Then vFiles = .Files(sParentFolder) Else vFiles = .SubFolders(sParentFolder)
' Select candidates
For i = 0 To UBound(vFiles)
If Not SF_String.IsLike(.GetName(vFiles(i)), .GetName(psFile)) Then vFiles(i) = ""
Next i
vFiles = SF_Array.TrimArray(vFiles)
If UBound(vFiles) < 0 Then GoTo CatchNoMatch
' Go through the candidates
For i = 0 To UBound(vFiles)
sFile = vFiles(i)
sFileUrl = ._ConvertToUrl(sFile)
If oSfa.isReadOnly(sFileUrl) Then GoTo CatchReadOnly
Next i
sFileUrl = ._ConvertToUrl(psFile)
If oSfa.isReadOnly(sFileUrl) Then GoTo CatchReadOnly
End If
End With
bDelete = True
_Delete = bDelete
Exit Function
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(UNKNOWNFOLDERERROR, "FolderName", psFile)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(UNKNOWNFILEERROR, "FileName", psFile)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(NOTAFILEERROR, "FileName", psFile)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(NOFILEMATCHERROR, Iif(bFile, "FileName", "FolderName"), psFile)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(NOTAFOLDERERROR, "FolderName", psFile)
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(READONLYERROR, Iif(bFile, "FileName", "FolderName"), Iif(bWildCards, sFile, psFile))
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem._Delete
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _GetConfigFolder(ByVal psFolder As String) As String
''' Returns one of next configuration folders: see https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/servicecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1util_1_1PathSubstitution.html
''' inst => Installation path of LibreOffice
''' prog => Program path of LibreOffice
''' user => The user installation/config directory
''' work => The work directory of the user. Under Windows this would be the "MyDocuments" subdirectory. Under Unix this would be the home-directory
''' home => The home directory of the user. Under Unix this would be the home- directory.
''' Under Windows this would be the CSIDL_PERSONAL directory, for example "Documents and Settings\<username>\Documents"
''' temp => The current temporary directory
Dim oSubst As Object ' com.sun.star.util.PathSubstitution
Dim sConfig As String ' Return value
sConfig = ""
Set oSubst = SF_Utils._GetUNOService("PathSubstitution")
If Not IsNull(oSubst) Then sConfig = oSubst.getSubstituteVariableValue("$(" & psFolder & ")") & "/"
_GetConfigFolder = SF_FileSystem._ConvertFromUrl(sConfig)
End Function ' ScriptForge.FileSystem._GetConfigFolder
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _ParseUrl(psUrl As String) As Object
''' Returns a com.sun.star.util.URL structure based on the argument
Dim oParse As Object ' com.sun.star.util.URLTransformer
Dim bParsed As Boolean ' True if parsing is successful
Dim oUrl As New com.sun.star.util.URL ' Return value
oUrl.Complete = psUrl
Set oParse = SF_Utils._GetUNOService("URLTransformer")
bParsed = oParse.parseStrict(oUrl, "")
If bParsed Then oUrl.Path = ConvertToUrl(oUrl.Path)
Set _ParseUrl = oUrl
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem._ParseUrl
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _SFInstallFolder() As String
''' Returns the installation folder of the ScriptForge library
''' Either:
''' - The library is present in [My Macros & Dialogs]
''' ($config)/basic/ScriptForge
''' - The library is present in [LibreOffice Macros & Dialogs]
''' ($install)/share/basic/ScriptForge
Dim sFolder As String ' Folder
_SFInstallFolder = ""
sFolder = BuildPath(ConfigFolder, "basic/ScriptForge")
If Not FolderExists(sFolder) Then
sFolder = BuildPath(InstallFolder, "share/basic/ScriptForge")
If Not FolderExists(sFolder) Then Exit Function
End If
_SFInstallFolder = _ConvertFromUrl(sFolder)
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_FileSystem._SFInstallFolder
REM ============================================ END OF SCRIPTFORGE.SF_FileSystem
</script:module> |