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LibreOffice 7.5 ReadMe
For the latest updates to this readme file, see
LibreOffice . .
LibreOffice . LibreOffice LibreOffice .를 방문해 보십시오.
LibreOffice ?
LibreOffice . LibreOffice (, , , ) . LibreOffice .
LibreOffice ?
LibreOffice LibreOffice , , , , , , .
, LibreOffice . .을 참고하십시오.
LibreOffice Java (JRE) . JRE LibreOffice .
* Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, 8, 8.1 Update (S14) 10
Microsoft LibreOffice .:
* REGISTER_ALL_MSO_TYPES=1() LibreOffice Microsoft Office .
* REGISTER_NO_MSO_TYPES=1() LibreOffice Microsoft Office .
, , . .
Debian/Ubuntu Linux LibreOffice
(LibreOffice ) "언어팩 설치하기" .
. "LibreOffice_(버전 및 플랫폼 정보)" .
"DEBS" . "DEBS" .
"터미널 열기" . .( ):
.( .):
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
/ LibreOffice .
Fedora, openSUSE, Mandriva RPM LibreOffice
(LibreOffice ) "언어팩 설치하기" .
. "LibreOffice_(버전 및 플랫폼 정보)" .
"RPMS" . "RPMS" .
"터미널 열기" . .( ):
For Fedora-based systems: sudo dnf install *.rpm
Mandriva : sudo urpmi *.rpm
RPM (openSUSE ): rpm -Uvh *.rpm
/ LibreOffice .
, 'install' . LibreOffice . MIME .
Linux LibreOffice . .
RPMS( DEBS) libreoffice7.5-freedesktop-menus- ( libreoffice7.5-debian-menus_7.5.0.1-1_all.deb) . / ( 내용을 지원하는 모든 리눅스 배포판을 위한 패키지입니다. 그리고 앞서 기술한 설치 방법을 지원하지 않는 다른 리눅스 배포판을 위한 설치 방법도 제공합니다.
. . Nautilus ( ) . ( ) LibreOffice .
, . 32 / , LibreOffice__Linux_x86_langpack-deb_ko .
. / , DEBS . , , RPMS .
Nautilus "터미널에서 열기" . ( ) ( ):
Debian/Ubuntu : sudo dpkg -i *.deb
For Fedora-based systems: su -c 'dnf install *.rpm'
Mandriva : sudo urpmi *.rpm
RPM (openSUSE ): rpm -Uvh *.rpm
LibreOffice . . "언어 설정" "언어" . "사용자 화면" . "국가별 설정", "기본 통화", "문서 기본 언어" .
. , ( ) LibreOffice .
LibreOffice .
Problems During Program
Difficulties starting LibreOffice (e.g. applications hang) as well as problems with the screen display are often caused by the graphics card driver. If these problems occur, please update your graphics card driver or try using the graphics driver delivered with your operating system.
, ALPS/Synaptics LibreOffice .
"C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.ini" :
SF = 0x10000000
SF |= 0x00004000
Windows .
( ) LibreOffice . LibreOffice LibreOffice , . LibreOffice . LibreOffice .
Problems When Sending Documents as Emails From LibreOffice
When sending a document via 'File - Send - Document as Email' or 'Document as PDF Attachment' problems might occur (program crashes or hangs). This is due to the Windows system file "Mapi" (Messaging Application Programming Interface) which causes problems in some file versions. Unfortunately, the problem cannot be narrowed down to a certain version number. For more information visit to search the Microsoft Knowledge Base for "mapi dll".
LibreOffice를 참고하십시오.
LibreOffice . -에 있는 커뮤니티 포럼을 확인하거나에서 '' 메일링 리스트 저장소를 확인해 보십시오. 답변을 못찾은 경우에는 질문을 users@libreoffice.org로 보낼 수 있습니다. (답변을 받기 위해) 리스트를 구독하려면 빈 메일을 users+subscribe@libreoffice.org로 보내십시오.
Our system for reporting, tracking and solving bugs is currently Bugzilla, hosted at We encourage all users to feel entitled and welcome to report bugs that may arise on your particular platform. Energetic reporting of bugs is one of the most important contributions that the user community can make to the ongoing development and improvement of LibreOffice.
LibreOffice .
. . .
, . 2000 10 LibreOffice . . .
----------------------------------------------------------------------에 여러분이 구독할 수 있는 메일링 리스트가 있습니다.
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LibreOffice 7.5 .
Portions Copyright 1998, 1999 James Clark. Portions Copyright 1996, 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation.