2550 lines
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2550 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="SF_Array" script:language="StarBasic" script:moduleType="normal">REM =======================================================================================================================
REM === The ScriptForge library and its associated libraries are part of the LibreOffice project. ===
REM === Full documentation is available on https://help.libreoffice.org/ ===
REM =======================================================================================================================
Option Compatible
Option Explicit
''' SF_Array
''' ========
''' Singleton class implementing the "ScriptForge.Array" service
''' Implemented as a usual Basic module
''' Only 1D or 2D arrays are considered. Arrays with more than 2 dimensions are rejected
''' With the noticeable exception of the CountDims method (>2 dims allowed)
''' The first argument of almost every method is the array to consider
''' It is always passed by reference and left unchanged
REM ================================================================== EXCEPTIONS
Const ARRAYINSERTERROR = "ARRAYINSERTERROR" ' Matrix and vector have incompatible sizes
Const ARRAYINDEX1ERROR = "ARRAYINDEX1ERROR" ' Given index does not fit in array bounds
Const ARRAYINDEX2ERROR = "ARRAYINDEX2ERROR" ' Given indexes do not fit in array bounds
Const CSVPARSINGERROR = "CSVPARSINGERROR" ' Parsing error detected while parsing a csv file
Const CSVOVERFLOWWARNING = "CSVOVERFLOWWARNING" ' Array becoming too big, import process of csv file is interrupted
REM ============================================================ MODULE CONSTANTS
Const MAXREPR = 50 ' Maximum length to represent an array in the console
REM ===================================================== CONSTRUCTOR/DESTRUCTOR
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Dispose() As Variant
Set Dispose = Nothing
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array Explicit destructor
REM ================================================================== PROPERTIES
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get ObjectType As String
''' Only to enable object representation
ObjectType = "SF_Array"
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.ObjectType
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property Get ServiceName As String
''' Internal use
ServiceName = "ScriptForge.Array"
End Property ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.ServiceName
REM ============================================================== PUBLIC METHODS
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Append(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant _
, ParamArray pvArgs() As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Append at the end of the input array the items listed as arguments
''' Arguments are appended blindly
''' each of them might be a scalar of any type or a subarray
''' Args
''' Array_1D: the pre-existing array, may be empty
''' pvArgs: a list of items to append to Array_1D
''' Return:
''' the new extended array. Its LBound is identical to that of Array_1D
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.Append(Array(1, 2, 3), 4, 5) returns (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Dim vAppend As Variant ' Return value
Dim lNbArgs As Long ' Number of elements to append
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of input array
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Append"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D, arg0[, arg1] ..."
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vAppend = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lMax = UBound(Array_1D)
lNbArgs = UBound(pvArgs) + 1 ' pvArgs is always zero-based
If lMax < LBound(Array_1D) Then ' Initial array is empty
If lNbArgs > 0 Then
ReDim vAppend(0 To lNbArgs - 1)
End If
vAppend() = Array_1D()
If lNbArgs > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve vAppend(LBound(Array_1D) To lMax + lNbArgs)
End If
End If
For i = 1 To lNbArgs
vAppend(lMax + i) = pvArgs(i - 1)
Next i
Append = vAppend()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Append
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function AppendColumn(Optional ByRef Array_2D As Variant _
, Optional ByRef Column As Variant _
) As Variant
''' AppendColumn appends to the right side of a 2D array a new Column
''' Args
''' Array_2D: the pre-existing array, may be empty
''' If the array has 1 dimension, it is considered as the 1st Column of the resulting 2D array
''' Column: a 1D array with as many items as there are rows in Array_2D
''' Returns:
''' the new extended array. Its LBounds are identical to that of Array_2D
''' Exceptions:
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.AppendColumn(Array(1, 2, 3), Array(4, 5, 6)) returns ((1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6))
''' x = SF_Array.AppendColumn(Array(), Array(1, 2, 3)) => ∀ i ∈ {0 ≤ i ≤ 2} : x(0, i) ≡ i
Dim vAppendColumn As Variant ' Return value
Dim iDims As Integer ' Dimensions of Array_2D
Dim lMin1 As Long ' LBound1 of input array
Dim lMax1 As Long ' UBound1 of input array
Dim lMin2 As Long ' LBound2 of input array
Dim lMax2 As Long ' UBound2 of input array
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of Column array
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of Column array
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.AppendColumn"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_2D, Column"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vAppendColumn = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D") Then GoTo Finally 'Initial check: not missing and array
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Column, "Column", 1) Then GoTo Finally
End If
iDims = SF_Array.CountDims(Array_2D)
If iDims > 2 Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D", 2) Then GoTo Finally '2nd check to manage error
End If
lMin = LBound(Column)
lMax = UBound(Column)
' Compute future dimensions of output array
Select Case iDims
Case 0 : lMin1 = lMin : lMax1 = lMax
lMin2 = 0 : lMax2 = -1
Case 1 : lMin1 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax1 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
lMin2 = 0 : lMax2 = 0
Case 2 : lMin1 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax1 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
lMin2 = LBound(Array_2D, 2) : lMax2 = UBound(Array_2D, 2)
End Select
If iDims > 0 And lMax - lMin <> lMax1 - lMin1 Then GoTo CatchColumn
ReDim vAppendColumn(lMin1 To lMax1, lMin2 To lMax2 + 1)
' Copy input array to output array
For i = lMin1 To lMax1
For j = lMin2 To lMax2
If iDims = 2 Then vAppendColumn(i, j) = Array_2D(i, j) Else vAppendColumn(i, j) = Array_2D(i)
Next j
Next i
' Copy new Column
For i = lMin1 To lMax1
vAppendColumn(i, lMax2 + 1) = Column(i)
Next i
AppendColumn = vAppendColumn()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARRAYINSERTERROR, "Column", SF_Array._Repr(Array_2D), SF_Utils._Repr(Column, MAXREPR))
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.AppendColumn
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function AppendRow(Optional ByRef Array_2D As Variant _
, Optional ByRef Row As Variant _
) As Variant
''' AppendRow appends below a 2D array a new row
''' Args
''' Array_2D: the pre-existing array, may be empty
''' If the array has 1 dimension, it is considered as the 1st row of the resulting 2D array
''' Row: a 1D array with as many items as there are columns in Array_2D
''' Returns:
''' the new extended array. Its LBounds are identical to that of Array_2D
''' Exceptions:
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.AppendRow(Array(1, 2, 3), Array(4, 5, 6)) returns ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6))
''' x = SF_Array.AppendRow(Array(), Array(1, 2, 3)) => ∀ i ∈ {0 ≤ i ≤ 2} : x(i, 0) ≡ i
Dim vAppendRow As Variant ' Return value
Dim iDims As Integer ' Dimensions of Array_2D
Dim lMin1 As Long ' LBound1 of input array
Dim lMax1 As Long ' UBound1 of input array
Dim lMin2 As Long ' LBound2 of input array
Dim lMax2 As Long ' UBound2 of input array
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of row array
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of row array
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.AppendRow"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_2D, Row"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vAppendRow = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D") Then GoTo Finally 'Initial check: not missing and array
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Row, "Row", 1) Then GoTo Finally
End If
iDims = SF_Array.CountDims(Array_2D)
If iDims > 2 Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D", 2) Then GoTo Finally '2nd check to manage error
End If
lMin = LBound(Row)
lMax = UBound(Row)
' Compute future dimensions of output array
Select Case iDims
Case 0 : lMin1 = 0 : lMax1 = -1
lMin2 = lMin : lMax2 = lMax
Case 1 : lMin1 = 0 : lMax1 = 0
lMin2 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax2 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
Case 2 : lMin1 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax1 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
lMin2 = LBound(Array_2D, 2) : lMax2 = UBound(Array_2D, 2)
End Select
If iDims > 0 And lMax - lMin <> lMax2 - lMin2 Then GoTo CatchRow
ReDim vAppendRow(lMin1 To lMax1 + 1, lMin2 To lMax2)
' Copy input array to output array
For i = lMin1 To lMax1
For j = lMin2 To lMax2
If iDims = 2 Then vAppendRow(i, j) = Array_2D(i, j) Else vAppendRow(i, j) = Array_2D(j)
Next j
Next i
' Copy new row
For j = lMin2 To lMax2
vAppendRow(lMax1 + 1, j) = Row(j)
Next j
AppendRow = vAppendRow()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARRAYINSERTERROR, "Row", SF_Array._Repr(Array_2D), SF_Utils._Repr(Row, MAXREPR))
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.AppendRow
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Contains(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal ToFind As Variant _
, Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Variant _
, Optional ByVal SortOrder As Variant _
) As Boolean
''' Check if a 1D array contains the ToFind number, string or date
''' The comparison between strings can be done case-sensitive or not
''' If the array is sorted then
''' the array must be filled homogeneously, i.e. all items must be of the same type
''' Empty and Null items are forbidden
''' a binary search is done
''' Otherwise the array is scanned from top. Null or Empty items are simply ignored
''' Args:
''' Array_1D: the array to scan
''' ToFind: a number, a date or a string to find
''' CaseSensitive: Only for string comparisons, default = False
''' SortOrder: "ASC", "DESC" or "" (= not sorted, default)
''' Return: True when found
''' Result is unpredictable when array is announced sorted and is in reality not
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.Contains(Array("A","B","c","D"), "C", SortOrder := "ASC") returns True
''' SF_Array.Contains(Array("A","B","c","D"), "C", CaseSensitive := True) returns False
Dim bContains As Boolean ' Return value
Dim iToFindType As Integer ' VarType of ToFind
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Contains"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D, ToFind, [CaseSensitive=False], [SortOrder=""""|""ASC""|""DESC""]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bContains = False
If IsMissing(CaseSensitive) Or IsEmpty(CaseSensitive) Then CaseSensitive = False
If IsMissing(SortOrder) Or IsEmpty(SortOrder) Then SortOrder = ""
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(SortOrder, "SortOrder", V_STRING, Array("ASC", "DESC", "")) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(ToFind, "ToFind", Array(V_STRING, V_DATE, V_NUMERIC)) Then GoTo Finally
iToFindType = SF_Utils._VarTypeExt(ToFind)
If SortOrder <> "" Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1, iToFindType) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1) Then GoTo Finally
End If
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(CaseSensitive, "CaseSensitive", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
bContains = SF_Array._FindItem(Array_1D, ToFind, CaseSensitive, SortOrder)(0)
Contains = bContains
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Contains
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function ConvertToDictionary(Optional ByRef Array_2D As Variant) As Variant
''' Store the content of a 2-columns array into a dictionary
''' Key found in 1st column, Item found in 2nd
''' Args:
''' Array_2D: 1st column must contain exclusively non zero-length strings
''' 1st column may not be sorted
''' Returns:
''' a ScriptForge dictionary object
''' Examples:
Dim oDict As Variant ' Return value
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Dictionary.ConvertToArray"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_2D"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D", 2, V_STRING, True) Then GoTo Finally
End If
Set oDict = SF_Services.CreateScriptService("Dictionary")
For i = LBound(Array_2D, 1) To UBound(Array_2D, 1)
oDict.Add(Array_2D(i, 0), Array_2D(i, 1))
Next i
ConvertToDictionary = oDict
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.ConvertToDictionary
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function CountDims(Optional ByRef Array_ND As Variant) As Integer
''' Count the number of dimensions of an array - may be > 2
''' Args:
''' Array_ND: the array to be examined
''' Return: the number of dimensions: -1 = not array, 0 = uninitialized array, else >= 1
''' Examples:
''' Dim a(1 To 10, -3 To 12, 5)
''' CountDims(a) returns 3
Dim iDims As Integer ' Return value
Dim lMax As Long ' Storage for UBound of each dimension
Const cstThisSub = "Array.CountDims"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_ND"
iDims = -1
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If IsMissing(Array_ND) Then ' To have missing exception processed
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_ND, "Array_ND") Then GoTo Finally
End If
End If
On Local Error Goto ErrHandler
' Loop, increasing the dimension index (i) until an error occurs.
' An error will occur when i exceeds the number of dimensions in the array. Returns i - 1.
iDims = 0
If Not IsArray(Array_ND) Then
iDims = iDims + 1
lMax = UBound(Array_ND, iDims)
Loop Until (Err <> 0)
End If
On Local Error GoTo 0
iDims = iDims - 1
If iDims = 1 Then
If LBound(Array_ND, 1) > UBound(Array_ND, 1) Then iDims = 0
End If
CountDims = iDims
Exit Function
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.CountDims
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Difference(Optional ByRef Array1_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByRef Array2_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Build a set being the Difference of the two input arrays, i.e. items are contained in 1st array and NOT in 2nd
''' both input arrays must be filled homogeneously, i.e. all items must be of the same type
''' Empty and Null items are forbidden
''' The comparison between strings is case sensitive or not
''' Args:
''' Array1_1D: a 1st input array
''' Array2_1D: a 2nd input array
''' CaseSensitive: default = False
''' Returns: a zero-based array containing unique items from the 1st array not present in the 2nd
''' The output array is sorted in ascending order
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.Difference(Array("A", "C", "A", "b", "B"), Array("C", "Z", "b"), True) returns ("A", "B")
Dim vDifference() As Variant ' Return value
Dim vSorted() As Variant ' The 2nd input array after sort
Dim iType As Integer ' VarType of elements in input arrays
Dim lMin1 As Long ' LBound of 1st input array
Dim lMax1 As Long ' UBound of 1st input array
Dim lMin2 As Long ' LBound of 2nd input array
Dim lMax2 As Long ' UBound of 2nd input array
Dim lSize As Long ' Number of Difference items
Dim vItem As Variant ' One single item in the array
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Difference"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array1_1D, Array2_1D, [CaseSensitive=False]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vDifference = Array()
If IsMissing(CaseSensitive) Then CaseSensitive = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array1_1D, "Array1_1D", 1, 0, True) Then GoTo Finally
iType = SF_Utils._VarTypeExt(Array1_1D(LBound(Array1_1D)))
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array2_1D, "Array2_1D", 1, iType, True) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(CaseSensitive, "CaseSensitive", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lMin1 = LBound(Array1_1D) : lMax1 = UBound(Array1_1D)
lMin2 = LBound(Array2_1D) : lMax2 = UBound(Array2_1D)
' If 1st array is empty, do nothing
If lMax1 < lMin1 Then
ElseIf lMax2 < lMin2 Then ' only 2nd array is empty
vUnion = SF_Array.Unique(Array1_1D, CaseSensitive)
' First sort the 2nd array
vSorted = SF_Array.Sort(Array2_1D, "ASC", CaseSensitive)
' Resize the output array to the size of the 1st array
ReDim vDifference(0 To (lMax1 - lMin1))
lSize = -1
' Fill vDifference one by one with items present only in 1st set
For i = lMin1 To lMax1
vItem = Array1_1D(i)
If Not SF_Array.Contains(vSorted, vItem, CaseSensitive, "ASC") Then
lSize = lSize + 1
vDifference(lSize) = vItem
End If
Next i
' Remove unfilled entries and duplicates
If lSize >= 0 Then
ReDim Preserve vDifference(0 To lSize)
vDifference() = SF_Array.Unique(vDifference, CaseSensitive)
vDifference = Array()
End If
End If
Difference = vDifference()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Difference
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function ExportToTextFile(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal FileName As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Encoding As Variant _
) As Boolean
''' Write all items of the array sequentially to a text file
''' If the file exists already, it will be overwritten without warning
''' Args:
''' Array_1D: the array to export
''' FileName: the full name (path + file) in SF_FileSystem.FileNaming notation
''' Encoding: The character set that should be used
''' Use one of the Names listed in https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xhtml
''' Note that LibreOffice does not implement all existing sets
''' Default = UTF-8
''' Returns:
''' True if successful
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.ExportToTextFile(Array("A","B","C","D"), "C:\Temp\A short file.txt")
Dim bExport As Boolean ' Return value
Dim oFile As Object ' Output file handler
Dim sLine As String ' A single line
Const cstThisSub = "Array.ExportToTextFile"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D, FileName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
bExport = False
If IsMissing(Encoding) Or IsEmpty(Encoding) Then Encoding = "UTF-8"
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1, V_STRING, True) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, "FileName") Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Encoding, "Encoding", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
End If
Set oFile = SF_FileSystem.CreateTextFile(FileName, Overwrite := True, Encoding := Encoding)
If Not IsNull(oFile) Then
With oFile
For Each sLine In Array_1D
Next sLine
End With
End If
bExport = True
If Not IsNull(oFile) Then Set oFile = oFile.Dispose()
ExportToTextFile = bExport
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.ExportToTextFile
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function ExtractColumn(Optional ByRef Array_2D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal ColumnIndex As Variant _
) As Variant
''' ExtractColumn extracts from a 2D array a specific column
''' Args
''' Array_2D: the array from which to extract
''' ColumnIndex: the column to extract - must be in the interval [LBound, UBound]
''' Returns:
''' the extracted column. Its LBound and UBound are identical to that of the 1st dimension of Array_2D
''' Exceptions:
''' Examples:
''' |1, 2, 3|
''' SF_Array.ExtractColumn( |4, 5, 6|, 2) returns (3, 6, 9)
''' |7, 8, 9|
Dim vExtractColumn As Variant ' Return value
Dim lMin1 As Long ' LBound1 of input array
Dim lMax1 As Long ' UBound1 of input array
Dim lMin2 As Long ' LBound1 of input array
Dim lMax2 As Long ' UBound1 of input array
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.ExtractColumn"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_2D, ColumnIndex"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vExtractColumn = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D", 2) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(ColumnIndex, "ColumnIndex", V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
End If
' Compute future dimensions of output array
lMin2 = LBound(Array_2D, 2) : lMax2 = UBound(Array_2D, 2)
If ColumnIndex < lMin2 Or ColumnIndex > lMax2 Then GoTo CatchIndex
lMin1 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax1 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
ReDim vExtractColumn(lMin1 To lMax1)
' Copy Column of input array to output array
For i = lMin1 To lMax1
vExtractColumn(i) = Array_2D(i, ColumnIndex)
Next i
ExtractColumn = vExtractColumn()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARRAYINDEX1ERROR, "ColumnIndex", SF_Array._Repr(Array_2D), ColumnIndex)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.ExtractColumn
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function ExtractRow(Optional ByRef Array_2D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal RowIndex As Variant _
) As Variant
''' ExtractRow extracts from a 2D array a specific row
''' Args
''' Array_2D: the array from which to extract
''' RowIndex: the row to extract - must be in the interval [LBound, UBound]
''' Returns:
''' the extracted row. Its LBound and UBound are identical to that of the 2nd dimension of Array_2D
''' Exceptions:
''' Examples:
''' |1, 2, 3|
''' SF_Array.ExtractRow(|4, 5, 6|, 2) returns (7, 8, 9)
''' |7, 8, 9|
Dim vExtractRow As Variant ' Return value
Dim lMin1 As Long ' LBound1 of input array
Dim lMax1 As Long ' UBound1 of input array
Dim lMin2 As Long ' LBound1 of input array
Dim lMax2 As Long ' UBound1 of input array
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.ExtractRow"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_2D, RowIndex"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vExtractRow = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D", 2) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(RowIndex, "RowIndex", V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
End If
' Compute future dimensions of output array
lMin1 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax1 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
If RowIndex < lMin1 Or RowIndex > lMax1 Then GoTo CatchIndex
lMin2 = LBound(Array_2D, 2) : lMax2 = UBound(Array_2D, 2)
ReDim vExtractRow(lMin2 To lMax2)
' Copy row of input array to output array
For i = lMin2 To lMax2
vExtractRow(i) = Array_2D(RowIndex, i)
Next i
ExtractRow = vExtractRow()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARRAYINDEX1ERROR, "RowIndex", SF_Array._Repr(Array_2D), RowIndex)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.ExtractRow
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Flatten(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant) As Variant
''' Stack all items and all items in subarrays into one array without subarrays
''' Args
''' Array_1D: the pre-existing array, may be empty
''' Return:
''' The new flattened array. Its LBound is identical to that of Array_1D
''' If one of the subarrays has a number of dimensions > 1 Then that subarray is left unchanged
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.Flatten(Array(1, 2, Array(3, 4, 5)) returns (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Dim vFlatten As Variant ' Return value
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of input array
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of input array
Dim lIndex As Long ' Index in output array
Dim vItem As Variant ' Array single item
Dim iDims As Integer ' Array number of dimensions
Dim lEmpty As Long ' Number of empty subarrays
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Flatten"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vFlatten = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1) Then GoTo Finally
End If
If UBound(Array_1D) >= LBound(Array_1D) Then
lMin = LBound(Array_1D) : lMax = UBound(Array_1D)
ReDim vFlatten(lMin To lMax) ' Initial minimal sizing
lEmpty = 0
lIndex = lMin - 1
For i = lMin To lMax
vItem = Array_1D(i)
If IsArray(vItem) Then
iDims = SF_Array.CountDims(vItem)
Select Case iDims
Case 0 ' Empty arrays are ignored
lEmpty = lEmpty + 1
Case 1 ' Only 1D subarrays are flattened
ReDim Preserve vFlatten(lMin To UBound(vFlatten) + UBound(vItem) - LBound(vItem))
For j = LBound(vItem) To UBound(vItem)
lIndex = lIndex + 1
vFlatten(lIndex) = vItem(j)
Next j
Case > 1 ' Other arrays are left unchanged
lIndex = lIndex + 1
vFlatten(lIndex) = vItem
End Select
lIndex = lIndex + 1
vFlatten(lIndex) = vItem
End If
Next i
End If
' Reduce size of output if Array_1D is populated with some empty arrays
If lEmpty > 0 Then
If lIndex - lEmpty < lMin Then
vFlatten = Array()
ReDim Preserve vFlatten(lMin To UBound(vFlatten) - lEmpty)
End If
End If
Flatten = vFlatten()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Flatten
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function GetProperty(Optional ByVal PropertyName As Variant) As Variant
''' Return the actual value of the given property
''' Args:
''' PropertyName: the name of the property as a string
''' Returns:
''' The actual value of the property
''' Exceptions
''' ARGUMENTERROR The property does not exist
Const cstThisSub = "Array.GetProperty"
Const cstSubArgs = "PropertyName"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
GetProperty = Null
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(PropertyName, "PropertyName", V_STRING, Properties()) Then GoTo Catch
End If
Select Case UCase(PropertyName)
Case Else
End Select
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.GetProperty
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function ImportFromCSVFile(Optional ByRef FileName As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Delimiter As Variant _
, Optional ByVal DateFormat As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Import the data contained in a comma-separated values (CSV) file
''' The comma may be replaced by any character
''' Each line in the file contains a full record
''' Line splitting is not allowed)
''' However sequences like \n, \t, ... are left unchanged. Use SF_String.Unescape() to manage them
''' A special mechanism is implemented to load dates
''' The applicable CSV format is described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180
''' Args:
''' FileName: the name of the text file containing the data expressed as given by the current FileNaming
''' property of the SF_FileSystem service. Default = both URL format or native format
''' Delimiter: Default = ",". Other usual options are ";" and the tab character
''' DateFormat: either YYYY-MM-DD, DD-MM-YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY
''' The dash (-) may be replaced by a dot (.), a slash (/) or a space
''' Other date formats will be ignored
''' If "" (default), dates will be considered as strings
''' Returns:
''' A 2D-array with each row corresponding with a single record read in the file
''' and each column corresponding with a field of the record
''' No check is made about the coherence of the field types across columns
''' A best guess will be made to identify numeric and date types
''' If a line contains less or more fields than the first line in the file,
''' an exception will be raised. Empty lines however are simply ignored
''' If the size of the file exceeds the number of items limit, a warning is raised
''' and the array is truncated
''' Exceptions:
''' CSVPARSINGERROR Given file is not formatted as a csv file
''' CSVOVERFLOWWARNING Maximum number of allowed items exceeded
Dim vArray As Variant ' Returned array
Dim lCol As Long ' Index of last column of vArray
Dim lRow As Long ' Index of current row of vArray
Dim lFileSize As Long ' Number of records found in the file
Dim vCsv As Object ' CSV file handler
Dim sLine As String ' Last read line
Dim vLine As Variant ' Array of fields of last read line
Dim sItem As String ' Individual item in the file
Dim vItem As Variant ' Individual item in the output array
Dim iPosition As Integer ' Date position in individual item
Dim iYear As Integer, iMonth As Integer, iDay As Integer
' Date components
Dim i As Long
Const cstItemsLimit = 250000 ' Maximum number of admitted items
Const cstThisSub = "Array.ImportFromCSVFile"
Const cstSubArgs = "FileName, [Delimiter="",""], [DateFormat=""""]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vArray = Array()
If IsMissing(Delimiter) Or IsEmpty(Delimiter) Then Delimiter = ","
If IsMissing(DateFormat) Or IsEmpty(DateFormat) Then DateFormat = ""
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateFile(FileName, "FileName") Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Delimiter, "Delimiter", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(DateFormat, "DateFormat", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
End If
If Len(Delimiter) = 0 Then Delimiter = ","
' Counts the lines present in the file to size the final array
' Very beneficial for large files, better than multiple ReDims
' Small overhead for small files
lFileSize = SF_FileSystem._CountTextLines(FileName, False)
If lFileSize <= 0 Then GoTo Finally
' Reread file line by line
Set vCsv = SF_FileSystem.OpenTextFile(FileName, IOMode := SF_FileSystem.ForReading)
If IsNull(vCsv) Then GoTo Finally ' Open error
lRow = -1
With vCsv
Do While Not .AtEndOfStream
sLine = .ReadLine()
If Len(sLine) > 0 Then ' Ignore empty lines
If InStr(sLine, """") > 0 Then vLine = SF_String.SplitNotQuoted(sLine, Delimiter) Else vLine = Split(sLine, Delimiter) ' Simple split when relevant
lRow = lRow + 1
If lRow = 0 Then ' Initial sizing of output array
lCol = UBound(vLine)
ReDim vArray(0 To lFileSize - 1, 0 To lCol)
ElseIf UBound(vLine) <> lCol Then
GoTo CatchCSVFormat
End If
' Check type and copy all items of the line
For i = 0 To lCol
If Left(vLine(i), 1) = """" Then sItem = SF_String.Unquote(vLine(i)) Else sItem = vLine(i) ' Unquote only when useful
' Interpret the individual line item
Select Case True
Case IsNumeric(sItem)
If InStr(sItem, ".") + InStr(1, sItem, "e", 1) > 0 Then vItem = Val(sItem) Else vItem = CLng(sItem)
Case DateFormat <> "" And Len(sItem) = Len(DateFormat)
If SF_String.IsADate(sItem, DateFormat) Then
iPosition = InStr(DateFormat, "YYYY") : iYear = CInt(Mid(sItem, iPosition, 4))
iPosition = InStr(DateFormat, "MM") : iMonth = CInt(Mid(sItem, iPosition, 2))
iPosition = InStr(DateFormat, "DD") : iDay = CInt(Mid(sItem, iPosition, 2))
vItem = DateSerial(iYear, iMonth, iDay)
vItem = sItem
End If
Case Else : vItem = sItem
End Select
vArray(lRow, i) = vItem
Next i
End If
' Provision to avoid very large arrays and their sometimes erratic behaviour
If (lRow + 2) * (lCol + 1) > cstItemsLimit Then
ReDim Preserve vArray(0 To lRow, 0 To lCol)
GoTo CatchOverflow
End If
End With
If Not IsNull(vCsv) Then
Set vCsv = vCsv.Dispose()
End If
ImportFromCSVFile = vArray
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(CSVPARSINGERROR, FileName, vCsv.Line, sLine)
GoTo Finally
'TODO SF_Exception.RaiseWarning(SF_Exception.CSVOVERFLOWWARNING, cstThisSub)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.ImportFromCSVFile
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function IndexOf(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal ToFind As Variant _
, Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Variant _
, Optional ByVal SortOrder As Variant _
) As Long
''' Finds in a 1D array the ToFind number, string or date
''' ToFind must exist within the array.
''' The comparison between strings can be done case-sensitively or not
''' If the array is sorted then
''' the array must be filled homogeneously, i.e. all items must be of the same type
''' Empty and Null items are forbidden
''' a binary search is done
''' Otherwise the array is scanned from top. Null or Empty items are simply ignored
''' Args:
''' Array_1D: the array to scan
''' ToFind: a number, a date or a string to find
''' CaseSensitive: Only for string comparisons, default = False
''' SortOrder: "ASC", "DESC" or "" (= not sorted, default)
''' Return: the index of the found item, LBound - 1 if not found
''' Result is unpredictable when array is announced sorted and is in reality not
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.IndexOf(Array("A","B","c","D"), "C", SortOrder := "ASC") returns 2
''' SF_Array.IndexOf(Array("A","B","c","D"), "C", CaseSensitive := True) returns -1
Dim vFindItem() As Variant ' 2-items array (0) = True if found, (1) = Index where found
Dim lIndex As Long ' Return value
Dim iToFindType As Integer ' VarType of ToFind
Const cstThisSub = "Array.IndexOf"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D, ToFind, [CaseSensitive=False], [SortOrder=""""|""ASC""|""DESC""]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
lIndex = -1
If IsMissing(CaseSensitive) Or IsEmpty(CaseSensitive) Then CaseSensitive = False
If IsMissing(SortOrder) Or IsEmpty(SortOrder) Then SortOrder = ""
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(SortOrder, "SortOrder", V_STRING, Array("ASC", "DESC", "")) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(ToFind, "ToFind", Array(V_STRING, V_DATE, V_NUMERIC)) Then GoTo Finally
iToFindType = SF_Utils._VarTypeExt(ToFind)
If SortOrder <> "" Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array", 1, iToFindType) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array", 1) Then GoTo Finally
End If
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(CaseSensitive, "CaseSensitive", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
vFindItem = SF_Array._FindItem(Array_1D, ToFind, CaseSensitive, SortOrder)
If vFindItem(0) = True Then lIndex = vFindItem(1) Else lIndex = LBound(Array_1D) - 1
IndexOf = lIndex
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.IndexOf
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Insert(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Before As Variant _
, ParamArray pvArgs() As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Insert before the index Before of the input array the items listed as arguments
''' Arguments are inserted blindly
''' each of them might be a scalar of any type or a subarray
''' Args
''' Array_1D: the pre-existing array, may be empty
''' Before: the index before which to insert; must be in the interval [LBound, UBound + 1]
''' pvArgs: a list of items to Insert inside Array_1D
''' Returns:
''' the new rxtended array. Its LBound is identical to that of Array_1D
''' Exceptions:
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.Insert(Array(1, 2, 3), 2, 4, 5) returns (1, 2, 4, 5, 3)
Dim vInsert As Variant ' Return value
Dim lNbArgs As Long ' Number of elements to Insert
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of input array
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of input array
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Insert"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D, Before, arg0[, arg1] ..."
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vInsert = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Before, "Before", V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
If Before < LBound(Array_1D) Or Before > UBound(Array_1D) + 1 Then GoTo CatchArgument
End If
lNbArgs = UBound(pvArgs) + 1 ' pvArgs is always zero-based
lMin = LBound(Array_1D) ' = LBound(vInsert)
lMax = UBound(Array_1D) ' <> UBound(vInsert)
If lNbArgs > 0 Then
ReDim vInsert(lMin To lMax + lNbArgs)
For i = lMin To UBound(vInsert)
If i < Before Then
vInsert(i) = Array_1D(i)
ElseIf i < Before + lNbArgs Then
vInsert(i) = pvArgs(i - Before)
vInsert(i) = Array_1D(i - lNbArgs)
End If
Next i
vInsert() = Array_1D()
End If
Insert = vInsert()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
'TODO SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARRAYINSERTERROR, cstThisSub)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Insert
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function InsertSorted(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Item As Variant _
, Optional ByVal SortOrder As Variant _
, Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Insert in a sorted array a new item on its place
''' the array must be filled homogeneously, i.e. all items must be of the same type
''' Empty and Null items are forbidden
''' Args:
''' Array_1D: the array to sort
''' Item: the scalar value to insert, same type as the existing array items
''' SortOrder: "ASC" (default) or "DESC"
''' CaseSensitive: Default = False
''' Returns: the extended sorted array with same LBound as input array
''' Examples:
''' InsertSorted(Array("A", "C", "a", "b"), "B", CaseSensitive := True) returns ("A", "B", "C", "a", "b")
Dim vSorted() As Variant ' Return value
Dim iType As Integer ' VarType of elements in input array
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of input array
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of input array
Dim lIndex As Long ' Place where to insert new item
Const cstThisSub = "Array.InsertSorted"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D, Item, [SortOrder=""ASC""|""DESC""], [CaseSensitive=False]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vSorted = Array()
If IsMissing(SortOrder) Or IsEmpty(SortOrder) Then SortOrder = "ASC"
If IsMissing(CaseSensitive) Or IsEmpty(CaseSensitive) Then CaseSensitive = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1, 0) Then GoTo Finally
If LBound(Array_1D) <= UBound(Array_1D) Then
iType = SF_Utils._VarTypeExt(Array_1D(LBound(Array_1D)))
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Item, "Item", iType) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Item, "Item", Array(V_STRING, V_DATE, V_NUMERIC)) Then GoTo Finally
End If
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(SortOrder, "SortOrder", V_STRING, Array("ASC","DESC")) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(CaseSensitive, "CaseSensitive", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lMin = LBound(Array_1D)
lMax = UBound(Array_1D)
lIndex = SF_Array._FindItem(Array_1D, Item, CaseSensitive, SortOrder)(1)
vSorted = SF_Array.Insert(Array_1D, lIndex, Item)
InsertSorted = vSorted()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.InsertSorted
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Intersection(Optional ByRef Array1_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByRef Array2_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Build a set being the intersection of the two input arrays, i.e. items are contained in both arrays
''' both input arrays must be filled homogeneously, i.e. all items must be of the same type
''' Empty and Null items are forbidden
''' The comparison between strings is case sensitive or not
''' Args:
''' Array1_1D: a 1st input array
''' Array2_1D: a 2nd input array
''' CaseSensitive: default = False
''' Returns: a zero-based array containing unique items stored in both input arrays
''' The output array is sorted in ascending order
''' Examples:
''' Intersection(Array("A", "C", "A", "b", "B"), Array("C", "Z", "b"), True) returns ("C", "b")
Dim vIntersection() As Variant ' Return value
Dim vSorted() As Variant ' The shortest input array after sort
Dim iType As Integer ' VarType of elements in input arrays
Dim lMin1 As Long ' LBound of 1st input array
Dim lMax1 As Long ' UBound of 1st input array
Dim lMin2 As Long ' LBound of 2nd input array
Dim lMax2 As Long ' UBound of 2nd input array
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of unsorted array
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of unsorted array
Dim iShortest As Integer ' 1 or 2 depending on shortest input array
Dim lSize As Long ' Number of Intersection items
Dim vItem As Variant ' One single item in the array
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Intersection"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array1_1D, Array2_1D, [CaseSensitive=False]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vIntersection = Array()
If IsMissing(CaseSensitive) Then CaseSensitive = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array1_1D, "Array1_1D", 1, 0, True) Then GoTo Finally
iType = SF_Utils._VarTypeExt(Array1_1D(LBound(Array1_1D)))
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array2_1D, "Array2_1D", 1, iType, True) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(CaseSensitive, "CaseSensitive", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lMin1 = LBound(Array1_1D) : lMax1 = UBound(Array1_1D)
lMin2 = LBound(Array2_1D) : lMax2 = UBound(Array2_1D)
' If one of both arrays is empty, do nothing
If lMax1 >= lMin1 And lMax2 >= lMin2 Then
' First sort the shortest array
If lMax1 - lMin1 <= lMax2 - lMin2 Then
iShortest = 1
vSorted = SF_Array.Sort(Array1_1D, "ASC", CaseSensitive)
lMin = lMin2 : lMax = lMax2 ' Bounds of unsorted array
iShortest = 2
vSorted = SF_Array.Sort(Array2_1D, "ASC", CaseSensitive)
lMin = lMin1 : lMax = lMax1 ' Bounds of unsorted array
End If
' Resize the output array to the size of the shortest array
ReDim vIntersection(0 To (lMax - lMin))
lSize = -1
' Fill vIntersection one by one only with items present in both sets
For i = lMin To lMax
If iShortest = 1 Then vItem = Array2_1D(i) Else vItem = Array1_1D(i) ' Pick in unsorted array
If SF_Array.Contains(vSorted, vItem, CaseSensitive, "ASC") Then
lSize = lSize + 1
vIntersection(lSize) = vItem
End If
Next i
' Remove unfilled entries and duplicates
If lSize >= 0 Then
ReDim Preserve vIntersection(0 To lSize)
vIntersection() = SF_Array.Unique(vIntersection, CaseSensitive)
vIntersection = Array()
End If
End If
Intersection = vIntersection()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Intersection
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Join2D(Optional ByRef Array_2D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal ColumnDelimiter As Variant _
, Optional ByVal RowDelimiter As Variant _
, Optional ByVal Quote As Variant _
) As String
''' Join a two-dimensional array with two delimiters, one for columns, one for rows
''' Args:
''' Array_2D: each item must be either a String, a number, a Date or a Boolean
''' ColumnDelimiter: delimits each column (default = Tab/Chr(9))
''' RowDelimiter: delimits each row (default = LineFeed/Chr(10))
''' Quote: if True, protect strings with double quotes (default = False)
''' Return:
''' A string after conversion of numbers and dates
''' Invalid items are replaced by a zero-length string
''' Examples:
''' | 1, 2, "A", [2020-02-29], 5 |
''' SF_Array.Join_2D( | 6, 7, "this is a string", 9, 10 | , ",", "/")
''' ' "1,2,A,2020-02-29 00:00:00,5/6,7,this is a string,9,10"
Dim sJoin As String ' The return value
Dim sItem As String ' The string representation of a single item
Dim vItem As Variant ' Single item
Dim lMin1 As Long ' LBound1 of input array
Dim lMax1 As Long ' UBound1 of input array
Dim lMin2 As Long ' LBound2 of input array
Dim lMax2 As Long ' UBound2 of input array
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Join2D"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_2D, [ColumnDelimiter=Chr(9)], [RowDelimiter=Chr(10)], [Quote=False]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
sJoin = ""
If IsMissing(ColumnDelimiter) Or IsEmpty(ColumnDelimiter) Then ColumnDelimiter = Chr(9)
If IsMissing(RowDelimiter) Or IsEmpty(RowDelimiter) Then RowDelimiter = Chr(10)
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D", 2) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(ColumnDelimiter, "ColumnDelimiter", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(RowDelimiter, "RowDelimiter", V_STRING) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(Quote, "Quote", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lMin1 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax1 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
lMin2 = LBound(Array_2D, 2) : lMax2 = UBound(Array_2D, 2)
If lMin1 <= lMax1 Then
For i = lMin1 To lMax1
For j = lMin2 To lMax2
vItem = Array_2D(i, j)
Select Case SF_Utils._VarTypeExt(vItem)
Case V_STRING : If Quote Then sItem = SF_String.Quote(vItem) Else sItem = vItem
Case V_NUMERIC, V_DATE : sItem = SF_Utils._Repr(vItem)
Case V_BOOLEAN : sItem = Iif(vItem, "True", "False") 'TODO: L10N
Case Else : sItem = ""
End Select
sJoin = sJoin & sItem & Iif(j < lMax2, ColumnDelimiter, "")
Next j
sJoin = sJoin & Iif(i < lMax1, RowDelimiter, "")
Next i
End If
Join2D = sJoin
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Join2D
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Methods() As Variant
''' Return the list of public methods of the Array service as an array
Methods = Array( _
"Append" _
, "AppendColumn" _
, "AppendRow" _
, "Contains" _
, "ConvertToDictionary" _
, "CountDims" _
, "Difference" _
, "ExportToTextFile" _
, "ExtractColumn" _
, "ExtractRow" _
, "Flatten" _
, "ImportFromCSVFile" _
, "IndexOf" _
, "Insert" _
, "InsertSorted" _
, "Intersection" _
, "Join2D" _
, "Prepend" _
, "PrependColumn" _
, "PrependRow" _
, "RangeInit" _
, "Reverse" _
, "Shuffle" _
, "Sort" _
, "SortColumns" _
, "SortRows" _
, "Transpose" _
, "TrimArray" _
, "Union" _
, "Unique" _
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Methods
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Prepend(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant _
, ParamArray pvArgs() As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Prepend at the beginning of the input array the items listed as arguments
''' Arguments are Prepended blindly
''' each of them might be a scalar of any type or a subarray
''' Args
''' Array_1D: the pre-existing array, may be empty
''' pvArgs: a list of items to Prepend to Array_1D
''' Return: the new rxtended array. Its LBound is identical to that of Array_1D
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.Prepend(Array(1, 2, 3), 4, 5) returns (4, 5, 1, 2, 3)
Dim vPrepend As Variant ' Return value
Dim lNbArgs As Long ' Number of elements to Prepend
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of input array
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of input array
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Prepend"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D, arg0[, arg1] ..."
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vPrepend = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lNbArgs = UBound(pvArgs) + 1 ' pvArgs is always zero-based
lMin = LBound(Array_1D) ' = LBound(vPrepend)
lMax = UBound(Array_1D) ' <> UBound(vPrepend)
If lMax < LBound(Array_1D) And lNbArgs > 0 Then ' Initial array is empty
ReDim vPrepend(0 To lNbArgs - 1)
ReDim vPrepend(lMin To lMax + lNbArgs)
End If
For i = lMin To UBound(vPrepend)
If i < lMin + lNbArgs Then vPrepend(i) = pvArgs(i - lMin) Else vPrepend(i) = Array_1D(i - lNbArgs)
Next i
Prepend = vPrepend
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Prepend
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function PrependColumn(Optional ByRef Array_2D As Variant _
, Optional ByRef Column As Variant _
) As Variant
''' PrependColumn prepends to the left side of a 2D array a new Column
''' Args
''' Array_2D: the pre-existing array, may be empty
''' If the array has 1 dimension, it is considered as the last Column of the resulting 2D array
''' Column: a 1D array with as many items as there are rows in Array_2D
''' Returns:
''' the new rxtended array. Its LBounds are identical to that of Array_2D
''' Exceptions:
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.PrependColumn(Array(1, 2, 3), Array(4, 5, 6)) returns ((4, 1), (5, 2), (6, 3))
''' x = SF_Array.PrependColumn(Array(), Array(1, 2, 3)) => ∀ i ∈ {0 ≤ i ≤ 2} : x(0, i) ≡ i
Dim vPrependColumn As Variant ' Return value
Dim iDims As Integer ' Dimensions of Array_2D
Dim lMin1 As Long ' LBound1 of input array
Dim lMax1 As Long ' UBound1 of input array
Dim lMin2 As Long ' LBound2 of input array
Dim lMax2 As Long ' UBound2 of input array
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of Column array
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of Column array
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.PrependColumn"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_2D, Column"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vPrependColumn = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D") Then GoTo Finally 'Initial check: not missing and array
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Column, "Column", 1) Then GoTo Finally
End If
iDims = SF_Array.CountDims(Array_2D)
If iDims > 2 Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D", 2) Then GoTo Finally '2nd check to manage error
End If
lMin = LBound(Column)
lMax = UBound(Column)
' Compute future dimensions of output array
Select Case iDims
Case 0 : lMin1 = lMin : lMax1 = lMax
lMin2 = 0 : lMax2 = -1
Case 1 : lMin1 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax1 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
lMin2 = 0 : lMax2 = 0
Case 2 : lMin1 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax1 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
lMin2 = LBound(Array_2D, 2) : lMax2 = UBound(Array_2D, 2)
End Select
If iDims > 0 And lMax - lMin <> lMax1 - lMin1 Then GoTo CatchColumn
ReDim vPrependColumn(lMin1 To lMax1, lMin2 To lMax2 + 1)
' Copy input array to output array
For i = lMin1 To lMax1
For j = lMin2 + 1 To lMax2 + 1
If iDims = 2 Then vPrependColumn(i, j) = Array_2D(i, j - 1) Else vPrependColumn(i, j) = Array_2D(i)
Next j
Next i
' Copy new Column
For i = lMin1 To lMax1
vPrependColumn(i, lMin2) = Column(i)
Next i
PrependColumn = vPrependColumn()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARRAYINSERTERROR, "Column", SF_Array._Repr(Array_2D), SF_Utils._Repr(Column, MAXREPR))
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.PrependColumn
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function PrependRow(Optional ByRef Array_2D As Variant _
, Optional ByRef Row As Variant _
) As Variant
''' PrependRow prepends on top of a 2D array a new row
''' Args
''' Array_2D: the pre-existing array, may be empty
''' If the array has 1 dimension, it is considered as the last row of the resulting 2D array
''' Row: a 1D array with as many items as there are columns in Array_2D
''' Returns:
''' the new rxtended array. Its LBounds are identical to that of Array_2D
''' Exceptions:
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.PrependRow(Array(1, 2, 3), Array(4, 5, 6)) returns ((4, 5, 6), (1, 2, 3))
''' x = SF_Array.PrependColumn(Array(), Array(1, 2, 3) => ∀ i ∈ {0 ≤ i ≤ 2} : x(i, 0) ≡ i
Dim vPrependRow As Variant ' Return value
Dim iDims As Integer ' Dimensions of Array_2D
Dim lMin1 As Long ' LBound1 of input array
Dim lMax1 As Long ' UBound1 of input array
Dim lMin2 As Long ' LBound2 of input array
Dim lMax2 As Long ' UBound2 of input array
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of row array
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of row array
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.PrependRow"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_2D, Row"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vPrependRow = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D") Then GoTo Finally 'Initial check: not missing and array
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Row, "Row", 1) Then GoTo Finally
End If
iDims = SF_Array.CountDims(Array_2D)
If iDims > 2 Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D", 2) Then GoTo Finally '2nd check to manage error
End If
lMin = LBound(Row)
lMax = UBound(Row)
' Compute future dimensions of output array
Select Case iDims
Case 0 : lMin1 = 0 : lMax1 = -1
lMin2 = lMin : lMax2 = lMax
Case 1 : lMin1 = 0 : lMax1 = 0
lMin2 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax2 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
Case 2 : lMin1 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax1 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
lMin2 = LBound(Array_2D, 2) : lMax2 = UBound(Array_2D, 2)
End Select
If iDims > 0 And lMax - lMin <> lMax2 - lMin2 Then GoTo CatchRow
ReDim vPrependRow(lMin1 To lMax1 + 1, lMin2 To lMax2)
' Copy input array to output array
For i = lMin1 + 1 To lMax1 + 1
For j = lMin2 To lMax2
If iDims = 2 Then vPrependRow(i, j) = Array_2D(i - 1, j) Else vPrependRow(i, j) = Array_2D(j)
Next j
Next i
' Copy new row
For j = lMin2 To lMax2
vPrependRow(lMin1, j) = Row(j)
Next j
PrependRow = vPrependRow()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARRAYINSERTERROR, "Row", SF_Array._Repr(Array_2D), SF_Utils._Repr(Row, MAXREPR))
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.PrependRow
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Properties() As Variant
''' Return the list or properties as an array
Properties = Array( _
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Properties
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function RangeInit(Optional ByVal From As Variant _
, Optional ByVal UpTo As Variant _
, Optional ByVal ByStep As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Initialize a new zero-based array with numeric values
''' Args: all numeric
''' From: value of first item
''' UpTo: last item should not exceed UpTo
''' ByStep: difference between 2 successive items
''' Return: the new array
''' Exceptions:
''' ARRAYSEQUENCEERROR Wrong arguments, f.i. UpTo < From with ByStep > 0
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.RangeInit(10, 1, -1) returns (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
Dim lIndex As Long ' Index of array
Dim lSize As Long ' UBound of resulting array
Dim vCurrentItem As Variant ' Last stored item
Dim vArray() ' The return value
Const cstThisSub = "Array.RangeInit"
Const cstSubArgs = "From, UpTo, [ByStep = 1]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vArray = Array()
If IsMissing(ByStep) Or IsEmpty(ByStep) Then ByStep = 1
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(From, "From", V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(UpTo, "UpTo", V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(ByStep, "ByStep", V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
End If
If (From < UpTo And ByStep <= 0) Or (From > UpTo And ByStep >= 0) Then GoTo CatchSequence
lSize = CLng(Abs((UpTo - From) / ByStep))
ReDim vArray(0 To lSize)
For lIndex = 0 To lSize
vArray(lIndex) = From + lIndex * ByStep
Next lIndex
RangeInit = vArray
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARRAYSEQUENCEERROR, From, UpTo, ByStep)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.RangeInit
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Reverse(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant) As Variant
''' Return the reversed 1D input array
''' Args:
''' Array_1D: the array to reverse
''' Returns: the reversed array
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.Reverse(Array(1, 2, 3, 4)) returns (4, 3, 2, 1)
Dim vReverse() As Variant ' Return value
Dim lHalf As Long ' Middle of array
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of input array
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of input array
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Reverse"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vReverse = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lMin = LBound(Array_1D)
lMax = UBound(Array_1D)
ReDim vReverse(lMin To lMax)
lHalf = Int((lMax + lMin) / 2)
j = lMax
For i = lMin To lHalf
vReverse(i) = Array_1D(j)
vReverse(j) = Array_1D(i)
j = j - 1
Next i
' Odd number of items
If IsEmpty(vReverse(lHalf + 1)) Then vReverse(lHalf + 1) = Array_1D(lHalf + 1)
Reverse = vReverse()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Reverse
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function SetProperty(Optional ByVal PropertyName As Variant _
, Optional ByRef Value As Variant _
) As Boolean
''' Set a new value to the given property
''' Args:
''' PropertyName: the name of the property as a string
''' Value: its new value
''' Exceptions
''' ARGUMENTERROR The property does not exist
Const cstThisSub = "Array.SetProperty"
Const cstSubArgs = "PropertyName, Value"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
SetProperty = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(PropertyName, "PropertyName", V_STRING, Properties()) Then GoTo Catch
End If
Select Case UCase(PropertyName)
Case Else
End Select
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.SetProperty
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Shuffle(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant) As Variant
''' Returns a random permutation of a 1D array
''' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle
''' Args:
''' Array_1D: the array to shuffle
''' Returns: the shuffled array
Dim vShuffle() As Variant ' Return value
Dim vSwapValue As Variant ' Intermediate value during swap
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of Array_1D
Dim lCurrentIndex As Long ' Decremented from UBount to LBound
Dim lRandomIndex As Long ' Random between LBound and lCurrentIndex
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Shuffle"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vShuffle = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lMin = LBound(Array_1D)
lCurrentIndex = UBound(array_1D)
' Initialize the output array
ReDim vShuffle(lMin To lCurrentIndex)
For i = lMin To lCurrentIndex
vShuffle(i) = Array_1D(i)
Next i
' Now ... shuffle !
Do While lCurrentIndex > lMin
lRandomIndex = Int(Rnd * (lCurrentIndex - lMin)) + lMin
vSwapValue = vShuffle(lCurrentIndex)
vShuffle(lCurrentIndex) = vShuffle(lRandomIndex)
vShuffle(lRandomIndex) = vSwapValue
lCurrentIndex = lCurrentIndex - 1
Shuffle = vShuffle()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Shuffle
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Slice(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal From As Variant _
, Optional ByVal UpTo As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Returns a subset of a 1D array
''' Args:
''' Array_1D: the array to slice
''' From: the lower index of the subarray to extract (included)
''' UpTo: the upper index of the subarray to extract (included). Default = the last item of Array_1D
''' Returns:
''' The selected subarray with the same LBound as the input array.
''' If UpTo < From then the returned array is empty
''' Exceptions:
''' ARRAYINDEX2ERROR Wrong values for From and/or UpTo
''' Example:
''' SF_Array.Slice(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 1, 3) returns (2, 3, 4)
Dim vSlice() As Variant ' Return value
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of Array_1D
Dim lIndex As Long ' Current index in output array
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Slice"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D, From, [UpTo = UBound(Array_1D)]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vSlice = Array()
If IsMissing(UpTo) Or IsEmpty(UpTo) Then UpTo = -1
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(From, "From", V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(UpTo, "UpTo", V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
End If
If UpTo = -1 Then UpTo = UBound(Array_1D)
If From < LBound(Array_1D) Or From > UBound(Array_1D) _
Or From > UpTo Or UpTo > UBound(Array_1D) Then GoTo CatchIndex
If UpTo >= From Then
lMin = LBound(Array_1D)
' Initialize the output array
ReDim vSlice(lMin To lMin + UpTo - From)
lIndex = lMin - 1
For i = From To UpTo
lIndex = lIndex + 1
vSlice(lIndex) = Array_1D(i)
Next i
End If
Slice = vSlice()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARRAYINDEX2ERROR, SF_Array._Repr(Array_1D), From, UpTo)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Slice
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Sort(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal SortOrder As Variant _
, Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Sort a 1D array in ascending or descending order. String comparisons can be case-sensitive or not
''' Args:
''' Array_1D: the array to sort
''' must be filled homogeneously by either strings, dates or numbers
''' Null and Empty values are allowed
''' SortOrder: "ASC" (default) or "DESC"
''' CaseSensitive: Default = False
''' Returns: the sorted array
''' Examples:
''' Sort(Array("a", "A", "b", "B", "C"), CaseSensitive := True) returns ("A", "B", "C", "a", "b")
Dim vSort() As Variant ' Return value
Dim vIndexes() As Variant ' Indexes of sorted items
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of input array
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of input array
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Sort"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D, [SortOrder=""""|""ASC""|""DESC""], [CaseSensitive=False]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vSort = Array()
If IsMissing(SortOrder) Or IsEmpty(SortOrder) Then SortOrder = "ASC"
If IsMissing(CaseSensitive) Or IsEmpty(CaseSensitive) Then CaseSensitive = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1, 0) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(SortOrder, "SortOrder", V_STRING, Array("ASC","DESC")) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(CaseSensitive, "CaseSensitive", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lMin = LBound(Array_1D)
lMax = UBound(Array_1D)
vIndexes() = SF_Array._HeapSort(Array_1D, ( SortOrder = "ASC" ), CaseSensitive)
' Load output array
ReDim vSort(lMin To lMax)
For i = lMin To lMax
vSort(i) = Array_1D(vIndexes(i))
Next i
Sort = vSort()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Sort
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function SortColumns(Optional ByRef Array_2D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal RowIndex As Variant _
, Optional ByVal SortOrder As Variant _
, Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Returns a permutation of the columns of a 2D array, sorted on the values of a given row
''' Args:
''' Array_2D: the input array
''' RowIndex: the index of the row to sort the columns on
''' the row must be filled homogeneously by either strings, dates or numbers
''' Null and Empty values are allowed
''' SortOrder: "ASC" (default) or "DESC"
''' CaseSensitive: Default = False
''' Returns:
''' the array with permuted columns, LBounds and UBounds are unchanged
''' Exceptions:
''' Examples:
''' | 5, 7, 3 | | 7, 5, 3 |
''' SF_Array.SortColumns( | 1, 9, 5 |, 2, "ASC") returns | 9, 1, 5 |
''' | 6, 1, 8 | | 1, 6, 8 |
Dim vSort() As Variant ' Return value
Dim vRow() As Variant ' The row on which to sort the array
Dim vIndexes() As Variant ' Indexes of sorted row
Dim lMin1 As Long ' LBound1 of input array
Dim lMax1 As Long ' UBound1 of input array
Dim lMin2 As Long ' LBound2 of input array
Dim lMax2 As Long ' UBound2 of input array
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.SortColumn"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_2D, RowIndex, [SortOrder=""""|""ASC""|""DESC""], [CaseSensitive=False]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vSort = Array()
If IsMissing(SortOrder) Or IsEmpty(SortOrder) Then SortOrder = "ASC"
If IsMissing(CaseSensitive) Or IsEmpty(CaseSensitive) Then CaseSensitive = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D", 2) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(RowIndex, "RowIndex", V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(SortOrder, "SortOrder", V_STRING, Array("ASC","DESC")) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(CaseSensitive, "CaseSensitive", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lMin1 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax1 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
If RowIndex < lMin1 Or RowIndex > lMax1 Then GoTo CatchIndex
lMin2 = LBound(Array_2D, 2) : lMax2 = UBound(Array_2D, 2)
' Extract and sort the RowIndex-th row
vRow = SF_Array.ExtractRow(Array_2D, RowIndex)
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(vRow, "Row #" & CStr(RowIndex), 1, 0) Then GoTo Finally
vIndexes() = SF_Array._HeapSort(vRow, ( SortOrder = "ASC" ), CaseSensitive)
' Load output array
ReDim vSort(lMin1 To lMax1, lMin2 To lMax2)
For i = lMin1 To lMax1
For j = lMin2 To lMax2
vSort(i, j) = Array_2D(i, vIndexes(j))
Next j
Next i
SortColumns = vSort()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
'TODO SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARRAYINDEXERROR, cstThisSub)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.SortColumns
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function SortRows(Optional ByRef Array_2D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal ColumnIndex As Variant _
, Optional ByVal SortOrder As Variant _
, Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Returns a permutation of the rows of a 2D array, sorted on the values of a given column
''' Args:
''' Array_2D: the input array
''' ColumnIndex: the index of the column to sort the rows on
''' the column must be filled homogeneously by either strings, dates or numbers
''' Null and Empty values are allowed
''' SortOrder: "ASC" (default) or "DESC"
''' CaseSensitive: Default = False
''' Returns:
''' the array with permuted Rows, LBounds and UBounds are unchanged
''' Exceptions:
''' Examples:
''' | 5, 7, 3 | | 1, 9, 5 |
''' SF_Array.SortRows( | 1, 9, 5 |, 0, "ASC") returns | 5, 7, 3 |
''' | 6, 1, 8 | | 6, 1, 8 |
Dim vSort() As Variant ' Return value
Dim vCol() As Variant ' The column on which to sort the array
Dim vIndexes() As Variant ' Indexes of sorted row
Dim lMin1 As Long ' LBound1 of input array
Dim lMax1 As Long ' UBound1 of input array
Dim lMin2 As Long ' LBound2 of input array
Dim lMax2 As Long ' UBound2 of input array
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.SortRow"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_2D, ColumnIndex, [SortOrder=""""|""ASC""|""DESC""], [CaseSensitive=False]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vSort = Array()
If IsMissing(SortOrder) Or IsEmpty(SortOrder) Then SortOrder = "ASC"
If IsMissing(CaseSensitive) Or IsEmpty(CaseSensitive) Then CaseSensitive = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D", 2) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(ColumnIndex, "ColumnIndex", V_NUMERIC) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(SortOrder, "SortOrder", V_STRING, Array("ASC","DESC")) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(CaseSensitive, "CaseSensitive", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lMin2 = LBound(Array_2D, 2) : lMax2 = UBound(Array_2D, 2)
If ColumnIndex < lMin2 Or ColumnIndex > lMax2 Then GoTo CatchIndex
lMin1 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax1 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
' Extract and sort the ColumnIndex-th column
vCol = SF_Array.ExtractColumn(Array_2D, ColumnIndex)
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(vCol, "Column #" & CStr(ColumnIndex), 1, 0) Then GoTo Finally
vIndexes() = SF_Array._HeapSort(vCol, ( SortOrder = "ASC" ), CaseSensitive)
' Load output array
ReDim vSort(lMin1 To lMax1, lMin2 To lMax2)
For i = lMin1 To lMax1
For j = lMin2 To lMax2
vSort(i, j) = Array_2D(vIndexes(i), j)
Next j
Next i
SortRows = vSort()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
'TODO SF_Exception.RaiseFatal(ARRAYINDEXERROR, cstThisSub)
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.SortRows
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Transpose(Optional ByRef Array_2D As Variant) As Variant
''' Swaps rows and columns in a 2D array
''' Args:
''' Array_2D: the array to transpose
''' Returns:
''' The transposed array
''' Examples:
''' | 1, 2 | | 1, 3, 5 |
''' SF_Array.Transpose( | 3, 4 | ) returns | 2, 4, 6 |
''' | 5, 6 |
Dim vTranspose As Variant ' Return value
Dim lIndex As Long ' vTranspose index
Dim lMin1 As Long ' LBound1 of input array
Dim lMax1 As Long ' UBound1 of input array
Dim lMin2 As Long ' LBound2 of input array
Dim lMax2 As Long ' UBound2 of input array
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Transpose"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_2D"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vTranspose = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_2D, "Array_2D", 2) Then GoTo Finally
End If
' Resize the output array
lMin1 = LBound(Array_2D, 1) : lMax1 = UBound(Array_2D, 1)
lMin2 = LBound(Array_2D, 2) : lMax2 = UBound(Array_2D, 2)
If lMin1 <= lMax1 Then
ReDim vTranspose(lMin2 To lMax2, lMin1 To lMax1)
End If
' Transpose items
For i = lMin1 To lMax1
For j = lMin2 To lMax2
vTranspose(j, i) = Array_2D(i, j)
Next j
Next i
Transpose = vTranspose
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Transpose
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function TrimArray(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant) As Variant
''' Remove from a 1D array all Null, Empty and zero-length entries
''' Strings are trimmed as well
''' Args:
''' Array_1D: the array to scan
''' Return: The trimmed array
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.TrimArray(Array("A","B",Null," D ")) returns ("A","B","D")
Dim vTrimArray As Variant ' Return value
Dim lIndex As Long ' vTrimArray index
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of input array
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of input array
Dim vItem As Variant ' Single array item
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.TrimArray"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vTrimArray = Array()
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lMin = LBound(Array_1D)
lMax = UBound(Array_1D)
If lMin <= lMax Then
ReDim vTrimArray(lMin To lMax)
End If
lIndex = lMin - 1
' Load only valid items from Array_1D to vTrimArray
For i = lMin To lMax
vItem = Array_1D(i)
Select Case VarType(vItem)
Case V_NULL : vItem = Empty
vItem = Trim(vItem)
If Len(vItem) = 0 Then vItem = Empty
Case Else
End Select
If Not IsEmpty(vItem) Then
lIndex = lIndex + 1
vTrimArray(lIndex) = vItem
End If
Next i
'Keep valid entries
If lMin <= lIndex Then
ReDim Preserve vTrimArray(lMin To lIndex)
vTrimArray = Array()
End If
TrimArray = vTrimArray
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.TrimArray
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Union(Optional ByRef Array1_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByRef Array2_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Build a set being the Union of the two input arrays, i.e. items are contained in any of both arrays
''' both input arrays must be filled homogeneously, i.e. all items must be of the same type
''' Empty and Null items are forbidden
''' The comparison between strings is case sensitive or not
''' Args:
''' Array1_1D: a 1st input array
''' Array2_1D: a 2nd input array
''' CaseSensitive: default = False
''' Returns: a zero-based array containing unique items stored in any of both input arrays
''' The output array is sorted in ascending order
''' Examples:
''' SF_Array.Union(Array("A", "C", "A", "b", "B"), Array("C", "Z", "b"), True) returns ("A", "B", "C", "Z", "b")
Dim vUnion() As Variant ' Return value
Dim iType As Integer ' VarType of elements in input arrays
Dim lMin1 As Long ' LBound of 1st input array
Dim lMax1 As Long ' UBound of 1st input array
Dim lMin2 As Long ' LBound of 2nd input array
Dim lMax2 As Long ' UBound of 2nd input array
Dim lSize As Long ' Number of Union items
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Union"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array1_1D, Array2_1D, [CaseSensitive=False]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vUnion = Array()
If IsMissing(CaseSensitive) Then CaseSensitive = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array1_1D, "Array1_1D", 1, 0, True) Then GoTo Finally
iType = SF_Utils._VarTypeExt(Array1_1D(LBound(Array1_1D)))
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array2_1D, "Array2_1D", 1, iType, True) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(CaseSensitive, "CaseSensitive", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lMin1 = LBound(Array1_1D) : lMax1 = UBound(Array1_1D)
lMin2 = LBound(Array2_1D) : lMax2 = UBound(Array2_1D)
' If both arrays are empty, do nothing
If lMax1 < lMin1 And lMax2 < lMin2 Then
ElseIf lMax1 < lMin1 Then ' only 1st array is empty
vUnion = SF_Array.Unique(Array2_1D, CaseSensitive)
ElseIf lMax2 < lMin2 Then ' only 2nd array is empty
vUnion = SF_Array.Unique(Array1_1D, CaseSensitive)
' Build union of both arrays
ReDim vUnion(0 To (lMax1 - lMin1) + (lMax2 - lMin2) + 1)
lSize = -1
' Fill vUnion one by one only with items present in any set
For i = lMin1 To lMax1
lSize = lSize + 1
vUnion(lSize) = Array1_1D(i)
Next i
For i = lMin2 To lMax2
lSize = lSize + 1
vUnion(lSize) = Array2_1D(i)
Next i
' Remove duplicates
vUnion() = SF_Array.Unique(vUnion, CaseSensitive)
End If
Union = vUnion()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Union
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function Unique(Optional ByRef Array_1D As Variant _
, Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Variant _
) As Variant
''' Build a set of unique values derived from the input array
''' the input array must be filled homogeneously, i.e. all items must be of the same type
''' Empty and Null items are forbidden
''' The comparison between strings is case sensitive or not
''' Args:
''' Array_1D: the input array with potential duplicates
''' CaseSensitive: default = False
''' Returns: the array without duplicates with same LBound as input array
''' The output array is sorted in ascending order
''' Examples:
''' Unique(Array("A", "C", "A", "b", "B"), True) returns ("A", "B", "C", "b")
Dim vUnique() As Variant ' Return value
Dim vSorted() As Variant ' The input array after sort
Dim lMin As Long ' LBound of input array
Dim lMax As Long ' UBound of input array
Dim lUnique As Long ' Number of unique items
Dim vIndex As Variant ' Output of _FindItem() method
Dim vItem As Variant ' One single item in the array
Dim i As Long
Const cstThisSub = "Array.Unique"
Const cstSubArgs = "Array_1D, [CaseSensitive=False]"
If SF_Utils._ErrorHandling() Then On Local Error GoTo Catch
vUnique = Array()
If IsMissing(CaseSensitive) Then CaseSensitive = False
If SF_Utils._EnterFunction(cstThisSub, cstSubArgs) Then
If Not SF_Utils._ValidateArray(Array_1D, "Array_1D", 1, 0, True) Then GoTo Finally
If Not SF_Utils._Validate(CaseSensitive, "CaseSensitive", V_BOOLEAN) Then GoTo Finally
End If
lMin = LBound(Array_1D)
lMax = UBound(Array_1D)
If lMax >= lMin Then
' First sort the array
vSorted = SF_Array.Sort(Array_1D, "ASC", CaseSensitive)
ReDim vUnique(lMin To lMax)
lUnique = lMin
' Fill vUnique one by one ignoring duplicates
For i = lMin To lMax
vItem = vSorted(i)
If i = lMin Then
vUnique(i) = vItem
If SF_Array._ValCompare(vItem, vSorted(i - 1), CaseSensitive) = 0 Then ' Ignore item
lUnique = lUnique + 1
vUnique(lUnique) = vItem
End If
End If
Next i
' Remove unfilled entries
ReDim Preserve vUnique(lMin To lUnique)
End If
Unique = vUnique()
Exit Function
GoTo Finally
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array.Unique
REM ============================================================= PRIVATE METHODS
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _FindItem(ByRef pvArray_1D As Variant _
, ByVal pvToFind As Variant _
, ByVal pbCaseSensitive As Boolean _
, ByVal psSortOrder As String _
) As Variant
''' Check if a 1D array contains the ToFind number, string or date and return its index
''' The comparison between strings can be done case-sensitively or not
''' If the array is sorted then a binary search is done
''' Otherwise the array is scanned from top. Null or Empty items are simply ignored
''' Args:
''' pvArray_1D: the array to scan
''' pvToFind: a number, a date or a string to find
''' pbCaseSensitive: Only for string comparisons, default = False
''' psSortOrder: "ASC", "DESC" or "" (= not sorted, default)
''' Return: a (0:1) array
''' (0) = True when found
''' (1) = if found: index of item
''' if not found: if sorted, index of next item in the array (might be = UBound + 1)
''' if not sorted, meaningless
''' Result is unpredictable when array is announced sorted and is in reality not
''' Called by Contains, IndexOf and InsertSorted. Also called by SF_Dictionary
Dim bContains As Boolean ' True if match found
Dim iToFindType As Integer ' VarType of pvToFind
Dim lTop As Long, lBottom As Long ' Interval in scope of binary search
Dim lIndex As Long ' Index used in search
Dim iCompare As Integer ' Output of _ValCompare function
Dim lLoops As Long ' Count binary searches
Dim lMaxLoops As Long ' Max number of loops during binary search: to avoid infinite loops if array not sorted
Dim vFound(1) As Variant ' Returned array (Contains, Index)
bContains = False
If LBound(pvArray_1D) > UBound(pvArray_1D) Then ' Empty array, do nothing
' Search sequentially
If Len(psSortOrder) = 0 Then
For lIndex = LBound(pvArray_1D) To UBound(pvArray_1D)
bContains = ( SF_Array._ValCompare(pvToFind, pvArray_1D(lIndex), pbCaseSensitive) = 0 )
If bContains Then Exit For
Next lIndex
' Binary search
If psSortOrder = "ASC" Then
lTop = UBound(pvArray_1D)
lBottom = lBound(pvArray_1D)
lBottom = UBound(pvArray_1D)
lTop = lBound(pvArray_1D)
End If
lLoops = 0
lMaxLoops = CLng((Log(UBound(pvArray_1D) - LBound(pvArray_1D) + 1.0) / Log(2.0))) + 1
lLoops = lLoops + 1
lIndex = (lTop + lBottom) / 2
iCompare = SF_Array._ValCompare(pvToFind, pvArray_1D(lIndex), pbCaseSensitive)
Select Case True
Case iCompare = 0 : bContains = True
Case iCompare < 0 And psSortOrder = "ASC"
lTop = lIndex - 1
Case iCompare > 0 And psSortOrder = "DESC"
lBottom = lIndex - 1
Case iCompare > 0 And psSortOrder = "ASC"
lBottom = lIndex + 1
Case iCompare < 0 And psSortOrder = "DESC"
lTop = lIndex + 1
End Select
Loop Until ( bContains ) Or ( lBottom > lTop And psSortOrder = "ASC" ) Or (lBottom < lTop And psSortOrder = "DESC" ) Or lLoops > lMaxLoops
' Flag first next non-matching element
If Not bContains Then lIndex = Iif(psSortOrder = "ASC", lBottom, lTop)
End If
End If
' Build output array
vFound(0) = bContains
vFound(1) = lIndex
_FindItem = vFound
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array._FindItem
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _HeapSort(ByRef pvArray As Variant _
, Optional ByVal pbAscending As Boolean _
, Optional ByVal pbCaseSensitive As Boolean _
) As Variant
''' Sort an array: items are presumed all strings, all dates or all numeric
''' Null or Empty are allowed and are considered smaller than other items
''' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heapsort
''' http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?473677-VB6-Sorting-algorithms-(sort-array-sorting-arrays)&p=2909250#post2909250
''' HeapSort preferred to QuickSort because not recursive (this routine returns an array of indexes !!)
''' Args:
''' pvArray: a 1D array
''' pbAscending: default = True
''' pbCaseSensitive: default = False
''' Returns
''' An array of Longs of same dimensions as the input array listing the indexes of the sorted items
''' An empty array if the sort failed
''' Examples:
''' _HeapSort(Array(4, 2, 6, 1) returns (3, 1, 0, 2)
Dim vIndexes As Variant ' Return value
Dim i As Long
Dim lMin As Long, lMax As Long ' Array bounds
Dim lSwap As Long ' For index swaps
If IsMissing(pbAscending) Then pbAscending = True
If IsMissing(pbCaseSensitive) Then pbCaseSensitive = False
vIndexes = Array()
lMin = LBound(pvArray, 1)
lMax = UBound(pvArray, 1)
' Initialize output array
ReDim vIndexes(lMin To lMax)
For i = lMin To lMax
vIndexes(i) = i
Next i
' Initial heapify
For i = (lMax + lMin) \ 2 To lMin Step -1
SF_Array._HeapSort1(pvArray, vIndexes, i, lMin, lMax, pbCaseSensitive)
Next i
' Next heapify
For i = lMax To lMin + 1 Step -1
' Only indexes as swapped, not the array items themselves
lSwap = vIndexes(i)
vIndexes(i) = vIndexes(lMin)
vIndexes(lMin) = lSwap
SF_Array._HeapSort1(pvArray, vIndexes, lMin, lMin, i - 1, pbCaseSensitive)
Next i
If pbAscending Then _HeapSort = vIndexes() Else _HeapSort = SF_Array.Reverse(vIndexes())
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array._HeapSort
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub _HeapSort1(ByRef pvArray As Variant _
, ByRef pvIndexes As Variant _
, ByVal plIndex As Long _
, ByVal plMin As Long _
, ByVal plMax As Long _
, ByVal pbCaseSensitive As Boolean _
''' Sub called by _HeapSort only
Dim lLeaf As Long
Dim lSwap As Long
lLeaf = plIndex + plIndex - (plMin - 1)
Select Case lLeaf
Case Is > plMax: Exit Do
Case Is < plMax
If SF_Array._ValCompare(pvArray(pvIndexes(lLeaf + 1)), pvArray(pvIndexes(lLeaf)), pbCaseSensitive) > 0 Then lLeaf = lLeaf + 1
End Select
If SF_Array._ValCompare(pvArray(pvIndexes(plIndex)), pvArray(pvIndexes(lLeaf)), pbCaseSensitive) > 0 Then Exit Do
' Only indexes as swapped, not the array items themselves
lSwap = pvIndexes(plIndex)
pvIndexes(plIndex) = pvIndexes(lLeaf)
pvIndexes(lLeaf) = lSwap
plIndex = lLeaf
End Sub ' ScriptForge.SF_Array._HeapSort1
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _Repr(ByRef pvArray As Variant) As String
''' Convert array to a readable string, typically for debugging purposes (DebugPrint ...)
''' Args:
''' pvArray: the array to convert, individual items may be of any type, including arrays
''' Return:
''' "[ARRAY] (L:U[, L:U]...)" if # of Dims > 1
''' "[ARRAY] (L:U) (item1,item2, ...)" if 1D array
Dim iDims As Integer ' Number of dimensions of the array
Dim sArray As String ' Return value
Dim i As Long
Const cstArrayEmpty = "[ARRAY] ()"
Const cstArray = "[ARRAY]"
Const cstMaxLength = 50 ' Maximum length for items
Const cstSeparator = ", "
_Repr = ""
iDims = SF_Array.CountDims(pvArray)
Select Case iDims
Case -1 : Exit Function ' Not an array
Case 0 : sArray = cstArrayEmpty
Case Else
sArray = cstArray
For i = 1 To iDims
sArray = sArray & Iif(i = 1, " (", ", ") & CStr(LBound(pvArray, i)) & ":" & CStr(UBound(pvArray, i))
Next i
sArray = sArray & ")"
' List individual items of 1D arrays
If iDims = 1 Then
sArray = sArray & " ("
For i = LBound(pvArray) To UBound(pvArray)
sArray = sArray & SF_Utils._Repr(pvArray(i), cstMaxLength) & cstSeparator ' Recursive call
Next i
sArray = Left(sArray, Len(sArray) - Len(cstSeparator)) ' Suppress last comma
sArray = sArray & ")"
End If
End Select
_Repr = sArray
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array._Repr
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _StaticType(ByRef pvArray As Variant) As Integer
''' If array is static, return its type
''' Args:
''' pvArray: array to examine
''' Return:
''' array type, -1 if not identified
''' All numeric types are aggregated into V_NUMERIC
Dim iArrayType As Integer ' VarType of array
Dim iType As Integer ' VarType of items
iArrayType = VarType(pvArray)
iType = iArrayType - V_ARRAY
Select Case iType
_StaticType = V_NUMERIC
_StaticType = iType
Case Else
_StaticType = -1
End Select
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Utils._StaticType
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _ValCompare(ByVal pvValue1 As Variant _
, pvValue2 As Variant _
, Optional ByVal pbCaseSensitive As Boolean _
) As Integer
''' Compare 2 values : equality, greater than or smaller than
''' Args:
''' pvValue1 and pvValue2: values to compare. pvValues must be String, Number, Date, Empty or Null
''' By convention: Empty < Null < string, number or date
''' pbCaseSensitive: ignored when not String comparison
''' Return: -1 when pvValue1 < pvValue2
''' +1 when pvValue1 > pvValue2
''' 0 when pvValue1 = pvValue2
''' -2 when comparison is nonsense
Dim iCompare As Integer, iVarType1 As Integer, iVarType2 As Integer
If IsMissing(pbCaseSensitive) Then pbCaseSensitive = False
iVarType1 = SF_Utils._VarTypeExt(pvValue1)
iVarType2 = SF_Utils._VarTypeExt(pvValue2)
iCompare = -2
If iVarType1 = V_OBJECT Or iVarType1 = V_BYTE Or iVarType1 >= V_ARRAY Then ' Nonsense
ElseIf iVarType2 = V_OBJECT Or iVarType2 = V_BYTE Or iVarType2 >= V_ARRAY Then ' Nonsense
ElseIf iVarType1 = V_STRING And iVarType2 = V_STRING Then
iCompare = StrComp(pvValue1, pvValue2, Iif(pbCaseSensitive, 1, 0))
ElseIf iVarType1 = V_NULL Or iVarType1 = V_EMPTY Or iVarType2 = V_NULL Or iVarType2 = V_EMPTY Then
Select Case True
Case pvValue1 = pvValue2 : iCompare = 0
Case iVarType1 = V_NULL And iVarType2 = V_EMPTY : iCompare = +1
Case iVarType1 = V_EMPTY And iVarType2 = V_NULL : iCompare = -1
Case iVarType1 = V_NULL Or iVarType1 = V_EMPTY : iCompare = -1
Case iVarType2 = V_NULL Or iVarType2 = V_EMPTY : iCompare = +1
End Select
ElseIf iVarType1 = iVarType2 Then
Select Case True
Case pvValue1 < pvValue2 : iCompare = -1
Case pvValue1 = pvValue2 : iCompare = 0
Case pvValue1 > pvValue2 : iCompare = +1
End Select
End If
_ValCompare = iCompare
End Function ' ScriptForge.SF_Array._ValCompare
REM ================================================= END OF SCRIPTFORGE.SF_ARRAY